
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Training Camp

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 2150


Rias was making Issei carry the most weight.

It would have made more sense for all of us to be carrying weights. But hey what do I know? It's not like I haven't trained my whole entire life.

She didn't even ask me for my opinion or my help.

I had just as much gear on my back. Might as well be carrying feathers. But I increased my Gravity and Resistance again. Might as well get a good workout while climbing this mountain

I pass by Issei "On your left"

"Damn you for showing off how easy it is" Issei grumbled

"Excuse me" Koneko passed by with a backpack ten times the size that both of us were carrying. Issei fell on his back when he saw her

They gave Rias 10 days. To level the playing field with Riser..

They all must be high. It's like asking newbie football players to play an official match with professionals. And they have 10 days to catch up to the pros.

And Rias doesn't even have Asia with her this time. She is toast.

~ Arriving at the Villa

After walking for about 20 more minutes. We reach the Villa. It looked great on the outside. Honestly, this Vila was just like a summer house to the Gremory Family. Actually, I don't know if this even belongs to them. But comparing this to the Germory Mansion.

I think it sounds about right

"Okey lets put our stuff down and start training" Rias says happily

"Training?! Right away?! Buchou!! You are a monster!" Issei started to tear up comically

"No~ I'm a Devil~" Rias winked at him


Very funny.

We enter the Vila and pick our rooms. Rias wanted me to share a room with Issei but I refused. There are like 5 other unoccupied rooms. If she wants to 'deepen our bonds' why doesn't she go and sleep with him?

Oh wait. She tried. And got Cockblocked.

Too bad for her.


Rias tried to make a training program. Emphasis on tried. She just crammed as much activity into the day and made Issei do them. That's not the right way to learn.

Lesson 1 was Sword Training with me.

I got to beat him up with a wooden stick. Which was funny. Especially since I didn't even try to teach him anything other than the basics that a Kendo beginner could tell him.

Fighting me was supposed to let him have some 'experience' with fighting Knights.

What kind of experience does she expect him to get in 10 days? Then again this is a world were he got a power-up by touching a pair of boobs.

So.. I have no idea. I wouldn't know since I'm not the Protagonist. And I had to train very hard to get to this point.

Lesson 2. Magic with Akeno

They decided to teach him magic now. Even though they didn't before because of his pitiful reserves. Akeno was teaching him to feel his magic and call it out.

She teased him all the time with slight touches. Making him lose focus. Not like he had that much of it in the first place. Anything that inst related to girls and boobs he loses focus fast.

So in Issei's case. Focus on Magic that could save his Master's future or the Bombshell touching you all over your body? Its obvious what he would do.

Lesson 3. Hand to hand with Koneko

This was hilarious to watch. Koneko basically beating the crap out of him. She did it with glee. Revenge for all the peeking.


"Owww" Issei complained

"Weak." Says indifferently. With the same cold face as always

He quickly got up. "Not Yet! I'm not giving up!"



Lesson 4.

Rias told him to use Magic to cook. And left him alone.


What the hell is she thinking?

This is where Issei figured out the foundation for Dress Break.

By holding an onion and thinking of 'Undressing' Akeno. The outer layer of the onion tore apart. Same with the potatoes

Which is such a stupid ass skill. I mean tearing the clothes of women. Big Deal. It would only be useful if he could apply it on armor. Well, normal armor doesn't matter much. But Vail's Scale Male does count as armor.

So unless he can use 'Dress Break' on that. Then it's a useless spell.

~ Dinner time

We were all eating on the table. Akeno went in an showed Issei the steps. Otherwise, we would be probably eating burnt food right now. And I don't even mean that in an insulting manner.

Most guys have no idea how to cook. Issei's mother handles the cooking in his house. Asia helped out in the OG. But she isn't here right now.

"Ahhh what do you say we take a bath to relax" Rias asks everyone

"BATH!" Issei jumped form his chair, smoke comically coming from his nose.

"Issei are you perhaps going to peek? You know you could come and join us. Does anyone have a problem with that?" Rias asks Akeno and Koneko

"Ufufu I always wanted to try washing a guy's back." Akeno did her thing but she also glanced at me. She is sending the signals. but I'm ignoring them. It's not worth the trouble. Especially when I'm so close to my freedom.

Issei gets more excited by the second

"I don't want to" But Koneko's voice smashes his dreams to pieces

"Well never mind then. Sorry Issei" Rias smiles at him innocently


Issei falls backward

"Just blindfold Issei. It will probably be torture to him" I say offhandedly

Koneko and Akeno perk up on torture "Good idea Yuuto-senpai!" Koneko pumps her fist

"Ara Ara. I wonder if Issei will go crazy"

"But you will have to be blindfolded too" Akeno smirks.

"I don't mind. I can 'see' even when I am blindfolded" Like I would let such an obvious weakness affect me. I trained a lot by eliminating my senses.

Echolocation is pretty simple to recreate with magic.

~ Bath

"Ahhh the water feels great" Rias says as she relaxes in the hot spring

Koneko just nods

"Ara Ara. Looks like someone is stubborn though" Akeno smiled as she turned to Issei

"COME OFF. STUPID BLINDFOLD! LET ME SEE PARADISE!!!" Issei was struggling to take off the magic blindfold.

"LET ME SEE THE GLORIOUS OPPAI!! Buchou's glorious perky boobs. Akeno's magnificent giant rack! Even Koneko's small palm-sized- GUFFF" Koneko punched Issei in the Gut.

"Sigh honestly Issei. Why can't you be like Yuuto" Rias facepalms

"Ufufu. But inst it's weird that Kiba is showing no reaction. This should be very stimulating to boys" Akeno palmed her cheek

"Yuuto-senpai can't see" Koenko said calmly

"I can" I counter back.

"That's impossible. That Blindfold is specially made. And expensive. Ufufu" Of course it's Akeno's blindfold.

"Raise your hand and make a number with your fingers" I didn't bother to say anything else. They each show a different number

" 4. 2. 7" I point at Rias. Koneko and Akeno. Koneko quickly covered herself. Akeno and Rias just looked curious

"How?" Akeno asked, she also licked her lips for some reason

"There are many more ways to see than just relying on Sight. I learned how to do Echolocation with magic. It requires very precise control but I can do it. I didn't want to be useless if I am blinded for some reason or if I was fighting in a fog or smokescreen"

"That's impressive. But that means you have been able to see us since the start"

"WHAT! YOU BASTARD. HOW CAN YOU SEE THE GLORIUS OPPAI, BUT I CAN'T! TAKE THI- GUF" Another punch from Koenko and Issei is K.O.ed for another 5 minutes.

"Yes. I can see better than I would see with my eyes. Considering your bodies are underwater and are hidden by the steam."

"Pervert" Koneko shyly mumbled

"Ara Ara. And it's still not enough to 'excite' you. Maybe you play for the other team" Akeno giggled

"Well, considering I'm not a virgin. And I meet up with girls often I doubt it. And it would take a lot more than this to make me lose control. Women like it when a man has and takes control. Something you know nothing about. Considering you haven't even kissed a guy." I say to Akeno. I imagine she had a blush on her face by the way she turned her head to the side

"What! Since when are you not a Virgin!" Rias yelled out as she stood up

"Since the first week, we got in Kuoh"

"Ara.Ara. Yuuto-kun works fast. Don't tell me you were pent up because of us in the Gremory Mansion" Akeno wanted to get a hit in because I embarrassed her

"Yes, I was. You are all very attractive" My blunt answer made them all shut up and look to the side awkwardly.

I'm glad the pervert's knocked out. I doubt I could handle his screaming. And didn't I mention this before already? Did they already forget?

~ Late in the night.

Rias catches Issei going for a cup of water. She was staying late reading about Rating Game tactics.

A bit late for that if you ask me. I mean she decides to study tactics now? 9 days away from the fight.

Rias talks to Issei. I'm looking at them through the window.

This is the scene where they have their big heart-to-heart moment. Where she falls in love with him even more.

She knows this game is a trap from her father. She doesn't like how the Gremory name followed her. Everybody only sees Rias GREMORY. She was at least her husband to love her just for as Rias and not her name. A small dream of hers.

I already hid a sword there. A microphone basically.

"I love you Buchou regardless of rank and name" Cliche but clashes work. Honestly, I think he should have kissed her at this moment. Rias would probably let him.

Issei's low self-esteem issues. He doesn't have confidence. Cries in her chest.

Well if Rias did something impressive for once. Maybe people won't know her for her family name.

I mean everybody knows Ajuka. Either by Beelzebub or Astaroth. But they know Ajuka is a genius. No matter which name he goes by. All she has done her whole life is laze around, and watch manga and anime.

And she expects people to know her for something other than Rias Gremory.


We are on the field watching Issei power up


"Again Issei!"




"That's enough." Rias stops him

"Ara Ara. 12 Boosts. That's impressive" Akeno cups her cheek

Issei was staring speechlessly at his Gauntlet

Then Rias started her mini speech.

Rias says he got this strong because of the camp.

But hear me out.

Maybe just maybe. It's because he is getting used to being a devil. And all the running around he does on his bike is paying off.

I mean 2 days of training and wow. He can do 12 Boosts? I don't think so.

The most likely scenario is all the running around he has been doing for the past month.


Dragon Shot.

He shoots the top off a small mountain. The Dragon Shot is equivalent to an attack from a High-Class Devil.

Hmm, wonder what will happen if he boots me?

That's an interesting thing to see later on.

I would have gotten Boosted Gear for myself or someone from my future team.

But leaving it with the pervert is actually a better plan.

First of all his plot armor. He will always find himself in dangerous situations. Which means it will be less likely to happen to me.

Second. The Red Dragon Emperor is a big Beacon. Everyone wants him to work for their faction. And if he doesn't join them. he is a threat that will have to be eliminated.

And all the threats that will appear in the future. I'll let Issei deal with them.

Why should I risk myself or my people? When I can let the others take care of them. And on the off chance, he is about to die. Like he should have if it wasn't for plot armor. Then I'll take Draig

~ It was late at night again

Issei was to invent a new move. The Dress Break. Since Asia isn't here, he had to ask Rias and Akeno. Who of course agreed,

Anything to make Issei stronger. So they spent the night trying to get Issei to tear apart their clothes. With magic.

It's no wonder they lost.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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