
DxD: Scarlet Nexus In DxD

White hair, blue hair, oh what can go wrong here? Kasane Randall and Hiroki Kuno enter Kuoh for a somewhat easy school year whilst they sort out their feelings. Of course, not all is as it seems. We all know why too. Why bother asking? Both wish to hide who they really are but that's only the start of their problems. Cue Devils.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 2 : The teacher

Both Kasane and Hiroki arrived outside the class and knocked on the door.

The teacher—sensei—opened the door by a small margin. "Ahh, you two must be the new transfer students.

I assume Shitori-san gave you a pass for the tardy, good. One moment please."

They nodded as the door closed and the voice of the teacher spoke up, louder this time, "Class, attention, please! We have two new students joining us for today, please give them the respect they deserve as fellow students. Come on in, you two."

Hiroki opened the door, gesturing for Kasane first, "Ladies first." Kasane murmured a thank you before entering the room. Hiroki followed in after her. Hearing the praises of the opposite gender was amusing for the duo who wrote their names on the board in kanji.

Randall Kasane and Kuno Hiroki. The names were written perfectly, and the style of handwriting was different. Kasane's carried the elegance of her gender while Hiroki's carried the rigidness of his gender.

Hiroki went first, "My name is Kuno Hiroki, it's a pleasure to meet you. Please take care of me." A small bow to his class, he looked to his companion.

"Randall Kasane, I am in your care." She followed Hiroki's example.

"Woah, so cute!"

"Oh, that look! Ice Queen!"

"Another pretty girl!"

"A super hot guy!"

"Ara ara…hello there."

"Eww, another bishounen."

"Go die."

Not on my list of things to do, jackass.

Kasane subtly pinched his arm to refrain him from making that same gods-awful reference. She's heard it fifty-seven times in the last year alone.

"Woah! Bust 95, Waist 56, Hips 88!" Hiroki's gentle look disappeared, and glared at the voice, only focusing on it for a moment. Kasane felt suddenly violated at how that perverted glasses-wearing guy just accurately guessed her three sizes with a simple glance.

"I don't like you," She said, sending a metaphysical arrow to his heart. That wouldn't stop the guy from attempting to peek. Her hand grasped Hiroki's wrist as comfort, to him more than to her.

It worked as his gentle, carefree look returned. One classmate seemed to be staring very intently at his crotch, and to his amusement, her glasses suddenly cracked, not shattered but the spider-web effect looked pretty good up close. The girls looked between her and him, suddenly flushing and discreetly rubbing their thighs.

"So big…" the twin-tailed girl mumbled, seemingly in a daze. Hiroki tried to not take that ego boost heavily.

One of the perverts looked at the girl, "…that's never happened before."

"Randall-san, don't let this guy go," the girl said, pulling out another pair of glasses. Her flushed cheeks did not help her case. "He will definitely rock your world."

"Noted," Kasane said, her amusement only heard by Hiroki, which pleased him on an instinctual level.

"Okay class, please raise your hand to ask them a question."

Class 2-B's hands all shot in the air, save for one or two students. Hiroki pointed to one of them, "Are you two dating? Are you single?"

Kasane and Hiroki looked at the girl, then at each other. They seemed to have a mental conversation seconds before they acted. Hiroki dropped both of their bags before one hand snaked around Kasane's waist, one hand tangled in her hair. Her hand grabbed the open portion of his blazer, while the other went to his nape. Despite the few centimeter height difference between them, they made it work.

Their lips met with passion, and the hand in Kasane's hair found its way to her hip, tapping it once. Kasane complied as she kissed him, raising a leg and feeling his hand grasp her upper thigh, something she secretly never got tired of, and had it wrapped around his waist, making her shiver at feeling what met her. The teacher looked surprised and appalled at this and averted her eyes, mentally trying to calm herself before attempting to intervene.

The girl whose glasses broke was staring with a perverted smile, while three others were seething in jealousy. The girls in the room all screamed in pure shock. There were shouts of calling the manga club to make a Doujinshi of them.

Hiroki and Kasane broke the lip lock, their tongues retreating into their own mouths, a small string of saliva connecting them before it fell apart seconds later. "Does that answer your question?" They tried to not notice how their chests were panting with exertion and abject lust.

The girl who asked nodded dumbly, her thighs pressed together as she tried to process what she—along with her class—just witnessed. Even the teacher was still trying to recover. "Food for thought, fellow classmates of 2-B, don't tread on marked territory."

One brown-haired male shivered involuntarily at this, feeling something odd. For once, he was going to listen to that little tidbit of advice.

Kasane immediately punched his arm, and not lightly either. Hiroki thought it was worth it, seeing the blush coat Kasane's pale cheeks.

"That answers if we're single or not and in a relationship or not. Any other questions?" Hiroki asked, idly fixing Kasane's hair, her cheeks still coated in a blush, even as she felt his hands tangled in her hair before he started braiding it. She checked her wrist to see her hair tie no longer within her sight. The sight made the girls swoon and the guys swear death on him...again. The braid was completed in a few seconds, tieing off the last loose strands with the hair tie. To the guys, she looked beautiful, easily competing with the Two Great Onee-Samas of the school. The girls…well, some might just turn lesbian to try and date her.

Key word, try.

"Where are you from?"

"What are your hobbies?"

Kasane cleared her throat, trying to let the tingle from her lips fade. He's too good at kissing. "We both hail from Kyoto but our Guardian sent us here because this was the best Academy in the area. Hobbies include training and reading."

"A video game every now and again slips into the mix but our private lives aren't that interesting," Hiroki joined in. Yet both new students knew that statement was a lie. Especially since they were stretching their senses across the room. They felt a presence in the room that was…in a word, dominating. It almost made them cower and flinch away but they held strong. They would have to keep watch over the individual in question.