
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

*Spoilers, but Needed* Item/Weapon/Skill/Title etc Descriptions

Not to worry dear readers, I will be updating this as soon as I can. I got to do research and properly think about how to word it and describe the effects but I'll update as I continue writing since there are a lot at the moment.

[ Title ~ Milf Charmer: This title is given to those who have successfully made a mature woman fall in love. This can only be obtained when the host has not entered puberty. Effect- The host will find it easier to raise affection/fondness for mature women who are either virgins or non-virgins. They will always have a favorable impression of him and even if there is a chance for them to hate him, even without having met, it will change into a neutral impression. The favorability will steadily rise whenever close to the host. ]

[ Title ~ Maiden Charmer: This title is given to those who have successfully made multiple girls fall in love. This can only be acquired if the host has found and bonded with his soulmate. Effect- The host will find it easier to raise the affection of virgin/innocent girls/young women. The effect will be doubled- if the host already has multiple girls in love- on those he has only just met, meaning they will automatically have a favorable/fond impression of the host. The fondness they have for the host will steadily rise whenever in close proximity. ]

[ Pheromones (S): -Active Skill- The user will be able to exude and control a secreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species. This scent induces attraction between subjects that will only increase in intensity based on the host's race (and the subject's race). And though it does work on all, it will only be temporary for them, while those who are romantically interested or have some form of affection will naturally be drawn to the user. The user will not be unaffected because those he is attracted to will secrete their own and because of this passive he will be far more sensitive to the changes in demeanor and behavior. Passion and Love work both ways and will only diminish if the spark is lost, no matter how powerful this skill becomes it will not be used for selfish desires. This skill will ONLY increase the favorability of those who already feel some form of affection. Because the host is capable of controlling pheromones, he will be able to exude them to induce a relaxing sleep, increase arousal, and/or speed up the time of mating. Note (Warning) : Host's Race(s) will influence the intensity of the aroma. ]

[ [Gluttonous Pac-Man(S)]: -Active Skill- A skill created unintentionally by the host, Ryu Ichijou. The Gluttonous Pac-man skill channels the insatiable appetite and relentless pursuit of its namesake.

The user of this skill can manifest either mini versions of Pac-man, moderate size, or super-sized- though the user is also capable of morphing his body to become Pac-man- and gains the ability to consume virtually anything in their path, growing stronger with each meal. They embody the spirit of a voracious eater, capable of devouring obstacles, enemies, items, and magic ease like power pellets. Unlocking the capability to eat potent things such as legendary items or high-level spells will be available when the user has surpassed his limit.

Devouring allows the user to gain temporary power-ups or enhancements. These power-ups may include increased speed, enhanced strength, temporary invincibility, hp recovery, and can even devour and create a skill concept that is compatible with the user. The consumed skill will always be equal or of lowered strength based on the rank of this skill, but only has a 50% chance of succeeding.

Through the use of this skill, the user is capable of gaining exp depending on the target being consumed.

The user's insatiable appetite grants them a form of resilience against certain attacks or effects. They can absorb or neutralize harmful substances by consuming them, rendering them immune to poison, curses, or other negative effects. This resilience extends to physical attacks as well, as the user can absorb/dampen incoming blows by consuming them or destroying them outright before they make contact. 

A special effect will trigger when Ryu eats 50 enemies/food- the effect will refresh once the 50th has been consumed; the effect will allow him to have a 20% chance of consuming the enemy's soul and any knowledge/experience they have. The more combos Ryu obtains when eating, the higher the percentage will grow. The food Ryu eats, when he activates this skill, will have the same taste, so he will be able to taste whatever it is. And if the food is either raw or inedible and Ryu eats it with Gluttony it will automatically taste either like Strawberry, Cherry, Orange, Banana, Pear, Apple, or a Pretzel.

But this skill comes with a consequence that either triggers randomly or accumulates, no matter how much the user consumes, their hunger remains insatiable, growing stronger as the skill evolves. At some point, the user will be constantly driven to seek out new sources of sustenance, whether it be physical objects, mystical energies, or abstract concepts. This endless hunger fuels their quest for power and drives them ever onward, but Be Wary. ]

[ [No Game No Life Entity Summoning Ticket (Mythical+ Rank)]: A specialized ticket capable of tearing through Spatial Layers to open up a connection to the [No Game No-Life World]. The connection in question is sealed to prevent invaders from accessing it, which guarantees the safety of the summoner and the one who is summoned. Once accessed, this ticket is capable of finding a suitable being (Any Being) who subconsciously wishes to either find some amusement in their life or live freely because they hold no attachment to their own world. There are countless other factors but the most prominent would be their sense of detachment from their world in any way, shape, or form. ]

[ [Aura of Infinity (SS)]: -Active Skill- The user can bend space through the use of their Aura. It creates a dome where the user can manipulate it however they wish. This includes teleportation, sound blockage, sensing presences, identifying energy signatures, total concealment, pressure, boosted recovery of HP, MP, or Stamina, and a vast increase in their power and defense.

This skill is malleable and intangible all the same, capable of encasing the user in an impenetrable fortress and expanding itself to encompass the entirety of Tsuoh Town as a temporary limit, which in turn allows the user to pair together a number of skills. The aura within this skill is a fusion of Ryu's soul, lifeforce, and infinity. Though the skill is capable of an impressive range, it will only manifest as a thin film. Beings will only feel a slight disturbance before it disappears from their mind.

The host can form a pocket space that is separated from the world. The effectiveness of the skill depends on the host's control and the smaller the radius. Through continuous improvement, the 'Infinity' in the skill name will be made into reality. ]

[ [Psuedo Demi-God] - The host has met the requirements in unlocking a lesser form of Demi-God because of his [Soul] and [Mana Core]. The Halfway point of still being mortal and entering the divine. Though not comparable with True Demi-Gods, the host can exhibit power on par with a lesser divine being, further growth will allow the Host to evolve this race. With the unlocking of this dormant race, the Host can wield Psuedo-Divinity, as a consequence, [Soul] & [Mana Core] have been locked because that is the peak for the host's races. The host's Body, Soul, and Spirit cannot handle further growth. ]

[ [Soul] - The host's very being. Currently ranked smack dab in the middle and has been temporarily locked. [Spatial Dominion Soul] is the host's current soul specialization, on account of the [Boosted Gear] bonded to him and the energies from the Dimensional Gap seeping into his very being. The further enhanced this is the more attuned it is with the [Mana Core]. ]

[ [Mana Core] - The essence of where Mana is refined and absorbed. Further evolution will transform it into a Dragon Heart Core, but the functions at this stage are somewhat similar, but once it does evolve it will be leagues better. The current Rank is in the middle, Void Arcane Core, and has embodied the essence of the Void from the Dimensional Gap. The more power it has the better the refinement of the [Soul] is. ]

Unofficial Descriptions (Ryu's Inspection)

No wonder, my throat was dry. I think I've gained the organ that lets dragons breathe fire because of the Dragon Breath skill, The same goes with the Dragon Scales, I'm able to materialize blue and black dragon scales over my skin to dampen physical blows and slightly dissipate magic. Geez, talk about overpowered, well maybe a bit, since it doesn't completely negate it. And the fatigue after is no joke. Since it is an active skill I have to consciously activate it, so ima have to practice doing it automatically, who knows when I'll need it. 

Oh shit, Soul Concealment masks my soul, or perhaps my existence, from other beings. Like keeping me hidden and I can manually decide if I want to show myself so I keep it on for now. 

Supreme Regeneration speeds up the healing of wounds the more mana I manually infuse in myself, but if I take too much mana my body might not be able to support it. Understandable in a way, I'm still a child. Though it makes no sense why this is, I kind of get it. The mana I am refining is pure on par with my overpowered races so while they can handle it to an extent, it's not enough and will have a strain on my body that can't handle insane amounts of power.

Let's see, while Supernatural Physique gives me a strength boost and a body surpassing human limits and reaching supernatural levels, and could theoretically allow me to surpass the restraints, it'll leave me fatigued. Looks like this skill is currently increasing my stats by 2,000 points give or take. Pain Mitigation just reduces the sensation of pain, dulling it when in high-stakes fights, but I still get danger signals if the wound is severe. Kinda sounds like the skill from that one Spider-Light Novel. For Limit Break I'll be able to exert far more power for a limited time, in the end, though my body and soul will suffer a backlash since I'm overextending myself and if I use my other skills in tandem, then the backlash is longer. Geez. Guess this is fair. Bullshit powers come at a price. This one seems similar to the light novel where a certain edgy white-haired kid originates from. 

Now onto the skills I most likely got from my Pseudo Demi-God race. Serene Life Aura allows my presence to exude relaxing waves of energy, though right now they are minor. Nature's Grace allows me to send a wave of Nature Attribute that invigorates and boosts any living being while Nature's Pulse just lets me infuse energy into plants so they can grow stronger without the need to provide them mulch and there's a possibility in them gaining a will and helping me if they so wish. Holy Light Magic seems pretty obvious, though the spells right now are just materializing balls of light or purification… Miracle Magic however seems to be the enhanced version of Healing. Hey, this sounds oddly familiar too!

Anyways, the most intriguing one is Shapeshifting, it allows me to change my 'form' or rather my body but for now it's just helping me hide my new features. I could theoretically increase or decrease my body size too, but I'm not a master yet. I could definitely use this together with my Dragon Form, too bad it's sealed at the moment. 

[ Life and Death Nectar (??? Rank) : This nectar encompasses the concept of the cycle of life and death. The essence of life and death liquified from Chaos itself. The effects of Ryu ingesting this are as follows: Accelerates his growth when fighting those of higher planes, but only triggers if in mortal peril. Control of his power will skyrocket after facing dangers. The bonus of Rebirth. At the brink of death, if his will has not broken, his own lifeblood will revitalize his mind, body, and soul until fully healed. It is not possible to rely on this method of healing twice against the same foe. ]

[ Blood Tyrant Crystals (Epic+++ Rank) : A crystal imbued with the pure essence of a Blood Tyrant. These beasts are capable of resisting their savage nature of drinking blood, but once extremely agitated by an outside force they will wreak havoc on an ecosystem. This crystal is capable of suppressing a blood drinker's desire for Humanoid Blood but will need to thrive off of beast flesh either monster or domestic. If they are placed in highly stressful situations, they are prone to rampage, another crystal will satiate them, but the more they consume the easier it will be to lose their sanity, transforming into a Blood Tyrant themselves. ]

[ Title ~ Reincarnator: A soul who was reborn, reincarnated into another world. Upon reaching a significant age the host regains a select amount of memories. The soul that he is will always be who he is, a union of two, but they are one. The title of Reincarnator marks the bearer as one who has transcended mortality and returned to the mortal realm into a brand new Dimension. The title holder gains a boost in Stamina, strength, agility, and reflexes akin to a character in an advanced RPG. Skill Mastery and Acquisition are boosted to help facilitate survival in a new world. As a consequence of being a reincarnator with memories, they retain knowledge and have insights over many things, but beware not everything is as it seems, knowledge is just knowledge, so experience the new world in its truest sense. Mental fortitude is an added ability to enhance mental resilience against psychological attacks, stress, or volatile emotions. The title holder also gains the ability to sense opportunities for rebirth or resurrection, pinpointing moments or encountering strokes of luck that ease the process of defying death. Beware, however, that the Karmic Weight you now bear because of this title is significant. You will attract attention from cosmic forces or adversaries seeking to balance the scales of reincarnation. ]

[ Title ~ No Pain-No Gain: A reckless soul who braved pain and obtained tremendous strength. Human willpower is a powerful thing and they were rewarded with this skill. This was also only viable by remaining conscious throughout the whole process. This title emphasizes the concept of enduring hardship and adversity in order to improve. The host has a willingness to embrace discomfort and challenges as essential components of personal growth and development. Against insurmountable odds and continuous barrages of pain, the host expresses supernatural tenacity and determination to push forward. Emotions are heightened, and frustration over overcoming all odds transforms into strength which doubles the host's endurance. Though the host is adaptable, they risk backlash to their mind, body, and soul. Recuperating is also a necessity. ]

[ Title ~ To Infinity and Beyond: Fool who merged and assimilated the energies radiating out of the Dimensional Gap. A brand new title is awarded to those foolish enough to harness the power, and yet, it was by mere accident. Regardless you are one with the Void, the abyss smiles fondly upon you allowing you to wield the power of Infinity and are now bound to Ophis. Infinity means nothing, if you wish to go beyond it, you can and will. ]

[ Title ~ Get Nerfed: In conjunction with the System Function Cry of the Soul and a newly created one to facilitate the integration process. Your power is all-encompassing and looks to have no end in sight. That cannot be. Every world you will go to will seal your power, allowing you one or two abilities either new or what you have when on those worlds. The seals will break as time passes, but to facilitate this control of said power is needed. Your stats and powers are semi-permanently halved, this does not mean you cannot tap into them, however. Bursts of power will be far easier based on your emotions and how far your control has gotten. ]

[ Title ~ Undetectable: The title "Undetectable" signifies a unique and powerful trait that allows the bearer to evade detection. Created specifically by the System to provide cover for the vulnerable host. It implies a heightened ability to remain unseen or unnoticed by various forms of detection, whether magical, technological, observational, or even a soul sweep. The bearer is immune to spells, abilities, or devices that would reveal their presence either through conscious use of invisibility, stealth, or even hidden in plain sight by those who wish him harm. This includes magical and technological means of detection such as scrying spells, detection wards, or surveillance equipment. The bearer has an innate talent for concealing their presence and intentions. This ability is amplified with the use of the bearer's skills. In conjunction with the skill Aura of Infinity, this title also confers the ability to suppress one's magical or energetic aura, making it challenging for magical beings or sensitive individuals to sense their presence or intentions through supernatural means. Though far more powerful than other titles, this can fail if skilled and powerful adversaries discern or anticipate the bearer's actions through indirect means or contextual clues. ]

[ Title ~ Chaos Devourer: Those who have savored and ingested the essence of primordial chaos and lived are awarded this title. A minuscule percentage have survived, being one of them you gain a tremendous affinity for the extradimensional, void, space, time, and chaos energies. No longer will you suffer any sort of mind attack or outside powers looking to drive you insane. Devouring energies of chaos is far easier, neutralizing harmful effects before they devour you but time is needed to assimilate the power. You will steadily increase your union with chaos, allowing your mind, body, and soul to adapt to this foreign energy and have it provide you with power. This facilitates your growth speed. ]

[ Title ~ Battle Junkie: This title is reserved for the rare few who have tasted the intoxicating rush of adrenaline amidst the chaos of conflict and emerged bloody and broken and yet tenaciously through sheer willpower to hold on. Surviving against beings that border the incomprehensible and relishing the battle despite insurmountable odds allowed you to obtain this title granting an innate affinity to war and bloody battles alike.

Combat instincts and reflexes, martial skills, and weapon mastery are far easier to learn, but come at the cost of leveling up in the heat of battle.

You are no longer bound by the constraints of fear or doubt, and with that comes immunity to the psychological onslaught of warfare, your mind becomes an impenetrable shield against fear, despair, and pain.

With each battle fought, your power grows, but so does your inevitable connection to the chaos of combat. Be wary.

Tenacity and Resilience go hand in hand with you, the blood you shed becomes the strength you need to attack with dangerous fervor, but prolonged use drains your stamina rapidly until mental exhaustion sets in.

Though your mere presence inspires allies and terrifies foes, your obsession with battles makes you reckless, endangering you and your allies. Learn to harness this obsession, do not let it control you. ]

[ Title ~ Soul Piece Origin:  A title bestowed upon you because of the unique creation of Mystical Artifacts filled with Soul Energy. You are the creator. You are the origin. You are one with the mystifying properties of the Soul Pieces. The growth of said pieces is enhanced and intensifies with prolonged use. Some hold the power to resonate and potent emotions are capable of bringing about mysterious abilities. ]

[ Title ~ Lost Soul Avenger: This title denotes a character who has been driven by a profound sense of purpose or vendetta, typically at the behest or heartfelt plea from wronged or departed souls who seek retribution and are only able to taste it if they form a pact on an Avenger. It signifies a relentless pursuit of justice or retribution, often at great personal cost and sacrifice if not properly executed.

The bearer possesses an unwavering resolve and determination to pursue justice or vengeance against those responsible for their suffering or the suffering of others. This determination fuels their actions and grants them a 5% boost for every departed soul. The title empowers the bearer with enhanced physical and mental capabilities when engaged in their quest for justice. This includes increased strength, agility, resilience, and mental fortitude, allowing them to overcome formidable challenges and adversaries regardless of the difference in power. The bearer exudes an aura that instills fear or unease in those who have perpetrated injustice. This aura may also inspire allies and sympathetic individuals to support the bearer's cause elevating their strength if they take up arms.

The title imbues the bearer with a much stronger connection to spiritual or supernatural forces aligned with justice or vengeance. This connection could provide insights, guidance, or even magical assistance in their pursuit. This includes but is not limited to souls, spirits, elementals, deities, etc. The effectiveness of the "Lost Soul Avenger" title diminishes if the bearer strays from their sense of justice or allows their pursuit to be clouded by personal biases or emotions. ]

[ Title ~ Graced by the World: This title signifies that the bearer is either favored, blessed, or otherwise acknowledged by the world itself. It suggests a deep connection to nature, destiny, or cosmic forces that have granted the bearer with special abilities. Within this falls the ability to communing with animals, understanding and influencing plant life, or manipulating natural forces like wind, water, or earth. The title bestows a sense of inner peace and balance upon the bearer, enabling them to maintain calmness even in chaotic situations. This balance extends to their interactions with others, fostering empathy and understanding.

The bearer can adapt to various environments with ease, drawing strength and sustenance from the natural world around them. This includes enhanced resilience to harsh conditions and the ability to thrive in wilderness settings. The bearer has an intuitive understanding of the emotions and intentions of others, facilitated by their deep connection to the world. This empathy allows them to forge strong bonds with allies and negotiate conflicts with wisdom and compassion.

On rare occasions, or otherwise during times of absolute peril this title has the capability for the bearer to witness/gain insights into the workings of the world and its mysteries. They may come into contact with knowledge of ancient lore, prophetic visions, or the ability to decipher omens and signs from nature.

The effectiveness of this title may be influenced by the bearer's respect for and alignment with natural forces, but it all falls in line with how the bearer is viewed by the World's Will. Disregard for anything that it might find offensive, either by tormenting nature or misusing their abilities; it will lead to repercussions or loss of favor. ]

[ Title ~ Herald of Judgement: As a consequence of destroying/surviving against the avatar of Equilibrium, the bearer of this title encompasses Judgement. Enemies above the power level of the title holder receive an additional 100% more damage, ensuring an even playing field. Chaos and Order swirl within the holder of this title who can imbue it into attacks that penetrate any natural or supernatural defense. 

[ Arcane Weapon: [Shapeshifter] - Unnamed - { Form: Undefined } ] - The World Class Weapon "Shapeshifter" is a remarkable weapon with unparalleled abilities to transform and adapt to various situations and opponents. Though it holds no sense of 'self,' an ego capable of acute battle awareness is able to harness the power of shapeshifting, allowing its wielder to assume different forms and utilize a wide array of combat techniques and strategies.

The weapon grants its wielder mastery over shapeshifting, enabling them to transform their physical appearance, abilities, and even their weaponry at will, hence the name. The weapon enhances the wielder's combat skills allowing them to assume forms that are optimized for various combat scenarios. Whether they need enhanced speed, strength, agility, or other attributes, the Shapeshifter weapon can provide the necessary transformation to excel in battle.

Though not elementally attuned, the weapon is able to harness the properties of its wielder either pure mana or a specific type. Self-repair is a matter of course, though the function is dependent on the wielder's mana/energy. And because of the bond that was established the weapon allows them to synchronize their thoughts, instincts, and combat techniques seamlessly. This bond enhances the wielder's control over the weapon and maximizes its potential in combat situations. ]

[ [Draconic Martial Maestro(A+)]: -Passive Skill- This skill represents the mastery of the art of martial combat that is infused with the essence and authority of your dragon race. A martial technique is automatically infused into your mind, supplying you with the knowledge of an ancient form of combat known as Drakonix Emperor Essence Arts. This fighting style venerates the dragon as the ultimate symbol of power and taps into the primal energy within. The user must surpass their limits to unlock the remaining 4-Tiers within this skill. 

One of the primary techniques- and a part of the 1st Tier within the style- is the ability to infuse every devastating attack with dragonfire, potent ever-burning flames. A lethal maneuver that favors prolonged combat engagements. 1st-Tier: Dragonfire Ascent.

And as a consequence of embodying this ancient art, an aura of primal power now exudes out of you empowering your strength, speed, and endurance. Allies within the aura's radius may also benefit from increased combat prowess, gaining a temporary boost to their own abilities while in the user's presence. Your mere presence instills awe and fear, demanding every single being's attention, as a consequence attacks are far more likely to target you. But because of your refined attunement as a Dragon, you gain an innate uncanny sixth sense capable of perceiving potential threats and dangers in your surroundings. As the battle prolongs you will begin to see the subtle cues and anticipate enemy movements with uncanny accuracy. To further instill confusion and fear, you now have the disposal to emit a powerful roar, disorienting, intimidating, and stunning adversaries of equal or lower power.

Deep within yourself lies a dormant beast, and in times of intense emotion your inner fury is unleashed as a last resort in the form of an ability named Dragon's Wrath. This surge of energy enhances their martial prowess to unparalleled levels, turning them into a whirlwind of destruction on the battlefield. They become virtually unstoppable, striking down foes with relentless ferocity until none remain standing. Caution is advised, you cannot distinguish between friend and foe, and the risk of this ability triggering the Sin of Wrath skyrockets and you will no longer have the sanity left to stop your transformation. ]

[ [Eternal Draconic Resilience(SS)]: -Passive Skill- This skill embodies the unyielding durability and unwavering fortitude of Ancient Dragons. You gain physical and metaphysical enhancements that infuse your whole being into an indomitable spirit of primal energy. And using this energy fuels your incomprehensible strength and endurance.

Pain is no longer at the forefront of your mind, you can stand immense amounts of hits and this will double with your Dragonhide Armor. With the ability active the user's skin becomes coated in tough dragon scales, providing formidable natural armor against physical attacks that are capable of deflecting or mitigating damage. Your scales are now coated in the mystical properties and far more attuned to magical phenomena which enhances your resistance to magical warfare. Deflecting or absorbing spells minimizes the impact against arcane assault. This warding extends to harmful enchantments, curses, and other supernatural effects. 

Deep within the user is a continuous thumping that works in tandem with your armor, the Dragonheart. An organ only made available with the user of this skill, completely removed from the actual organ and the user's Arcane Core, something spiritually made to mirror a stubborn dragon's resilience. This steady rhythm provides a stream of energy that enhances the durability and resilience of the user, but prolonged usage begins taking a toll on the user's mental fatigue.

Your body is brimming with vitality that ensures your body is in top form with accelerated healing as well as granting immunity to ailments and poisons. Wounds close swiftly, and damaged tissues regenerate with remarkable speed, ensuring rapid recovery even in the midst of combat. As a Dragon, you already have a prolonged life, you age significantly slower and will no longer succumb to the ravages of time, and with this skill you have been touched by Immortality. While not invincible, you have now stepped into a world where you will recover regardless of how lethal or grievous your wounds are, mental fatigue and spiritual misalignment are something to watch out for when using the rapid healing described above, but because you have stepped into immortality you are capable of enduring till you have recovered and jumpstarted the healing once more. ]

[ [Shapeshifting(S)]: -Active Skill- The Shapeshifting skill is versatile because it allows you to alter your appearance, anatomy, and even magical abilities, through mimicking monsters or fantastical beings. Whether through magic, advanced technology, or innate abilities, shapeshifters can adapt to various situations and environments with ease, making them formidable and unpredictable opponents. 

Shapeshifting alters your physical form on a fundamental level. Though it includes, size, shape, or mass it also includes a bit of your mental capabilities, physical, and magical strength. Regardless, you are able to grow additional limbs, elongate your body, or even transform into entirely different species, from insects to giants. And because you are capable of such feats, certain forms allow you to take on the aspect of what they are known for, such as acute hearing, heightened vision, magical affinity, brute strength, manipulation, etc etc. Though not properly attuned with the other fantastical abilities, through prolonged use you can tap into the other abilities hidden within this skill.

The final aspect of this skill is Psychological Mimicry. Diving into a shapeshifting form and digging deep into the psyche will allow you to mimic the behavior, speech patterns, and memories of those you imitate. This psychological mimicry allows them to infiltrate social circles, gather intelligence, or manipulate others with convincing deception, but it comes at the cost of slowly chipping away at your sense of self. Be wary. ]

[ [Dracoform Ascedence(Sealed)(SS)]: -Active Skill- [Error] [Repairing Essence Damage] Unable to view ]

[ [Angelic Fae Arcanist(S+)]: -Active Skill- This skill combines the mystical prowess of angels with the enchanting magic of fae, granting the user access to a unique blend of celestial and fey abilities. As practitioners of this skill, individuals embody the harmonious fusion of these two mystical realms, wielding their combined powers to protect, heal, and empower those in need. There have been many who view them as beacons of hope and guardians of the natural world, using their magic to uphold peace, balance, and harmony in the realms they inhabit.

Spell knowledge automatically seeps into the user of this skill, allowing them to either perform already existing spells or have the capability to create their own.

Angelic Fae Arcanists possess the ability to wield both celestial and fae magic, drawing upon the divine energy of angels and the elemental essence of fae to cast spells and perform rituals. This versatile magic allows them to manipulate light, holy, and even a blend of angelic and celestial energy. Though capable of devastation against the wicked, they excel in the art of healing and protection. Their magic is attuned to mend wounds, cure ailments, and shield allies from harm, this also includes summoning protective barriers, dispelling curses, and banishing malevolent entities.

Because of the alignment with the fae, these arcanists have a deep affinity for nature and the natural world, channeling the elemental energies of the fae to commune with plants, animals, and the elements themselves. So deep is their attunement they are capable of communing with forest spirits, controlling the growth of plants, and manipulating the weather to aid their endeavors.

Though exceedingly rare, Angelic Fae Arcanists are often guided by celestial beings and fae spirits, who impart wisdom, guidance, and blessings upon them. If they decide to support, these divine allies provide insight into mystical mysteries, offer protection against dark forces, and empower the arcanist's spells with their celestial and fae energies. ]

[ [Holy Blaze Enchanter(A+)]: -Active Skill- This skill is an advanced mystical skill that empowers the wielder with the divine essence of purity and light. It channels holy energy into flames, transforming them into potent symbols of divine fury and protection. Through the mastery of this skill, the user becomes a beacon of light amidst darkness, purifying evil and safeguarding the innocent. Knowledge of spells comes automatically as the skills grow. The user gains mastery over holy flames/sacred flames, allowing precise control over their form and direction. These flames burn with intense purity, capable of incinerating malevolent entities and purifying corrupted environments with ease. 

The Holy Blaze Enchanter emits a radiant purification aura that is capable of cleansing the surrounding area of darkness and corruption. This aura- resonates with the Aura of Infinity and is capable of existing in harmony to either enhance or add on effects- nullifies curses, dispels malevolent enchantments, and provides sanctuary for allies within its radius.

Though not spells in the typical sense, the user has three abilities- instant conjuration- that are a part of this skill from the get-go. One of them is the ease with which they can ignite a divine conflagration that engulfs enemies in righteous fire. This inferno purges darkness, dealing substantial damage to foes while leaving allies unharmed. For defense, the user is enveloped in a shield of radiant energy, providing defense against physical and magical assaults. This shield shines with the brilliance of divine light, deflecting harm and fortifying the user's resilience. Finally, upon activation of Benediction of Light, the user bestows a blessing of divine light upon allies. This blessing enhances their abilities, granting increased strength, resilience, and clarity of purpose in battle. ]

[ [Star Star Fruit(SS)]: -Active Skill- This skill is made up of the Star Star Fruit (Hoshi Hoshi no Mi) from the world of One Piece along with its intended effects from that world, but there is far more to it now. The effects, abilities, spells, skills, and special techniques have been adjusted to fit the format of the system and the user. This devil fruit is a Logia-type that grants its user the ability to manipulate and embody the power of stars, gravity, and the void that encompasses it all. As with all powerful abilities, this skill grows along with the user, power comes as the user exceeds his limits and unlocks the requirements to learn hidden techniques or summons the willpower to manifest effects into existence. 

Upon consumption, the user gains the ability to transform their body into stellar energy, granting them control over various aspects of the cosmos.

Though far more difficult than gravity, Starlight Manipulation is also within the user's capabilities to manifest into the world. As they infuse themselves in starlight and harness control over it, the user is capable of generating intense beams of starlight from any part of their corporeal body. Starlight is incredibly powerful- capable of searing through defenses- but volatile, precise control over it will allow the user to either target a single enemy or use it in a wide area.

The user will be capable of absorbing ambient cosmic energy either starlight or other celestial energies, overloading themselves on this is possible, but as long as it never exceeds the rate of dispersal the user will remain unharmed. The absorption of these energies enhances the stats of the user and they are capable of charging their own powerful starlight attacks or infusing it within other attacks.

As the user gains more of an understanding of celestial energy and achieves the advanced stages of mastery, they unlock massive control over space-time itself, allowing them to create small wormholes, distort the fabric of reality, or tear through the spatial layers for teleportation. NOTE: Because this skill has been in conjunction with the skill Aura of Infinity, the user has found their teleportation far more fluid unconsciously. Though not fully unlocked yet, the more mastery is placed upon this skill, the easier it will be for the user to teleport instinctively, travel vast distances, and tear through spatial layers to get to other realms, and this would be without coordinates or an image.

As a consequence of having the capability to wield starlight, the user's powers become amplified under the light of the stars, being double their normal amount. But this effect will only trigger when under the night sky, and when the user is in grave danger. At that point, they become virtually unstoppable, wielding the full might of the cosmos with unmatched skill and ferocity. This empowerment also comes at a price- because the user becomes a beacon of pure starlight energy bathing and embodying it- they become far more vulnerable to the entities seeking to devour such intense power within a mortal body. And even though the user will be capable of destroying them, they will still tear through reality or emerge from the void of space to consume the being foolish enough to expose itself. These creatures are otherwise known as Void Crawlers. Caution is Advised when the host is on the brink of triggering this powerful ability. ]

[ [Halo of Destruction(SS)]: -Active Skill- This skill forms an intricate jagged demonic halo above your head capable of unleashing vast amounts of devastating power in the form of physical pressure. The cataclysmic force engulfs the battlefield in chaos and destruction if you let it run rampant as a form of attack. Harnessing this skill grants unparalleled offensive capabilities, but also carries significant risks and consequences.

The aura that manifests as a consequence of the halo appearing is filled with pulsating annihilation energy that damages enemies over time. You are in control of how far or how near you want the energy to be. The farther it is, the harder it is to control as it wrestles and wishes to release itself without reason. Once you compress the aura, you are capable of unleashing a shockwave of the energy dealing tons of damage in the vicinity of said target.

The aura also obtains the added benefit of being an Area of Denial, it is a hazardous zone that continuously stuns them and renders them unable to control the battlefield turning their own energy against themselves.

You instill fear into enemies, are able to coat your attacks in pure destructive energy and gain immense magical capabilities.

However, with continuous usage of this skill, the power begins to drain your health and stamina, devouring your vitality as a way to power up the skill. As you get far more comfortable with your skill controlling it becomes easier, but the chaotic nature of this skill makes it far easier to target your allies.

Because of how volatile the annihilation energy is when the skill is activated, the very fabric of reality may destabilize which leaves disturbing consequences for the environment. Interdimensional beings will find it far easier to tear open your reality and invade your realm. Harness the raw power of destruction with your skill, Halo of Destruction, but tread carefully, for great power comes with great peril. ]

[ [Sin of Wrath(SS)]: -Active Skill- Seven Deadly Sin Holder- Sin of Wrath.

{ You are primal fury. }

A truly frightening and formidable skill that channels rage and unleashes devastating power upon your foes.

{ The rage consumes you, you consume the rage, you are one. }

A cycle of devastation and destruction, if unchecked can bring about dire consequences. You gain the ability, Berserker's Might, which lets you embrace the ferocity of wrath, temporarily boosting your physical strength and combat prowess to devastating levels. As a consequence of unleashing your rage, you enter a state of hyperactive aggression, enabling you to perform rapid and relentless attacks against enemies.

An aura of pure unadulterated rage surrounds you, wreaking havoc upon the minds of those around you, letting them succumb and join you in your rage-fit stage.

A time limit is forcibly put into place to keep the user from succumbing to the ferocity of wrath, but as time begins to run out as well as the depletion of your health, you will enter a 'Last Stand' stage. This grants an infiltered surge of strength to overwhelm opponents. Once this skill is activated, you are far more likely to abandon defense in favor of devastating attacks that use your health as a boost.

Blind fury will cloud your judgment, regardless of the power you wield, and foes will begin to aggravate to wear you down. The more you use this skill the far easier it will be to succumb to Wrath, it erodes your sense of mortality decaying your restraint until you begin to feel the effects when this skill is not activated. A powerful debilitating debuff is placed upon the user if the time limit is exceeded, halving the stats, skill effectiveness, and limiting system functions in proportion to the damage on either the body, soul, or spirit. 

Control over this skill is a necessity. And using it in battle will not always be the safest way to learn it. ]

[ [Whispers of the Dead(S)]: -Passive Skill- 

[Red Dragon Emperor: Guardian (SS)]: -Passive Skill- 

Mythical Rank Item: Tiara of the Awakened Beast - 

Mythical Rank Item: Ring of Bestial Transformation - 

 Mythical Rank Item: Ribbon of Black and White Lightning - 

Mythical Rank Item: Ifrit's Blessed Ribbon - 

Mythical Rank Item: Black Tail-Ribbon of Titaness Strength - 

Mythical Rank Item: White Tail-Ribbon of Harmony - 

Legendary Rank Item: Undyne's Tear Drop Necklace - 

Legendary Rank Item: Cursed Ring of the Lich Queen - 

Mythical Rank Item: Necklace of the Serene Mother Goddess - 

[ Mythical Rank Item: Crown of Chaos and Order -

This legendary artifact of immense power was forged in the crucible of creation far outside the boundary of this World by the hands of Primordial Entities who shaped the fabric of reality itself. This enigmatic crown is adorned with swirling patterns of light and darkness, symbolizing the eternal struggle between chaos and order that lies at the heart of the universe. Countless runes and symbols that shimmer in a mystifying pattern are etched onto the crown itself creating a brilliant array of unfathomable archaic power.

The crown itself was crafted from a mysterious substance that seems to shift and change in color and form, reflecting the ever-changing nature of the cosmos.

{ Abilities } --

**Harmony of Chaos and Order**

The Crown of Chaos and Order grants its wearer grants mastery over the forces of chaos and order, allowing them to balance and harmonize the opposing energies of the universe. They can manipulate the ebb and flow of chaos and order, restoring balance to the world and averting catastrophes born of imbalance.

Note: Power capability/control is connected to how much the wearer has of the essence of Chaos and Order, not to mention how much they have been tainted by Chaos and disciplined by Order.

As a consequence of this mastery, the wearer has enhanced affinity with both chaotic and orderly forces. They can harness chaotic energies to unleash destructive forces or invoke orderly precision for intricate spells or strategies.

**Judgment of the Cosmos**

Those who wear the crown are granted insight into the workings of the cosmos, enabling them to pass judgment upon the actions of gods and mortals alike. 

They become arbiters of cosmic justice, dispensing punishment to those who disrupt the natural order and rewarding those who uphold it.

*Reality Distortion**

By tapping into the Crown's power, the wearer can momentarily distort reality itself, creating illusions, altering probabilities, or temporarily bending the laws of physics within a limited area. This can also be manifested as a visible energy field capable of creating distorting effects upon foes and random beneficial buffs to allies. 

**Transformational Potential**

In moments of dire need, the Crown allows the wearer to undergo a transformative experience, evolving their consciousness and abilities to better resonate with the cosmic balance. This transformation emerges and/or is unlocked when the wearer has obtained perfect harmony between the two Primordial Concepts including their own power that they wield. 


Despite its immense power, the Crown of Chaos and Order is not omnipotent. Its abilities are tied to the wearer's understanding and mastery of balance, and its use requires careful consideration to avoid unintended consequences. It is a symbol of cosmic balance and transcendence, so much so that it has the capability of bestowing its wearer with the power to shape the destiny of worlds and the fate of galaxies. Careful manipulation is necessary in handling such a powerful artifact. Those who possess it become the custodians of the universe, entrusted with the sacred duty of maintaining equilibrium amidst the chaos and order that swirl around them. Should the balance between chaos and order collapse to a critical point where one aspect overwhelms the other, the Crown of Chaos and Order triggers a safeguard mechanism: the creation of an entity known as the Harbinger of Equilibrium. ]