
Chapter 62: Aftermath

At a conference, the devils of the underworld were having a meeting and the Satans were miffed by Serafall's little scheme.

And it was definitely risky too. Because they do not know what the great king faction will do to Mordred and co.

They weren't exactly worried about what will happen to Mordred. They were worried about what he would do as a reaction. Especially after he pulled up with several holy swords at their full power.

He definitely has black air force energy. And Mordred won't take shit from anyone. Not even a whole faction.

"Serafall, did you know about Mordred Pendragon?" A middle aged man asked her as Sona got him to be her representative.

"No, I am surprised by the new additions in his arsenal even." Serafall replied truthfully.

"Be that it may, Mordred Pendragon is a wielder of holy swords that has never been seen before in history. Even Arthur and the subsequent users of Excalibur can't use that many swords." A member of the council squinted his eyes.

"He also possesses Gram. The demonic emperor sword is a sword that matches Excalibur. Wielding those two would already make him a great threat, but a holy demonic sword? And two swords with divinity?" Another interjected, leading to murmurs.

"Mordred is strong, yes. Especially because he is still young. But they are our allies. And they live in the familiar forest." Sirzechs tried to curb their schemes against Mordred.

"Is that really how an ally treats their comrades?" Someone raised as they all saw how he dealt with Zephrydor.

Serafall bristled in anger and Sirzechs had to nudge her with his foot so she could calm herself.

'You can't let them get an advantage on you Serafall.' Sirzechs gave her a side eye and she nodded begrudgingly.

"He is a dragon and Zephrydor insulted him. It is a miracle that he let him live." Ajuka came in clutch with an excuse and the devil council didn't have an answer for that.

"Dragons are extremely temperemental, yes. But using forbidden magic to torture the son of lord Glasya-Labolas is extreme." The middle aged man rebutted.

'Tch, Zekram's good with this crap. Troublesome.' The Satans all thought in their head.

"Insulting a dragon's strength is tantamount to blasphemy for them. And there is one more thing." Serafall couldn't help but smirk a little.

"What is it?" The devils raised a brow. "Zephrydor Glasya-Labolas received outside help. As you know, dragons are extremely sensitive to magic and mana." Serafall pulled out an uno reverse card.

Zekram's eye twitched and she reveled in her victory. "That's impossible, what is your proof for that?" Lord Glasya-Labolas was outraged.

"Katerea Leviathan." Ajuka supplemented Serafall's argument and they went quiet.

They all received the reports of Katerea. And she is a known devil that is to be in the top of ultimate class. Having 5 pairs of wings as proof.

But her strength suddenly dropped down to high class when she was 'captured' by the Shinto pantheon. Amaterasu making a deal with Serafall to get her to them.

And the higher ups of the underworld are currently having information that she is under the watch of Sirzechs' queen.

A gag order being approved so the devils won't cry for her freedom due to being the last Leviathan.

"T-that means nothing." Lord Glasya-Labolas stuttered and they had him on the ropes.

"Hmmm? Then are you saying that Zephrydor is a genuine ultimate class devil? I believe that he has received a phenex tear and is in good condition now. The Sitris have seen his state." Serafall pressed the attack.

"Then do we know who are the outsiders that is helping them? If not, then we are wasting our time. A more pressing issue is. Why haven't Mordred Pendragon informed his allies that he has several holy swords with him?" Zekram countered.

Sirzechs wanted to snort and tell them that all the pillar houses have their own secrets. But he was correct politically.

Mordred reforging Excalibur gave him a weapon that could turn devils into ashes with just its light alone. Not to mention Caliburn that has been blessed by all the seraphs and Yahweh.

And that's not including Galatine, Arondight, Kusanagi, Merodach, and Clarent.

As it is now, he's a high risk individual that can cull millions of devils in a battlefield with his arsenal. Their compatibility was atrocious.

Not to mention the Longinus wielders among them that can fight Satan level combatants.

Serafall and Falbium might have an experience advantage. But living long doesn't trump pure skills that have been honed by a godslaying mortal that transcended her mortal shell.

"They are our allies, but it is more suitable to call our treaty with them as a non agression pact." Ajuka pulled up with his contract to Tiamat and Zekram almost clicked his tongue.

Tiamat helped them guard Lilith, the new capital of the devils after the war. And Tiamat owed Ajuka for giving away a peaceful area that is too big.

So technically, they were just friends. Not in a formal alliance with them, unlike Tannin who is bound by a contract with Mephisto.

"Is that all then? Touching a dragon's reverse scale is extremely dangerous. Imagine what they could do if their imperial wrath is released." Sirzechs reminded them.

The devils all frowned as they thought of a Satan class dragon dead set on destroying the underworld.

It would be like Ladon, Orochi, Niddhog, and Grendel's rampage on the underworld all over again.

And they were definitely not in outrage at that time. Who knows what they could do, especially while wielding a Longinus. Ise alone could already hold up Serafall and Falbium.

And that's just one of their members. The council, especially Zekram. Also remembered that the Satans would most likely not help them.

"That is true... Let's proceed with other matters." Zekram dropped the issue. It wasn't worth it at all. And they don't even know the other wild cards at their disposal.

Like the perfect sages in their group that have no known weaknesses. Natural energy hasn't been harnessed by anyone for centuries for a reason.

They also got deterred by Mordred's bishops; Dulio and Lavinia. They would absolutely destroy the underworld before they could find them and try to eliminate them.

Keyword being try, because they would be guarded by Vali, Meredith, the heavenly dragons, and Mordred as the magic types.

'We have to undermine their reputation... This will be the perfect time to spread rumors.' Zekram cooked up a plan that won't be traced to them.

The old generation of fools are definitely blinded by their traditions and greed for power.

__Familiar Forest__

A few weeks pass and Mordred was currently reading the comments of the video of the rating game. Shirone and Lavinia who watches tons of cat videos noticed something.

"This is ridiculous, who would believe this crap? We received help from heaven?" Ise scoffed as she read with Mordred.

"Let them yap all they want Ise, as a king. You will be under scrutiny and rumors like this. Our reputation in the underworld matters not." Mordred snorted.

He doesn't need the approval of the devils in the first place. What he needs is to be popular with humans to rope them in to their side.

And he had an idea. "Ise, have you noticed?" Morded smiled and she raised a brow.

"Noticed what?" Ise was feeling Mordred's excitement.

"That entertainment in this world is lacking? Yeah, dragsoball is kinda good. Menma Shippuden and Gundam is there too. But that's about it. Everything else is trashy soap operas and dramas." Mordred was hinting at something.

"Why does it matter? Wait, let me think." Ise thought about it hard and she even boosted her brain for extra processing power.

"There's not enough fantasy to make humans enamored with the supernatural..." Ise blinked as she realized.

"Correct, and what is our goal?" Mordred smiled as Ise got it.

"To make humans learn magic and let them side with us. They would definitely think of better ways to use magic or create artifacts. And even if they can't, their ideas will be invaluable." Ise grinned at him.

"Exactly, humans are the ones who've unlocked more mysteries about the world than anyone else. It is one of the reasons why primordial runes aren't widespread. The supernatural simply has no interest in science and the universe." Mordred thought of Ajuka.

He would be a good collaborator with their faction. And Mordred didn't really trust Azazel much. But he would be a good candidate too.

"You're a genius Mordred! But how are we going to make a craze about the fantasy genre?" Ise tilted her head and he petted her.

"Simple, we have tons of money. We use them and make a story." Mordred looked at Mo-chan who was stuffing her face with meat.

"Hmm? Wash ish iht?" She raised a brow and Mordred took out a notebook. He then started jotting down her story.

What better reference than someone who has lived an action packed life full of drama and shit right in front of him.

"Mo-chan, I know what we're gonna do today." Mordred grinned and they went to the human world.


"So? I'm glad to help, but are you really sure that this is extremely important?" Sona guided Mordred to one of the contacts of the Sitri.

Devils love contracts. So they were contracted to a major company in Japan. The Hanakai conglomerate that dominated a couple of markets due to the help of the Sitris.

"Thanks Sona, you have no idea how important this is." Mordred smiled at her and she blushed.

"Y-yeah, don't worry about it. It's the least I could do." Sona found herself being lost in his deep, green eyes and Serafall that was looking for a chance to introduce their new secretary was grinning like a loon.

"Guhehe, that's it So-tan. Nurture your feelings, then the Yuri will inevitably come when Mo-kun hits puberty and ravage beautiful maidens like the stories of how dragons kidnap princesses." Serafall slurped some of her drool.

"Hello, Sona-san. It's nice to see you again." A white haired girl received them and Sona nodded.

"This is Momo Hanakai, the daughter of the chairman. He's Mordred Pendragon, he's stupid rich due to something called golden rule or something. And he wants to start a business." Sona introduced them.

"Hello, I am Mordred Pendragon." Mordred kissed her hand and Momo got shy, she is japanese after all.

"Ohh, hello. Please, enter. You'll talk to my father in a bit." Momo guided them.

And after meeting up with the Hanakais. Mordred snatched up tons of land around the area. The Sitris were then hired to build skyscrapers for offices.

It also didn't take much time, with the devils using magic to build them. They were done in a week.

"Umu, a good building indeed." Mordred nodded in satisfaction at their new company.

Kuroka and Shirone also sniffed out great, up and coming artists so they could start building their entertainment empire.

"First, we'll enter the anime scene. Young teens will love to use magic." Mordred started formulating their plan of attack to pierce through the market.

Mordred even studied how to animate and draw. Only taking a couple of days to be the best at it. With his parallel thoughts, it was a piece of cake.

"Cool... Can we give ideas? Can we?" Shirone was really excited, so are Ise and Irina.

"Sure, I've already implanted the necessary skills to our employees. And when they learn magic, we'll be able to pump out content like it's going out of style." Mordred thought that it was a pretty good plan.

"Will our animes have unlimited budgets!?" Ise beamed and he nodded.

"You bet, we'll only put out the best animations." Mordred chuckled.

"This is kinda weird, why are you going to publish a biography of my life? And with visuals at that." Mo-chan was a bit worried that the people would diss her life.

She's only human after all, a human turned dragon. But she still have feelings.

"Don't worry, your story will be a hit. I can feel it." Mordred was confident.

"If you say so." Mo-chan shrugged and she was a bit excited for people to know the history of Camelot.

The establishment of Camelot led to what Britain is today after all. And she wanted everyone to know of her father's greatness. Though she won't admit it.

So, Dragon Publishing inc. was born and it was going to start producing some good entertainment.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.