
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 28: Jibril's Secret Mission

Jibril POV

In the dark expanse of the underworld, I, the great Jibril am doing a covert but important mission for my master. It is of the utmost that I succeed in finding what he desires. Even if those desires fall more and more into saving defenseless maidens. 

I'm a maiden too master! 

I pout when I remember he's still but a child. Why can't he just shapeshift? That'll take care of the problem, but noooo, something about the morality of it and how it's better to wait until nature takes its course on his body. 

You're a dragon! I bet you're already mature! And if you're not then it won't matter because of how long you will live. Tch, you will cave eventually master. And I'll be right there waiting, I even have a smaller form! 

Right, the mission. And when I do remember the mission, I remember how he's off enjoying himself with those other girls. Grrrr, I wanted to train master too. But he said I can't show myself yet. 

But why?! There is no need to play it so cautiously! Those hussies won't know what hit them if I show my glorious self, heh they'll tremble at my imposing figure. Master also was awe-struck that day, so it's only natural the others will be immobilized by fear. I puff out my chest a bit at the thought. Surely soon master will allow me to make a grand appea-

Whoops. I swerved out of the way while the claw of a massive ugly brute tore through the air behind me. I seem to have gotten distracted yet again. I lobbed a destructive ball of energy that wiped it off the map and resumed my flight, adjusting it a bit until I was up in the sky. What a dreary sight, but a far cry from my old world.

I wonder how they're doing. Master did promise we would visit, but the destination would be random and it may not land on my world any time soon. I sigh at the thought. They will miss me, but they are capable of taking care of themselves. I can't feel sorry for them, they'd get angry. I chose to come here and I'd do it however many times I must if it means getting to meet the master. 

Hmph you continue to spoil me. Master, you make this so difficult.

His voice then echoes within me, making me remember why this mission is so important. He had sent me off to the underworld after investigating the town, saying the schedule had to be moved up. When I pouted he said it couldn't helped, he knew it wasn't an ideal time but with the appearance of whatever those creatures were things are looking dire. 

With renewed vigor I scanned the land below me, noting the different life forms and how they survive. 

Nothing seems to be out of place, there are no wards or barriers preventing people from ignoring the space around them. I had half a mind to burn down the forest and wasteland below me to snuff out potential threats and lure out the ones master is worried about, but I restrained myself. It wouldn't due if I got the ones he wished to rescue killed. Besides, looks like this place is empty.

I sped up passing anything that might detect my presence. I still had to keep in mind that I must not reveal myself. Ddraig, that dragon, doesn't have to worry about such things. It's not fair, but I'll remain patient. 

There were many beasts and other such creatures with incredible power, but it wouldn't do for me to engage in a bout. Perhaps with a barrier in place...? No, I mustn't. I must keep an eye on the mission. 

After some back and forth, I pressed on, covering vast swathes of mountains and rock formations, but no such luck here. Perhaps they aren't as far out as I would've thought, master did say they would be a bit close to civilization, but in a rural area.

I stopped and made my way over to where I detected vast amounts of bat people. 

Thinking of master must've clouded my judgment. I then try to use a spell for detecting other lifeforms and energy signatures that might point me in the right direction, but no such luck. My powers seem to have adapted splendidly to this world's magic power, I'm even able to absorb demonic power and other such energy to fuel my spirit circuits. A highly sophisticated process that took me a few hours to perfect. The energy here is vast and far easier to manipulate. 

Perhaps a quirk of this world? Master did go on and on about how cheat-like this world is and how humans or other beings can go beyond with their uhm how to say, bullshit, abilities. On some level he is correct, considering what I witnessed during his fights. He is self-aware but perhaps doesn't realize how much a being must have the willpower and highly potent emotions to create such a spark. 

Not everyone will have the capabilities to press onward. 

Humans on some level do not have that drive, some are content with the status quo or the measly power they have already. Greed takes control and they are no longer on the straight path. 

Master you truly are wonderful.


I reign in my wandering mind, once again soaking in the presence around me. It appears I have arrived at my destination, yet there are no energy signals that come clo-

Oh? Now, what do we have here? 

I swoop lower until I am hovering above a human in a white coat. Some sort of scientist? What is he doing withou- Ah, my scenes then start to pick up some bats nearing his position. His guards are returning? Now what is he doing? As I take a closer look I see a disgusting blob of some type of creature, it appears to have some sort of slime-like physical form and yet there is some distinctual essence of a specter-like form. It sort of feels like that being that attacked lil Shouko. 

Hmm, some sort of experiment?

What are they trying to do... What is this energy...? Life energy? Here in the underworld? 

What was it that master called it, it starts with an S, but then there's that other one. I'll have to ask him. I seem to remember getting distracted when having that conversation. Ah, his dragon tail coiling around me unconsciously and his embarrassed face when he noticed. What a treat.

I shake my head and turn my attention back to the revolting human. He began applying some demonic power to his foot and kicked the slime-like being. It let out a characteristic cry of pain, almost distinctly cat-like... I focus harder and I do detect signs of it previously having a different form, somewhat like those yokai master told me about. Now if this is an experiment, why would they fuse it to that specter-like creature... Ah, it's feeding off the life essence and gaining power allowing it to physically manifest itself further... 

"This trash won't do at all, should I reinforce the deals binding them together.. but that would overload it. Perhaps injecting more beast blood should satiate it, it did seem to stabilize... and it's lasting way longer than experiment 157... But the life energy diminishes every time, and we can't just use those yokai animals they're valuable experiments... dammit. I'll have to tell him to get me some more, quality over quantity as they say... Tch, don't come crawling any closer..." After winding up his leg once again, the creature squeaks in pain, but it reforms. Its insane-looking eyes stare at the aggressor while the odd appendages over its body quiver and lash out at the flora around it. Its appendages seem to radiate some sort of light that feels like life energy yet it looks tainted, demonic in nature, but nothing like the demonic power these bats use...

How dreadful and crass. The experiments seem to have been an ongoing project, but at the rate they are going and the changes they might implement the process will speed up. 

It's terribly weak, but I can see how Master would be worried about the devastation they would cause... if they are able to feed off of life energy and get ahold of more yokai. 

I hover over them, making sure not to lose sight until I get access to their facility. If they are here then it must be quite a ways away since I'm sure they don't want the bat cities to take notice. 

A pounding in my heart interrupts me, what is this? I shouldn't care about this abomination who should be far from saving and yet when I feel the pulses of terror inside of it I shudder. Flashes of the lil angel rush through my mind and I have to clamp down on my aura lest I destroy the area with my pressure...

Now this won't do, what the hell am I feeling?


Only master is in my heart so why? Dammit. 

I peer at the creature once more. 

Master is not going to like what they are doing at all...

author here!

a short Pov, kinda didn't wanna overload you guys with info, but at the same time it's a perfect way to introduce what they are doing sort of in depth. Either way more stuff will come up later on.

I might come back to this chapter and expand on it because its so short, depending on how much to reveal and jibrils thoughts

lemme know what you think!


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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