
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
125 Chs

Rating Game

Yes people I realize that its a plot hole. Why did you think I asked? I wasn't sure.

Because it was so petty and tiny. I started to doubt myself. Is this really considered a scheme? I mean it was going to happen anyway. They just did their jobs instead of avoiding it and suppressing the news like they usually do.

But the majority has spoken. It is a plot hole. There for it will be fixed. As soon as I get back from work. I didn't have any time to do it yesterday or this morning.

Thanks to all who commented about this

Word Count 1640


Today's the day. The Rating Game is about to begin.

All of us were waiting in the ORC lobby.

Issei was stressing out while the others were drinking tea.

Greyfia, Sona and Tsubaki come in.

"The match is about to begin. You will be teleported to the stage as soon as it begins. Lucifer-sama will be watching" Grayfia announced in her usual stoic tone

"Oni-sama?" Rias mumbles

"Eh. Did you say your brother?"

And I tone them out. I start to focus on my plan. And the shitshow that will happen afterward.

They talk for a bit. Sona and Tsubaki are responsible for the narration of the Fight. Sona will be the commentator.

"Thank you Grayfia" Rias says calmly and watches as Grayfia bows and teleports away

"Good Luck Rias" Sona said, but she was not hopeful of Rias wining

"Thank you. I'll see you later" Rias spoke softly

A few minutes after they left a teleportation circle appeared beneath us.

We were teleported but we arrived back in the ORC Lobby. A copy of the School in another dimension. Another perk that they gave to Rias. Since she is familiar with the school.

Usually, there are random stages. Jungle. Mountains. Tundra. City SkyScrapers.

But since Rias is weaker they set the stage in her favor.

Well showtime


[The Game Begins Now] Grayfia's voice echoed across the battlefield

First, all of us got magical earpiece's so we can communicate with each other,

"The enemy's main base is in the new school-house. The quickest way would be to cross the school-yard.. but-"

"We'd be in plain sight." Koneko finishes Rias's sentence

"Yes. It's too risky" Rias nods

"Can we approach from the back? Across the Track Field" Issei suggests

"But the enemy is expecting this. I expect a few of their rooks and knights to be placed around this clubhouse" Rias taps the map.

.. And I block out most of this. It just goes back and forth until they decide to grab the Gymnasium. Which was at the center of the 'map'.

"But first we need a defensive line. Yuuto. Koneko. Go set traps in the forest."

"Understood." Koneko said in her monotone voice and I just gave a small nod.

"Akeno covered up the traps with illusions."

"Ufufu Of course" Akeno smiled but here eyes were serious.

The 3 of us left the building


Me, Koneko and Akeno were setting the traps and hiding them.

I don't think it will be effective but meh. "Yuuto. Do 3 more rows. Make them Ice Type." Akeno commanded.

I rolled my eyes and made more traps.

Our familiars were scouting. Deucalion was under orders from me to stay put. I can't let him go wild. He will tear apart anything that moves. It's just his instinct as a predator. After all. Everyone here is weaker than him.

Ahh the pervert is getting a lap pillow. And he is crying from how 'moved' he is.

And Rias said she will release the spell she put on him. Just a 'little bit'. She apparently released some of his 'seals'.

I'm not even going to begin trying to comprehend her thoughts. I get it that Issei was too weak to handle all the power from the 8 pawns.

But why. WHY! Did she wait until the very last minute to unlock that strength,

I mean she could have done it one by one while we were training. Unseal one. Issei gets stronger meaning he can take more punishment, so he gets stronger again. Then you unseal the next one and repeat.

She waited until now. So she can just unseal a 'part of it' And if he needed a tough body. Why the hell did he waste time in sword-fighting with me? If he just needed fighting experience against a knight. It would have been better for him to fight barehanded. Since he doesn't use weapons.

My disappointment is immeasurable.


"Then. Here is the plan"


Here we go.

"Commence Operation! My lovely servants, our opponent is Riser Pheonix, a man sharing the power of a Pheonix. Now. Lets kick his ass."


She needs to work on the speeches. And Lovely servant? Not for long.


Issei and Koneko are in the Gymnasium. They are fighting

Xulean the Rook. And Mira, IL and Nel. The girl who beat Issei up and the loli murder twins with chainsaws.

The pervert used Dress Break on the pawns.

"You are Terrible!"

"A Beast!"

"An enemy of women!"

The pawns yelled at him, but he was too busy gloating in the moment,

"I'm disappointed in you" Koneko breaks his daydreaming

"Commence the next part!" Rias's ordered over the comms.

Koneko and Issei ran out of the Gymnasium.

"RUN!" Xulean yelled out


Akeno blew up the building with lighting

"Wow" Issei stood in awe

[ Riser's three pawns. Retired] Grayfia's announced

"Ehhh. What about the Chinese Girl?" Issei looked at the rubble

"Ara. Ara. She escaped. She certainly is a slippery one" Akeno didn't look happy. She had a frown on her face despite the cheerful voice.


Meanwhile, I was in the forest. Waiting for my enemies.

"Good Evening Kiba-san" I heard a voice from the forest. Ravel came out behind here were the 2 maids and the dancer. That makes 3 more pawns. Next were the 2 Knights'.

"Hello Ravel. Marion, Brunet. Shuriya. Karlamine. Siris." I greet them with a smile

"Hi~ Kiba~" All of them wave at me. Perks of being a great friend. And lover.

"So you all against little old me?" I grin at them releasing a High-Class power aura. Making them sweat even if they know it's just an act for the audience.

"Well, we should be able to hold you off for a little bit. All according to plan" Ravel said meaningfully

Good all is going according to plan.

That means Issei has to deal with the catgirls. The Bishop and the last remaining Rook.

"Well let's have a bit of fun" I make some swords appear from the ground and grab one.

All of them charge me at the same time. After all they know is that they are Staling a High-Class Devil.


While I was being 'stalled'

Koneko gets spotted by the Yubelluna and gets blown up.

Akeno and Luna fight for a while before Akeno beats her but has some injuries. Luna heals with a Pheonix Tear. And defeats Akeno.

I don't get if Two Pheonix tears could be used per game. Why the hell did Rias have none?

Issei was getting thrown around like a ragdoll. There were too many of them and they were coordinated. Even when Issei charged up an attack. The one who was attacked would dodge while the others would slow him down. Draining his stamina.

Rias tries to sneak in Riser's territory to get a sneak attack. But Riser saw through her plan. They both engaged in battle. She is keeps spamming attacks at Riser. Which do no damage.

Issei manages to make an explosion and threw all of his enemies away. But none of them retired. They were just blown back. He reaches the base and promotes to Queen.

Issei joins Rias in her Assult. He boosts a lot and fires a Dragon Shot at Riser.

~ 3rd Pov

Riser lets the attack hit him only to regenerate.

"Hahahaah. Is that the best you can do? I'm so disappointed. Looks like the Red Dragon Emperor of this generation will be a failure. He is probably the Weakest one yet." Riser shook his head

Rias got angry at Riser for insulting her 'cute pawn'

"AHHHH" She continued to throw her Power of Destruction wildly. Hitting Riser but dealing no damage.

Issei was too weak to move the Dragon Shot he fired at Riser drained him of all his magic

"Take this" Riser spread his arms wide open. Fire gathered on both his palms. He threw the fire at them. It quickly spread. Becoming a Tsumani made out of fire.

Rias made a barrier around her and Issei. The Flame Tsumani blew up the part of the building they were standing on.

The force of the attack burned a bit of their clothes and separated them.

Riser walked over to Issei who was laying on the ground and kicked him in the stomach "GAH!"

Issei was sent flying to Rias.

"No don't hurt him anymore!" Rias hugged Issei's bleeding body

"Then Surrender" Riser said in a cold tone. He was a being of fire, but his eyes were as cold as ice.

"..no!" Issei struggled to get up "i.. won't let buchou.. get hurt" Issei said weakly

"Issei" Rias started to tear up


Riser just threw a mini fireball at him. it didn't even do any damage, it just knocked him on his back

"Wait! Please Stop! I su-"


Just as she is about to give up. A blade flew at her at high speeds and pierced her shadow. Rias was frozen in place. She wasn't even able to talk. She was completely paralyzed

"Well that's enough of that" Kiba slowly walks out of the forest.

He was completely unharmed. A few seconds after him. Came out Riser's peerage who 'stalled him'. Their bodies were filled with scratches and cuts, All except Ravel. Who only had her clothes torn. She regenerated

Riser and his remaining perigee gather together. They were only missing the 3 pawns Akeno blew up at the start.

Kiba was totally disregarding the tension in the air. He was calm and casual. Like he was going on an evening walk.

"Kiba I have been waiting for you!" Riser says with a smile. He raised his power to his max. Showing that he was a true High-Class. His peerage followed him. Everybody was getting serious

"Let the real Fight BEGIN"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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