
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 24: Ice Users' Telepathic Chat & Shouko's Awakening

Grayfia's POV:

I feel a mental prod. A telepathic link? From who... Ah.

(Serafall-sama, what's this about?)

(Sorry sorry! Something has been bugging me though! Especially after that fight with Ryu-tan! You felt it too right? Do you know anything about it?)

(Do you perhaps mean the spark of divinity? I did find it odd, but would that not be attributed to the Heavenly Dragon's influence? Or perhaps Mamako-sama?)

(Yep yep, that's what I was thinking, but when I received those hits it was distinct and way too different. Perhaps he is a demi-god child? But a blessing can also be a factor in this slight spark.)

(Yes, though odd considering they must've noticed the Sacred Gear it's not out of the realm of possibilities. It even seems Ryu-sama is using it unconsciously and not consciously. As far as I know, however, he is the child of Issei-sama and Miyu-sama. They hold no divinity in them and are pure-blooded humans.)

Yes, even though they are far more superhuman than any supernatural I've known they are in fact still human so he cannot be a demi-god. Hmm. Considering, Mamako-sama's personality, I cannot rule out the possibility that she would broadcast it. It seems far more likely for her to keep it hidden to make it special for herself. It would explain the rapid healing, Mamako-sama is quite a genius with it. How would I broach the subject? No, that's not the answer I need to come to, the only one that it would be is...

(I'm curious and though I do want to know the 'why,' I chose to follow Ryu-sama, Mamako-sama's presence is a factor I won't deny that, but Ryu-sama is who I serve. What kind of maid would I be if I didn't trust my master? I will advise, but never doubt.)

(Awe, what a party pooper, we were just about to arrive at other possibilities, but I suppose you are stubborn like that Gray-chan. Well, what do you think about his ferocious tenacity hehe, he was enjoying himself to the fullest huh! Did you feel the spike though?)

I close my eyes and silently sigh as I picture Ryu-sama'a horrific wounds and the bright smile on his face as he rushed headlong at us. Even the most stoic people would have a hard time staying composed. Their will to fight gradually breaking if they saw how he could keep getting up. I stop my thoughts and answer her.

(It's incredible. Survival was on his mind, no self-preservation, even if he healed he must've noticed it was only delaying it. Before his transformation, or at least a few moments during it, yes I did feel animalistic fury. But he contained it and reigned it in for power. Normally, they would let it take over, but Ryu-sama appeared to have attained a balance between them. )

(That's right! You should've seen the look on your face! It was priceless! Okay, okay, my bad!~ Containing something so ferocious is definitely something difficult to do, considering his age as well, seems insane, but I suppose the love for battle won out, didn't it!?)

(Yes, perhaps an influence of being part dragon? One could only guess. Ryu-sama is far from achieving his potential. I will say, however, his battle-hungry charge will defeat many opponents. Especially since most of them fight while trying to minimize the damage they have taken, fighting against someone tenacious will start affecting them mentally. But if he can refine his 'barbaric' style...)

(Right. A monster would be born. Someone who uses their own pain tolerance and deranged love for battle to their advantage while staying composed enough to inflict heavy damage. I'm sure he will start to see how frightening his visage will be to some people.)

What a crude way to put it, but I cannot deny it. (Ryu-sama will be formidable. I suppose honing his myriad of skills is the top priority while also ensuring he has a smooth flow and form. It will be difficult, but not impossible.)

(Ohhhh right! He did use his instincts to deflect and dodge huh? Yeah, we're gonna have to work with those insane responses. It was a surprise when he broke out of our combined spell.... Ah, it was just like a scene in an anime, it reminds me of that one where the main magical girl was about to....)

I take that as a sign to stop listening. I maintain my smile as Serafall-sama's voice fades into the back of my mind. It is unbecoming of a maid to ignore such things, but the frivolous way she can keep going will expose us to having a telepathic talk. 

Regardless, now that we are making our way over to Miyu-sama and Mamako-sama, we must cease this discussion. I mentally prod Serafall and with that, our connection dissipates. 

I walk in stride with the boy we were discussing and a small smile unconsciously graces my lips. I cannot wait to see how far you will go, Ryu-sama. I'll be with you every step of the way. 


Third Person POV: 

Around the time Rias and Sona were having a heated showdown...

In a quiet room filled with an impressive amount of plushies and countless books of different kinds, a lone girl was lying on her bed. She appeared to share the room with another, but for now, she appeared to be alone at the moment. Scattered clothes littered the clean floors while a neatly folded school uniform was placed delicately on a hanger on the wall. Notebooks labeled, "Math," "English," "Conversations with Friends," and so on covered the small desk set up right next to the bed. A small personal notebook labeled "Ryu..." appeared to be sticking out of a shelf, somewhat hidden. 

The young girl lying on top of it suddenly begins to kick the bed rapidly with both feet as she remembers the first day she transferred to the new school.

It was different than all the other schools. No one looked at her funny, she was sensitive to those stares. It made her feel a tiny bit sad, but she didn't want to cause any trouble so she smiled. She unconsciously used her voice and sign language to help the other potential friends understand her, but it didn't really help. 

They laughed. 

She kept on smiling. Never once breaking through all that pressure with her former classmates. She has to be strong! She's a big sister and now that mom is working more, she has to watch after he grandma. She understands that she is their guardian when mom is away, but she can't help but worry at times especially when she has caught her losing her breath. 

A young boy flashes through her mind, dispelling the anxiety that crept into her heart. His enthusiasm was contagious and she hadn't felt so happy in years. Having a friend is a very nice feeling. 

No longer will she have to eat alone. No longer will she have to smile at the former kids who took bits of her food at times, it didn't bother her, not really. Maybe they were hungry and couldn't help themselves. The food her grandma makes is always delicious. She doesn't blame them for taking it, though she does feel a bit sad they never stayed and talked to her more.

Because of Ryu, she looks forward to the next day of school. Her mother worried incessantly, but now when she told her about making a bunch of new friends it felt like weight was off her shoulders. She was happy her mom smiled more. She's also a bit happy about the times her mom occasionally ruffles her hair. It's a warm and pleasant feeling. 

Now that thought about it, she worried her mom, didn't she? She wonders if she would always bring trouble because she's not able to hear. 

She sighs and wipes away those unpleasant thoughts. It is not right to think about it now, she has friends. Some even know sign language! A first for her. Her family does know, but it's different with other people. They took the time to understand and learn just so they could have it on hand. Pfft, that was an unconscious pun, but she liked it. 

She got up, slapped her cheeks a bit, and was about to lean down and grab the small notebook, but a pulse of energy shot up and down her body. 

She wanted to scream and yet she knew she couldn't. She lay there breathing deeply wondering what that was. But then she felt the pressure. That incredibly dense pressure. 

Something was here.

Something not of this world.

Something dangerous.

She didn't want to open her eyes. She didn't want to acknowledge the rapid beating of her heart. She just didn't want to. She didn't even want to bother her family. She knew instinctively it would end in tragedy. Better her than them. Perhaps it would disappear once it finished... She couldn't even think of the possibility. She didn't want to leave, not yet- no that's not right, she didn't want to leave, ever. 

She has friends now. She enjoys spending time with them. It makes her so happy. So very happy and yet why did this have to happen? Natsume, Kaori, Ayaka, Yurika, Saki, Ryu...

With trembling lips and silent tears running down her cheeks, she forced her eyes open and turned slowly to the presence she felt. 

It was a harrowing experience having to see something horrific so close to her.

It was in the shape of a wisp, a specter of some kind, with a wide insidious smile. Black ichor dripped from those razor-sharp teeth, jagged veins sprouted from its body, its eyes a deep red glowering at her, she was nothing more than food. Its vicious claws were already extending themselves at her, they were already there, but it was enjoying itself. Enjoying the despair creeping into her eyes. Eerie laughter emanated from it, its chortles somehow grating on her ears. She didn't understand why the first thing she had to hear was this... this... why?

She wanted to scream, she wanted to yell for help and yet she knew, she knew it wouldn't be any help. She couldn't even speak. She couldn't stop trembling, did she have to say goodbye to those kind people already...?




She closed her eyes as its mouth elongated and dived toward her and yet the pain she expected did not appear. She waited longer, terrified of its continued torture. Though she knew there were evil things out there, she just couldn't picture it being something like this. What was it, no that's not important, what is happening? She was terrified, but drawing on the power of the continuous pulse inside of her and the thoughts about the cheerfully smiling boy she opened them and was face to face with a beautiful woman.

She appeared to have wings, but that couldn't be possible and yet there she was flying, or floating. Her majestic figure cut away the fear inside of her as she stared at her awe-inspiring appearance. Her pupils appeared to be shaped like crosses and a rotating halo-like thing was above her head, perhaps an actual angel saved her? Her hair was flowing gently like a river, a soft pink color that ended in yellows and green at the tips. Shouko could feel a blush creeping up as she witnessed most of her savior's midriff exposed, she did wear a tank top of sorts and a long skirt but... more importantly, why did she help? 

She wanted answers, but she survived. As that thought clicked inside of her, she felt something snap. Before she knew it an uncontrollable deluge of tears exploded as she wailed. 

The angel, flugel in question, fretted at the intense reaction. She did place a barrier, but how could she calm her down? She would've loved to study the Sacred Gear she felt from the girl, but calming her was a top priority. She could look into it together with Ryu later, this outing was a whim of sorts because she felt a spark from one of Master Ryu's friends and a presence rushing towards her abode. 

"It's okay little girl! I didn't mean to startle you like that! It's just that you have awakened something and you did have some traits like me so I was a bit curious, ah, there is no need to cry. The big scary thing is gone, here look would you like some of Master Ryu's cooking."

She could hear the angel-like being talking to her, but she wasn't able to process it until she heard a familiar name. Something incredibly familiar that ceased her crying. A bundle of joy sparked inside her heart, it leaped and she clung to it. 

She hurriedly began to talk and sign in hopes of being able to communicate, the flugel looked to be having a conversation inside her head- how she knew that was something she could not answer- but at the moment she didn't mind it so much as she got her attention. "*E-excuse me, do you know Ryu-kun...?*" She couldn't keep her voice from breaking, or the lingering hope that she clung on to desperately. 

"Hmm? Ah, yes, I do. He's my master. Looks like the plan is going to be sped up, we can't have this happening again. Master Ryu urged me to protect you and bring you to him where he could explain things. Is that alright with you?"

"*Yes!! P-please! B-but my family...?*" 

"They will be safe, I have placed a self-sustaining barrier on Master Ryu's orders. Now grab on and let us be off."

Perhaps he was going to help her not feel helpless ever again. A desire formed and with renewed vigor shook away the fear persistently clawing at her heart. She didn't want to be a burden anymore. She was tired of it. 

She hesitantly pinched the nice angel's skirt and with a spark of determination blooming from her heart, she let the hope engulf her as she tried to suppress her excitement.