
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Team Zero

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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DxD: Kiba should be ending pretty soon.

Word Count 1580


Meredith and Rossweisse were inside Nexus HQ managing the wards. Searching for any and all enemies. It was highly likely that the full frontal attack was just a distraction. So they were being very thorough. Checking for any anomalies in the area of the Base.

But even with them being on full alert. A cloaked figure was walking towards the center of NEXUS.

He was Artos. A Very Low-Level Grim Riper chosen to be part of a very secret and very elite unit under the Death God Hades.

Unit Zero.

A unit that is solely specialized in infiltration. Nothing like the Grim Reapers that Isaiah met when he was starting out. These Grim Reapers have Zero fighting powers. Practically no mana at all which means Zero escape options as well.

All of their training has been focused on being as undetectable as possible. The people chosen in this unit usually have almost no magic power. They just do infiltration exercises over and over again. For months, years even decades.

When a member of the Zero Unit goes on a real mission he is given the best replica of Hades's Cap they have made. It completely eases their existence. Combined with their already extremely low strength and expert-level skill in infiltration. They make for very excellent assassins. Even suicide soldiers.

Artos was given a mission. Go to the center of NEXUS and wait. Choose a good position where the upper echelon would probably meet and once you don't move. Stand in the corner and wait.

Once the Generals of Nexus arrive. Detonate a bomb containing Samael's Poison along with Hades's special poison mix. That is very expensive to make and takes a few centuries for just a drop.

After a while, he reached the castle. As he was walking through the hallways, but no matter how much he walked the hallways seemed to stretch on forever.

'Did they make some space manipulation trap to extend the hallway?' Artos stopped walking. 'This could be troublesome. In situations like this, there should be an exit point somewhere in this hallway. If it has some sort of passcode I could be in trouble.'

While Artos was thinking out of nowhere, he felt himself jerk forward, and then the pain started.

Artos looked down to see a giant claw coming out of his stomach. No not coming out, coming through, it pierced straight through him from the back. The attack knocked the cap off his head, revealing his existence to the world

Artos turns around to see a nail/claw and a finger coming out of the floor. A bit further away he saw the floor shift as a giant red eye appeared looking at him with malice.

*Cough* "H-how...did you find me"

Kurama chuckled as he started to slowly separate himself from the floor, walls and ceiling "I am a Sage. Few people understand what that really means.

A can do a lot of things that are considered impossible. Like becoming one with this entire castle. I knew someone would come, probably someone with invisibility or Ghost powers. So I fused myself to the castle. But I must admit I couldn't sense you at all.

But I felt you 'walk' on me. At first, I thought it was my imagination, your steps were the lightest and the most soundless I have sensed. But after you continued to walk I realized that someone was really there. When you stopped I saw my opportunity and took it. "

*Cough*"But you were outside fighting" Artos grunted out in pain as blood started to flood his lungs.

Kurama grinned "Clone techniques are such a useful branch of magic. Now what to do with a little rat like you"

"At least I'm taking you down with me" Artos tried to detonate the bomb but Kurama was faster

"No, you are not!" He quickly ripped a hole in spide straight into the Dimensional Gap and threw the Grim Reaper into it.

The hole quickly closed afterward, but Kurama caught a glimpse of the explosion just as it was starting. It looked powerful. They really dodged a bullet there. In their relaxed state with no defense, that attack would have done a lot of damage and might have even killed a few of the weaker members.

"Kurama are you OK? The wards show a breach" Rosswisse contacted the Sage

"I'm fine, that was me, I threw a suicide bomber in the Gap. Notify the rest to be careful. There are Grim Reapers inside the castle, wearing Replicas of Hades's Cap."

Kurama looked at the floor where the cap was melting into a puddle and scoffed "I will return this to you threefold. Just you wait Hades. You and your friends haven't seen anything yet" 

Kurama fused back with the castle and continued to search for intruders.

On the battlefield where Isaiah and Cain were fighting. 

Cain's body was riddled with wounds, burn marks, and frost marks. It was harder to find a part of him that wasn't bloody or injured. But all of them were slowly healing.

'It's amazing that he discovered my weakness so fast' Cain thought to himself as he punched another sword slash, parrying it away.

Isaiah had noticed that physical attacks were doing nothing to Cain so he switched things up. Each time he used [LACERATE] he added a power that would do mental damage to Cain. And the results showed. Cain got slower. More lethargic. 

His body might be immortal and erase the mental attacks soon after they begin. But the mental damage continued to stack until Cain got tired. 

'My one weakness is my mind. Getting sliced, diced and killed over and over again causes a strain on my mind. And he keeps adding mental attacks on top of it. It's hard to see him as someone who has lived for 2 decades. If I didn't know any better I would put him in the same age as me'

(A/N Cain is younger than the Angels. Fallen and Most Gods.) 

Cain stopped mid-air and turned to the Castle. He then noticed that Heracles and Hachiman's aura had disappeared. causing the immortal to sigh.

"So we failed then?" Cain said as he backed away. 

Isaiah on the other hand was a tiny bit pissed ' I hate cheat characters. Hypocritical coming from me, but that's what he is. I have been diceing him for the last 15 minutes. Hitting him with [LACERATE] when I can. This is not about martial arts anymore.

No matter how Skilled his billion-year-old ass is. He shouldn't be able to do this. The fuck did God make when he toyed around with a fragment of 'Infinity'? My best guess Cain is using The Mark to strengthen his Touki, especially putting emphasis on the muscles.'

"You don't sound surprised" Isaiah commented

Cain shook his head "I'm not. You know I kind of admire you. A reincarnated devil, a child. reaching this level in a decade. I guarantee you. That has never happened in the history of the world. I should know, I have been around for a long time."

"Thanks for the compliment, but you have got me thinking. Is a man like you doing here? I understand your grudge against Heaven. But NEXUS has never done anything to you" Isaiah asked calmly

Cain just shrugged his shoulders "You are an enemy of my allies. I personally have nothing against you, but I need their help to gather the Holy Relics"

Isaiah narrowed his eyes "What do you want those pieces of junk for?"

Cain's whole expression changed. His normally calm face was filled with rage "To Bust Open the Gates of Heaven. The combined energy I would get by sacrificing the Holy Relics would be enough to completely destroy the Gates of Heaven. And when me and my allies go there, I will destroy the System God left and free myself from this cursed mark."

Isaiah frowned 'Ahhh, troublesome. That system is the only thing keeping Heaven in Check. Along with all the Sacred Gears. Should the system fall, Heaven won't be able to gather any Faith. And would lose control of all the souls who go there. And that's without all the shit that would happen to the Angels.

Most importantly, if the system fails, Sacred Gears would no longer be reincarnated into a new host. They would stay in the corps of the user after his death. This means others will be able to easily grab Sacred Gears and I will lose one big advantage I hold over all the other Factions.'

Isaiah's sword changed again. 'Zenith'

Cain jumped backward. Avoiding a couple of swords that suddenly pierced from above him

"Whoaa. Nope, I ain't dealing with that sword again. Plus I'm the only one left and I'm not stupid enough to think I can win against you, let alone once the others arrive. So Cya~" Cain crushed some sort of black crystal artifact and a black warp gate appeared behind him and swallowed him up

Isaiah just stared at where Cain disappeared before relaxing a bit "Hmm, this is getting more and more troublesome. And these million-year-old faggots are popping up one after another."

'Maybe I should increase the difficulty of my Training. I can still somewhat handle my current level...

Yeah, x5 sounds pretty good. Asia and Valerie will handle all of my broken bones and ripped muscles. Speaking of which I need to go and check on them'

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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