
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Planning and Clash

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat or Ko-Fi.

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Word Count 3620


*Boom. Boom. BOOM.*

Sirzechs was desperatly slamming against Crom. Pushing him back. He was using more and more power. His allies had moved away, afraid of getting caught up in his attacks.

The Dragon just had a grin on his face. His job was to stall. But as a Dragon how can he not enjoy such a battle? Fighting against the Strongest Devil. He was getting more aggressive as the enemies disappeared one by one.

Grayfia and Penemue tried their best but Aži Dahāka just tanked their attacks as he teleported his allies away. And then Rias disappeared

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" Sirzechs roared out.

"Haaaa" Crom just popped his shoulders and neck. "Well my job is done"

"Where did you TAKE HER!" Sirzechs clashed with Crom again who just smirked

"No idea. And I don't really care. My job was just to keep you busy" Crom shrugged his shoulders

Azazel and the others appeared and surrounded the dragon. "What is your goal Crom Cruach?" Azazel was stalling. The troops are almost evacuated. 'Damn this stupid Town. It's like it's cursed or something.' 

Crom Cruach the Crescent Circle Dragon let out a mad grin "To fight. To fight till I can't fight no more. To be the strongest or die trying" 

"What about the others" Azazel signals the others to prepare to act

"Hmm? I don't know, some nonsense about the Alliance and Nexus getting too strong. So they joined up to fight you guys. I don't really care about that, but this way I get to fight strong people. But I guess now that everybody else left I will go and get something to eat"

"You think you can escape us?" Grayfia asked coldly. She was new to the position of Satan. The other players in the Devil Faction were watching her actions closely. Looking for any openings they can exploit. Now that Rias was kidnapped right in front of her and Sirzechs. It was a political nightmare. 

And that's just politics. Not to mention family matters. Sirzechs would definitely go and do something stupid. The Gremories as well. Their heir was kidnapped. And this is bad P.R. for them.(Public Relations)

Crom smirked "You think you can stop me? You people are seriously underestimating us" he used his insane strength to rip a tear to the Dimensional Gap. 

The Alliance quickly attacked before Crom even made a move. and the attacks would hit him before he left. Crom took a deep breath. Black-gold scales appeared around his neck and cheeks. Some on his arms as well. 

"ROARRRRRRRR!!!!" a black gold torrent of energy shot out and intercepted the attack. Sirzechs burst through the explosion, not caring for any damage he might have received


Crom smiled and entered the Gap, Sirzechs quickly followed. Crom timed it so that the tear would repair itself after Lucifer entered, stopping the others from coming. 

Seeing as they were in the Gap. Sirzechs directly entered his true form. Power of Destruction surrounded him. He was wearing it like a second skin. He looked like a red and black energy in a human shape. You couldn't even see his face. 

Crom also turned into his original form. That of a majestic jet black Dragon with a black and golden aura surrounding him. Since he has black wings with the addition of arms, Crom Cruach is a Western Dragon.

"Where are the others!" Sirzech's voice echoed in the void

"Defeat me and I might just tell you" Crom's aura exploded 'I'll have some fun with him before leaving. The others said they needed him to do something' 

Both Trancended beings flew at each other. Starting a clash that would shake the Dimensional Gap. 


Underworld. Realm of the Dead.

"Well that went well" Anubis smirked, they had attacked many targets at once. The Alience meeting. Nexus HQ. Many of the Churches around the world. Key locations in the Underworld that would cause serious damage to the Devils and Fallen. 

All in all they had a successful attack. Even if they failed with Nexus


Amaterasu crushed her glass "Hatchiman is dead. That didn't go well"

"So is Heracles but you don't see me being stressed about him" Poseidon said calmly as he took a sip from his drink. "But at least they died like men and didn't run away like a bitch" He turned to Cain who only raised an eyebrow

"Says the fish who didn't even go out to fight" Cain said mockingly "What's wrong, scared that you really will get gutted?"

"What did you say you Punk!" Poseidon slammed his hand on the table and unleashed his power, blue aura surrounded him, it was dense like a liquid it clung to him and swirled like a real water. 

Cain also stood up white-golden colored aura exploded from him "Who are you calling Punk Fish Breath? And if you think you can beat me, then you are delusional"

"ENOUGH!" Hades yelled out and his entire realm shook

"We don't have time to bicker amongst ourselves. We have suffered losses but we have also gained a valuable hostage. Rias Gremory, the little sister of Satan Lucifer."

Amataretsu sneered " It seems like my faction suffered the biggest loss. Cain why didn't you use Samael's Poison on Isaiah"

The Immortal human just sighed " You people are fools. Isaiah didn't become that strong without the skills to back it up. Honestly, that kid is terrifying. Even while fighting me he was still hiding some of his strength, and he still dominated the fight.

I showed multiple openings but he never took them. He somehow knew about the poison beforehand. And instead, he used his time wisely to study me and learn my moves. If we fight again I'm definitely getting killed.

Hell while I was keeping 'him busy' he took his time to study me and decimate our armies which were below him. He tried to be subtle, but an attack that was aimed at me coincidently hit our army right where it would hurt the most and destabilized our troop's formation."

"Heh as expected of a Dragon" Grendel grinned "I can not wait to battle him. . A straight-up death match between Dragons. Hahhaahaha"

Hades pulls up a video feed of Rias lying on a bed in a cell with her magic sealed.

"You know. Now that I get a good look at her without that frown on her face. Her red hair is quite exotic. I think I'm going to bed her, should be a good way to kill some time" Poseidon had a lecherous expression

"""Scum""" Amateratsu, Izanami and Nyx commented

"How unrefined" Loki sneered at the Greek God. Loki had been one of the people that went to the Underworld to cause some chaos there. 

*BANG!* Hades slammed his skeletal hand on the table

"Not a hair on her body will be harmed. What if Sirzechs chooses to attack us instead? She must be completely unharmed and untouched. Only after Isaiah is taken care of. You can do as you wish with her"

Indra nodded "Agreed. That brat is the real danger. In only a Decade he has reached the level required to be on equal footing with the rest of us. What will happen if we give him another decade? A century? Wouldn't he gain enough strength to slaughter us?"

Inwardly Indra was worried about the Visions he was getting. He was getting more and more visions of Isaiah defeating them.

"So we make Sirzechs take care of Isaiah for us. If he can't it will at least weaken both of them. Either way, Sirzech's actions will affect the Devil Race as a whole. Perhaps incite another Civil War?" Apophis the Primal Eclipse Dragon mused 'Now this is a plan I can agree to. Why waste time fighting like a maniac when we can get our enemies to do it'

"What is our next move?" Cain asks Hades

"We wait and see how they react. They have suffered losses as well. For now, we gather our forces and strike again when they least expect it. The Biblical faction has more locations to hit. We will use this to lower their morale. Sirzechs and Crom are still battling in the Dimensional Gap. We need to wait until Sirzechs returns at goes to Nexus. We will base our next actions depending on the way their 'talk' goes. Any objections?"

Hades looked at the people around the table.

Seeing that nobody said anything "Then this meeting is over. Till next time"

~ Kyoto the next day

"Ha? Why do I care? So what if Rias got kidnapped? It's none of my concern" Isaiah said over the phone.

Then a long sigh came from the other side ".. Come now, you spent 10 years with her and her peerage. There has to be a tiny part of you that is worried about her"

"Nope~. None. Doesn't exist. Azazel might I remind you that I was forced into her peerage? And I didn't like her at all. Just because she has a great pair of tits doesn't mean I should care. Whether she lives or dies, it has nothing to do with me"

On the other side of the phone call, Azazel felt tired. 'This call was definitely a mistake. I even went through the trouble of talking through these traceless cell phones'

"Okay then. I will get to the point. Sirzechs wants a meeting with you. He returned a few hours ago after clashing with Crom Cruach known as the Crescent Circle Dragon. Their fight went nowhere. Both of them were pretty evenly matched but Crom had more stamina and got bored so he left. Sirzechs couldn't follow him, dragons have a big advantage in traveling the Dimensional Gap. "

Isaiah narrowed his eyes "Why does he want a meeting?" his voice was filled with doubt

"Sirzechs wants to discuss on how we are going to proceed forward. Both of our factions were attacked by the same group. I think this alone warrants a meeting"

Isaiah looked at his group who signaled him about their opinions

" Nexus will be there"


Azazel looked at the phone "Nexus huh, well it was obvious from the start that he wouldn't come alone

Azazel then pulled up his ordinary phone and messaged Dino. [Call me through the phone I sent Isaiah]

A few minutes later his phone rang. Azazel picked up the phone

"Yo, shitty dad" Dino called out and inwardly Azazel let out a relieved sigh. 'He sounds alright'

"Hello, troublesome son. I heard you got your arm chopped off. Trying to imitate your dear old dad. You are going to make me cry ya know" Azazel said jokingly, this was their whole relationship. Constantly taking shots at each other. And that was all right. It worked for them. 

"Not on your life. I was fighting a God. Hachiman, the Archery God of Japan or something. But during the fight, my reasoning dulled and I started taking unnecessary risks. The enemy used something that made me more reckless. I mean I was already super cranky and mad. I think they amplified that. I don't know, but as a result of that I charged in killed the got but lost my arm in the process" 

Azazel quickly started breaking down the news that he just received 'The enemy has someone that can manipulate emotions...'

"Oh shit" Azazel just groned ' I need to tell the Alience about this. First that stupid Arrow, and now someone can mess with emotions. We can't afford to lose any more Angels. If Heaven falls things would get just that much more troublesome. Not to mention hot heads from all 3 factions and one Issei Hyodo who wants to charge in whatever enemy location and 'beat the information out of them'

"What?" Dino asked, he definitely noticed the tone of his voice

"It's nothing, Faction trouble. I'm sure you have your fair share of work" Azazel was quickly typing on his second phone which had a secure line. 

[Serafall. Ajuka keep an eye on Sirzechs. Got some new info. The enemy has someone who can manipulate the emotions of Ultimate Class fighters. Possibly manipulate even stronger individuals. Dino lost an arm because of it] 

Then he pulled out a third one. This one was linked to all his trustworthy cadres. Instant group messaging. Mostly to tell them all that he is busy with an experiment when an idea pops into his head. He pulls out this phone and presses a few buttons and everybody knows not to disturb him

With that done. Azazel continued to talk to his Son. 


"Srizechs! Are you out of your goddamn mind?!" Serafall yelled at the Great Satan Lucifer

"I want to go alone" Serzechs was firm, not flinching at the agitated Serafall

"I don't care what you want. You are not meeting Isaiah and Nexus alone. You are too emotional right now." Serafall put her hands on her hips and glared at the man

"Do you think I'm going to do something stupid?" SIrzechs raised an eyebrow at her

"YES" Serall yelled at him like it was definitely going to happen


Serafall picked up her phone and saw the message from Azazel

[Serafall. Ajuka. Keep an eye on Sirzechs. Got some new info. The enemy has someone who can manipulate the emotions of Ultimate Class fighters. Possibly manipulate even stronger individuals. Dino lost an arm because of it ]

'FUCKKK...Really! Now!' She turned to Sirzechs who was a nervous wreak

'Damn it. he is more of a liability now than I thought'

"Serafall" Sirzechs looked at her and smiled "Everything will be fine"

Serafall sweatdropped' Why don't I believe that... Damn it! I regret ever coming back.. But my So-Tan called me.. But all of this bullshit again.. Next time I'll just kinda So-Tan with me, that way she won't be in any danger. Yeah that's a good plan'

~ Two days later

Isaiah and a few members of Nexus stood in a remote part of the Underworld. Among those members were Riser, Veldora, Koneko, Xenovia and Asia.

And just on time, the other party arrived.

Sirzechs, Grayfia, Serafall, and Rias's peerage. Issei, Akeno and the three new members.

"Serafall. didn't you leave on a vacation" Isaiah looked at the former Satan in supriose.

This caused her to sigh "Let's just say that the situation demanded my involvement. Otherwise, I would be still enjoying my life somewhere on a beach. And I was just getting used to cocktails and massages. I even started to get a good tan."

"Pity. Well thats a you problem, my suggestion is just grab Sona and head to Bali or something"

Isaiah turned to Sirzechs "Now what do you want? If this is about Rias then we can stop this thing right here. I don't care that she has been kidnaped"

Issei stepped up and pointed his finger at him "You bastard! How can you say that!" Issei was in a very bad mood. His precious Buchou was kidnapped right under his nose. And then when he wanted to charge in and get her back. The Maou's stopped him. Saying he wouldn't even know where to go.

Charging in blindly will result in the enemy capturing him as well. And they couldn't afford to lose a Longinus right now.

Isaiah raised an eyebrow "Quite easily. After all, I don't have anything to with that woman anymore"

"Rias saved your life" Sirzechs yelled out

Isaiah scored "No YOU saved my life, because you wanted me to be a good little slave to your sister. I paid back that debt when I freed her from her 'horrid' engagement"

Riser who was behind Isaiah smirked "Ironically. I got more out of breaking that engagement than her, so thanks for that" 

"Brother, don't be so crude." Ravel who was next to Riser glared at him. 'Keep your mouth shut and follow the plan' 

Riser glanced at his sister before looking forward 'I know.'

Sirzechs turns to Koneko who only raised her hand, stopping him before he even starts "You tricked me and my sister. Separated us, because I would make a nice little gift for Rias. A rare Nekoshou.

You knew the truth the whole time yet you never said anything. Don't expect any mercy from me when you haven't given me any. I do feel bad that Rias has to suffer because of your stupid mistakes. But that part of my life is over. I stand now with Isaiah and Nexus" Shirone said resolutely

"Koneko-chan" Issei sounded crushed

Serafall withheld a grimce 'Man you really fucked up Sirzechs. She knew that just 'gifting' Rias a peerage would come back to bite him in the ass. Especially people with rare races and high potential. Frankly, it's a miracle that Akeno is still staying here.'

Seeing that Koneko or rather Shirone was a lost cause he turned back to Isaiah

"Both our factions were attacked by the same enemy. I suggest we join forces to defeat them"

Isaiah chuckled, but it wasn't only him, the people behind him as well. Nobody was buying Sirzechs's words. He didn't care about his faction. He only wanted to save Rias.

Grayfia frowned at the disrespect shown to her King, but held her tongue. She learned her lesson about getting into a verbal argument with Isaiah. That will not end well. 

"And what would you have us do? For me to surrender myself to them? Set a trap? Join forces in a valiant effort to save Rias? No, thank you. My faction will handle its own problems. And it seems we were the only ones who actually won in these attacks. You people are on your own."

Sirzech's eyes were covered "I see... then you leave me no choice" he used his Power of Destruction to envelop himself. And dashed at Isaiah who casually stood there as he created an ordinary sword

"Sirzechs!! DON'T!!" Serafall yelled out as she rushed forward. Rias's peerage did the same

"Where do you think you are going?" Riser appeared in front of them, his flaming wings expanding blocking their way with intense heat and flames.

"Boy move! I have to stop Sirzechs!" Serafall yelled out causing Riser to sneer "This was supposed to be a peace talk. Yet your leader broke by attacking first. How do we know you are not acting right now?"

"Move Yakitori bastard!" Issei yelled out ( Yakitori/Skewered chicken on grill)

[Balance Breaker: Scale Mail] Issei directly donned his red draconic armor

Riser closed his eyes, put his hand on his chest, and focused

"Fuga..." (OPEN)


A heartbeat echoed in the surroundings



All the fire around Riser exploded engulfing the area. Serafall with her superior strength was the first one to notice 'The quality of his flames changed.'

Just as she thought that the flames themselves started to change. Form an Orange-Red, to Yellow and finally to Blue-Violet

Riser's wings and flames were now blue. His eyes flashed blue before returning to normal "Nobody will interrupt Isaiah"

Serafall was stumped 'How the hell am I supposed to beat him without killing him? This is practically a Quasi-Awakening. When did Riser reach this level? The Phenex family will cause a lot of trouble if I accidentally kill Riser. Why meee~!'

"You sure have a lot of loyalty towards Isaiah"

Riser scoffed at her and crossed his arms "Let's forget the things he has done and taught me. Do I need a reason to be loyal to my brother?"

She smiled at that "I guess not. Well then, let's see how strong you have gotten Phenex brat"

It was over. She couldn't reach Sirzechs. At least now she can gather whatever information she could. As far as she knew no Phenex had reached this level before, If the Clan could learn this, it would be a boost to the Devils. 



Sirzechs and Isaiah were clashing. Each clash left a mark on the ground. A crater. A slash mark. Or that part was just erased from existence

Sirzechs was having trouble comprehending the situation 'I knew he was strong. I knew that he had reached Transended Class. But clashing against him like this really hits home how much stronger he has gotten. If he had just stayed in the Devil Faction, things would have been a lot better'

Isaiah flicked his hand.

Sirzechs dodged long deep slash marks that appeared on the ground where he stood.

'And then there is his domain' Sirzechs looked at the blond man 'Sword, he defines the sword in every way, cutting, slashing, piercing, blocking, parrying. Sometimes my attacks will just steer to the left and right without hitting him. What a simple yet powerful domain. I need to use more power. I'm done testing him out.'

Sirzechs stopped and his aura exploded. He was going into his True Form. Where he becomes Destruction in human form. 'This is the Second Time I am using this in One Day. I need to end this quickly. My reserves are half full. Damn that Dragon' 

Isaiah frowned and was about to release his Domain when he suddenly smiled and vanished his sword.

Sirzechs was surprised at the action but he was not ready for what followed

Isaiah raises his hand and a hologram appears of another Isaiah holding a small red-haired child


Sirzechs freezes "Milicas?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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