
Chapter 4: Leviathan VS The Joker

(Kuoh Academy, Kuoh Town, Japan, Split Dimension - Kuoh, DxD / Draconic Deus Universe)




(Serafall Leviathan POV)


He Hadn't changed a bit!

She'd come to scold him for endangering her So-Tan! She hadn't even gotten a word out before he'd launched a flurry of blows against her.

She'd blocked them all of course! How could a wonderful Magical Girl like her not block all the shots of a Fallen Angel like him? He wasn't weak to be sure, but the truth was simple. She had years to perfect her super wonderful attacks and like all devils born of considerable power, her power only grew as she aged. He was younger, and though he had youth on her, she had experience.


That gives her an idea for a new episode!

''Serafall? You're spacing out again.'' The dryness to his tone awoke her from her reverie.

''Huh?'' She looked around and then looked at herself. There was a huge swath of destruction around them, and she had more than a few injuries.


She'd lost.


''I want a rematch!'' She says, balling her fists and holding them in front of her chest.

''Losers, don't get to dictate the terms. You know the arrangement.'' She growled like only a cute magical girl could.

''How are you so strong!!?!'' She demands, tears welling in her big and beautiful eyes.

''I no longer have limits placed upon me. Besides, the real show has yet to begin.''

''Don't think I'm going to let you be in control.'' She said, even if her words were undermined by the fact she was already undressing.

''I'd expect nothing less, Leviathan.'' She felt her legs tremble and her insides burn hot, whenever he whispered her title in her ear in the Enochian language, in that kind tone with this kind of mood. There was only one thing to do.


(POV Shift: Ryūjin Himejima)


The relationship between himself and Serafall Leviathan was…complicated to say the least.

The two of them had both a private and professional relationship. They were connected through mutual friends, and - with Azazel's blessing and that of the Great King of Bael's - he and his group did top-secret contractual wetwork for the Devils. Handling issues that the devils for one reason or another could not. It was such a secret relationship that inside both their governments only six people knew about it, and only one person outside their governments knew of the arrangement. Zekram Bael and Serafall Leviathan were the two from the Devils who knew of the arrangement. From the Fallen Angel's side, the only people aware of it were Ryūjin himself, Azazel, Baraqiel, and Tobio. Outside of their little group, Mephisto Pheles also knew, and he'd also doubtless have told Lavinia, but she'd never betray Pheles trust by letting on that she did know.

The arrangement was a simple one.

Handle problems we for one reason or another cannot, and in exchange we will tolerate each other, and certain leeway will be granted when applicable as well as suitable compensation. But the private relationship he had with Serafall was purely for sex. There were no feelings involved because the current status quo did not allow it. It wasn't like they could simply dial each other's number for a booty call, just whenever they both happened to be available or when they happened to meet each other through mutual friends and there was an opportunity for some discreet sexual fun.

He of course told Lavinia about the private arrangement with Serafall, he'd never have kept that arrangement going had Lavinia not been okay with it. Besides, Serafall looked fantastic in just about anything, she frequently sent him pictures whenever she wanted it bad, but was unable to have a liaison with him for various reasons. These pictures ranged in a variety of her clothing or lack thereof. He kept them all because he enjoyed teasing her about her outfits during their…more dominant sessions.

''And you say I space out!?'' Looking down at the Loli Satan of Sitri pressed into his side, Ryujin smiles at her with wickedness and lust.

''Just imagining you tied up and ready for me!'' He lies, and despite their repeated dalliances, Serafall blushes fiercely, trying to hide her blush by burying her face into his chest. ''In all seriousness, however, we can't keep doing this. If Zekram Bael finds out about this, we'll be killed.'' Says Ryūjin.

''I'd like to see him try! I'm a Devil King! I can wipe him off the face of the underworld with a single swish of my wand!'' Says Serafall.

''You're capable of it. But you won't do it. Because it would mean civil war. At any rate Sera, I have a few things to do, and you should make yourself scarce. Time might flow differently here and we might very well be in a different dimension, but if we're caught together like this or anything even remotely close to it, then it could cost us a lot.'' Ryūjin tells her.

''I don't wanna leave.'' She complains.

Ryūjin gives her a strained smile.

''I know Sera, but we have to.'' He tells her soothingly.

''Fiiiiiinnnnnneeeee.'' She groans out as she snaps her fingers, cleansing herself from the smell of sex and also clothing herself in the process. Ryūjin idly notes she's left her discarded lingerie behind as she disappears with a flirty wink.


Ryūjin shifted Serafall's left-behind belongings to another dimension, he was saving every bit of it for a rainy day. In any event, he did actually have a few things to do before Riser ''The Douchebag'' Phenex showed up. He'd recruited new members, that was one thing that ticked off. He'd dealt with Sirzechs and Grayfia's meeting. Ticked that off the list. Now he'd dealt with Serafall. Ticked that off the list. Next thing on his agenda? Among other things, he had a meeting with his old master, another meeting with Sirzechs and Grayfia, and he had to check in on Asia. The last thing on his agenda was Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mitteelt's punishment, but that could come later. His sensei took priority, you don't keep the esteemed God of War and his Original Vanguard waiting.

A Magic Circle appeared before him.

Looks like he would have to keep his Sensei waiting.

''We've reached a decision.'' Sirzechs said as he and Grayfia stepped out of the Magic Circle.

''It'll have to wait until after my meeting.'' Says Ryūjin.

''Unfortunately, it can't. The Underworld will only sign off on you joining Kuoh Academy if an impartial observer is assigned to you while you're within the boundaries of Kuoh.'' Says Sirzechs.

''That's fair I suppose, but again it'll have to wait until my meeting is done. My guests will not hesitate to annihilate unwelcome ears.'' Says Ryūjin.

Sirzechs and Grayfia share a look.

''Oh fine, but be warned. My master will never fear you Lucifer, he can wipe out the house of Gremory and the entire underworld with a snap of his fingers, he'll do so without so much as a regret or care in the least. Even if you survive, you won't survive for long.'' Says Ryūjin, and even as Sirzechs releases a minute fraction of his power - and causing a minor earthquake in the process - Ryūjin remains unafraid.

He wasn't afraid of death, truth was he's wanted to die for so long. No, he's afraid of what his death will cause. It would shatter his children's lives. Make them targets, and send Lavinia and Kuroka into a world-ending meltdown. And crush Akeno forever.

Besides, Sirzechs didn't scare him half as much as his old master, who was awaiting him.

''Was that supposed to scare me? I'll admit, that you've scared my physical form, and my hands shake…however…my internal resolve is unafraid. Your maid will tell you soon enough why that is.'' Says Ryūjin as he shows Sirzechs his shaking hands before they cease.

''What makes you think I'm your shadow?'' Asks Grayfia.

''As if it was anybody else. Okita is here that is true, but he lacks the necessary…exposure shall we say to be able to force any and all potential conflicts to cease. Lady Lucifuge is almost always at your side, she is your Queena and right hand, even if she is not your wife. Oh yes, Grigori is well aware of that fact. As is my old master, though it's hardly a secret. Besides, stick around me long enough, and you'll realize that your own ship isn't exactly as airtight and sealed as you think it is.'' Ryūjin says.

''And what exactly is that supposed to mean?'' Sirzechs asks, eyes narrowing.

Ryūjin purses his lips, before deciding to throw caution to the wind.

''Oh what the hell, it's bound to be discovered eventually, you at least won't be able to do too much damage. Serafall Leviathan and I have a….sexual relationship. That's separate from the one I have to the Bael Clan, which you do not need to know about right now because it's outside your jurisdiction within the Devil Government.'' Says Ryūjin.

''If you have business with the Bael Clan, it's not only my business as the Devil King Lucifer, it's my business because of my mother.'' Says Sirzechs.

''I'll give you some slack for the second reason, but the first one not so much. Besides, let me rephrase, my arrangement is with Zekram Bael and Serafall. If you've read the reports around about me, you'll likely have noticed that we - that is to say my group - seem to be nearby every time one of your problems disappears. More than that I cannot say, because - and I fucking mean it - this arrangement is none of your business. But the fact is that I can freely admit to sleeping with Serafall Leviathan to you of all people, even in knowing you'll seek to verify it? The only person who can verify that is Serafall. Now if you want to know about my activities for your race, get Serafall to read you in, otherwise, fuck right off. Now if that's everything, I have a meeting to get to, you've delayed me enough as it is. Cumming Grayfia?'' Ryūjin asked her, preventing his eyes from roaming her delightful body in the presence of Lucifer.

There was a time and place for lust. And much as Grayfia's sinfully delightful body stirred passions inside him, it was swallowed down by the urgency to meet his old masters and the fact he refused to give an inch or show a hint of weakness in the face of someone who in essence was a foreign power unto themselves. Sirzechs was a World-ending power, Grayfia wasn't that far off, but Ajuka Beelzebub was closer to Sirzechs in sheer power than the Devil Kings of Leviathan and Asmodeus. In other words, if Serafall was able to destroy Japan several times over with a fifth of her power, then Sirzechs could destroy the entirety of Russia, China, and the USA several times over with one-fiftieth of his true strength.

''So be it.'' Sirzechs, says, backing down. ''Your…information about Diadora has proven more accurate than I care to admit. As has your intel around Kuroka and Koneko. And you're right, Grayfia shall be accompanying you.'' Sirzechs adds.

''Then let us waste no more time.'' Ryūjin says snapping his fingers for the teleportation circle.


(POV Shift: Grayfia Lucifuge)


Ryūjin Himejima.

He was…an anomaly.

She hated anomalies.

She found people who enjoyed being an Anomaly were even more frustrating.

Yet, Ryūjin Himejima was an anomaly because of his motives, he was a Fallen Angel Cadre, and yet he claimed to have another Master? Was Azazel aware of that? He surely had to be, if Ryūjin was willing to say it so freely. But just what the hell did that ultimately mean. The only thing she hated more than an anomaly, was not knowing things that could be crucial. The lack of knowledge could lead to an unknowable amount of damage or potential harm. Secrets were dangerous.

Grayfia understood the necessity of keeping certain things secret, whether Ryūjin's secret master was one of those, that remained to be seen. But she couldn't shake a feeling of intense dread at the prospect of meeting this mystery master.

''So who exactly are we meeting?'' She asked at long last.

''The God of War.'' That answered her question and yet answered nothing. There were many Gods of War, it could be anyone from the likes of Ares to Tyr. Tyr being the most palatable of the bunch and Ares being amongst the least.

''More precisely?'' She presses him.

''Just stay silent and watch. My old master is not fond of the Three Factions.'' That narrowed it down considerably, but still left her with questions. For example…

''If that's the case why do you serve him?'' Asks Grayfia.

''I don't. He's my master because he and the man accompanying him were two of my teachers. I've studied under legendary men and women, Lady Lucifuge. Including another who could be considered a Goddess of War.'' That was…informative.

''You don't give information freely do you.'' She notes.

''In my line of work information is an invaluable commodity.'' That was another scrap of information.

''What is your line of work?'' She asks.

''Aside from Grigori special ops…I'm a mercenary. Doesn't matter who it is, any contract can be accepted if we feel it's worth it. How do you think I met Serafall? I was doing a job for a client, she was in the area on business, official business, and she decided to do a fan signing. Never been a fan of her shows, so of course I made a comment. She heard it, tracked me down while I was fighting and the rest is for her to tell you. We're here. Remember, stay silent. I don't want the death of such a beautiful woman on my hands.'' Despite everything, she feels her cheeks heat up at the praise.


(POV Shift: Ryūjin Himejima)


Ryūjin felt that usual nervous knot in his stomach. Of all his teachers the God of War he was about to meet truly terrified…

''Ah, Ryūjin, it's been a long time.'' Says the God of War.

''Indeed it has, Lord Indra, Lord Wukong.'' Ryūjin says, smiling, though that was quickly wiped off his face at the stony look on Indra's face. Wukong was impassive, which meant he was in trouble.


Maybe this would result in a renewed war after all.

Well, he's dead. If Lord Indra doesn't kill him, Lavinia probably will.


(Author's Note:)


And with that, the chapter's done. Just a reminder, this story is now exclusively available on my Ko-Fi. That's the minor news, well not minor, just less important compared to why I'm doing an author's note.

Firstly, in an attempt to increase chapter production and how often I can release for more than one story, I'll be shortening the average chapter word count. There will of course be exceptions to that rule, such as this chapter, but on average either no more or a little bit over fifteen hundred words.

Second, in regards to this story, thanks to those who voted on the harem poll. That brings me to why I posted that poll. It's not so much a picking of the harem as who gets the most development and attention first. Eventually, I'll be posting polls to narrow that poll down to a finer and more restricted list.

Third, Who was expecting Indra to be Ryūjin's master/sensei to be Indra? This story is distinct in that like my Bael story on Wattpad its MC will have several teachers. Besides, I chose the term God of War, because it and Grayfia's own thoughts would open the door for speculation on others. I tend to follow a certain trend with teachers for my MC's. So there's certain to be some usual suspects involved. But having a Fallen Angel MC opens the door a little bit for more variety, so there will be some differences.

Lastly, I'll see you guys at the next chapter.


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