
DxD: The Fight For Freedom

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/ZBjyhdt3 Update Schedule: 1 Ch/week- ten days Most fanfic characters in DxD either have cheats, systems, special backgrounds, or know the plot for their SMOOTH plan. This story doesn't have ANY of that convenient plot. Well.... You can read other stories if you don't like this story. This story only has the OG MC with different thinking. What happens if Issei has a very cautious, grounded, but decisive mindset? What happens if you take off the anime and boob logic out of the window with simple common sense? What if... What if Issei never wished to be a Harem King? All of these what-ifs make this story born. . . A True Dragon of Domination who fought for his survival and freedom. "Heh...In the end, we all become who we are by the results of our choice. If this is my ending, then I can only accept it." This story is AU. (P.S. The general will follow the OG story. Although, the content WILL be different with different MC .) (P.S.S There's no reincarnation, transmigration, system, regression, nor knowing the plot for the MC. His special cheat is only himself and Boosted Gear, Period.) (P.S.S. I'm a complete beginner who writes fanfic for fun and scratching the itch on my brain resulting in this fanfic. forgive me if there's an obvious plot hole, grammar mistakes, or nonsensical logic.)

NikkeSimp · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 8: The Cost of Power.

"...." - A character's dialogue

(....) - A character's thoughts

{....} - Ddraig speaking in Issei's mind

[....] - Ddraig speaking openly to his surrounding


A few moments after their declaration, Hyoudou Issei and Ddraig changed the topic to Ddraig's exclusive powers. It has already been about an hour after his awakening. Considering the preparation time for school, only one more hour is given for the talk.

He couldn't skip school. After all, that's like broadcasting to the supernatural, "I have a problem so I won't go for my routine."

Unless the situation doesn't let him, he needs to cut it short.

As for the power, Issei didn't expect any groundbreaking ones, just hoping he could make use of them to have a higher survival chance.

[To put it simply, all of my abilities, diluted though, could be used as your arsenal. Your sacred gear is called Boosted Gear by the general populace.]

Sacred Gear.

From Ddraig's explanation, the leader of heaven has given this power in all kinds of shapes for humanity to resist supernatural forces. Humans themselves are weak. They will just die meaninglessly in front of absolute power. 

That's where the gift, Sacred Gear comes in, such as his current partner, Ddraig.

Although, Issei looks at Ddraig(the glowing circle) strangely after hearing that.

"...Isn't it ironic we became an easy target because of it?"

[...I can't deny that.]

Even Ddraig himself shrugged helplessly at that bastard deity, putting humans like Issei in this kind of situation. If it's voluntary, then it's the individual's responsibility to hold their respective powers along with the consequences. Both of them couldn't say anything about that.

But well, Hyoudou Issei, does not belong to this category. Whether that God miss this fuck up or not, it doesn't matter as the boy becomes the black sheep that was targeted by Fallen Angel and the devils.

Setting that aside though---

"Ddraig-san, what is your ability?"

[Multiplication of power for every ten seconds.]








Instantly, Issei's mind stopped working, unable to process that easily. His mouth gapes openly wide for that earth-shattering ability, able to be used by the host immediately.

For three factions with their long-seated grudge united(even for momentary) for subjugating this dragon, he could imagine easily that Ddraig's strength was no joke. Even if the container was a weaker species of a reincarnated devil like him, its abilities shouldn't be taken lightly. The previous hosts of Boosted Gear could attest to that.

Still, that downgrade form of said ability was...ridiculous.

No, really, Issei couldn't even comprehend how a bugged existence like this could even be defeated! 



"No joking?"

[Not joking at all.]

He repeatedly confirms to his partner for not hearing it wrong, but Ddraig's instant confirmation leaves him with no doubt. The dragon's amused voice could be heard clearly too. It even makes him wonder how a cheat character like him could even exist in the first place.

Little did he know, Issei would lament terribly, facing beings with similar levels of Ddraig's constantly like raid bosses. That's a story for another time though.

"That.....is very impressive."

Nothing more could be said by the dumbfounded teenager. If the initial start was this overpowered, then it's not that strange for all three factions desperate to put him down instantly or be their ally.

"Are all sacred gear's broken like you?'

On that, Ddraig snorts loudly, as if expressing his disbelief that his powers are something that could be given to everyone freely like cheap pieces of jewelry.

[Of course not. In the supernatural world, Boosted Gear is considered as Longinus, the power to kill godlings.]


This time, not even words could be formed anymore. He somewhat realizes this dragon is not normal by any means, but for able to kill those immortals, even in the potential scenarios....

"You got to be fucking kidding me."

It's understandable for him to be in disbelief.

[Sorry to say, Issei. I'm speaking one hundred percent truth. If it makes you feel better, there's no record of the Longinus users killing a God successfully.]

Issei released a sigh of relief hearing that. While it's not something to celebrate, it's a silver lining for his increasing worth to NOT be higher than ever. His current situation already made him a big target for many, many people. He doesn't want MORE paying attention to him than now.

Although, he frowns confusedly after hearing the plural adjective.


[There are twelve Sacred Gears considered as Longinus, including me.]

....It looks like he didn't mishear it.

The reincarnated devil rubs his tired expression with both of his hands. He really wants to ask God to help him from this insanity, but now he's more afraid of said God smiting him for disrespect. Rather, he even wants to ask him, how is it a good idea to give humanity these kinds of powers randomly like a lottery.

Irresponsible doesn't cover it. He even suspected that God was freaking high, and unbelievably it was, for making it in the first place.

Groaning at the other eleven people that could rival natural disasters, Issei put his mind back on track. Specifically, to the Booster Gear itself.

"What's the limit of it? The power is amazing and all, but surely there's a limiter or condition to fulfill."

Hearing his inquiry, the crimson dragon nods approvingly with a satisfied smile. Just like he suspected, Issei was not blinded by the power but worried about HOW to use it properly. 

In the character department, he really lucked out on having Issei as his partner.

[Of course, there's a limit. Firstly, it is realistically impossible to multiply your forces endlessly. It mainly depends on your stamina and physique. If either two of these reach the breaking point----]

Hearing until that point, Issei immediately realizes the weakness of Boosted Gear. It's just like a balloon. If you put too much air on it...

"---Then the accumulated power will disperse."

Everything will explode. There were quite a few cases of his previous hosts arrogantly thinking they could be the strongest, which ended in early unnatural death.


"The ten-second interval is also a huge obstacle, isn't it?"


Inside the landscape, the crimson narrowed his eyes satisfactorily hearing that. A growling sound filled with amazement filled the teen's bedroom. As expected, he noticed the key issue of Boosted Gear only within a short time frame.

"...Yeah, that's a big drawback, alright. I don't know much about battle, but it definitely is going to be at an extremely fast pace. Raynare-san was moving like lightning for....killing me."

A grimace appeared on the reincarnated devil's face, reminding the pain from yesterday. 

[Well...that's true but don't use that fallen angel as standard. Six-winged like her are considered as a veteran who knows many tricks inside in her sleeve. It's not strange you couldn't keep up with her movement.]

Which is true. The population of fallen angels could range from a hundred thousand to millions. That's him being generous in the estimation, considering their low birth rate. After all, beings like her in the rank are only about thousands at best. 

Issei understood that too. It's almost impossible for the Fallen Angels to have many personnel with powerhouse classes in their community. If they did, they would already win the war easily.

But well, his case is far away from the usual ones. He needed powers that he could use now, not later.

"...And yet, she was sent to eliminate me. I don't know whether they knew about Ddraig-san or not, but It's better to think they already did. I know I'm being slightly paranoid, but we can't be careless about it."

[Humm...You are not wrong.]

If he has connections to confirm it, maybe he could have breathing room. Sadly, Issei was a newcomer to this world in every sense of it. Not only powers, but he doesn't have the resources or the right people to tackle the problems.

One more thing,

"...This is my guess, but I don't think she went home after that."

[What do you---]

Pausing, Ddraig thought about it for a few seconds. Then, he narrowed his eyes speculatively, thinking about the possibility of that. If he considers the fact that this town is where the devils reside, who could reincarnate other beings to their species...

The answer, it's highly probable.

[....This is bad.]

Agreeing with the dragon, Issei gives a sullen nod and a tiring sigh. Now he could finally understand why Issei was constantly worried for his own life. Anybody will be if they are put into this insane dilemma.

"Yep, very bad. If I'm not careful, I could die on the way to school."

The dragon was left silent to that possibility too. Issei is just somebody who only knows the supernatural for less than an hour. It's not about can or not, but practically impossible to defeat her. 

[....How about asking for help from the Devils? I know you don't feel good about them, but surely they won't let you die again?]

"....It's not that I don't consider it, but this situation is too late gaining support from my 'neighbors'."

Sighing, Issei shook his head slowly as if it was expecting too much on formless hope.

To be fair, It was a sound idea. If he ignores the complicated feeling of relying on his...master and their colleagues, there's a fair chance of retaliation with him staying alive. He's clear-minded enough to see what he could and couldn't do in this state too.

However, there are two glaring problems with that.

Firstly, Issei don't even have their names.

"I don't know their identities yet, Ddraig-san. If I did, I wouldn't be this worried nor skeptical of their intentions."

Again, he couldn't refute his words. While it is ideal for the devils to be in his school, that's just wishful thinking. Both of them couldn't leave their fate by chance of luck. Moreover, he doesn't know about how the devil's society works. Issei would consider it extremely lucky if they treated him as a servant at best.

Secondly, the time period of meeting them.

"Even if we knew though, wouldn't it be better for Raynare-san to kill me before I regroup with them? We are talking about a seasoned pro who doesn't leave gaps in their plan. Surely she or the manipulator behind her consider the devil's side recruiting me before or after my death."


Countless times, the crimson dragon was left speechless by Issei's sharp reasoning. Once again, he was not wrong. She truly could consider him being revived and enlisted to the devil faction. If the opportunity came, she'd just kill him again to complete the job properly. In fact, that's what Ddraig would do too.

(Is he really a high schooler?)

The way he adapts to the situation, the cautious approach to this unexpected danger, and the flexibility to consider every factor laid on the table. Not only that, he's someone who could ignore fleeting emotions or grudges to focus on the core of the problem.

It's true that all of his actions could be replicated by anybody on the supernatural side. It's not something impossible either way. However, that's with the prerequisite of them living to it in their whole lives.

Looking at him cupping his chin while humming in thought, Ddraig feels a slight shiver on his corporal spine. He was definitely just a powerless boy, but that's in the present. Give him enough time and proper guidance---

(Elsha. Belzard. I think your glories will soon be overshadowed by him.)

Reminiscing two of his strongest hosts, he compared them with this boy who was equivalently the definition of a weakling. However, his instinct tells him that Issei could be a greater monster than any other Sekiryuutei possible, either in the past, present, or future.

(...Yeah, you must stay alive, Issei.)

Right now, he's surer than ever that Hyoudou Issei is special in a certain sense. While his background is ordinary, his adaptability and determination to survive in any way possible are not normal in every sense.

If Issei could hear the dragon's thoughts, he doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. To him, he was just a desperate normie clinging for his dear life. He's not some up-and-coming figure who'll stir the world.

....Such words will slap him back in the near future saying, "Told you so".

In any case, Issei concludes that asking for help from the devil is not feasible after a few minutes.

"...Yeah, I don't think we could expect anything from them. Rather, if they didn't expect this situation without giving me any kind of signal, much less an introduction, it's definitely NOT good."

Frowning distastefully at that fact, Ddraig nodded slowly to his partner's guess. He didn't expect much from the devils' either, but hearing this makes his opinion of them lower than ever.

In the end, it went back to the start, which is his Sacred Gear.

"...Is there any kind of sudden power-up we can use, Ddraig-san?"

Hesitantly, Issei asked his partner in a careful manner. He himself knew how shameless and ridiculous he sounded right now, but he couldn't think of any more tangible solution. The crimson dragon could only sigh hopelessly at their situation too. The saying stuck between a rock and a hard place fits them to a tee.

As for Issei's question though,

[It's not that we don't, but the price for it is too much.]

"That's obvious. But is it possible?"

Blinking repeatedly, Ddraig look at his partner one more time with narrowed eyes. From Issei's side, the green circle on his left hand grows more brightly than ever.

[...Issei. I'm not joking. The consequences of asking for that kind of power are not cheap AT ALL. It will stay with you for your entire life.]

Hearing his serious tone, Issei only sighed resignedly as if he knew for miles along. While appreciating the warning, his partner misses out on one crucial fact.

"... IF I have the life to live for in the first place."


Shaking his head sideways, the reincarnated devil only lets out a smile that lacks strength to it.

"Ddraig-san, we are in a stalemate. Either we die sooner or later...."

Trailing off meaningfully, the crimson dragon doesn't need to hear the rest. He frowns regretfully as if pondering that any other kind of solution is truly not feasible.

Which is none. He himself couldn't think of a way to save him in this shitty circumstance either.

...He really doesn't want to resort to this. But all of Issei's suspicion has merit to it. Either they die now or prolong their life longer for a chance of surviving better. Everything could be solved at that time, but not now.

[...I understand. We don't have the luxury of being picky.]

"...Yeah, sorry Ddraig-san. It's my fault for being weak."

With a humorless chuckle, Issei mutters his words filled with self-derision.

It was blunt. Issei didn't hide away from the fact that everything was caused by him not having anything to turn the table. Ddraig himself knew it but he didn't want to blame solely on Issei either.

As his partner said, blaming others won't solve shit.

[Balance Breaker. That's the sudden power-up for overcoming this situation.]

"...That name is kinda ominous."

A slight snicker leaves at Ddraig's mouth. He didn't refute it. Its power is considered taboo by the populace for good reason. Only the people who master the gear to the maximum can use this forbidden power.

[Like you said, Issei. Booster Gear's fatal weakness is the ten-second interval. Not only that, the more you use it, the more exhaustion you feel. In other words, it's a weapon focusing on short-term battles.]

[Balance Breaker is another level for it.]

Gulping loudly, the reincarnated devil looks at the dragon nervously.

"What kind of another level are we talking about?"

[To put it simply, you could cut out the interval and boost as much as the user wishes. Moreover, the accumulated fatigue you feel will be offset by wearing a chain mail that raises your basic parameters overall. I'm sure you understand how 'broken' that is?]

"....My gosh, that is just unfair on every level."


Ignoring the ridiculousness of it, Issei folded his hands in thought. The boy himself is just a newly reincarnated devil. He doesn't have a sudden jump of ability increase or have the know-how of magic like Raynare-san. Although not much, Ddraig's abilities and the balance breaker could be used as a trump card. Probably.

IF he could use it though.

"The price?"

---Because he hasn't heard the humongous penalty for using it. 

Slowly, the dragon opens his mouth. As a person who treasures his humanity, it's a double-edged sword.

[...I'll transform your body into a dragon.]

Blinking repeatedly, Issei looked at his partner confusedly. he expected lots of things like burning his life force or something severe but...

"That's it? Heck, you can even do that!?"

He didn't expect this.

As for Ddraig's side, he's befuddled by Issei's nonchalant tone. It even makes one think, "What could be so terrible about it? It sounds impressive."

(Impressive my ass! It's fucking dangerous!!)

Reining down his raging emotions, the dragon explained the consequences of it one by one.

[Issei, maybe you don't understand but transforming into a dragon is abandoning the rest of your humanity. If we do this, you can't go back forever. Not only that, the more parts of your body terraformed into a dragon, the freedom for its movement will be replaced by me.]

There, with this, he would understand the heavy cost of using the Balance Breaker. If he considers the fact of him being a devil now, maybe taking one whole arm will be enough for a few seconds of Balance Breaker.

However, reality surprised him more than ever. Instead of being in despair---

"...Ohhh? I heard some very good things just now."

He was smiling ear to ear. As if all those burdens are something to be happy about!

[Wh-are you even listening!? You will---]

"I'm not human anymore."

With that, all momentums from the dragon were completely gone. He was completely caught flat-footed by Issei's impassiveness from it.

No, that's just the beginning. The rest of his words are going to utterly blow his brains out.

"See? I'm not a human, but a devil now. That's sad, but nothing I can do about it. But this? Becoming a dragon by my choice? Now THAT'S what I can take."

This man, Hyodou Issei looks and acts normally like any teenager before this happens. But because the shackle to be normal is completely gone, his mind went out of the box entirely.

Not stopping from his tirade, Issei continues his explanation. In fact, he looks cheerful about this unexpected gift coming to his lap. He raises one finger of his right hand, expressing there's A LOT of good things coming from it.

"There are many reasons to be a dragon. One, I could offset the heavy cost of Boosted gear. Just this reason alone makes me hook and sink."

Which is reasonable. He's caught in a situation where he has to throw his weight around, in order not to be struck badly. Just that only will make Issei allow Ddraig to make his body as a Dragonoid.

But hearing the other so-called 'costs'?

He's banking it all.

Raising his second finger, Issei looks at his left hand with a knowing look.

"Two, it's not like I want my body to be changed until I can't recognize it. But I think we both know there's no option left, right?"

Ddraig can't deny it. He won't but---

[...Still, from your case, shouldn't you feel defensive for changing your body?]

Shaking his head left and right, Issei refutes the dragon's words for his slight misunderstanding. He wasn't happy for the devil to change his physique, not because of becoming one---

"---Because I could trust you, Ddraig-san. You have been open with me from the beginning until now. That's why I could leave my body to you."





He....had no words to give for that. Really, just this one hour, he talked more than any other hosts he had. Moreover, this one particularly has faith in him by entrusting his own body to the dragon. It almost made him in tears for not being viewed only as a good partner...

---But as a friend and family.

[...Aren't you scared? I might take advantage of you.]

"No, you definitely won't."

It was an instant denial, unlike his cautious approach. Instead of laying down the reason, he just smiled brightly at the dragon. His entire soul screams of acceptance toward the dragon.

...Just like Raynare, 

"I believe in you."

Only four words. But, those four words have underlying emotions of trust outweighing his apprehensiveness and suspicion. Issei knows how foolish and dangerous it is to rely on practically a stranger. They were acquainted only for about an hour.

That kind of time length is only for giving a polite introduction, not sacrificing his whole body for it.

It was insanity to the highest order, plain and simple.

Ddraig thought Issei was a cautious person who prioritized his life the most. In most cases, this impression is not wrong as Issei will bolt out of the way if he senses any kind of unnecessary trouble coming to him.

Now though...

[....You are fucking crazy.]

He couldn't help cussing at his partner whose actions were full of contradiction.

To live, he'll sacrifice his body.

To retaliate against the devils and fallen angels, he trusted the dragon inside his body, noting, that has never been talked to until now.

A tiring sigh let out from the dragon's mouth. Hearing his curse with an exasperated tone and sigh, the man himself only scratches the back of his head awkwardly. He himself knew how much illogical and plain nuts of his acts.

Even he too wants to have slow and gradual progress for the safer result. While it's slow, the foundation for it won't be shaken.

However, both of them know. They don't have the luxury nor the privilege for that kind of ample time.

Coughing, he signaled the dragon back to their topic, Issei raised his third finger. In fact, this is the most important one.

"Third, you can have the right to use my body."

[Have you truly lost your mind!?]

How could that be a GOOD THING!!? That's just called possession!

Even the crimson dragon couldn't stay calm on that anymore. There's a limit on how much craziness Ddraig could cope with.

As for the boy himself, he only snickers as if the dragon worrying was the funniest thing ever.

"I'm going to be very honest, Ddraig-san. I'm saying this at risk of offending you."

Taking a deep breath, Issei spoke out about an evaluation no other owner of Booster Gear has ever done.

"The Boosted Gear and the Balance Breaker are practically useless for me."

[...You have some thick nerves saying that in front of ME.]

In the mental landscape, the scene of Ddraig's crumpled face with a growling mouth was clearly seen. The fires of his surroundings suddenly go brighter and hotter in response to his high emotions hearing that.

It was truly playing with fire.


Facepalming his temple for his careless mouth, Issei immediately opened his mouth for additional explanation. He really doesn't want to offend his lifelong partner, but his blunt words really make things worse if not careful.

"That's not what I mean. Yes, your power is amazing and all, but there's no meaning to it if the ones who use it are total beginners. Our enemies won't twiddle their thumbs while we---I build my skill. That's just plain idiotic."


Just like being dosed with cold waters, his rage immediately cooled down with those sensible words. Except for idiots and arrogant fools, nobody sane would want their enemies to fatten themselves without interruptions. This saying especially applies to Boosted Gear.

What Issei meant was simple. No matter how much boost in parameters Issei has with Balance Breaker, it amounts to zero if he doesn't have the proper arsenals or know-how to use it.

That's why, the consequences of Ddraig being able to take control of his body are convenient. No, should he say it's the perfect answer?

As if realizing Issei's intention, Ddraig has a foreboding thought for his next words. 

[Issei...you. Don't tell me---]


Nodding, Issei concludes his last reason.

"You are going to use my body to fight them."


This is fucking crazy.

Such words reverberate through the dragon's mind again and again. Nobody would ever think to give their right for their body to another, Sacred Gear or not. The reason can't be more obvious. That person will be at risk of losing his physique.

And now....now his host is giving the go-ahead for Ddraig to use it explicitly. To add to that, he could modify his body as much as he wished for a larger breathing room.

Once again, the crimson dragon couldn't help but spit out the harsh words from his mouth.

[You insane lunatic.]

Chuckling a little at his curse words, Issei responded calmly, as if he was just ordering food to eat.

"You have to be a little crazy in this world. If not, I won't be able to survive, much more to protect my close ones."

[...You are sure?]

A single nod was given.

"I'm not saying you to possess my body just for fighting, Ddraig-san. I mean it when I say WE both are Sekiryuutei. Rather than leeching each other, it's much more productive to cooperate fully for a shared goal. Besides---"

A cheeky smile appeared on his face.

"I could repay my debt to you too. With this, you won't be stuck in prison just for existing."

[....Haaaahhhh...You really...]

An exasperated sigh released from his mouth. However, if Issei is able to look at his partner, his eyes are glistening in moisture from his host's heartful words.

In the constantly taken position, he was given the most perfect gift ever.

How could he not be touched by the boy's sincerity?

Again and again, this boy never seems to stop surprising him. Rather, it's the first time for Ddraig to be in this kind of position. All possessors of Booster Gear never care much for the plus-one companion in it, much more in making a deal.

With this, he was sure. On the entire history, only him would be this daring and foolish.

However...he didn't hate it. Instead, the feeling of reinvigoration rising from his entire soul corresponds to this hopeful emotion.

He could be truly alive again.

[....Very well. I accept your proposal. Hyoudou Issei, this I promise you. Your enemies will be burned by my fires. Your precious ones will never be harmed as long as I exist. I swore it by name.]

It was a solemn declaration uncharacteristic of the former callous rampaging dragon. There was no falsehood in his words to deceive or exploit his users.

All it has is endless trust and care for his partner, who reaches his hand to the dragon unflinchingly.

Hearing the dragon's words, Issei released a trembling breath of relief. His tense shoulders are finally loosened from a bit brighter prospect.

His enemies are still dangerous. His 'companions' intentions are unclear too. Everything was full of uncertainties and dangers.

But, with this dragon by his side...

"...Thank you."

He could finally stand properly.


After that, they went to the topic of terraforming for Hyoudou Issei. Although, it's a bit surreal for the person itself accept it as it is, the dragon who'll do it feels apprehensive as if opening the pandora's gate.

"...So, how do we do the transformation?"

[Not much. Usually, I do this for the users who are in desperate situations for in need of immediate power. You just need to lie down and leave everything to me.]

Tapping his chin in thought, Issei considered his words slowly. Then, he proposed his idea.

"How about starting it from my heart? The heart is the main core of the human, pumping blood to the entire body. If you change that, you could control my entire body, theoretically."

Blinking repeatedly, Ddraig narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. They can only do this once, so everything must be precise and careful. As for the risk of failure, the dragon has hundreds of times of experience from the boy's predecessors so it's miniscule to none. 

As for Issei's proposal, it was good for short and long-term periods.

(It's not bad. No, it's the most optimal start.)

Terraforming oneself into a dragon couldn't be done in just a few hours. If so, there will be slow but visible side effects happening to the body, unable to cope with its sudden changes.

But if it's from the heart...

[...Yes. Your idea has merit, Issei. In fact, that's the best beginning for the greatest result in the end.]

"Oh. Looks like my average wisdom could get some good answers."

[More like ridiculous, you mean.]

In response to his nonchalant words, the crimson dragon snapped at him deadpanned. Good partner or not, what's crazy is still crazy.

Sighing helplessly, Ddraig lets out a wry smile. This is also the first time of him doing a transfusion with no tension or sense of rejection. Setting his mind on track, Ddraig tells Issei to relax and close his eyes. The less tension from the body, the faster and better changes it will be.

Immediately obliging, he put his head to his pillow while overlapping his hands in his stomach. With this, the preparation is done. The hard part for Issei is just letting the mental gate open to Ddraig. The rest is left to the dragon wholeheartedly.

(...It feels like sleeping in a coffin.)

Letting out a bitter smile at his morbid thoughts, Issei repeats a cycle of deep breaths while still closing his eyes.

[You will lose consciousness for a few moments, but there'll be no pain from it. After all, you won't reject 'me', right?]

"Not even one bit."

[...Alright. Once again, thank you, Hyoudou Issei. The next time you woke up---]

---You will never be the same anymore.

Human, Devil, and now as a dragon.

Such cases could probably be counted on one hand happening in the long passage of history. The first time is unwillingly, but this one is definitely from his own will. He can't make excuses nor even try to.

...People will condemn him. They will slander him as an abomination. They will propagandize him as a monster to subjugate. His close ones may be disillusioned by it.

He knew all of this but still took the risk.

Nothing would be gained if you sacrificed nil.



When changing the world, you will realize how pitifully small and worthless your actions will be.



Issei knows this as he was once a normal person who had nothing special. Therefore, he will throw away all of his lingering regrets, his old mindset, and his future.

Everything of his past self will be burned. He wouldn't even think or dream of going back anymore.

With this, Hyoudou Issei of the mediocre is finally incinerated completely.

What is going to be born---










A force of nature that shook the world.





Author's Note: And done. This concludes the meeting and resolution of Sekiryuutei. I think I was able to illustrate how different their initial start is. Issei mostly demands from Ddraig when he needs power, like saving Rias from the KFC Phenex. In other words, a typical Shounen protagonist beats up the bad boy, gets the girl, and earns everyone's praise.

...What a stupid cliche.

 The middle school me simps for this kind of scenario. When the old me looked back, it was cringing to the highest order. No, seriously. it's just shit. The good and bad are clearly separated, and the MC only 'sacrifices' his hand to win from the great enemy. That sounds so stupid. While it could be impressive if used correctly, the OG MC's motivation is just....ugh.

My Issei though, was ultimately for himself and his parents as the main motivation. He couldn't trust the devils, was wary of the fallen angels, and was scared of the slander coming from angels. Therefore, he will put his body at stake to challenge these ridiculous odds. Moreover, he WILL add Ddraig not as a backseater but as the guide for his growth. No, he won't be a bystander but slowly growing and adapting to the danger.

Moreover, with the original user of Booster Gear as his guide, they will be what they proclaim. The greatest Sekiryuutei TOGETHER. Issei meant it when he banks it all to his spiritual draconic partner. It's just going to be a headache for him if he is constantly hostile to the dragon in his mind, where they could help each other with their wishes.

One for survival, and one for freedom. Both of them could gain what they want from it. Neither won't break the trust either as it's just stupid. Remember, if Issei rejects the will from Ddraig, the deal itself will be thrown to ash, throwing everything in disarray. So both of them have to be completely transparent and open with each other. 

That's all from me, ciao~~

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

NikkeSimpcreators' thoughts