
DxD: The Player Is a Part-Timer (Oc) (Overlord)

"Why they can't leave me alone?" the player asked oneself depressed. Yeah, transported in a different world, waking up in a completely alien place, in an alien body, it is freaking scary! For a player who only wants peace and live a relaxing life, living in this world is like a Hellwalk. Angels, devils, fallen, gods, perverts and every other thing! Everyone wants a piece from her! ------------------ This fanfic is a crossover of Highschool DxD and Overlord. ------------------ MC is a OP character. Mc is also a player from YGGDRASIL GAME. Mc was also a member of AINZ OOAL GOWN Guild. ----------------- If you like this fanfic consider supporting this fanfic via paypal. paypal link= paypal.me/oblivon2991fanfic ----------------- **I do not own anything everything goes to its respective owner** fanfic creator =oblivon2991 link =https://www.fanfiction. net/s/13342419/0

dxd_no_hentai · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 7

She wanted nothing to do with that of course. Thus, her best chance was to accept this offer and make the fallen do the dirty work, hiding her presence.

In the end, she and Azazel made a deal, in exchange of all above, she helped them out with things time to time — for proper payment of course... but more importantly!

She promised to remain low in this already tense political situation where one slip may ignite a new war between the sides — that was her original intention anyway.

All in all, offering little to nothing to the man, she profited nicely, just as she liked!

"Indeed..." the man smiled. "Do you take this mission?" he asked, his eyes filled with anxiety and plea.

"Hmph! Why not! It was some time I attended school... it will be a refreshing experience. What is this about anyway? Why can't I just send someone?" she was not a summon expert, but even she had a few items in her inventory and a few skill that can call beings who were specialized for stealth and information gathering.

Spotting her servant outside, her face already contorted in creep.

"I am glad you accept this request! As for why...?" Azazel looked around suspiciously, then offered a friendly smile. "It requires a personal touch and presence. The thing, I am sure you will excel!" he put it cryptic, and immediately, the man put a paper bag on the counter — pulling it out from somewhere.

"Here are your books, uniform, and whatever you need for school! I prepared them myself!" she didn't like that smile, that damn smile always made her feel uneasy!

"Personal touch? Wait? You cheater! You know all along I will fall to your trickery!" she was furious, a vein popping on her forehead right away, a few items already floating around, ready to explode, she hitting the counter hard.

"It wouldn't have worked otherwise…" chuckling, the man continued.

"As for why I need you there? I can't say for sure... for now at least, as I myself not sure what will happen in the coming months. But I had a bad feeling; I need someone around that place to monitor the situation — a person who is strong enough to intervene, act discreetly, but unknown to others. Unfortunately, I can't send anyone from the fallen without causing an all-out war between the three sides. For now, monitor the school, and its immediate vicinity, that will be your only task. Just attend the classes, get a few friends, feel good yourself. Like every girl in your age..." he waved, like a person who urged himself to continue.

'Just what do you think, how old am I? And like every girl my age? You have the nerve…' her vein was on to pop, her eyes twitching, but then, she realized how she looks. And immediately, she started to sulk.


Yeah... she looks around 16 or 17, just the age right for the academy.

"...Look out for suspicious activity, that's all I ask! I had a dreadful feeling something will happen in the coming months. For the sake not only yours but the peace of the world, please do this little bit. I beg for your help!" Azazel bowed, placing his forehead on the counter. "Please do this for me, and I will give you anything you wish!"

"Anything? Even your very soul?" she raised her brow, making the man shudder. "Well! Well! Well! Don't promise anything you can't keep. Even verbal contracts are dangerous… the devil may take it on your tongue. Fufufu…"

"Don't go too far…" he mumbled angry, the pressure rising slightly in the bar as the man expressed some of his power. Indeed, the being before her may act like an idiot from time to time, but was not accidentally one of the strongest leaders of his faction. He can back up threats with actions if he wants.

'At least he can show humility when needed. And some spine, not accepting everything… Traits, I value…' in the end, she can only sight tired, but amused. She can't help it; she had a weak spot for miserable looking people.

She never considered herself a hero in any way. But if what he said is true… then an all-out war between the factions would only mean unnecessary hassle for her. Better prevent it before it starts than do damage control later.

"Haaa! Fine then..." she nodded reluctant, thinking things through.

"Really!?" the man asked wide-eyed, then his disbelief filled face turned into a happy smile. "Thank you! You do a great service to the world."

"Right! Right! I don't care about the world…" she stopped her polishing. "But, I do what I can. Though, I promise nothing... after all, doing damage control in war always a hassle. Also, I expect compensation…"

"Yes, of course! You are right!" the man nodded vigours, experienced before what it really means if a war breaking out between the factions. It was, indeed, an unnecessary burden. No real victors, only losers in the end…


Inspecting the bag's content, spotting a certain girl uniform, the girl's expression flattened right away, raising the lower part of the cloth.

"There is no way I wear this..." even spotting the skirt, the corset, and the other parts, imagining wearing them made her want to vomit!

"Oh! But you will look so cute! Just imagine! I wonder how you will look! Fufufu! By the way, good luck! Tomorrow will be your first day!"

"What!? But I didn't even..."

And with that, without saying anything more, the fallen general grabbed his fedora, walking out hastily, only waving back.

"Good luck! Awaiting your first report!"

"Damn bastard..." looking at the empty cup, and the half-eaten cake, she turned even more depressed. "And he didn't even pay for the cake and coffee! Oh! But just wait...! Fufufu!" and thus, she already started to wave her sinistrous plan, thinking how to get rid the man of his every possession and coin. "Just wait, Az-kun… just wait… two can play the game."


Scene Change: The Academy: Next morning:

The academy of Kuoh... originally, it was only an all-girl private school. Only recently accepting male students in their ranks.

Just like the town it positioned, it was a plain, everyday private school… you can find many similar all around Japan.

Yet, who knows where to look and search for the information, that few soon realized... it was a mysterious institute! It's past, and current owner wrapped in mystery.

Very few know about such things… at least, very few lived, realized, and lived long enough to tell others the real nature of the place, and its real owner…

Like every morning, the flowing numbers of students headed towards the iron gates of this esteemed school.

Entering, chatting, and heading towards their respective classrooms. Like many private schools, the students bound to wear school uniforms.

For the girls, a white long-sleeved, button-down shirt with vertical linings, a black ribbon on the collar, a black shoulder cape and matching button-down corset, and a magenta skirt with white accents.

For boys the uniforms consisted of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved button-down shirt with vertical linings, a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes.

Since the start of the school, this was the usual uniform everyone forced to wear.

The girls chatting and giggling cutely walked in groups, most boys doing the same. Each party ogling at each other, stealing glimpses, whispering how cute the other party was.

"Look! The Prince of the Academy!" the referred blonde, handsome boy passed the girls, waving them gently.

"He is so cool!"

"Good morning!" charming as ever, he swayed the weaker sex by only a smile. Making many boys around scorn him with jealously, even with some disgust…

"He is doing it again!"

"Damn! Not fair!"

"He has so many fangirls already, why not leave us a few?!"

Indeed, from the direction of many boys, many similar words hit his ears. But he often disregarded them, only chuckling on such jealously.

Naturally, since the school only recently opened its gates before male students, the number of boys was less than girls.

Under such circumstance, one might think it was easy to find a girlfriend or call girls on a date. That, every boy attended this academy may find someone they can go out with…

Unfortunately, this was not the case… there was always a few, who the society excluded from their ranks, or regarded them with disgust…


"What do you see, Motohama?"

Looking around, a boy with glasses "scouted" the students around, adjusting his "scouter" to find new targets. Seeing him, and his two friends on his side, all the girls right away backed, looking disgusted in their direction while covering their parts.

"Perverts…" "Pigs…" "Cockroaches…" this, and many similar "nicknames" coming from the direction of the females, all looking the trio with disgusted gazes.

The boys, of course, cared not about this, with one objective in their mind, headed forward to their destination.

"Any new sighing, Motohama?" asked the student on the side of the one with spectacles, sporting school uniform and almost bald, trimmed head.

"Hmm, just the usual… the scouter detects no new target."


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