
DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

"A guy reincarnated in the body of Riser Phenex with a system. This work is a piece of fiction, a fanfic created based on the original universe developed by its creators. I want to make it clear that I have immense respect for the work and vision of the original creators. The intention of this fanfic is to explore imaginative possibilities within this universe, without any intention of devaluing or replacing the original work." pat reon.com/22Mirko22

Mirko22 · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter [57]

Riser's Mansion.

Sona entered the room, feeling the weight of the exhausting day on her shoulders. Her steps were slow and her expression serene but tired. She found Riser lying on the bed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling as he seemed immersed in his own thoughts.

"Hello, dear," greeted Sona, her soft voice filling the room. She approached the bed, feeling relieved to finally be able to rest beside her husband.

Riser turned to look at her, a gentle smile lighting up his face. "Hello, Sona. How was your day?"

Sona sighed, sinking into the chair next to the bed. "It was tiring, as usual. But I'm glad to be here with you now."

Riser reached out for her hand, his affectionate gesture conveying comfort. "I'm sorry it's been a tough day. You look exhausted."

Sona accepted Riser's hand gratefully, feeling the comforting warmth of his touch. "I am tired, but being by your side makes me feel better."

Riser gently stroked Sona's hand, his eyes expressing concern. "Dear, you work too hard. Perhaps you should consider taking some time to rest."

With a grateful smile, Sona rested her head on Riser's shoulder. "Thank you, dear, but I still have to check on Yoruichi's skills in the training room later."

Riser nodded, understanding Sona's responsibility as the master of her Peerage. "I understand. But before that, I think this might help." He picked up a small vial containing Phoenix Tears and handed it to Sona. "Take this. It'll help replenish your energy."

Sona looked at Riser with a sincere smile, admiring the thoughtfulness he always showed her. "You've thought of everything, as always. Thank you, dear." She held the vial of Phoenix Tears in her hands, appreciating her husband's caring gesture.

Riser returned Sona's smile, feeling satisfied to be able to help her in some way. "It's my duty as your husband. And if you need more, there's more in the dresser drawer for tomorrow's meeting."

As Sona prepared to take the medicine, Riser took the opportunity to change the subject. "By the way, did anything interesting happen after I left the student council?"

Sona pondered for a moment before responding. "Actually, nothing too important. I just saw Gasper today at the school gate. It was surprising since he usually hides."

Riser gave a subtle smile as he remembered Gasper from the anime. "Sona, who is Gasper?" he asked, keeping a casual tone in his voice as he turned to look at her.

Sona was initially surprised that Riser didn't know Rias's Peerage member, but then she remembered how bad the relationship between Riser and Rias was. She took a deep breath before responding, searching for the right words to explain.

"Well, Gasper is one of Rias's Peerage members. He's half-vampire and half-devil, and he's known for his shyness and for hiding most of the time. He has great power, but struggles to control it and interact with others," explained Sona, hoping Riser would understand the situation.

Riser nodded, absorbing the information. "I see. Dealing with someone so reserved sounds like an interesting challenge. Has Rias been able to help him?"

Sona nodded with a smile. "Yes, she's been trying to help him overcome his shyness and control his power. I think it's just a matter of time until he feels more comfortable in his own environment."

Riser smiled, impressed by Rias's dedication to her Peerages. "It's good to see that she cares so much about her members. Maybe there's hope for Gasper after all."

Sona agreed, feeling grateful that Riser had a positive view of the situation. "Yes, I hope so. He has great potential and could become a valuable part of Rias's Peerage."

Sona got up from the bed after a well-deserved rest of thirty minutes. Feeling refreshed, she decided it was time to check on Yoruichi's skills in the training room. She looked at Riser, who was lying on the bed, and informed him of her plans.

"Dear, I'm going to check on Yoruichi's skills in the training room," said Sona, her soft voice filling the room.

Riser nodded with a gentle smile. "Alright, dear. I'll wait for you here so we can take a bath together when you come back."

Upon hearing Riser's words, Sona felt her cheeks blush slightly. She nodded in agreement before leaving the room, leaving Riser to prepare for her brief absence.

As Sona walked out the door, Riser was immersed in his own thoughts, pondering the possibility of stealing Gasper's Sacred Gear. He knew such an action could have consequences, but the temptation of power was irresistible. Determined to gather more information, he directed his thoughts to the system.

"How many luck points would be required to acquire Gasper's Sacred Gear?" Riser mentally questioned the system, hoping for an answer that could guide his next actions.

The system responded promptly, its gentle voice echoing in his mind. "To steal Gasper's Sacred Gear, 1000 luck points would be required, Host."

Riser pondered the response, mentally calculating the feasibility of obtaining that amount of points. It was a considerable sum, but not out of reach, especially considering the resources at his disposal.

"A thousand luck points..." Riser murmured to himself, weighing the pros and cons. "It's a high price, but the power that this Sacred Gear offers may be worth it."

As he evaluated the situation, Riser considered the additional cost of 2000 luck points to incorporate the Sacred Gear into his own body. It was a significant amount, but the power to control time was a definite trump card in battle. Moreover, he knew he could acquire all these points during the Faction Meeting.

While pondering the costs and benefits of acquiring Gasper's Sacred Gear, he knew he would need help, and Merlin was the perfect person for the job. With a firm thought, he mentally called for Merlin to his room.

Merlin, as always, responded quickly to Riser's call, teleporting to the room with her usual elegance and mysterious presence. She looked at Riser with curiosity, waiting for his instructions.

"Merlin, I have a plan that requires your skill and subtlety," began Riser, his tone serious and determined. "I need you to go with Sona to the faction meeting. When the opportunity arises, I want you to kidnap Gasper for me."

Merlin raised an eyebrow, her mischievous gaze indicating that she was already interested in Riser's plan. "A kidnapping, Riser-sama? That's quite... intriguing. But first, I need to know more about this Gasper. What is he like?"

Riser explained calmly, describing Gasper's physical characteristics and abilities. "Gasper is half-Vampire, half-devil. He's known for his shyness and likes to dress in feminine clothes. Additionally, he has the power to control time, which makes him a valuable piece for our plans."

Merlin listened attentively, absorbing the information with interest. She seemed surprised by Gasper's powers, but her mischievous smile indicated that she was already plotting in her mind.

"Well, it seems we have an interesting challenge ahead," commented Merlin, her voice tinged with excitement. "But don't worry, Riser-sama. With my magic and your strategy, we'll be unstoppable."

Riser smiled satisfactorily, confident in Merlin's ability and cunning. "Great. Remember to act with discretion and speed. We can't attract unnecessary attention to our plans."

Merlin nodded, perfectly understanding Riser's instructions. "Understood, Riser-sama. Leave the rest to me. I'll ensure Gasper is brought to you without any trouble."

pat reon.com/22Mirko22