
DxD: Template system

His name in his past life? Albedo... In this one? Izayoi... For some reason, he knows not after dying he has been reincarnated in this anime-like world where people have all kinds of hair and eye colors... There is also the fact that he has a unique system...

HolierThanThou515 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


There once was a man, not unlike any other, he had family, friends, and even lovers at times. He was mainly a fan of MMA but also liked reading light novels on the side and watching Japanese animation with his older brother.

He wasn't the brightest nor particularly stupid, he was merely as average as one can be, heck even his relationship with his family was average. All the opposite of his older brother who was apparently perfect in everything and quite the family man.

Though it became rather exhausting to be constantly compared to his brother, he learned to live with it and as a result, he started to less and less take others opinions into account in his life. Well except his older brother, he didn't even have a choice in that case.

He graduated high school, went into Uni and once again he was average, even then he didn't care, as in reality, he just liked it that way, he wasn't someone to give his all in anything he endeavored.

One night after a big heated argument with his then-girlfriend, he decided to retire outside to take a breather.

Then he realized that he really didn't want to go back there, it was just too much effort he wasn't willing to make, so he ended up calling his good old brother who was conveniently always there for him whenever he needed it.

[Hey Will...] The younger brother said as the older took the call.

[Ho, Kevin! How are you?] The older brother's tone was one of pleasant surprise.

[Well... Listen, I got in a pretty big argument with Emma and, to be honest, I don't feel like staying there tonight.] Kevin confessed, a little depressed.

[...] Will didn't speak for a moment moment, but soon his voice resounded from the other side. [I will be here in soon.] As he said the sound of a door being locked could be heard from his side.

[Thanks man.] Kevin sighed with relief, he knew there was no way his brother would let him down but it was still a little... You know.

Thus Kevin Waited for his brother.

2 minutes.

5 minutes.

10 minutes.

But he still wasn't here yet, which was quite unusual, it has to be known that Will was one hell of a gentleman, never had he failed to keep his word.

Even so, considering that he didn't live that far from where he was actually.

"Let's wait a bit more, no need to worry too much. Perhaps he forgot something and went back to retrieve it." Kevin spoke to himself trying to reassure his easily reaching brain. But it was to no avail as he started having a bad feeling about this.

15 minutes...

17 minutes...

Just as he was going to call his brother again, he felt his phone vibrating in his hand as his phone rang.

Without even looking at the caller he took it before speaking with an annoyed voice.

[You worried me here, what happened?"]

[Sorry, am I speaking with Kevin Throne, the brother of William Throne? ] Unexpectedly a voice he didn't quite recognize shot back at him with a question of his own.

Immediately it was like someone poured cold water on his whole body, he became lethargic for a moment before his heartbeat picked up, accelerating, as if it was hitting his rib cage.

[...Yes. Who are you?] He tried his best to calm himself down as he spoke but his voice gave away his emotional state

[My name is Rick Smith, and I am really sorry to be the one to announce to you that your brother has passed away in a car accident with a truck]


Yes, this is a rewrite.

Yes, it's going to be quite different from the previous one.

Yes, the Mc is the older brother. Surprising isn't it? Beat me.

Yes, I will be basing his personality off Elijah from The Originals/Vampire Diaries.

Yes, You are gonna like it, cause everybody loves Elijah thus everybody will love the MC.