
DxD: The Lustful Gamer

When I died away as a consequence of making my first poor choice, I did not anticipate being reincarnated in a world inhabited by Yokai, Devils, and Angels as well as Fallen Angels. I had no idea that I would end up being the "main character" of the story. I didn't anticipate that my life would turn out to be a game. Despite that, I'm going to try to find the silver lining in this strange circumstance. There will be 18+ contents. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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99 Chs

Chapter 26

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I let out a sigh of contentment as my power increased, and I disregarded all of my strategies as the Legion Zombie began to dissipate.

At the same time, I scrunched up my nose in disgust at the absolutely repulsive odour. I concentrated on clearing the air of the putrid stink and the smoke that was produced by the rotting boss by drawing from my connection to the wind.

Once a few seconds had passed, I closed the popup that was informing me that I had developed the ability 'Breeze,' and I went to my Inventory to check out what I had been given.

I was given a large sum of money. Uncomplicated and direct. I had three hundred bucks on me before I went inside the identification building.

Now? I had a spare five thousand dollars that I could spend on whatever I wanted, but I was certain that I would simply let it sit there until I needed it for something that was really necessary.

I now had one hundred of those, which I would leave there in case I needed them to enhance a skill or need them to craft something that was exceptionally powerful. I had gotten one soul gem for each zombie that I killed, which meant that I now had one hundred of those.

Other items that the regular zombies had dropped, such as teeth, ribs, and meat, that I was certain I would never require, so I removed those items and destroyed them. Other items that the normal zombies had dropped included teeth.

I was able to get several health potions, some mana potions, a skill book, and a piece of equipment from the Legion Zombie.

I instantly put the skill book to use after discovering the ability known as "Life Drain," which had always left me wondering why Jee-Han never bothered to make use of it. The item of apparatus, on the other hand...

[The Cloak of the Mortal Midnight. Position: Ethereal

This item is everything but what it seems to be—a standard black leather cloak with a basic yet fantastic appearance—despite its outward appearance.

The fact that it was crafted using the life force of people who have passed away bestows upon the person who wears it knowledge about the undead and the ability to exert some degree of influence over them.

The user of the cloak is also granted the ability to exercise control over the shadow quality, in addition to having improved stealth. In terms of durability, eternal.

Provides the user with the ability to manipulate undead.

+50 to the skill of Stealth.

+10 to your affinity for shadow.]

I have no shame in admitting that when I saw the cloak and read about the powers it had, I came dangerously close to getting a hard on.

I say nearly because at this stage in my life, I could only get a hard on from incredibly gorgeous and sexy females, so I reigned myself in to avoid embarrassing myself in front of them.

The cloak eerily resembled the one that Kirito wore in Sword Art Online, with the exception that this one seemed almost alive due to the way it was shifting.

However, I soon realised that the rippling and shifting made sense given that it was ethereal and made from energies.

Because I wasn't going to be able to make use of it at the moment, I had to work hard to put it back into my inventory.

Tomorrow without a doubt, when I went back to try to level up some more, which was going to be an unbelievably simpler task to do now that I had access to the Cloak.

After confirming that absolutely nothing had changed other than the addition of the new skill and the ones I had activated while battling the Legion Zombie and levelling up a few times, I closed the window and moved to view the page that detailed my current state.

[Error! Error! Error!]

[Detected: a Glitch in the Display!]


[...Issue Identified...]

[… Solving…]

[… Problem Solved! Now, the appropriate amount of HP and MP will be presented in connection to the degree of progression and the growth in modifiers.]

My pupils dilated to the size of saucers, and I found myself unable to move any faster in my haste to determine what had transpired.

However, as soon as the window opened and my eyes went to the HP and MP bars, I immediately felt at ease, and a maniacal grin formed on my face.

I don't understand why I was so concerned about that particular situation at that time.

I had not perceived any change in the amount of power I had.

But, the dramatic boost in strength was beginning to make a lot more sense now.


While I was walking back to my house, I found myself practically skipping. This was the amount of enjoyment I had reached as a result of gaining twelve levels and, along with those levels, new statistics, abilities, and total power.

In spite of the fact that I was still acutely aware of the fact that I was excruciatingly weak in comparison with even the weakest devil, fallen angel, or youkai, I was still growing by leaps and bounds, and with my newly discovered power, I was just going to become stronger faster because there were more things that I could do at the same time.

After what seemed like an eternity, I was finally there, and Hana was already there, waiting for me with the food that she had purchased laid out on the table.

I made sure to feel her up without being obvious about it by giving her a hug and kissing her on the cheek.

However, it appeared as though she didn't mind the prolonged hug based on the way that she smiled so beautifully at me.

I knew that if I didn't have Gamer's Mind, I would have felt terrible for manipulating her in such a way, but I wanted to fuck her so badly that I was willing to do anything I could to make that happen.

I made sure to do everything I could. And anyway, it wasn't like I was going to ditch her as soon as I did. The natural environment had a corrupting influence on this one. She was going to be mine to keep, and I would treat her anyway I pleased.

"Tell me about your workout from earlier today." When I questioned her and with whom, she gave me a kind grin.

"You're doing quite well, honey. Everyone there is really polite and helpful, and the trainers seem to know what they're talking about due to the fact that..."

She went on to describe everything she did to me, and while she did so, I listened, nodded, and genuinely paid attention to what she was saying so that I could ask her questions about the things she was discussing to demonstrate to her that I was interested in what she did.

I really wanted mom to cease thinking of me as her kid and to start seeing me as the adult that I was. It was all part of my plan to bang her, and I was not going to pull any punches with her since I was planning on banging her.

When she stood up to begin washing the dishes after the meal, I couldn't help but shake my head. She had just finished her story at the same time everyone had finished eating.

"That is not the case at all, kaa-chan. I have no intention of making you wash the dishes after your first day at the gym since I am certain that you are worn out and experiencing muscle soreness. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, how about you take a nice, long soak in a nice, hot bath, and then go to sleep while I take care of everything else here?" While it was phrased in a way that made it seem like a recommendation, in reality I was practically dictating to her what she should do.

She gave me an amused look before shrugging her shoulders and, with that motion, doing wonderful things to her massive chest.

After that, she smiled at me in a very lovely manner. She came up behind me, put her arms around my head, and pressed my head into the chest that I had been looking at stealthily while she cooed.

She then continued to coo. "Much thanks, sweetie. You are so thoughtful. If you continue to behave in this manner, I will be forced to find some way to compensate you " She stated this as she lovingly massaged her fingers through my hair.


Power stones for bonus chapter 300-1 bonus chapters.


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