Alex was a human that never accomplished anything while he was alive. He was provided with the chance to live in the worlds of anime and manga. What well our MC be able to accomplish and will he be able to keep the one who reincarnated him entertained?
In a dark and endless grassland, which was completely covered with white flowers and numerous souls wandering around without a purpose. They were dead in both body and soul and none of them showed any signs of stopping.
All except one who was crouched and looked at the flowers, picking one occasionally. He didn't have any idea why he was doing it, his mind was blank with no memories or thoughts. Little did he know that he had attracted the interest of someone.
A man sitting in his throne with a sleeping 3 headed dog sighed when he finished the manga that he had in his hands, "Gotta say never thought that being lord of the whole underworld would be so boring. Thankfully I have anime and manga to keep me busy."
The doors opened and a butler entered with a bottle of liquor and some food and bowed "My lord it's time for your daily inspection of the Asphodel Meadows."
The black-haired men who seemed to be around 20 years old sighed "Alfred what good is that going to do for me, all I see there are brain dead morons who only know how to walk. Nothing ever changes there so there really shouldn't be any reason for me to look at it."
Alfred smiled and nodded "Sir that might be true but with your powers, it should only take you a few minutes to do. After that, you can go back to reading and watching anything you want."
The man laughed and drank his wine "Alright then."
He closed his eyes and his vision began to zoom past the fields but he suddenly stopped when he found something he didn't expect. He locked on a soul of what seemed to be a 15-year-old boy who was picking flowers.
He opened his eyes again and looked at the butler with a big smile "Hey Alfred I think I just found something interesting haha. If I happen to make one soul from the Asphodel Meadows kinda disappear do you think that Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Aeacus will make a big deal out of it?"
The butler looked at his lord for a minute and began to think about it "I don't believe they would be able to notice if it really is just one. May I ask what it is that you found?"
The man began laughing and took a bite from his meal "Well for the first time since I have looked at that wretched place I've found a soul that shows some signs of life, don't get me wrong he is still mindless but there's something odd about him. I have a plan for him to bring me some more amusement haha."
Alfred was surprised at first but then he smiled when he saw how happy his lord was.
The black-haired man stopped laughing, finished eating, and then he made his plate and bottle disappear. He flicked his fingers and a black portal appeared in both the throne room and Asphodel Meadows. The Soul that was crouching was sucked into it and appeared with a bouquet of white flowers.
The man looked at the soul who had stood up and looked at him directly in the eyes "My you really are a weird one aren't you. I have a proposition for you that I'm sure you will find interesting."
After not seeing the soul have any reactions the man gave himself a facepalm and began laughing "That's right you drank from the Lethe River that left you in that state. Alfred get me something that will wake this kid up."
The butler bowed and began and walked away. He returned after a few minutes with a glass of bright blue water that seemed to glow. He walked toward the soul and splashed it at him, the water was absorbed into it and after a few seconds, it began to shake its head.
"Where am I? .... The last thing I remember is those three bastards saying that they would send me to some sort of meadow."
The man burst in laughter, stood up from his throne, and walked towards the boy and patted his back. "Now that's the spirit kid, nice to meet you I'm Hades, that old man you see there is Alfred, and that puppy there is Cerberus."
When he heard him the soul began to shiver "Ummm are you talking about Hades the ruler of the underworld?"
The man began laughing "Yep that's me, let me explain what happened. Those 3 bastards as you called them sent you to the Asphodel Meadows. As to why it's probably because you never accomplished anything good or bad so you were in the meh section. They made you drink from the Lethe River to leave you walking around like an idiot. The thing that intrigues me is that you actually managed to somehow differentiate yourself and started doing something that wasn't just walking around, hence that large bouquet of white Asphodel flowers that you have in your hand."
The soul gulped saliva that wasn't there and nodded "Then I must thank you for taking me out of that place even if I can't remember it, Umm I mean thank you very much, sir."
The man shook his head and punched the soul's shoulder "None of that Sir bullshit, just call me Hades. I still haven't caught your name though."
"Right sorry... Hades, my name is Alex…..Alex Rain."
Hades sighed and walked back to his throne as he petted one of the heads of Cerberus who had woken up, "There's no need to be nervous Alex, I'm a friendly guy. I only make sure that the men that do evil get punished but you aren't that type of person, Nah you my friend are a survivor. I still don't know what exactly it is that makes you different from the others but I'm dying to see what you can do if you were put in different situations. What do you say if I reincarnate you, that way you get to live and I have some fun watching what you do."
Alex looked at Hades in confusion "What happens if I don't accept? And If I do, when can I go back?"
Hades smiled "Well if you don't accept I'll simply put you back where I got you from without turning you into a zombie so that you become crazy as you wonder the Asphodel Meadows. If you accept then I will do what I've seen in some of the Web novels that I've read and make you go into a world of either an anime or manga with some sort of system. I know it sounds weird but they are one of the things that I enjoy reading."
Alex sighed and shook his head "So in other words you're going to make an afterlife of living hell quite literally if I don't do what you want?"
The man laughed "Yeah pretty much, oh, and to make things interesting let's make everything random. I'll randomly put you in a world and if you happen to die you will go into another one and you'll start from scratch but I'll leave you with the body of your first reincarnation so you better hope that you get a good looking one."
The soul laughed nervously and nodded "Well there's not much of a choice, count me in. When will I be reincarnated?"
Hades lifted a finger and pointed at the floor "Right now kid, hope that you can entertain"
Alex sighed and waved "Gotta say that this has been the weirdest meeting that I've ever had." Suddenly his vision turned black and he felt something warm and soft beneath him."
He opened his eyes and began to look around, finding himself in a room darkroom.