
DxD: The Lustful Gamer

When I died away as a consequence of making my first poor choice, I did not anticipate being reincarnated in a world inhabited by Yokai, Devils, and Angels as well as Fallen Angels. I had no idea that I would end up being the "main character" of the story. I didn't anticipate that my life would turn out to be a game. Despite that, I'm going to try to find the silver lining in this strange circumstance. There will be 18+ contents. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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99 Chs

Chapter 53: Mommy Slut!

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level 79

Fallen Angel of Grigori captain

HP: 12825/12825

MP: 10000/10000

STR: 197

VIT: 195

DEX: 190

INT: 121

WIS: 88

LUK: 57

Raynare is a Fallen Angel who fell from Heaven during the most recent Holy War as a result of her uncontrollable lust towards powerful beings and her inability to exercise control over that lust. She is currently trapped in the Underworld. When she fell, she spent the next several decades raping and killing anyone who caught her eye.

It wasn't until she was approached by Grigori that the leader of their race, Azazel, was able to gain control of her lust and use it to his advantage. Raynare eventually rose through the ranks of the Grigori, and as a result, she was granted greater leeway in terms of how she was expected to suppress her libido.

The only thing that is preventing her from going on a killing rampage at the moment is the fact that her partners Kalawarner and Mitlelt are holding her passion at bay while they are spying for Azazel's order.

The following feelings are current: lust, intrigue, and anger

Opinions: She is disturbed and enraged by the fact that you killed Dohnaseek, but at the same time, because of that, her interest about you has increased, and at the same time, she has begun to desire after you. Nonetheless, she is going to use you for her own pleasure first since the power that she feels emanating from you is irresistible, despite the fact that she thinks that you need to die. ]

I was sitting in the living room of my house, Hana's head nestled in between my legs as she enthusiastically licked my dick, and I was staring at the information that was sent to me by Observe.

Hana was serving me as that was her new role, along with making money through her relationships with the bank she used and the inversions she did.

After I accepted the date with Raynare, posing as Yuuma, we decided to have it later tonight. This was the reason I was currently at home.

In comparison to Dohnaseek, Raynare was a substantially more powerful opponent, and if the same data had been available to me when I faced him, I would have been quite concerned.

But happily, I was able to improve my physical stats all the way up to fifty, and when combined with the skill bonuses I received and the skill Reinforcement, my physical stats were well over two hundred.

And that was before taking into account the fact that I might employ Boosted Gear in addition to all of that in the event that I became overwhelmed.

I had absolutely nothing to be concerned about. I said something as Hana performed a very deft sucking motion on the head of my cock, and then I rubbed her head, which elicited a contented murmur from her and did wonders for her fellatio.

I found it amusing that Raynare wanted to fuck me, not that it surprised me because I had just confirmed that all of the women in this place were attracted to power and the general disposition that came with having it.

Raynare's story was also interesting because it wasn't fleshed out in canon, but that explained a few things about her.

That just worked out in my favour because I was able to use it to catch her off guard even more easily.

Even though I could end this easily by killing her, there was the bonus part of the quest and its rewards, and I would be lying if I said that I didn't want Raynare, Kalawarner, a Fallen Angel whose body rivalled Akeno's, and Mitlelt, a hot loli, as my servants. Raynare was a Fallen

Aside from that, I came here to enjoy myself, and as long as I didn't let Asia die, who, according to the quest, was also going to become a member of the Harem, 'I'm going to have to corrupt her in some way because I've always found her innocent disposition kind of annoying, but her healing abilities are way too useful to discard, and that was before taking into account her Balance Breaker, which is just a cheat', I would continue to have fun here.

And because I could rely on Rias and Sona for assistance, I could easily ask them to conceal Asia while I dealt with Raynare, Kalawarner, Mitlelt, and Freed.

Freed was going to perish because I was certain that he had to be at least as powerful as Dohnaseek and that he could give me at least one level so that I could increase WIS to one hundred.

The power up that I was sure was going to come with it would guarantee that I became strong enough to easily deal with the quest.

And the other three were going to become my devoted servants just like Aika, Mina, Miko, and the woman who is presently deepthroating my cock, if I had my way.

I gave a little nod and then released Gamer's Mind before dismissing the window that detailed Raynare's information so that I could concentrate on Hana sucking.

In the end, I made it to the edge and crawled my way inside her mouth. I couldn't help but grin as I saw Hana twitch as she appeared to have a brief orgasm due to the flavour of my come.

As I had completed injecting my sperm into her mouth, I moaned, and then Hana, with a smile on her face, showed me that her mouth was full of my sperm before she swallowed.

"Come here," I said, and I picked her up. After she impaled herself on my cock and let out an excited squeal, she straddled me and squealed some more.

She started to have an orgasm as she jumped up and down my cock while I smacked her behind and grinned at her. After that, she began to have an orgasm.

"I have a date planned for later on today, you mommy-slut. In addition, I am aware that you have been trying to find a cleaning service. Keep your attention on increasing your income, and I will see to the rest. Anyway, I won't be back until the late hours of the night, so you should get to bed early and get some rest, because as soon as I get here, we're going to get it on, do you follow?"

Hana's look changed to one of dumb joy as she drooled and grew cross-eyed, and she grinned with an ahegao expression on her face. "Of course, Issei-sama!"

I chuckled to myself and then mimicked her actions, much to her delight as she shrieked with delight.

Yep. I was the one in charge.


Next Chapter will be:

Chapter 54: Motel!

As always if you Want to read ahead visit my part(e)on.
