
The Valkyrie and the Dragon - Chapter Two

Years ago, not far from Tokyo, a black cat streaked through the back alleys, overshooting entrances and rounding corners at a dangerous speed. Every time the hyper-aware cat stopped to orient itself, its peace was broken by running footsteps, alarmed shouts, and more than a few bolts of energy, streaks of flame and crackles of lightning. The cat yowled as its side was scorched by a sudden flame, before it ran off in a parallel direction, paws moving so fast it almost ran in place before bolting off.

Years later, Kuroka reflected on her life, musing to herself in the safe place she'd managed to find for herself, in a small and unassuming town. My whole life, I've been running away from one thing or another.

The past again, just before that fateful escape. A minor lord of the Naberius clan had taken Kuroka and her younger sister in after her parents had died, and for a time Kuroka had thought they would be safe. But a devil rarely did anything for the sake of kindness, and reincarnating Kuroka and her sister Koneko was no exception. When Kuroka discovered he was planning to experiment on her sister, in the hopes of making a Super Devil, she had responded the only way she could.

Standing tall in the devil's throne room, Kuroka's pale skin gleamed as she gathered power in her hand, her twin tails high beyond and cat ears twitching as the busty woman fired a concentrated beam of pure ki energy. The devil was speared through the heart, screaming in pain before his life was snuffed out.

"You want a Super Devil, how's this?" Kuroka said, her mouth twitching in a smirk. Her excitement had been short-lived, and within the hour she'd been running for her life from a small army of Devils who might have brought her down with sheer numbers.

I've done things I haven't always been proud of, even when they had to be done. Sacrificed for others, but put myself at risk at the same time. Even doing something for the greater good can feel like an enormous mistake in the moment.

Kuroka had visited Koneko for a few brief, shining moments before she'd had to leave. Watching over the white haired girl, Kuroka stroked her hair for just an instant, knowing she might not see her again for a long time…if ever. She was hoping Koneko's life wouldn't be quite so messed up, without knowing that Koneko would simply be swapping one set of problems for another. There were times when Kuroka questioned her lot in life, but she'd never regretted protecting Koneko.

Even though, there had been a moment when it seemed Kuroka's actions might lead to her own end. She had killed a handful of devils after leaving Tokyo, ending up in a small town that she'd never even heard of in the human realm. Only then, weakened and in her cat form had she been on the edge of death, blood leaking from a small hole in her side. Her gold eyes began to flutter, her vision blurring, when there'd been a rustling nearby. Expecting an attack but knowing she could do nothing about it, Kuroka simply tried to lift her head, watching expectantly. Bursting from the undergrowth wasn't a devil, in its own form or some clever disguise…not unless they'd taken to hiding themselves as small children.

A cute boy with spiky brown hair walked up to Kuroka slowly, surprised to see her. "Ah, a kitty!"

He took a few steps closer, his dark eyes widening as he examined the poor animal.

"Oh you're hurt! You need help!" He rushed forward, his young mind knowing something was needed, but not exactly what. He reached out to stroke Kuroka's fur and she hissed, making him draw his hand back, though she could scarcely do much harm to him. He waited a moment, and though Kuroka's ears remained flat on her head, she slowly ceased her hissing, withdrawing her fangs…what danger could he be, really?

"Mommy will know what to do. I'll take you to her, ok?" Slowly the boy reached down, picking Kuroka up like she was a loaf of bread, his small hands under the top of her front two legs. As he toddled off with her, while a woman's voice called out for "Issei", Kuroka felt safe enough in his arms. He seemed a sweet, warm child, if not particularly bright.

Taken in by some human child, like just an ordinary housepet. Well, I suppose there are worse ways to live, at least for the time being. And it certainly will make for a fine cover while I rest and regain my strength, that's for sure. No one is going to look for the Underworld's most wanted criminal in the house of some ordinary family in some small town here in the human realm.

Kuroka had possessed every intention of resting with the family, who she learned were called the Hyoudou, once she had recovered completely. A few months or so, at most. But she saw that Issei led a mostly lonely life, and that his parents were rarely around, often gone on business. Living her life as a normal cat wasn't exactly what Kuroka had envisioned for herself but then she'd never made plans for any sort of future past saving her sister and killing her former lord. There were worse things to be than a beloved, well treated housepet, and Kuroka had made sure she established herself as an "outdoor cat", sneaking off into the human world in her humanoid form to explore and see what life had to offer.

In time, she came to see Issei almost as a substitute for her lost sister Koneko, who she couldn't dare check up on, but she established a slight information network. She learned that Koneko was safe and in the care of one of the Four Great Satans. That would have to be enough, for now. Then another unexpected twist of fate occurred, barely a year after Kuroka had begun staying with the Hyoudou family, in the form of another unusual "house guest". A powerful Valkyrie called Rossweisse, who had used her abilities to modify the town's memories, though Kuroka herself had been unaffected. She thought about revealing herself to Rossweisse, but after a brief period of observation, Kuroka had decided she didn't much like the other woman. She drank too much, she was too loud, and Kuroka didn't like the way she caught her looking at Issei, when no one else was around and she didn't expect to be observed by a lowly house cat.

So she kept her peace and quiet, and her place in the household, for years and years. Issei grew up as normal as he could, but then, much later, strange things happened, as the world of the supernatural intruded on their lives once again. Rias Gremory, another devil Kuroka had only heard of before, appeared in town, looking for Issei. There was also a fallen Angel, Yuuma Amano, and Kuroka knew her days of peacefully laying in the sun and receiving warm pets and scratches from Issei were coming to a close.

But even as the disguised cat began slinking through the house, working out a plan to best spy on Rias and the others, and to keep her Issei safe (she doubted that lush Rossweisse was up to the job-she was strong but not exactly a great thinker, and that was when she was sober), things had taken an even more unexpected turn. Kuroka's small nose turned up as she sniffed her way through the house, smelling something familiar but magnified to a level she'd never encountered before-it was the scent she associated with Issei, which reminded her of flour and yuzu, and then the unique, but unmistakable scent of his dragon side, long buried. But now that smell of dragon was so thick it filled the apartment in an almost visible haze, beginning to mess with Kuroka's head.

Ah…I can barely think, it's so powerful! I should go look for anyone watching Issei, make sure he's safe…but fuck it, I can do that later! I can't take it anymore, I've watched over Issei for years, and now he's finally matured into a handsome young man. I don't care if that noisy Valkyrie is around, probably trying to avoid her job as usual, I need to be with Issei, right now!

Kuroka slunk through the house, padding her way towards Issei's room with barely a noise. She reached the top of the stairs and passed Rossweisse's room, assuming she was asleep or something. It scarcely mattered to Kuroka now, nothing mattered but her and Issei being together the way they were supposed to be. Once she was past Rossweisse's door, Kuroka concentrated and in an instant she was in human form again. She adjusted her kimono as she walked, her cat ears and tails twitching with each step. Kuroka's large golden eyes matched her belt, tied in a bow in front of her taut, trim stomach as well as the oversized beads that hung around her waist. Her breasts were so big they nearly spilled out of her kimono, which only just covered her nipples and displayed the rest of her pale, milky-white cleavage. The black kimono, with red trim was also slit so high up on one side that it clearly showed that Kuroka wasn't wearing any underwear, with her thick thighs and even a hint of her pelvis on display.

I've got to look my best for Issei. It's been a long time since I spied on him taking a shower, but something tells me he'll be a little above average, for a human anyway. Maybe as big as seven inches, though I'd be able to make anything work, so long as it's just him and-

"Oh fuck, I'm fucking cumming, Ise! Pl-please slow down, I can't take much more, my body is on fire! HNNNG!"

Kuroka stopped, hearing Rossweisse's voice crying out in shameless, full-voiced passion, clearly in the throes of a massive orgasm. There were the heavy, fleshy sounds of skin slapping against skin, so fast it nearly sounded like some sort of jackhammer, along with deeper voiced grunts and groans that could only have been from Issei and then an obscene, wet and almost filthy-sounding noise, like a gushing hose.

Spllrt! Spllrt! Splllrcch!

Knowing what she was going to find and yet not quite able to believe it, Kuroka crept closer to the door, pushing it open just a crack. Inside, Rossweisse was naked, riding Issei's cock like a slut, her long silver hair bouncing around her slim yet curvy form as she moaned, sweat trickling down the small of her back. Issei was thrusting up into her at the same time, throwing off Rossweisse's rhythm and making her gasp as her pussy was practically fucked up behind her lungs.

"Holy shit!" Kuroka whispered, her jaw hanging open foolishly. Issei's cock wasn't just above average, it was absolutely enormous, far larger than any manhood Kuroka had ever seen. It had to be three feet long-or maybe even longer, so thick it looked like Rossweisse was taking a small barrel inside her pussy with each thrust, her labia stretching horribly as her body was rearranged. As Kuroka watched with rapt attention, Issei pushed Rossweisse onto her back, fucking her in a rough mating press position while Rossweisse babbled and moans, her legs trying to wrap around Issei's waist as he fucked her into the mattress. Kuroka felt her thighs rub together, her body tingling with arousal…and also, more than a little jealousy. How dare that shitty part-time teacher and full time drunk Rossweisse beat her to the punch like this? Kuroka resolved then and there to get Issei to herself once the pair was done, to show him that he had more than one sexy woman living under his roof, and to prove Kuroka was by far the superior woman.

She would be waiting for quite some time as Issei and Rossweisse were rutting like animals for the better part of a day, just hour after hour of rough, loud, lewd sex. By the time Monday morning rolled around, Kuroka had returned to cat form and had worked herself up into a tizzy by how turned on she was, desperate for some relief but knowing that nothing could possibly measure up to Issei's cock.

Issei and Rossweisse said their goodbyes in the living room, with Rossweisse having to hurry out and arrive before Issei for her duties as a teacher. Rossweisse missed a few buttons on her shirt as she exchanged sloppy, drooling kisses with Issei, letting the teenager practically stick his tongue down her throat as her cheeks hollowed out, leaning against his skinny yet strong body, feeling how weak she was after the marathon sex they'd only just finished. As they flirted before they left, with Issei saying he'd "come" by her office later and Rossweisse saying she would take it all like a good girl, Kuroka watched.

The door slammed shut behind Rossweisse, and Issei returned to his breakfast. He chuckled quietly, thinking out loud as he considered what the day would look like now that things had changed between him and Rossweisse-and all the days to come.

"I have to hurry to catch up to big sis Rossweisse. Heh, maybe we'll even have sex in the teacher's lounge."

As Issei was talking to himself, he didn't notice Kuroka approaching the table. She jumped up onto the back of Issei's chair, balancing herself precariously before she reached out with one paw and lightly swatting him on the back of the head-which instantly knocked Issei out. Kuroka thought for a second she had maybe put a little too much of her Senjutsu into the strike, but Issei was still breathing normally and looked downright blissed out in his sleep, leaning back in the chair with his eyes closed and snoring quietly.

Alone at last…Kuroka thought, impatient to enact her plans after waiting for so long. Rossweisse may have acted first, but Kuroka was going to make sure that Issei forgot all about her by the time she was done.

"Ah…whu, what, what happened? Ahh!" Issei woke with a start a little while later, laying in his bed, completely naked with no memory of how he'd gotten there. He'd been eating breakfast and then…

"How did…what the?! Who the hell are you?!" Issei's vision cleared and he saw he wasn't alone in the room. A woman, gorgeous and wearing a very revealing kimono was in his room, with the ears of a cat and bright, penetrating golden eyes.

"Oh, you know me, Issei. We've spent so much time together, after all."

Kuroka stepped closer, untying her belt and letting her robe fall to the floor. Even as Issei tried to think who this woman could possibly be, he found himself more than a little distracted. His cock started swelling up, already massive and laying between his legs like a club as this attractive, busty woman approached. She crawled onto the bed, her fingernails sharp and tenting the sheets as her mouth practically watered.

Fuck she's nearly as huge as President Rias, and has even bigger tits than Ross!

"And you saved me, remember? You promised we would always be together~" Kuroka straddled Issei, on her hands and knees as she rubbed against him, her massive breasts rubbing across his slender chest and neck, her actions very animal-like in a way that suddenly clicked with Issei.

"Ah, kitty!" He said, before he recalled that she'd had a collar when they first found her, all those years ago.

"Kuroka?" Issei asked, now that he'd understood what was happening-his cat was somehow a gorgeous woman doing her best to get him hard as a rock-he realized he actually didn't understand at all. Kuroka nodded quickly, before licking along his neck, making his short hairs stand up as confusion suddenly twisted Issei's face, not quite knowing where to even begin with this strange situation.

"But w-what are you, and, and how did you…and also, when-ah. Oh." Issei's voice cut off into a surprised gasp as Kuroka wrapped one sfot around his dick, beginning to jerk him with a fast, almost aggressive intensity.

"I'm sure you don't mind, Issei, but ever since I saw this massive thing, well it was all I thought about. I just can't hold back anymore, and what better way for me to show you my gratitude for saving me, all those years ago. My hero~" Kuroka said, whispering sensually in Issei's ear, as she traced her sharp fingernails across his collarbone. Her hands worked faster and faster, teasing Issei with surprising skill, showing that despite her cover as an ordinary housecat, Kuroka got up to all sorts of things on her "off hours." In scarcely a full minute, Issei's cock was rock hard, fully erect at it's massive, throbbing jaw and panty-dropping length, even after watching him fuck that lush, Rossweisse, Kuroka still hadn't seen his true, size in all its glory.

This thing has to be a meter long, and it's so thick, it's larger than one of Issei's thighs! The smell…it's driving me crazy! I, I need more. Kuroka's nose twitched as she leaned closer against Issei's body, his mind struggling to play catch up with his terribly aroused body. Kuroka's keen senses were working against her at the moment, leaving her brain practically drowning in the sheer, overwhelming musk and manly scent of Issei's hyper-virile dragon cock. She worked her way back down Issei's body, trailing her free hand along his firm pecs as she worked body in between his spread thighs.

Looking up at him with that magnificent cock in the way, like some impossible weapon, it almost intimidated her. Something so huge and majestic in its way, like some monstrous tree that had outgrown all others of its size, even a pussy cat as well traveled as Kuroka had never dealt with anything like it before. But she had to steel herself, because otherwise Issei would favor Rossweisse over her and Kuroka could not allow that.

"Here, baby, I know how much you just love big breasts, yeah? Bet you never had any as big as these puppies, you donkey dicked stud~" Kuroka hefted her massive tits like she was maneuvering two boulders, sandwiching the pillowy soft yet firm jugs around Issei's tree trunk sized dick. She worked her hand in time with her breasts, giving him a slow, almost agonizing titwank as she stroked his sensitive tip, playing with his foreskin and drawing it up and down, like a filthy, smegma-encrusted collar around his purplish bellend. Issei could only moan, events having moved far too fast for him but his body knowing how to respond, as thick, off-white precum began to leak from his distended piss slit.

"W-well? How do they feel?" Kuroka tried to sound more sure of herself than she felt, the sheer size and height of Issei's cock between her tits throwing her off. It was like trying to cover a fence post, not even her massive, marshmallow tits were quite up to the task.

"I know they're bigger than that damn Valkyrie's, that's for sure." Venom practically dripped from Kuroka's words, surprising Issei with her sudden harshness. Until recently, he'd had no idea Rossweisse was anything other than a normal, if beautiful woman, so how did Kuroka know? Did the two have some sort of past together, was that why Kuroka seemed to dislike her so much?

"Ah, well they are bigger, Kuroka but, y-you know my nee-chan is more than just-ahh!"

Kuroka cut him off again, knowing she had to exercise as much control over the hung boy as she could, to set the tempo of things and make sure he knew who was in charge. Her breasts worked faster and faster, hitting Issei's pelvis with heavy sounds, even as she squeezed them tighter, letting go of his dick to really press and almost maul her own tits, making the perfect, huge milky white tits puff out around her fingers.

"Yes, I know! But that's enough about her, Issei! Just fucking focus on me, and I'll make you forget all about that bitch!" Kuroka's aggressiveness continued, making Issei moan out at the almost torturous delight of her titfuck. Kuroka spat down onto his cock, working the cloudy saliva into his reddish shaft, his cock so massive and so erect that she could feel his veins standing out like steel cables. Issei's cock was too huge for Kuroka to cover all at once, even with tits like her's, but she made up for that with sheer speed and aggressiveness, working her fat, heavenly tits faster and faster till they nearly struck her in the face.

Still, even after several long minutes of this, while Issei was moaning like a beast, Kruoka could tell he wasn't about to come. Not even close, not after how many times he'd blown his load for Rossweisse-it made Kuroka swoon a little to think that he could even still get hard so soon after that. In addition to his size, clearly Issei was the most virile man she'd ever met, with nearly limitless stamina like a rampaging beast or a machine built to outfuck any woman no matter how sensual. But Kuroka wasn't just going to hang in the towel yet and she began licking along Issei's cock, her long and wide tongue tracing along some of the most sensitive spots of Issei's dick. He moaned above her, his hands squeezing the bed tightly, in a voice that was high-pitched as the pleasure was nearly overwhelming.

Kuroka couldn't help but smile to herself in between long licks of Issei's, savoring his musky, manly taste.

"I told you I'm better than that damn Rossweisse, Issei~" She teased, before redoubling her efforts to please that massive, throbbing fuckstick. Kuroka tugged her breasts up and down, focusing on the upper part of Issei's dick, practically smothering him with her fat, pillowy tits. As she kept licking, Kuroka tilted her head down, craning her mouth open to swallow the tip of Issei's cock. Her jaw clicked at the size of it, weighing her mouth down and making her eyes nearly water. Kuroka refused to give up, and began pushing her head down, even as her face grew redder by the second. Still, she managed to swallow roughly ten inches of that cock, feeling it punch past her uvula and enter her throat.

God it tastes so good! It's the most delicious thing I've ever tasted, so strong and pungent and manly. Issei truly is amazing…I just want to keep sucking on this cock, every inch of it, every day!

Kuroka bobbed up and down, her eyes half-closed as her face flushed. She was enjoying sucking Issei's cock more than she would have imagined, letting drool leak out of the corners of her mouth. Her tongue kept moving, digging deep into his foreskin before tracing the flared sides of his massive purplish tip. Kuroka was having the time of her life, completely lost in her own pleasure as she savored sucking the largest and most amazing dick she'd ever seen…a little too absorbed in her own thoughts. That was why she missed when Issei reached out and grabbed her by the cat ears, twisting them lightly in his hands. Kuroka mewled around that dick, her eyes shooting open, seeing a look of determination and almost mocking anger on Issei's face.

"Hmm you keep saying you're better than Nee-chan, right? Then fucking prove it!"

Issei pulled Kuroka down by her ears, making her take more and more of his cock, with wet, glottal noises. Even as she schluurped her way down, her tongue sliding out of her mouth to nearly wrap around Issei's massive length, the busty woman was being forced to take more than she could handle. If she'd had time to adjust Kuroka might have been able to take it better but as it was she began choking on that dick, gagging openly and loudly as spittle flew from her mouth, coating Issei's cock. He moaned at the hot, silky feeling of her throat, driving his hips up as his massive dick bulged out Kuroka's swan-like neck, like a snake trying to swallow a plump rat.

"Nee-can can throat my entire cock, so if you really wanna show you're better, then hurry the fuck up!" Issei commanded, punctuating his words with a series of deep thrusts that made Kuroka's eyes water even more, tears streaking down her high-boned cheeks. His thrusts were getting faster and stronger, pounding away at Kuroka's throat like it was just a stress toy for Issei to use and abuse however he wanted.

He was fucking her skull so hard, using her face as nothing more than a sleeve for his dick, that Kuroka's hands weakly slapped at his thighs. She thought that Rossweisse must have done something to Issei, as he was normally such a sweet, timid and unaggressive boy. But what Kuroka didn't know, what she couldn't have known was that Issei was simply a huge pervert and sex fiend. Now that he had actually experienced how amazing sex coudl be and he was slinging a massive, bitch breaking dragon cock, Issei's sexual aggressiveness simply could not be contained. Even as Kuroka continued to choke and retch around that cock, she could feel it sinking deeper, until she felt that massive tip reach her stomach. And there was still more not even in her mouth yet, making Kuroka's thighs rub together in arousal and a growing sense of submissiveness-Issei's cock was truly massive, to an insane degree.

"Glacchk, glacch, glawwk!"

With her head practically impaled on that cock, Kuroka could do nothing but let Issei fuck her face, even as her pussy gushed at this unexpectedly rough treatment. Something about the taste of Issei, the scent of his manliness and the rampaging way he was fucking her throat made Kuroka want to just take it, her tongue sticking out and licking in a way that made her look extra lewd, with her eyes rolling back into her head and her face, neck and the top of her huge tits covered in drool and pre-cum. Finally, after what felt like an hour, Kuroka let out a final, strangling sound, as her stomach was fucked into nothing more than a sleeve for Issei's dick and his dark brown pubes scratched her face, clogging up her nostrils. As her brain practically drowned in Issei's musk, making her pussy almost painfully wet and aroused, Kuroka felt Issei's huge, wrinkled balls rest against her chin, as her face was fully conquered by that cock.

Once he'd fully hilted himself in Kuroka's throat, Issei didn't slow down-quite the opposite. He began bucking his hips even faster, dragging Kuroka's face up and down so fast she was worried her nose might break against his pelvis as he sawed the last six inches or so of cock, thicker by far than one of Kuroka's biceps, into her gaping mouth. Kuroka's eyes widened in shock as she could feel that his cock was expanding in size, growing even thicker in her mouth until she worried her jaw would actually pop out of place.

"Hu-warrrk!" Kuroka heaved, splashing Issei's balls with drool as his orgasm began to overtake him.

"Ahh, it feels so good, Kuroka, I can't hold back anymore. Time to drink your milk, you slutty kitty cat!" Issei said, grinding his pubes against Kuroka's face, rubbing her own spat-up drool into her delicate features as her face turned an even darker shade of red.

Spllrt! Spllrt! Spllrch!

Kuroka's stomach began to expand as Issei power-washed her insides with his jizz, her entire body shaking. With a sick, warbling cry, she came, her pussy squirting all over the bed from the sheer depraved pleasure of being Issei's jizz trough. He was just so powerful, Kuroka had no choice (and no desire) to submit, her eyes crossed in a shameful ahegao expression-Issei was just too much! If he hadn't been holding onto her ears with a white-knuckled grip, Kuroka probably would have been blown right off his dick from the sheer force of his jizz-splosion. Her stomach was soon filled up till she looked nine months pregnant, arms hanging limply at her sides.

Splllrt! Splllrrch! Splllrt!

After several minutes, Issei's orgasm finally subsided, even as jizz splashed out of Kuroka's mouth and even came blasting out of her nose, feeling like she was drowning in the stuff. Slowly he let go of her head and Kuroka fell back, though her fat, plump lips didn't quite release that dick, even as she tried to speak with his tip in her mouth.

"Ahhh…ohh muhh gawwwdd…" Kuroka croaked, her throat sore and her lips coated with ballsnot and a few stray pubic hairs.

"Oh, don't tell me you're tired already, Kuroka. We're just getting started." Issei said, before he pulled fully out of Kuroka's mouth with a loud, clear pop!

Even as she struggled to get her bearings, unable to believe he was silk hard and ready for more, Issei pushed and pulled Kuroka's body. He positioned her exactly how he wanted her, with her head propped up on pillows and offering him no resistance like she was just a living fuckdoll. Issei kissed his way down Kuroka's flat stomach, before he began rubbing his fingers around her dripping wet pussy, seeing that she'd come many times from gulping down his jizz-who would have thought the family's cat was such a slut. Above him, Kuroka barely stirred, letting out a muffled "huh?" before Issei began to eat her out.

While still new to sex, Issei knew what had worked with Rossweisse, and decided to try the same things here. He slid his fingers inside Kuroka's tight pussy, which seemed to grip him with a mind of it's own. As he licked faster and more urgently at her dripping cunt, Issei's other hand snaked up her body, grabbing and practically mauling her tits, finding it amazing to hold such huge jugs in his hands, realizing they really were larger than Rossweisse's. He slapped, pinched and tugged on them, fondling Kuroka's nipples as she moaned and gasped, her head lightly shaking back and forth.

"Oh god, that feels so fucking good, Issei! Please, don't stop, keep going, please! More, more more!" Kuroka had been reduced to begging pathetically quickly, her pussy gushing out around Issei's face as she came over and over. She squirted all over him, and Issei eagerly lapped up her juices, even as he slid another finger inside her, licking hurriedly at her engorged, overly sensitive clit. He just wouldn't stop playing with her tits, wanting to grope and grab them to his heart's content, clearly obsessed with big fat tits, and to have access to not one but two such stacked beautiful women was like a dream come true for Issei. He slowly dragged his head away from Kuroka's dripping snatch, before shoving his face between her tits and motorboating them like his life depended on it.

I wish I could see Kuroka and Nee-chan's tits just bouncing together at the same time! Maybe with the President's and Akeno's too, rubbing all over my dick…I'm so huge now they probably couldn't cover me completely!

It wasn't easy, but eventually Issei dragged himself away from Kuroka's tits, coming up to her face. There was a brief pause between the two of them, an almost sweet moment after all the nasty lewd things that had already happened. Then Kuroka and Issei moved as one, kissing each other with a sudden hunger, lips and tongues working in a mad dance, swapping spit and lightly biting at each other's sensitive lips. Kuroka had to follow Issei's lead a bit, but she was still passionately kissing him back, reaching out to lightly grasp the back of his neck as they moaned together, bodies grinding against each other.

After the kiss broke, Issei angled his cocktip towards Kuroka's sensitive, dripping pussy. She looked at him, trying to think of something to say, seeing his emotions written all over his face. Issei needed to be inside her, right now.


"Oh….fuck!" Kuroka cried out, feeling that cock slam into her suddenly, parting her wet pussy lips and ramming inside like a shovel into soft dirt. Even though she was so turned on, her body could only handle so much, so quickly, and Kuroka's head bent backwards. She stared up at the ceiling, her great big golden eyes not registering anything as her back arched up, most of her body lifting off the bed. As Issei pushed his hips relentlessly forward, Kuroka could only gasp, her voice leaving her in quiet, throaty rattles, unable to draw in enough air to properly scream. Issei was trying to take it easy on her, but once his cock was inside her tight, wet, hot pussy, he just couldn't slow down, and anchored himself in place by grabbing hold of Kuroka's fat, enormous tits, using them as handholds as he squeezed her bright pink nipples between his fingers , sending sparks of ecstasy running up and down the curvy Nekoshou's spine.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

As Issei lay on top of her, moving a bit closer once he'd established a firm pace to his thrusts, Kuroka was lost in pleasure. Her mind was swimming as she licked at Issei's face, tasting the slight trickle of scent and the softness of his skin, feeling her body shaking after every thrust. She glanced down just for a moment and saw the massive bulge Issei's cock had formed in her body, rising well past her belly button and reaching her tits, forcing them aside. Issei pushed her breasts together and let out a deep moan at the sensation of Kuroka giving him a titjob through her own body.

That cock is…stretching me apart! My whole body is being changed, my insides getting smashed by Issei's amazing, wonderful dragon dick! If this keeps up…I'll lose my mind!

"Ohh Kuroka, your tits are amazing!" Issei grunted, seemingly unaware of how close to growing crazy she was, lost in the heavenly sensation of her pussy wrapped tight around his cock, which was now bulging out nearly to her neck. She just yelped and moaned, trying and failing to form words. Kuroka's slender arms and legs wrapped around Issei's body, her sharp nails actually digging slightly into his shoulders as her arms locked in place around his waist, actually trying to pull him deeper despite how overwhelming his cock was. Issei was too lost in pleasure to mind the scratches, his body only trying to thrust faster, deeper and harder, to make this already amazing sex feel even better.

As their bodies rutted together, Issei leaned up a bit more, his taller form laying slightly above Kuroka's until he seized on a sudden idea and put one of her cat ears in his mouth. As he lightly squeezed it with his lips, Kuroka's back went stiff, another jolt of pleasure seeming to hit her brain like a sudden euphoric drug rush. Her legs wrapped a little tighter around Issei as she suddenly came, hard. Her pussy squirted around him, adding more to the layer of juices that were nearly soaking the bed as well as splattering around Issei's pelvis. Issei's eyes flashed, with a mischievous expression on his face.

"Bad kitty, now I'll have to punish you!" He was mostly teasing, but only mostly.

"Nyah?" Kuroka said, her brain still blasted by pleasure and barely able to comprehend his words.

Taking advantage of the fact that Kuroka had her legs and arms locked into place around him, Issei suddenly stood up from the bed in one smooth motion, scooping Kuroka up with his arms under her armpits. Kuroka yelped as this forced her down further on that cock, which was now lodged in her cunt, balls-deep. With Kuroka holding on tight, Issei turned and pinned her back against the wall, fucking her in this carry position that made Kuroka feel small and weak.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

He thrusted faster and harder, rattling Kuroka's whole body and making her tails thrash behind her. Once he was satisfied Kuroka was pinned in place by her own limbs and his cock holding her up like a tentpole, Issei let go of Kuroka so he could go back to fondling her massive breasts, like a child unable to keep his hands under control. Kuroka moaned in delirious pleasure, lost to the outside world, and now uncaring about anything other than having that gigantic dick deep inside her. Her arms and legs bounced as Issei continued to fuck her, slowly unwinding themselves from his back and shoulders, though that cock slamming into her kept her inplace, as it seemed Issei might fuck her right through the wall.

Kuroka reached out to him with the little strength and sense she had, kissing him deeply. Issei's tongue swirled around her's in a lewd embrace. Kuroka's hands gripped Issei weakly, trying to pull him closer even as their hips rubbed together, bodies writhing in a sweaty, passionate embrace.

The instant the kiss broke, it was clear Kuroka had been pushed over the edge, coming herself silly with Issei right behind her. She screamed as his cock hammered in and out of her, her voice wracked through with pleasure and barely sounding like her normal calm, aloof tones.

"Oh, gawwd Issei, I'm fuggen cumming again, I'm coming on your huge fucking cock, right there baby, don't stop, don't stop! You're my new master now, Issei, for now and always. I belong to you-and to this fat fucking dragon god cawwwk!" Kuroka's words broke off into a scream as her orgasm overrode any ability she had to speak, even as the nasty sounds of her juices being forced out of her by Issei's cock grew louder.

Spllrt! Spllrt! Spllrrch!

Even with as much as Issei was coming inside Kuroka, her body was simply pushing out with the force of her own squirting orgasm. However, as his thrusts continued, her legs kicked a little lower each time, her moans quieter even as pleasure overwhelmed her. Eventually, Kuroka's stomach expanded as her womb was forcibly blasted by Issei's hyper-virile, thick sperm, filling her up and then being forced out of her pussy in heavy waves, splattering all over the ground as Issei's dick beat her womb into shape, arranging it to be nothing more than a living condom for his dick.

For a moment, there was quiet, as Issei kissed Kuroka once more, a more reserved, almost chaste kiss. When it broke, saliva connected their mouths in a cloudy, thin rope.

"Hah…that was amazing." Issei said, his face lightly flushed.

"But I hope you can keep going, you little pussycat slut."

Slowly able to think again, Kuroka concentrated, using her Senjutsu, able to control the natural energy inside herself. Her skin lightened, her eyes grew a little brighter as she perked up, as fresh and as healed as when she'd first entered Issei's bedroom.

"I can keep going, but can you last longer than me, master?" Her tone was lightly challenging, as Kuroka traced her tongue around her lips enticintly.

"Oh you're on!" Issei said, grinning like an idiot before he pulled out of Kuroka. Even as her pussy lips struggled to close, not wanting to lose a drop of his spunk, he tossed her onto the bed. Barely a second later, he launched himself after her.

It was after school had let out at Kuoh Academy, nearly a full hour after the students had left, and just about when most teachers were leaving when Rossweisse returned to the Hyodou family home. She slammed the door behind her, moving through the house in her high heeled shoes and sensible teacher's clothes in a frenzy, hair waving behind her like a vast silver curtain. As she marched towards Issei's room she was muttering to herself, getting louder by the second.

"Issei, where were you all day? You know how long I waited for you in the teacher's lounge? I was worried those damn fallen angels might have come after you again, and I had to go check with that tits for brains redhead to see if you'd tried to take a run at her. Though I would have mopped the floor with her if she'd so much as looked at you twice, I swear to Odin hims-"

As Rossweisse swung the door open, she was left utterly speechless by what she saw. Issei was there, just as she'd expected, but what she could have never have anticipated was him fucking some busty, cat-eared brunette on the bed, forcing his cock in and out of her ass in a frantic doggystyle fuck. The room was covered in stale jizz, knocked over furniture, and just generally in complete disarray. He'd have to have been fucking this slut, whoever she was, practically since the moment Rossweisse left that morning.

"Issei Hyoudou , just what the fuck-"

Issei cut her off. "Oh don't be so upset, nee-chan. This little cat slut still has energy to go so…why don't you join us, and I'll explain everything later, ok?"

At the same time, Kuroka flashed a 'V' sign to Rossweisse, with a strange look in her eyes, a kind of 'ha, ha, gotcha!' expression that instantly made the Valkyrie's blood boil. She wanted to keep yelling, but as Issei pulled out, she got a good glance at that cock again-not much time had passed since she'd last seen it, but she had still nearly forgotten how big it really was, as if her brain simply couldn't contain that knowledge. She was amazed the cow-titted slut wasn't screaming more, with that huge dick rampaging in her ass, but maybe she was just that much of an anal addict whore, she certainly looked the part with her twin tails and gorgeous yet low-class looks. Rossweisse had always wondered what it would be like to see Issei try to fit his cock in some slut's tight asshole…she had just thought it would be her.

Rossweisse kicked her shoes off, tugging at the front of her blouse. "Ok, Issei, we'll do it your way. Plus, I just know this fucking cat bitch cannot please you the way I can, the way I know you like."

As Issei slowly pulled out of Kuroka's ass, leaving her collapsed on the bed, her face smushed into a pillow and her knees still up, with her fat ass high in the air. The brunette eyed up Rossweisse, her sharp teeth glinting in the light.

"You fucking slut." She said, unable to form anything more at the moment.

Issei simply lay on his back as the two women drew closer to him, marveling at the size of his cock as it stood up like some impossible flagpole.

"Well, I hate you for trying to take my Issei away bitch-I knew you weren't just an ordinary cat." Ross countered, having guessed who this tailed slut was.

"Yes, but I just can't live without this cock, this monster anymore, so…truce?" Kuroka replied.

Rossweisse snorted before nodding sharply. "Fine, truce."

After all, even agreeing to a tie both women thought themselves the winners of some grand, wonderful prize. Of course, though they weren't thinking about it just yet, the true winner, of course, was Issei.

In moments the two of them were naked, sandwiching Issei's cock with their breasts, as Kuroka and Rossweisse stacked their tits on top of each other. Issei was in paradise, with Rossweisse's breasts on top and Kuroka's even larger pair underneath, as the two women couldn't believe that even together they couldn't cover all of Issei's dick.

"Holy shit Ise, you're so amazing!" Rossweisse said, her aquamarine eyes nearly pulsing with pink hearts.

"Yes, I agree, no one in this or any other world could measure up to you, master~" Kuroka added, as the pair began to move their tits up and down.

Working with a natural rhythm, even though they still disliked each other, Rossweisse and Kuroka began to give Issei a double titfuck unlike anything he, or anyone else, had ever experienced before. First they just wobbled their tits up and down, rising to his tip and smothering him tightly before slamming back down to his pelvis, repeating this faster and faster. Then they worked from side to side, lightly knocking his rock hard cock around, holding him so firmly that the veins on his cock left clear imprints on their soft skin. They even spun their tits around in an almost hypnotic fashion, in a tsunami of titflesh that left Issei moaning and gasping almost cutely.

"Fuck girls, you're driving me crazy! This is just…too good!" Issei's face was twisted up in ecstasy, trying to grit his teeth to hold back the rising tide of pleasure. Ross and Kuroka giggled at his reaction, working a little faster, with their hands roaming around his thighs and even fondling his massive, hairy balls. After a few minutes, Issei couldn't hold himself back any longer, trying to speak and having to raise his voice as it came out too quiet and soft at first.

"Ah…uhm…you two, c-could you please-" Issei broke off, biting his lower lip in pleasure. Despite his usual sexual aggressiveness, the sensation of this lewd double titfuck was more than he could bear, and he hadn't expected to deal with not just one, but two gorgeous, busty beauties who were damn near attacking his hard, throbbing cock.

Rossweisse giggled again. "Come now, dear Ise, I know you have more of a spine than this. You have two of the most beautiful bombshells in the world on their knees for you-" Ross spared Kuroka a quick glance, not wanting to press the point on which of them was more beautiful.

"Yes, say it and we'll do anything we can for you, master, we just want to make you feel as good as we do, and really blow your mind~" Kuroka added with a wink.

Issei growled a bit, thinking that they were both right, after all. They were here for him, so he should just ask for whatever he wanted.

"Fine, alright then! Since you two sluts can't cover my entire cock even with your massive tits, get to work and suck my dick! Show me that you can both handle this huge fucking dragon dick."

Kuroka blushed a bit, smiling lustfully up at him. "Your wish…"

Rossweisse was right behind her, even as she squeezed her tits hard enough to make an audible springing sound as the plush tits ballooned out around Issei's cock.

"...Is our command." The Valkyrie finished.

The pair of them began licking Issei's cocktip, slathering him in spit, They made loud, exaggerated slurping noises, sliding their mouths up and down the side of his cock in time with their breasts, moving in unison and then switching off, one going up while the other went down. Issei was thanking any god that existed for letting him experience this, as well as Rias for reincarnating him as a devil…however that interacted with his dragon nature giving him this bitch-breaking cock. He'd have to pay her a visit next, assuming he ever got free from the heavenly prison these two had ensnared him in. They rocked their breasts around him with clear whap, whap, whap noises, working their enormous round naturally perfect titties for all they were worth around that cock.

Kuroka's tongue was longer and more agile than Rossweisse's, working around Issei's shaft, even wriggling its way inside his nasty, dilated urethra. Always the jealous type, Rossweisse knew she had to do something, anything to make sure Issei favored her more. So she lightly pushed Kuroka out of the way with her shoulder, before giving Issei a smoldering look that could have melted concrete. Then she bobbed her head up and down Issei's cock, doing her best to take it down her throat.

"Glawwk, glawwk, glawwk! Glllcchh!" Even as her eyes watered, Ross took more and more of it down her throat. It was Kuroka's turn to be jealous as she saw that Issei hadn't just been boasting earlier, Rossweisse really was an expert at sucking cock. She forced her way down to Issei's base, her nose grinding in his pubes before she pulled back up, trailing throat-slime and saliva and drool behind her. Issei's cock shone with her spit before she pushed herself back down again, reaching up to pinch her nostrils closed and making sure she could take that cock in just a little better.

It was only a few minutes later that Rossweisse popped her mouth off, needing air. Kuroka took her place with another 'friendly' shove, trying to demonstrate all she had learned. The cat girl was soon forcing her face up and down Issei's cock, not as smoothly as Ross, but with an intensity and complete lack of concern for her own breathing that made up for her lack of innate skill. Drool burst out of Kuroka's nose as she took that cock in deeper, making Issei moan above them. Soon the pair were competing to suck his cock better, switching off faster and faster, seeing who could hold themselves down at the base longer, who could take his entire length down their greedy gullets faster, who could pleasure his tip more and more, cheeks hollowed out and faces twisted into nasty, lewd blowjob expressions. Whenever they could, they worked his shaft with their breasts as well, even smacking their huge breasts against his enormous tits hard enough to turn the pale orbs red from the impacts.

Eventually, it was simply too much for Issei, despite his newfound and still growing sexual skill. His light brown eyes closed as he spared one last glance down at the two aggressively horny sluts, Kuroka's golden eyes and Ross' bright blue ones full of needy, hungry submission.

"Ahhh…fuck! I can't hold back anymore, here it comes you two nasty sluts!" Issei yelled, his cock swelling up again. The tube on the undershaft began to pulse and throb, growing even larger like his dragon sized fuckstick was a volcano about to burst. When it did, jets of off-white, tacky, impossibly thick jizz blasted out, shooting upwards before crashing down on the pair of them. It showered them both, covering their tits and asses, their faces and even matting their hair down. Not missing a beat, they got right co leaning that dick, as well as licking every trace of sperm off of each other's faces.

"Mmm…mmwah, mhwah…master's cock really is the best! Only he could come so much!" Kuroka moaned, gulping his cum down and quaking with pleasure at the taste.

Ross licked a long strand of jizz off of Kuroka's face, resisting the urge to spit it into the other girl's mouth as she stared at Issei's cock. "It's true, my sweet little Ise, though I guess I can't call you 'little' anymore. More like my huge fucking god cocked Ise!"

As Issei recovered from the powerful, draining orgasm, Rossweisse climbed on top of him, straddling him on the bed. She crouched above him, legs spread and claves tense in a squat before she dropped low, spearing herself on that cock. Kuroka pouted even as she kissed her way along Issei's massive balls, leaving clear marks of spit and drool.

"Hmm…I wanted to go first…" She whispered, even as Ross grunted, feeling that cock stretch her body once more, not giving her a chance to have fully recovered from earlier.

"Oh shut up, you greedy cat bitch, you got to have him for eight hours already, it's my turn! Ooh, yes, Ise just like that!"

Issei was fondling Rossweisse's tits, licking and sucking at them as she moved faster. The Valkyrie was soon riding him like a bull, bucking her hips madly as her dripping pussy made loud squelching sounds. Below the fucking pair, Kuroka tried to suck one of Issei's fat nuts into her mouth, nearly dislocating her jaw. Issei grunted above her in delight, which was all the reason she needed to keep going. She even licked along Rossweisse's pussy as the other girl dropped down into Issei's lap, along with a few experimental shoves of her tongue up Ross' ass, making the Valkyrie gasp in surprise and pleasure.

"Ah, you really are a dirty whore, aren't you? What I'd expect from a devil bitch…ahh, fuck yes Ise!" Ross said, riding him even harder, digging a trench in the bed with Issei's back.

Eventually Issei grunted, his cock twitching as he flooded Rossweisse's womb with sperm. She impaled herself one last time, that cock tenting out her stomach before it deflated, growing larger and rounder as her baby bag was used as nothing more than a dumping ground for Issei's spunk. When she pulled out of him, it was Rossweisse's turn to pout.

"Well, if you hadn't been riding my dick so fast and so good, maybe I could have lasted a little longer." Issei said, even though a lesser man would have blown his load the instant he got balls deep in the tight Valkyrie. Kuroka just jumped at the chance to get fucked by Issei, riding him in a reverse cowgil position. As her big ass dropped down against his pelvis, Kuroka reached down, massaging and fondling his fat balls.

"Oh hell yes, Kuroka, that feels so good! You really are amazing at this, just like nee-chan-mmphh!"

As Issei was in the middle of praising Kuroka, Ross suddenly cut him off, sitting on his face suddenly. He began eating her pussy out in a frenzy, making her gasp. She was really just glad not to hear him compliment Kuroka anymore, but she was also soon on the verge of coming while Kuroka rode that dick for all she was worth, arching her back and bouncing up and down so fast her fat tits slapped off her chest and nearly struck her in the face. Issei spanked both of their asses, encouraging them to go faster as he was temporarily blind, face covered by Rossweisse as her thighs gripped his head.

Ross and Kuroka rubbed against each other, as Rossweisse pulled Kuroka back, watching her tits bounce. Soon the pair were kissing each other, unable to hold back even as their competitive natures made it a rough, frenzied kiss. When it finally broke, each woman shot the other a glance as if to say 'not bad, but not better than me', before they began fondling each other's tits, appreciating them and sucking on them in a nasty, lewd display as their inhibitions grew even weaker.

They were soon swapping positions as Kuroka was turned around, riding Issei as hard as she could while she faced Rossweisse. He just marveled at each of their bodies, Kuroka's pussy gripping him while his tongue pushed deeper into Ross', all while he smacked her heavenly ass. Issei soon bucked his hips upwards as he fingered Rossweisse's ass, driving both women over the edge.

"Ahh, Issei! You're so amazing, I'm never going to leave you again!" Rossweisse said, having an embarrassing ahegao orgasm.

"This cock feels so good deep inside me, I need more! More, more, more-I want you inside me forever!" Kuroka cried, squirting out and practically drenching Issei and Rossweisse. Issei came soon after, with the three of them having a loud, earth-shaking triple orgasm. Kuroka's belly expanded like she was expecting a litter of babies, no less than a dozen. Rossweisse was actually worried for the other woman, not used to seeing a girl get cumflated by Issei, at least not from this side.

Kuroka just concentrated again and used her Senjutsu to help her body absorb Issei's spunk, being recharged by his powerful dragon sperm. She then placed a hand on Rossweisse's stomach, doing the same thing for her, making Ross gasp in surprise, already feeling herself as fresh as before, their bodies returned to bormal, stomachs flat like they hadn't had liter after liter of jizz blasted into their bodies.

"Ah, thank you Kuroka…dirty bitch. At least I have more power to fuck dear Ise now, though my runes could have done the same thing, better."

Kuroka just tcched, looking away from the haughty Valkyrie. "You wish. My mastery of Senjutsu is unparalleled. I could outfuck you as easily as I can outfuck master Issei!"

Veins on the front of each girl's forehead stood out as they glared at each other, forgetting their 'sisterly' bond in the aftermath of their orgasms. However, they were so caught up in their childish feud they didn't hear a strange noise coming from under Rossweisse's pussy…the growling of a dragon.

In a flash, Kuroka was pushed off Issei's dick as he sat up, lifting Rossweisse effortlessly with one hand. His speed and strength surprised them both, but also Issei himself, leaving the gorgeous women astonished. Kuroka ended up flat on her back and Rossweisse was sitting on her face, muffling her gasps with that fat ass. Issei glared at them both, his cock still sporting a raging hard on as he sized them both up, brown eyes full of determination and fighting spirit.

"You say you can match my energies…" Issei leveled his cock at Kuroka's asshole again, her tiny pink rosebud having returned to normal and tight as it ever was…but not for long.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

"Let's put that to the test." Issei said, thrusting even faster into Kuroka's asshole, spearing her open like a battering ram through a flimsy plastic door. As she moaned into Rossweisse's ass, Issei grabbed the Valkyrie by her long silver hair, making her moan as he yanked her to him. His lips pressed against hers in a hard, crushing kiss, practically force-feeding Ross his spit as she sucked obediently on his tongue. He moved from her mouth to her breasts, leaving Ross gasping, feeling Kuroka's tongue working with its skill and insane length inside her pussy and ass.

"Mmmmphh! Blllrrbr!" Issei motorboated Rossweisse's huge breasts, before sucking on them so hard it was like he was trying to get her to squirt milk out, something that couldn't happen just yet no matter how likely it was that she was pregnant. At least, Ross was pretty sure but with everything that had happened, there was no telling what kind of sexual surprises might be in store for her.

After nearly half an hour, Issei hilted himself inside Kuroka's ass, his balls bouncing off her pale booty as he came deep inside her. She moaned into Ross' dripping snatch, even as jet after jet of baby batter came bursting out of her gaping, nearly ruined asshole. It was only thanks to her Senjutsu skills that Kuroka was able to absorb that come without simply puking it all up, as Issei pumped her with enough to fill her ass, her stomach and then some, quite easily.

Issei panted, truly impressed by Kuroka's strange powers. Maybe she hadn't been entirely bragging earlier. "That is some insane ability you got there pussycat. But let's see which one of us gets to their limit first, you or me!"

From there, the sex continued in a mad whirlwind of bodies rubbing against one another, rubbing and grinding and rutting and fucking in a lewd, obscene threesome. Issei pushed them both onto their hands and knees, stacked on top of each other, with the taller Rossweisse draped over Kuroka's shorter, more petite form. His cock slammed in and out of Ross' asshole as she practically lost her mind, screaming out in constant orgasm. Her pussy squirted out over Kuroka while Issei fingered the catgirl's pussy, making them both squeal and have body shaking, mind-wiping orgams.

"Thank you daddy, thank you for fucking my dirty little asshole!" Rossweisse said, coming so hard she began babbling in mixed Japanese and German, her legs squeezing Kuroka's smaller form.

Later still, Issei was fucking Kuroka in a full nelson position her legs fully spread as he stood tall. Rossweisse was beneath them while Kuroka bounced up and down on his cock, doing her best to bend her legs back and wrap around Issei's waist. Ross licked at Issei's balls and Kuroka's pussy, fingering herself openly. Issei came deep in Kuroka's pussy, which didn't deflate quite as fast this time.

"Ahh…so fucking good, this cock is fucking me so good I'm melting! My whole body is burning up~" Kuroka had another ahegao orgasm as Issei continued coming inside her, filling her with his biggest creampie yet.

Splllrt! Spllrt! Spllrt!

Issei fucked Rossewiesse in a standing position, holding the tall girl in his arms as her legs rested on top of his shoulders. This time it was Kuroka who licked at Issei's asshole, making him moan even more. Rossweisse was being fucked against the wall, which already had spidery cracks running up and down it. Issei was motorboating her once more, even as Ross cried out, the ecstasy simply too much for her to bear.

"Ahhh…please, have mercy! My breasts are sensitive, Ise, and if you keep sucking on them like that, I'll go crazy! I'm gonna come again just from having my nipples sucked, I'm just a nasty dick-loving big sister whore!

Wham! Wham! Wham!

Eventually, the pair of heavenly beauties knelt before Issei on the floor, staring up at him with pink hearts in their eyes. They wiggled their hips against each other, even as they fishhooked themselves, tongues out and mouths wide open while Issei jerked his hard cock off, barely an inch from their face.

"Pllss, gif it th me!" Kuroka cried, her tongue leaking drool all over her chin.

"C-cover ussh both! Drown usssh in cum!!" Rossweisse said, leaning forward so her breasts rubbed against Issei's leg.

With a grunt he began painting their faces white with his seed. They gulped down as much as they could, but it was like trying to drain all the beer from a keg. It filled up their mouths as fast as they could swallow it, and soon piled up in their mouths as they gargled all that sperm. Eventually, Rossweisse and Kuroka moaned as they leaned closer, making out with each other around Issei's cocktip, spitballing his come back and forth, finding a new connection beyond their rivalry for one another, happy to both be Issei's loving, fucking, dirty harem sluts.

It wasn't until the next day that they were finished, and even that was just a brief rest. Rossweisse called into Kuoh Academy for both her and Issei, saying they were sick. She had to explain that they would be out for a day…three days, at least, just to be safe. She had to repeat herself several times as Kuroka and Issei were in the next room, with Kuroka screaming out that Issei was going to "break her cunt!" and that she wanted him to "fuck a nasty dragon bastard into my womb!".

Issei's room was a mess, with come everywhere, from the floors to the wall and even a few stains on the ceiling. The bed had mostly collapsed, meant to hold one person not much bigger than Issei, and having to contend with the weight of three rutting adults who were fucking like maddened animals. The blinds had been torn off the window and the door was going to need to be fixed, not to mention the craters that had been fucked into the flor and walls. Resting on the remains of the bed, Issei relaxed, as Rossweisse and Kuroka rested next to him, draping their hands across his body. The pair of them didn't look much better, with their hair a mess and makeup streaked across their faces, red handprints on their asses, as well as their tits from Issei's constant treatment. Each girl's lips were swollen from sucking dick for hours, looking like they'd been stung by bees, and their nipples were still painfully erect.

Issei still had plenty of energy, and was using their breasts as pillows, already thinking of what lewd, nasty shit he'd get up to with both of them next.

"Fuck, Ise. You are simply too much and if we're not careful your mom and dad will find out. I'm not sure how we could explain this…especially the kitty bitch."

Kuroka mewled at her playfully, though she almost agreed-not that she minded much. She could always go back to being a cat by day and Issei's pocket pussy by night.

"Well, they once thought I wouldn't be able to get a girlfriend. They'll be proud to see I have two, especially two gorgeous ones."

The women just blushed, as they traced their fingers across Issei's chest.

"We might have to find some other girls for you, though master. Even with Senjutsu I still am worn out, keeping up with you is an insane, impossible task. Maybe we should ask some of those fallen angels, or that Rias Gremory."

"You know about them? And the President?!" Issei said, shocked to find his house pet was so well informed. Ross and Kuroka just giggled.

"Well, beings like us have to keep track of these things, Issei. Rias is no ordinary person, not at all. I even watched that date you went on with Amano." Kuroka replied, as Ross nodded.

"Yes, me too, the cheap slut."

Issei thought for a moment, rubbing the girls' huge tits as if for inspiration. "Hmm…so then you know where they are now?"

Kuroka smiled playfully. "Oh yes, of course. In fact, I was planning on paying them a visit for killing you…even if it didn't take. Would you two like to come along?"

As usual, Issei spoke first, knowing Rossweisse would follow his lead.

"Damn right I do!"

To Be Continued…