
DxD: Template system

His name in his past life? Albedo... In this one? Izayoi... For some reason, he knows not after dying he has been reincarnated in this anime-like world where people have all kinds of hair and eye colors... There is also the fact that he has a unique system...

HolierThanThou515 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


"What-" I woke up, seemingly after a long sleep, confused and disoriented. 

But that condition didn't last much longer As I looked around me, my short-term memory loss got flung away, instead vivid memories of my chest being tranpierced made its way into my brain.

"Transpierced?" My eyes widened as I looked down at my chest to myself completely fine, with no gapping hole in it, but I couldn't say as my for my clothes. 

My clothes were all bloodied and with tears here and there as if I was apart after my death or something, and if that was really the case, it wouldn't be surprising. That fanatic was just crazy after all.

I was still a bit confused about how I was still alive, and what really happened here, In which world would a religious fanatic vagabond around with a gun and a light sword? 

God, we are not in Star Wars, are we? And also Devils? I reek of the scent of devils. What was that about? I need to think, but I doubt I should stay here more than this, we never know what may happen.

Holding that though I tried getting up, I was surprised to see my body feel lighter than before, Did I lose too much blood? No that is not it, the ease with which I moved and the fluidity of my action... this was all strange to me.

But as I said, no time to think right now, I must hurriedly vacate the place. So I quickly walked away, with silent steps, A ninja should be careful after all.

Wait, ninja? What was that about? Am I becoming crazy or something? No, I am probably just shaken from the earlier interaction.

I didn't know how much time I was out for, but it seemed that we were pretty deep into the night, so much that although the noise had reappeared as I could hear insects doing their thing, I couldn't see any humans around.

So it was pretty easy to get back home without alerting anyone of my condition. Once home, I hurriedly closed shut then locked the door behind me. I got rid of all of my clothes and shoes before throwing them in the dumpster. 

Next, I put down the bag holding the drink I previously bought... Yes, I took it with me, If I almost died to get it, do you think I would just leave it? No, no way.

Taking my towel with me, I went into the bathroom and started taking a shower, a hot one. The strength of the water, the sound of it hitting, and the feeling of it on my skin. I felt myself relaxing little by little. 

I relaxed so much that I stopped thinking entirely, I don't how much time I stayed under the shower but all I knew was that it was therapeutic.

When I walked out, I felt like a new man. But I was exhausted, too damn exhausted, my body just cathed up as the influx of adrenaline as long since stopped. 

I was so tired that I couldn't even get myself to eat or drink. After drying myself I just plumped into my bed, barely having managed to muster the strength to put on a comfy short.

And then I slept, like never before, not only that but I dreamt a strange dream, this experience was unique I must say.


I found myself in what seemed like a classroom full of kids, with different hair colors. And at the front a man wearing a front head protector with a strange spiraling symbol on it. 

Gradually I felt my head being filled with memories and experiences foreign to me.

Minato Namikaze... Civilian... Ninja Academy...hailed genius and ninja prodigy... Like Red-Head.

-Scene change-

I stood as I looked at the man who would become my sensei and other teammate. Although my teammates were ordinary, my sensei was not.

The Hermit Jiraya... A Jonin and one of the strongest ninjas of the village, also publicly known as an irredeemable pervert.

-Scene Change-

I was finishing eating dinner when the news came to me that Kushina had been kidnapped. Without thinking I sped out to look for her, starting by investigating her home. From there I found clues of where they went and it led me to the forest in the middle of the night.

I carefully but quickly looked around for more clues and my eyes captured a trail of red hair going forward. It was Kushina's, I could recognize immediately. She must have discreetly left it on the way so it would be easier to find her.

I started moving silently and agility through the woods making use of my shrurgically calculated steps. 

Through the cover of the night, it didn't take much time for me to find them as they entered the range of my perception. I could feel four trails of chakra moving, one bigger than the rest, and it was Kushina without a doubt.

I quickly determined the quickest and most efficient way to deal with them and directly sprang into action.

Using the darkness to my advantage, I bounced from a tree to behind the first kidnapper and swiftly took him out with a strike to the neck before jumping away just as fast.

Noticing this, the other two turned around to ascertain the situation and I profited from that opening to appear behind one of them and also take him out with a jumping kick at the back of his head.

The last one finally reacted as he took multiple jumps away to conceal himself within the trees. But unbeknown to him I was a sensor and thus his chakra signature was still within my range. So I also jumped from a tree behind him horizontally with a heavy kick to his chest, sending him flying toward another tree before being knocked unconscious.

And guess what? I was not even going 100%.

"Are you hurt?" Jumping before the weirdly walking Kushina with her head down I asked. It was only then she stopped walking and finally looked at me.

"I came to save you." I flashed a smile to comfort her.

She smiled with relief a tried to walk toward me, but it seemed that she was too exhausted, thus she fell... at least that would be what would have happened if I didn't speed catch her.

"You'll be alright." I held her in my arm in a princess carry before jumping away to my side facing the moon, giving the scene a rather cinematic touch.

-Scene change-

"Haha" I visibly gasped for air and stood exhausted, beside me my two teammates and sensei. We were cornered to say as before us were two Jinjuriki charging up tales beast bombs. 

A single one could destroy an entire city, imagine two.

"If you wanted to fight on even four with us, you should have brought the nine-tails jinjuriki!" Loudly proclaimed the host of the three-tails.

"Tailes beast bombs... This got problematic." I heard Jiraya-sensei speak. "Let's retreat first, Minato!"

"Yes sir!" I went into action as I did a quick hand sign. Seeing this the two jinjuriko were about to fire their bombs I knew there was almost no time left. With my hand on the back of Sensei and the other two hands on my back. I cast my signature jutsu.

[Hirashin No Jutsu- Flying Thunder God]

I felt space warp for a moment before we all instantly teleported kilometers away from the battlefield.

And As I saw them tails beast bombs explode I had an idea, an inspiration if you will. 

I was going to create a new jutsu!

-Scene change-

Years later I stood as Jonin before a team of three of my own, this time I was the sensei and I had to make sure to guide them right. 

Kakashi, Obito, Rin. I hope I'll be able to make you proud ninjas and protectors of the leaf.

-scene change-

A huh? He is strong, even more so when he teams up with his brother, They are one of the strongest ninjas I had to fight... but, that alone wouldn't be enough to manage me.

-scene change-

Hokage! Finally, I was able to realize my dream and become Hokage, That satisfaction... so fulfilling. Hehe, I wonder what my beautiful wife will make for dinner tonight.

-Scene change-

A father already? To think I was going to have a son with Kushina, what a blessing! But it's also worrying, for a jinjuriki to give birth... precautions and preparation had to be made.

-scene change-

It's finally the day, tonight, Kushina will give birth, but I don't why, I have a bad feeling about this.

-Scene change-

Damn... who would have thought that such a thing would happen? Madara Uchiha? Kyubi being released and rampaging into the village? The wife of the third Hokage dying...

And finally me and my wife being tranpierced in the chest to protect our just born son...

Still, as a man, a Hokage, a husband, and a father, I did what I had to do for the best interest of all. If I had one regret, it would be to not have been able to see my son grow and my wife get older.


"Ahhh!!" I stretched my arms as I woke up and sat on the bed, That dream was so realistic that I still had trouble distinguishing reality from fiction.

It all seemed pretty real to me honestly, I could have sword my name was Minato Namikaze and I lived an alternative life in an alternative world full of Ninjas and whatnot.

"It's already 9? I guess I didn't hear the alarm clock since I was too deep into it." 

I was so hungry that I felt as if I could eat a whole meal for six. And for some reason, I feel like eating some ramen.

I should first start off by brushing my teeth and whatnot, then I would get something to eat.

Yes, I am planning on skipping school today, What happened yesterday still had me shaken, and that strange dream didn't fail to add to it.

Then let's do this. 

[Shadow clones jutsu!] I made a hand sign like I used to do in the dream.

"Hahaha, as if-" I stopped talking in shock as I felt a somewhat familiar but also a little different energy move in my body, reflexively I controlled it minutely to not waste any while in the process of obtaining my desired result. It was like an automatism more honestly.

I was surrounded by smoke for a moment before another me appeared on the side.

"How?" I wondered out loud, this was not supposed to happen right?

"Eh." My clone shrugged, as oblivious as I am.


It was then I heard a mechanical voice in my head.

[You have successfully assimilated with Minato Namikaze to the extent of the current template.]

[Minato Namikaze Template: 55%]

[As you first template, you will receive the full equipment package. Please retrieve it from your inventory.]

That situation. 

I let out a disbelieving laugh as I witnessed it. I was just... I didn't know what to think anymore.

I was no stranger to this kind of situation, I read some novels at the recommendation of my brother, so I knew what a system was. Solo leveling, Strongest system, Fated villain, ORV... and so on.

They all had some kind of system, they were all different in some way. But what I do not understand is why I have one as well.

Am I really in a light novel or something? I may have thought about it previously but that didn't mean I wished for it to be true.

"Sigh." I dispelled my clone and decided that thinking deeper than this would be easier. The system itself doesn't seem to want to give me answers, heck I doubt it was even sentient.

Anyway, thinking about it, this could only be good for me, I realized this world was not so normal yesterday, there are devils, and fanatical priests, what if there are more? like angels and gods and stuff, I am no stranger to this kind of setting. With this, It's only right for me to get stronger, now I will have a better chance to discover what happened to my sister.

Yes, even if it's only for that, it would be worth it to dive into the abyss- or so I presume.

Ignoring my rumbling stomach, I thought hard about [Inventory] and before my eyes a standard inventory straight from a video game.

From it I could see many things, Minato's clothes, even his Hokage robe, and a bunch of scrolls. I knew already what was in them.

One contained a Ninja food ration.

One, ninja tools like special/personalised kunais, and stuff.

One, meds, and the like.

One, multiple sets of clothes and such.

That was all, but that was also all he needed.


Some time later, after eating I sat and thought of my next plan of action. School is cool and all but to be honest, right now it was all but my priority. I already went through it once, not doing it a second time wouldn't bother me.

The scent of devils... considering all possibility it's much probable that there are some at my school. And if Stories had to be believed then that priest must not be so wrong to kill someone who associates with them... at least that's what I would say if I hadn't realized that there must have been multiple cases like mine.

People are unjustly killed while they don't even realize they have been around devils or some other supernatural.

As for the priest... Not talking about the fact that he is going around killing innocents, just for the fact that he attacked me, much less killed me. A price has to be paid. And it would be very expensive.

I will find him, extract information from him, and then, only then, will I accomplish vengeance, I was indeed a gentleman, but I was no pushover. Actions have consequences and his will reach him, revived from death.

Speaking of that I also realized how I healed, which probably has to do with the system.

Now, the most hurried matter, I had to check my strength, I fear having gotten weaker since my dream, as it has been stated I only have 55% of what should be my strength.

Closing my eyes and crossing my legs, I peered within myself and felt my or what was supposed to be my chakra.

And I was surprised to say from the cheer quantity alone I was no weaker than I was in the dream, in fact, I should be considered stronger, The amount of chakra I possessed increased, I could guess why but the thing is... my chakra itself was strange.

Althought it had that familiar feeling to it, it was also rather different, as if it was fused with something else.... No use thinking about it, the system's fault once again probably, As long as I can use it like I previously used to, it would be fine by me.

"Hm, what's that?" There is another source of chakra in my body? it was something of an infinity symbol constantly revolving...And that familiar feeling...

"The nine-tail's chakra?" The system, rather than taking the nine-tails with me, it chooses to create a reactor of the sort to produce tailed beast chakra to give it to me? 

Realizing that, I couldn't help but smile, I just got stronger than I was, much, much stronger.


Next chapter, 

We will see some... actions I think. Also,