
DxD: Reincarnated by Great Red (Fate x DxD)

Daniel Cole died in his previous life and he somehow ended up in Great Red Den. And Great Red Decided to Give this spuld a chance by reincarnating him in a world of his which is dxd.

Player0273 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

chapter17:who nodded back.

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Oh, I failed." Daniel replied with a grin of his own. "I was once a cocky know it all 18 year old too y'know. Thought I could take on the world!.. Turns out those women will be the only ones who truly terrify me in this world. God only knows what they would do to me if they knew I was living in the same town as Devils. Let alone dating one." Daniel replied before he put he glass down to look over at the Governor General.

"So what brings you over to me?" Daniel asked.

"I've heard that you recently killed a former member of the Grigori. His name was Dohnaseek." Azazel stated.

"Yes, I'm not going to lie to you, but he was attempting to murder one of my students." Daniel answered back as he took a sip. "Doesn't matter if my student was a Devil or not. I wasn't going to sit back and watch him do it. He seems like the type of guy that would keep trying to kill him, even if he was talked down the first time."

"You're not wrong... I'm sorry about that. But his group is the reason that I'm here." Azazel sighed before he continued. "Recently four members of the Grigori have been active in this Town without my orders or permission."

"Since you have already dealt with one I cannot take any action myself other than what I'm doing right now. Our current peace is fragile and I'd like to keep the peace going, so I cannot take any direct actions myself in this town. Nor can I inform the Devils about this either, as they wouldn't believe me."

"So I've come to you." Azazel's attention shifted from his glass towards Daniel. "Because of their actions, it pains my heart to say this but... As of this moment, they are no longer associated with the Grigori."

Azazel placed a scroll on the counter-top and pushed it towards Daniel. "That scroll is written proof of what I've just told you, in case your girlfriend or the other two Devils ask you any questions."

"Sera's not gonna be asking any questions." Daniel denied with a wave of his hand.

"Ah, young love. You're really smitten with her aren't you." Azazel stated with a shit eating grin as he pointed at him.

"I aint gonna deny it." Daniel replied back with his own smirk.

"I can't believe I told you all this though..." Daniel though sighed in annoyance at the end.

"Don't look at it this way. Look it as making new friends... You know what! We should go fishing together!" Azazel stated out as if a light bulb flashed on the top of his head.

'Why do I get the feeling our friendship is going to be like Archer and Lancer or some other odd couple.' Daniel groaned at Azazel excitement as he opened another bottle.

"With my luck I'd end up catching a Shark, and die after being eaten from said Shark." Daniel deadpanded as he lightly chuckled.

"It won't be like that! Fishing between two men is a great dream that all men share!" Azazel exclaimed as he held his glass into the air.

"Yeah... Not this guy." Daniel drily chuckled in response to Azazel's antics. 'I'm getting the feeling that leaders of the other factions are also fucking nuts as this guy is.'

"Come on, lighten up." Azazel chuckled in response to Daniel's comments. "Come on, tell me more about this lovely girlfriend of yours!"

"I get the feeling that you're not going to be letting this subject go are you?" Daniel asked with a raised eyebrow.

He looked over to find that shit eating grin on Azazel's face. Sighing in annoyance Daniel responded. "From what's she's told me, her life as an actress can be tough." Daniel stated out as he stretched his arms. Once he mentioned actress though, Azazel's eyes widened but this was missed entirely by Daniel.

"However, as Sera knows, there are only two things I won't ever tell her. Both I am to taking with me to the grave, but I still trust her with my life... She's the only person who I've ever shown my Reality Marble to." Daniel softly stated with caused Azazel's eyebrow to rise.

"Oh, a Reality Marble? What's that?" The Governor General asked which caused Daniel to flinch slightly.

'Shit! Did I say that out loud?' Daniel internally screamed out. "That one's for me to know, and for you to never find out." Daniel replied back as he finished his glass.

"So it's what you call your penis then?.. Interesting." Azazel looked at Daniel in a thoughtful pose.

"Hey, back off ya prev! Geez, your actually worse than the kid!" Daniel snapped at Azazel, a heavy blush on his cheeks. 'And that's not something I'd thought I'd ever say.'

"So what do you want me to do with these wayward Fallen Angels?" Daniel asked in hopes of changing the subject, a blush still attached to his face.

"If possible I'd like for you to bring them back to me, alive if possible." Azazel informed the Mage.

"I can't promise that out all three will return to you. It depends on how they react to what your orders are. However the one who killed my student, Yuuma Amano. I'll let the kid decide her fate." Daniel replied back at Azazel as the Governor General stood up from his seat.

"I understand." Azazel stated back as he made his way over towards the front door. "I'll make sure to compensate you for your work."

"You can keep your money." Daniel called out to the Governor General causing him to stop in his tracks. "I'm not a Mercenary... I'm nothing more than a Teacher looking out for his Students."

"Your an admirable man, Daniel." Azazel smiled as he opened the front door. But before he left he turned around to face Daniel once more. "Oh, I just remembered. I have intel that a former Nun will be arriving in this town this time, next week. Please only intervene when the young Gremory girl decides to."

"Can't make any promises, but I'll try." Daniel replied as he looked over at Azazel who nodded back in thanks.

With his final words said Azazel left Daniel's home. With the Governor General gone, Daniel sighed out in relief. Looking up at the clock above the cooker in his Kitchen, he noticed the time was currently just after 11PM. They had been talking for over 3 hours.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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