
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 39: Return & Reassurance

The familiar scent of my room sent me reeling making my eyes go misty even though it hasn't even been that long. It was less than four days, but this has become home and the familiar people in my life care about me. There's no better feeling, not even fighting against impossible odds comes close. 

A spatial tear within my room alerted me of the emerging Jibril with the two shaken nekos who appeared to have recently bathed. Their ragged clothing was solved too and I was pleasantly surprised at Jibril's initiative. 

"Hey Jibril, thanks for holding down the fort and taking care of them, and it looks like you two got situated already... Oof..." I was talking in a cheerful manner, but they blurred, and though I was tough enough to resist falling, I only resisted because of my quick gravity draw. 

"It's good to see you Master, things would've gone far more smoothly, but it also made you grow, so I suppose it was a price that needed to be paid..." Jibril whispered to me in a mana-empowered voice that only I could pick up. I smiled awkwardly at her words. 

Jibril engulfed me in her soft embrace from behind while she left enough room for the other two to hug me simultaneously in the front. I smiled at the display of affection and their apparent worry. I was gone for way too long and though Jibril updated them it appeared it wasn't enough until they saw me. 

I patted all their heads unconsciously and followed up with a soothing voice. "There there, you three. As you can see, I'm fine, though I did get roughed up a bit since he was a big bastard, I got out in one piece and took the time to rest."

"It's not the same nya... I couldn't move to help you in any way and that was frustrating-nya. What is the point of me enduring all that if I couldn't even defend you, Shirone, or myself!?"

Ah, a much more deep-rooted problem. I can't really just say everything is gonna be fine from now on because that doesn't solve anything, she still had to live with this trauma, she still has to cope with the fact that that shit happened and she had been helpless. I sighed and ruffled her hair. "Damn right, but I was way too weak to face it too, so don't beat yourself too much over that fact. I was in no way prepared to handle that problem, it was only through sheer luck that I was able to have the right tools to handle it, and by this time I'm sure you have noticed the training and the power Jibril wields right..."

She stiffened and sniffled a few tears, but looked up at me all the same. There was sadness in her eyes because of my words, but acceptance as well, so it was a start. She even understood when her eyes glanced up at the floating flugel behind me. A new voice cut in though, a bit monotone, but soft all the same. "Then why... didn't Jibril-san handle it, Ryu-san...? Wasn't it scary?"

I looked at the small Shirone who had uncertainty and confusion swirling within her eyes. I shook my head. "It wasn't an option for me, though you're not as attuned to souls as Kuroka, you felt the auras of negative energy right?" I looked to the side wistfully after I saw her nod her head slightly. "Well, it was sort of like me taking the responsibility upon myself, they were calling out to me and I wanted to respond in kind by freeing them from the torment, if that makes sense? A bit full of myself, but it was something I chose to do, you know."

She was still confused but nodded her head a bit as she thought it over. 

Kuroka piped up. "I still feel like I should've done something, maybe even as a distracti-"

I chopped her head in response. "Now, let's not be reckless. What good would that do? Do you want to make Shirone worry about you too?" 

She bit her lip, clearly frustrated at the response and at the implication of causing even more worry upon the small girl hugging me tightly. Her tail wound itself up on Shirone's and Kuroka looked up at me and nodded resolutely. 

After a few more moments, they reluctantly parted away from me- well, except for Jibril, much to the other two's annoyance. We all sat down at the table finding it prudent to talk about what happens next. Honestly, there was a lot to look over since having another two girls join would make things insanely hard, but at the same time there would be no point in hiding so I thought it best to hold a meeting with everyone, right after I gift them some stuff though and talk about what to do. 

"Ahem, so you guys already know, and I'm sure Jibril has told you stuff, but still let's do this formally. I'm Ryu Ichijo, heir to the Shuei Yakuza Clan, a human and now a dragon as well. Jibril found traces of scientists and with that found you guys after a bit of snooping, with that decision as a foolish dark hero I went all in," I shook my head and sighed. "It was my selfish desire to rescue you two, and it'd be irresponsible of me to not see things through, so you will be inducted into the clan if you so wish, probably gonna have to talk to my father about it..." I then began muttering about the ritual and stuff that needed to get done so it could be formal.

At some point, every member has to get a tattoo, if they so wish of course, but it'd also make you a member member so yeah. I don't have one yet and neither does Raku, but Mamako and Miyu both do, perhaps when we get older. 

"Woah woah, that's a lot to take in! Dragon makes sense from when I saw you transform your hand into a reptilian claw and I don't mind so much about the rescue, we're both grateful..." Kuroka hurriedly said, biting her lip in frustration, and peeking at Shirone. "But why offer this nya?" 

But Shirone perked up and beat me to it before I answered. "You're a dragon?! Ah, the yakuza and a dragon... wait, then if we went through it that would make us a part of your family, right!? Isn't the answer obvious nee-san?!"

"Nya!? Is it really that obvious? But Shirone, we could go anywhere with his help and he said it was an option..." However, she said it in a way that implied that she wasn't trying to consider the other options. 

"Ehhh, but it'd be better for us to get stronger with Ryu-san, no? Didn't you always say to take any opportunity to survive, this will help us, won't it?!"

This sweet child is just as precious as Shouko and Saki. God dammit. Kuroka appeared at an impasse, so I gave her another bone to take hold of in a way that would help her justify staying. 

"Well, I was thinking of creating my own organization, soul-bound group, and secret crime-fighting alliance. So you could always join me in doing that, of course being a part of the family would be a boon, but not necessary. It would just give you more of a way to stay hidden and provide a block from the supernatural."

With that Kuroka 'reluctantly' agreed, much to the joy of Shirone, who hugged her sister right away at her acceptance. I smiled at their sisterly interaction. I then began to explain the implications of what I discovered about the Soul Pieces and with that finally told Jibril as well. She was mad about it but was happy as she learned more about what the pieces entailed. I also let the girls know about everyone staying here and information that was relevant to what needed to be done, like training and stuff. 

As I did, I remembered the system rewards from the quest and then the items I had my eyes on for them. My eyes then went to the side as I took a look at my inventory and the system quest message that I separated from the others that were pending review. I'll get back to you quickly, and mentally sent an apology to Eve who was organizing it. She waved off my concern, so I quickly took out the items and with a flash, they appeared on the table much to the shock of the two nekoshous. 


[Emergency Quest] { DxD Mash-up Home-World } -

[ Status ] : Completed! [ Grade ] : B++ [ Rewards ] : Transferred.

[ Description/Objectives ] : Save the two Nekoshou sisters, Kuroka and Shirone. Prevent Kuroka from leaving her little sister. Prevent Shirone from hating her big sister, Kuroka, and tell her the truth about what Kuroka experienced. 

[ Bonus! ] - Purge and Purify the tormented and tortured souls trapped inside the abominations. Cleanse the rogue fused monsters (Yokai#+Phantom%+Demon). 

[ $Secret#&Objective% ] - [ Unknown ]

[ Rank ] : B+ - A 

[ Remaining Time ] : Break of Dawn

[ Rewards ] : Black Tail-Ribbon of Titaness Strength (Mythical Rank) , White Tail-Ribbon of Harmony (Mythical Rank) , 150K Soul Points, Jar of Soulfire -Violet- (Legendary Rank) ]

As I eyed the completed quest, raising a brow at the grade, I then trained my eyes on the items before us. There were two specifically within my inventory and then the two from the rewards. The Tiara of the Awakened Beast (Mythical Rank) glittered with many gemstones of differing colors that had runes and then intricate inscriptions of what appeared to be many types of beasts within them. The other would be the Ring of Beastial Transformation (Mythical Rank) and though it didn't have the gemstones, it did have an iridescent diamond that had multiple runes covering its surface. I was curious and as I peered into it, I was able to make out multiple beasts fading in and out as if it were a slideshow. 

The girls oohed and ahhed at the two beautiful pieces of jewelry, and while they did, I took a look at the two ribbons. The Black Tail-Ribbon of Titaness Strength (Mythical Rank) was a beautiful inky black that completely matched the fur of Kuroka and it had a small gold gemstone in the middle that pulsed and gave the ribbon a golden glow in patterns. Runes were inscribed onto the fabric, and Ddriag piped up in my mind to tell me it was written in some high Ancient language that he could barely decipher, but it was filled to the brim with enhancements for strength. I whistled in appreciation and took a look at the White Tail-Ribbon of Harmony (Mythical Rank). He commented that it was much harder to decipher this one since it has to do with allowing the user to properly take in incompatible or any type of energy and merge it with their own and power themselves up. Jesus, I gotta take a better look at the description of these sometime soon because that's just plain awesome. The ribbon had darker gold gemstones that lit up the ribbon and highlighted the serene landscapes of an oasis and hidden grove. I had no idea how that was even possible to stitch together. 

I coughed to get their attention and began telling them the effects. "Those two pieces will be yours," I grabbed them and proceeded to place the ring on Kuroka's finger and the Tiara on Shirone's head. "They will help you unlock an ancient transformation of your race and also freely change into a mini version of it. Of course, it depends on your power for the super one, and since Shirone doesn't have much right now she can't do it, though Kuroka you can do it for a few minutes. This will help you two be one with your race and help you adapt to your body's powers and the volatile energy that you guys might be exposed to."

Kuroka understood and though she had a dark look in her eyes, she looked at the ring with burning determination. We heard a poof and we both quickly turned to Shirone who was not a fluffy white cat with not just one tail but a phantasmal second one that phased in and out of reality. Shit, that's epic. She made her way over to me stretched out onto my lap and proceeded to purr in contentment when I scratched her. With puffed-up cheeks, Kuroka poofed as well climbed onto my shoulder, and cuddled. I then proceeded to tell them about the ribbons and though they appeared embarrassed about it, they let me tie them onto their tails. It was a blissful time being surrounded by fluffy fur, but there was no point holding off on what happened next. 

Knowing there was no better time than now I took in a deep breath, and I let my aura reveal myself to the girls who appeared distracted as they went through their routines. I didn't feel the presence of my moms or a couple of the girls, they might be busy in their homes or prior appointments. I let the two nekos know to hold off on changing back, I had to soothe the girls first. 

With a pitter-patter and some stomps, my sliding door was thrown open and a gaggle of girls came pouring in. I had long since stood up and was a bit away from both the table and the door. A good position because both Shouko and Saki launched themselves at me followed quickly by Natsume, Kaori, Ayaka, and Yurika. Wails reached my ears, and I did my best to quickly reassure them with my head pats and voice. 

I kept it up until they transitioned to sniffles, and at that point, Shouko spoke up in a trembling voice empowered by her mana that sent me reeling since it appeared as if she took a chunk of my mana and used it herself. "E-even though Akeno reassured us, she was still so s-scared... We were doing everything we could to keep our minds from wandering, but it was so hard. W-we could only wait for your return... I-i'm so glad, y-you're okay, Ryu-kun!" 

Her words hit me like a truck, literally and emotionally. A wave of inexplicable feelings went through me as I processed what she said, and when I did I gave them a huge hug, squeezing them. Their heartfelt cries warmed my heart, but it wasn't until I heard Shouko's quivering voice that I ultimately processed what they went through because of my absence through my thick stupid skull. These girls care for me, they care for me so much, and they grew more powerful because of it, I can tell because even though they were a bit wobbly in training, they pushed themselves through the ringer with sheer determination. But as soon as they saw me, they broke down, and at that point, I realized they weren't just going to pretend everything was okay or bottle it up because well, we're still kids, and it wasn't until that hit me that I noticed my eyes becoming blurry as my tears slid down my face and leaned into their hugs more. I felt soft paws on me and the presence of Jibril and savored the lovely feeling of being buried in love. 

The fucken battle was terrifying. The souls and their torment were mortifying and hit me on such a deep level that I had mentally blocked it out. Maybe if I took a look at the messages I would find that the system did put a cap on it until I acknowledged what happened. A mental confirmation buzzed through my soul and with that, I had Eve's word that it was true. I fucken survived and it was thanks to the seal breaking because of my wrath skill, and because of the advantage of my fused skills. Plot armor? Fuck yeah I'll take it any day of the week, this shit is a dangerous world, and living in it means mental and physical torment are a step away. Not to mention the looming threat of being transported into another world with most of my powers sealed, a brand new identity, and shit to do to save people I will most definitely come to care about. 

Holy fuck. 

I can't say that I was ever ready for this, maybe my naive self thought he had this, but I knew shit wasn't gonna work, at least at a subconscious level I knew. I can't even say that I will ever be ready, maybe when I reach a more mature age and have a much more stable resolve, but shit is not gonna change. I'm still going to protect the people I care about and love, even if I use anger and fear as a way to strengthen myself. Bulldozing through problems will only take me so far, but I'm glad I have the proper skills to showcase. 

We stayed like that for a while and soon we separated and sat around the huge bed of mine.

Ayaka spoke up first while grabbing the two nekos in her arms while the others began petting them gently or waiting for their turn. "So, who are these two cuties?"

I rubbed the back of my head and went right for the truth. "Well, funny story. I happened to save them from some mad scientists and they will probably be inducted into the yakuza clan as a way to protect them since they are unaffiliated Yokai, Nekoshous to be exact."

With a tilt of her head and her pointer finger on her lips, Yurika spoke up in confusion, "Isn't that the name for people with animal-like characteristics, and aren't the yokai made up of a bunch of different species..."

Narrowed eyes looked pointedly at me, but they didn't burst and instead turned to the two nekos.

Saki brushed the soft fur of Shirone as she said, "S-so, these two are yokai cat humans, kinda like us with our race changes!"

"They feel as soft as my wings!" Shouko gushed as she ran her fingers through Kuroka's fur. 

"Ah!" Saki flinched in surprise at Shouko magically making her wings appear, but as she rubbed her face on them and continued caressing the nekos fur, she shouted, "You're right! I feel like I'm in the clouds! It's too bad my wings don't feel like that."

With a giggle, Yurika patted Saki's head, "Now now, no need to compare yourself, they feel pleasant and cool to the touch, plus they are rather fragile with our enhanced strength.."

Saki sighed but relented. "I guess, you're right. My illusions will probably be tangible the longer I practice with them s-so maybe I can conjure fluffy wings or fluffy ears!"

"Fufu, that's the spirit," Yurika responded with an amused smile.

Saki with angel wings and fluffy fox ears... Now that's a wonderful combination. I approve! Cuteness rules!

Kaori stopped with the brush she got from who knows where and crawled right up to me as she spoke up in excitement. "Wait! Does that mean they can go from transformation to transformation?!"

And as those words left her mouth and were used as a signal they jumped out of the girls' arms and onto the floor at the foot of the bed. With a poof- illusion smoke apparently as a side effect of transforming- they turned back into their human selves, well this time Kuroka was sporting three tails and Shirone still had one, but her second became visible from time to time. 

With squeals of excitement, the girls crowded around them and began introducing one another. No barbs or attacks came my way so I'll take this as an absolute win. 

A fond smile was on my face, but I glanced down at the USB hairpin I was twirling in my hands. A bit of teleportation at the cost of a bit of pain made it easy for me to swipe it. With a thought, I held Jibril's iPad and successfully transferred the files, I needed the original, so I reformed it so it never was a USB and made another to transfer the files there as well. The iPad was back-up and I sent it back to Jibril. The USB copy then disappeared from my inventory and the original was subtly put back in her hair. I added some protection, so those who would know about it would subtly take their attention off of it and forget why they know it's familiar. 

"Are you guys gonna take his offer to join his yakuza clan?" Ayaka said point blank when I redirected my attention back to them. 

Everyone else stiffened, but Shrione cheerfully replied. "Of course! We'd be able to get stronger and stay by his side always! It'd make us family! Are you guys going to be joining too?!" Red faces poofed this way and that way. Ayaka faired better she just had a blush as she petted the oblivious nekos head. 

"Hmmmm, well, perhaps when we get older I just might," She mumbled as she stared at me from the corner of her eye. "He'd have to pose the question directly..." 

Shirone was cheerfully gonna reply, but Kuroka's eye glinted and she clamped her hand on her mouth. "It is a big decision, but we decided it's best if we do, especially because of our lack of affiliation nya."

"Anyway, I heard you guys were training, think you guys can help us get the hang of things? Ryu's tired and I'm sure he needs his rest nya," Kuroka piped up before the others got a word in. 

The others eyed me with reluctance, but they did see the bags under my eyes apparently, and fatigue was worming its way into my gaze, or at least that's what they were mumbling about. I can't deny that a nap would be good, though I still have to look over a bunch of stuff before I could even think of resting. Their company is soothing, but it would help a lot if they weren't here if Jibril wanted to manifest though. 

A chorus of fines followed as they jumped onto the bed to hug me and made their way out. Kuroka and Shirone stayed a bit behind, offered me a smile, and nodded in tandem. I mouthed a silent thank you and let myself fall onto the soft sheets below. 

Jibril popped out in front of my face, and ever so gently gloated until she smoothly slid in next to me. Nodding in her direction, she held out her hand to my heart and a pulse of soothing energy went through me. Her soul prodded my own and I winced at the sensation. Looks like the wounds are still tender, but it's alleviating with the help of Jibril. She had her eyes closed and her pink hair struck a pretty figure because of the soft bluish-pink glow emanating from her. 

I flexed my soul a bit, and though it did hurt quite a bit when I let it out when I nudged the girls earlier, this time it felt like the world came crashing down but a flash of light held it at bay. With steady breaths, I worked together with Jibril to fill in the gashes and cracks ever so slightly. 

I had to do this or else it'd hurt every time I had to speak with Ddraig or Eve. Since they were connected by a delicate soul connection, it had hurt my soul to contact them since they used a bit of soul power. They knew that so they refrained and used a burst of feelings to get their point across, they could manifest words like Ddraig did, but projected into my mind. 

I sighed at the state I was in, but there was much to do so I didn't dawdle. Time to face the system music. 

hello there!

ended up spilitting this into two chapters so I thought it would be better to have him get situated with the two new nekos and the worried girls. It was appropriate in my opinion.

well let me know what you guys think! as usual I shall go back and fix my mistakes or expand stuff.

Probably dialogue tbh and its good that I have a few ideas.

thanks !

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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