
Leaveing Alfheim & Ambush

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Been working on the other fics for a while. Enjoy the chap

Word Count 2660


We spent our days training and relaxing in Alfheim. The fairies and elves didn't bother us. Well, the older ones didn't.

The younger ones were like puppies. Just go around everyone, curious about every little thing. Gasper took a few photos of them sleeping together with Dino, who didn't notice a thing as they had no hostile intentions for him.

Meredith collapsed from the cuteness of the scene. My protege Mini-Dio got some photos of her as well. So proud of him.

But there is good news. After our spar. Gloxinia talked to the Former Kings and Queens now turned Ministers. And they decided to Officially Join the Alliance.

I left a giant teleportation sword so we can come in if someone strong comes. I also left a few thousand swords for the elves like I did for the yokai.

Then me and Meredith did some ward work again and made Bunkers in case of an attack so civilians can hide until we teleported back.

Gloxinia will be traveling with us, he says he is too weak and would like to travel the world with us. Enjoy the sights and get stronger in the meantime.

Tiamama used her new Goddess powers to bless the Sacred Tree and some other important locations. In exchange, the elves and the fairies will pray to her from time to time.

So she can finally start gathering 'Faith'. The more people that pray to her, the stronger she gets.

Me and her were sitting on top of the Sacred Tree. This one still needed some extra blessings. Since it was so powerful any blessing that is put on in needs to be strong as well.

"This feels weird. I can hear their prayers. But another part of my mind is responsible for them. Which I am so glad. It would be a nightmare if I constantly hear someone in my head" Tiamat chuckles as she snuggles up to me.

"Well, you are a Goddess now. So it is expected. I heard rumors that some Gods make dozens of weak Avatars of themselves and go around the world. Answering a prayer so they can keep getting faith. And to mingle with the humans." I continue to play with her hair as both of us look down on the Mythical Forest


After another long week of training and then relaxing. It was time for us to leave. We have stayed enough here. We will go back to Kyoto to introduce Gloxinia to everyone and announce that Alfheim has joined NEXUS.

"*Sniff* Do you have to leave?" Gerheade clung to her brother

"*Sigh* we have been over this dear sister. I must do what's best for our people. And I will be back in a few months. You know how fast time goes for our race. You will barely even notice I'm gone"

Gloxinia kept petting her head while looking at his Ministers. The former Kings.

"Keep things running as usual. You're doing a great job. I will be starting trade relations with the Yokai"

Their mouths twitched. He was dumping all the work on them while he was going on vacation. But he was the King. They had to obey his word.

"" Understood""

After everything was over we left for the Dimensional Gap

"Ahhhh. This place is as shitty as I remember it" Dino mumbled

"I don't know. I find it, mysterious" Misaki said as she gazed at the multicolored Space.

*Bzzzzzz* A tear appeared in the Dimensional Gap.

"Oh What Now!" Meredith yelled out

Someone was entering the gap. But that was a sword slash. There are very few swords that can cut through space and open up a portal in the Gap.

And without even sending out some familiars to scout out the Gap. A group walks through the portal.

"Oh. it's them" Asia deadpanned.

"You have got to be kidding me" Dino grinned when he saw who it was. 'Something hilarious is about to happen. I can feel it'

"Vali, Bikou, Artur, LaFay. What are you doing here?" Kuroka smiles at them. She already knew their goal just by the way Vali was glaring at Isaiah. But they were still her friends, sort of. At least she can say hi

"Hi~ Kuroka" LaFay cheerfully waved back.

"Good to see you again Kuroka-san" Arthur did a gentleman's bow.

"Yo~" Bikou just did a two-finger salute. While Vali was ignoring everybody

"Isaiah, today I will have my revenge for the humiliation you have put me through!" he or she, or whatever Vali identifies now, yelled at me with hatred

I just deadpanned "You are one stupid ass motherfucker (madafaka)"

"Language" Ingivild yelled out.

Shit, I couldn't stop that one. Samuel L. Jackson would be proud.

"Rahhhhhh. Balance Break!" Vali yells out

[Vanishing Dragon. Balance Break]

Vali was encased in White Draconic Armor. Team Vali quickly backed away. So they won't be joining the fight.

Pity. It would have been funny to just grab them and keep throwing them at Vali. Just to piss her off even more

[Half Dimension] The wings on the back grew in size as the spread. A mysterious aura was unleashed from them.

But I just smirked. We are in the Gap. Where space is always unstable. Using an ability that halves space is just idiotic. But I doubt Vali would be that dumb

And true to my expectations Vali started to accelerate straight at me. The wings were Dividing the space in front of her. She quickly appeared in front of me.

This is actually a perfect opportunity. I have been dying to try out my new sword. I can't test this one out in case I kill them by accident. Sure Valerie can bring them back, but that will break the team chemistry. And now such a convenient test dummy appeared.

A giant sword appeared in front of me. It was mostly violet with a few light blue and green added, along the guard.

It's one of the most ridiculous swords I managed to recreate with my new strenght. The Zenith.

I swung the heavy sword. It blasted Vali back. And that's without using its ability.

"GRRRRRRR." Vali growled I swung the heavy sword. It blasted Vali back. And that's without using its ability.

[I, who is about to awaken,

Am the White Dragon Emperor who will take the law down to the darkness.]

Hoo this is the Empiero drive. Still, nothing I can't handle.

The Zenith is a sword from the game Terraria. It's made up of 18 other swords, and its ability is to summon the 'souls' of the swords it's made from and spin them around the user at extremely high speeds. Shredding everything around him.

And guess how many swords I have created until now.


[ I walk the road of domination with infinite destruction and by piercing through the imaginary dream.

I shall become a pure Emperor of White Dragon]

Hundreds of special swords moving at speeds beyond what most Ultimate Class can see. This is going to be fun.

[And I shall have you obey the silvery-white illusions and the perfect evil ways!

Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive!]

(A/N There are 2 chants for Vali. Both are wierd)

Vali entered Juggernaut Drive. She became a white cyborg dragon. But instead of having a white color scheme, it was mostly silver.

Something like he Boosted Gear's Cardinal Crimson Promotion. Both Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing have weird transformations.

~ Team Reactions

Gloxinia whistled "Wow, that's quite the power"

Tiamat noded "Very impressive. This Vali is quite talented in developing a new drive. Her power level is right on the border of the Transended class. One step in, then a step back. It's a pity that She is such a battle maniac"

Kurama scoffed "Keh, such people are idiots. They attack anyone and anything just so they can get a good fight out of it. Regardless of position. I heard of a maniac that attacked Tsukuyomi. The God naturally erased him from existence. Him and his friends."

"Wasn't that overkill?" Mini-Dio looked at Kurama

" He attacked Tsukuyomi in the middle of a wedding. His Great-Grandson was getting married"

"Oh. That's acceptable then" Gasper nodded understanding where the god's reaction

"This will be fun~nyaa" Koneko was looking at the fight with excitement in her eyes

On the other side a bit further away from the team Kuroka was chatting up Team Vali

"So you are together now?" LaFay says in an excited voice

"Yep~" Kuroka grinned while showing a peace sign

"Congratz. Congratulations Kuroka" Bikou and Arthur nodded at her. Happy for their former teammate.


"RAWWWWWWWWW" Cyborg Dragon Vali flew straight at me, her power disturbing the space in front of her.

Halving it. Decreasing the space between us. This caused some explosions due to the Space in the Gap being unstable in the first place. But she was shrugging off the explosions

The moment of truth. I raised Zenith and slashed.

*SHHHHHH* x???

Hundreds of swords flew out and started to circle me at high speeds. Vali was slashed hundreds of times by different swords in a blink of an eye.

"Rawwwwwww" The dragon roared out in pain


The force of the sword's lessened


Now the swords did less damage. She halved the damage she was about to receive.

Impressive. But not enough

I started to pump even more power into the Zenith. And started to swing it at high speeds.

I added a Dragon Slaying Element to Zenith. That means that every sword under its control also gains it. I Fucking Love This Sword.

The swords gained more power and sped up even more.

[Divide] [Divide] [Divide] [Divide] [Divide]

Each time a sword hit her it left a line of blood. Hundreds of Swords each second.

She kept dividing their power and the amount of damage it caused her. Thanks to being in Empireo Drive. She can also Divide my power somewhat. But I am a Transended Class being. I can resist the effects somewhat. Otherwise, Vali would just divide the strength of all the Gods and be the strongest.

Our blows left explosions in our path. The multicolored space was lit up.

Vali was fighting without regard for her life. She took my blows head-on just so she can do some damage to me.

But in doing so she was rapidly losing blood. Her Dragonic silver body was painted red from her blood.

[Compression Divider]

Oh it's this one an enhanced version of Half Dimension, that compresses the body of a specific opponent until they vanish


I ain't dealing with that.

I raise my sword. But instead of them spinning around in different directions. This times all the swords will attack in one single line.

"RAWWWWWWWWW' The energy from Vali's attack was launched at me. It quickly hit me and the effect started. I used my power to offset the effect and Slashed at Vali

"Veldora this one is for you. Divine Departure!"

I slashed at the Cyborg Dragon. A blackish-red flying slash Hit Vali. Then Hundreds of Swords repeated the attack. Each one cutting deeper and deeper.

Veldora raised his hand in the air "YESSSS!!! That was Awesome!!"

"Rawwwww..." The dragon roared out in pain, getting weaker by the second until it started to shrink back.

Vali slowly turned into her human form. Her clothes were ripped apart, her chest was bare. There was a big Diagonal Slash on her chest. Going from the neck to her hip. You could see the bones of her ribcage.

Damn, she is still alive. A Juggernaut's defense is no joke.

I look at team Vali, who weren't moving from their place

"You aren't going to try and save her" I raise an eyebrow at them

Bikou and Arthur sighed. While Lafay only looked sad, she was the one to start talking " Vali said that this will be the final fight. And if she were to lose, we are not to interfere when you try to kill her. 'Losers have no right to live' were her words"

Their somber mood was obvious. But they have made their peace with it. Vali's words were clear. Victory or Death.

" Nee, Isaiah. I know you said you would kill Vali the next time you see her. I thought I had made my peace with it seeing as he is the one that comes back for another beating. But I realized I dont want to see him die. He..she..UHG."Kuroka facepalmed

"She helped me out when I was in a rough spot. Can't you just,. cripple her, make sure she doesn't have access to her power anymore"

I look at one of my lovers. Honestly, it's even that big of a request. I was planning on taking all the power Vali has. But I can just as easily leave enough for her to be a normal human. I will triple all the magical pathways in her body and end it there. It's not worth making one of my lovers sad over something as insignificant as Vali.

Plus with her personality, being left with no power whatsoever must be her own personal hell.

"Sure luv" I give Kuroka a small smile. The girl beamed and jumped me, Giving me a deep kiss.


" Okay enough!" After a full minute, Asia yelled out.

Kuroka broke the kiss and gave her a glare.

Valerie chuckled as she went to Vali and closed the wound on her chest. She won't die, but she will be in pain for a few months. Valerie was feeling a bit petty from their vacation being interrupted.

'Soul Sword' ' Ruri'iro Kujaku'

I stab Vali with both swords. After I few minutes I rip out the Divine Dividing along with 99% of Vali's strenght. She will no longer be able to gather or keep any sort of power. Mana or Ki. That has been locked away for her.

She will spend the rest of her life as a human. I made sure to leave 50 years of lifeforce in her.

"So who is getting Divine Dividing?" Kurama asked curiously

"Very few of us have a fighting style that will work together with that Gear" Xenovia said with a head tilt.

"Actually I will be taking it" my words got jaw drops from everybody



"You haven't shown any interest in it before"

I just grin at them " I got it not for the [Devide]. I already have a sword that does the same. But to use Albion to change my race into a dragon."

"NANI" Veldora yelled out while Tiamat froze. She realized why I wanted it

"Devils have low birthrates, And I want to give Tia some dragon babies. That and the big boost in power I will get as a Dragon." I grin at her as I put the orb inside me

Futuristic white and blue wings spread on my back

[Sigh, thank you for not killing Vali. But you are definitely insane. This is the first time someone got me just so they can turn into a dragon. You realize that it's kind of insulting, right?] Albion complained. It's a hit to his pride that I don't want his power

"Yep~ but I dont really care" I laugh at him, when a wild Tiamama jumps me and buries her face in my chest, giving me a crushing hug.


"Umm Tiamat. I need to breathe" She is still physically stronger than me. And it was starting to hurt. But Tia just hugged me harder

" You took down Albion and a few others. I am not happy" a childish voice echoes around us

All of us turn to the source of the voice.

There was a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and black eyes. She was wearing a Black Gothic outfit. She was glaring straight at us.

Every single one of us froze in place. And there was one thought that was in our minds.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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