
Chaper 6

Longinus. This was the name given to 13 sacred gears said to have the ability to kill a god.

"My name is Andrei, the second strongest enforcer in the Vatican. I am also the current user of the Longinus Dimension Lost" And now in front of us someone with one of those 13 "And today is the day TODAY they will die." 

"Leonardo! Stay behind me, I'll take care of this" Tino pulls out a knife and cuts his wrists, blood starts gushing out and in no time there is a big pool of blood underneath him.

"Hmm? Funny, I don't think I've ever seen someone inflict harm on themselves before" Andrei opens his bible "Though I walk in the land of darkness I will not fear..." The sword of light takes on a brighter glow "For thou art with me..."

"Kiyohime! Edmond! The spilled blood began to float and envelop my brother's body slowly, I had never seen him use his power like this "Executor Andrei right? We have some similarities between us"

He only showed an expression of disgust "You and I have nothing alike demon". 

"We are both in charge of making sure that no one breaks the law" One part of the blood took the shape of a medieval armor and the rest of 2 long swords "And we are both the strongest at it" And once said that my brother went at high speed to attack Andrei.

Although with his sword he defended himself quite well from my brother's first thrusts "You're a little slow for a demon you know?" With great skill he pushed the swords away and kicked Tino.

"Come on Leonardo you can do it!" I would like to help in something else, but in the light novel is not very relevant the Lost Dimension, other than that it can create a separate dimension out of nothing. I just acknowledged that I tried to activate Shambhala to return to the underworld but it didn't work.

"Kuh" Tino recovered quickly from the kick and returned to attack Andrei, when the fight started I thought I would see my brother demonstrate great skill with the sword.

"You're clumsy too." But Andrei had him completely overpowered and I really didn't see anything in his style, he looked like a kid just waving a sword around.

"Damn..." I have no idea what's going on but at this rate Tino will lose "You have to help him Kiyo!!!" She didn't say anything to me, she didn't even turn to look at me, what's wrong with her? "...Edmond, get ready" I'll do it.

Edmond nodded and lightning started to come out of his body, I took Shambhala out of my pocket and dialed the first place, even if I can't activate it to get out of this dimension I can still use it.

"But we couldn't move a step forward, a circle of fire surrounded Edmond and me and even though Kiyohime's back was turned I could see her fan on fire.

"What do you think you're doing Kiyo! Can't you see we have to help him!?" I could see how Andrei's sword was striking more thrusts in my brother's armor.

"Just stand there and obey the orders you were given" He was talking seriously...? "Besides, do you really think brother is weak enough to lose to a mere human?" 

"But he-" But I couldn't finish speaking.

"Ha...ha.... Finally .... I finally got it" Tino's voice sounded tired "I finally cut you!" So much and only one cut? "It's over" W-what?

"So much effort for just a scratch?" The hand, the hand in which he had his bible had a big cut "Your kind became very weak" Shit, this was really bad, I had to do something as soon as possible. 

"Kiyohime! Let me out damn it!" The blood armor and the two swords dissolved as everything returned to his body from the cuts he got at the beginning of the fight. Was he running out of magic?

"Ja.... I must admit I hate using this technique, but it is the most effective against you humans" Thanks to my enhanced hearing I was able to hear everything "Technique #4 of Andrealphus. Extraction..." Tino raised his right hand as if grasping something and extended it towards Andrei. Then I finally knew why Kiyohime was quiet.

"What the hell is this?" The executioner looked up at his hand and saw blood pouring out of the small wound he had.

"One of the specialties your brother uses for interrogation" The circle of fire went out and Kiyo began to speak "Drawing the blood of his victim to death, with enough time even a Phoenix wouldn't resist it." 

The blood was still gushing out, as if his hand had been cut off "What is it father Andrei? Starting to feel dizzy?" 

"Uhm, I must admit this is an interesting ability. One of the most original I've ever seen in my life if I may say so, but still..." And with a speed I have never seen a human do before, Andrei was behind my brother.

"Kuh...GAAAAH" And he put the cross of his neck on the back of my brother's neck.

"...That's too weak, and I wish you wouldn't call me father" "Edmond! Now!!!" "After all I've never preached.... But we didn't allow Andrei to continue torturing Tino.

"Tino!" Edmond took Andrei away from us and I went to see my brother "Are you okay?"

On the back of his neck he had the mark of the cross, the flesh was red hot from the burns. Among all the sacred elements that we are forbidden to approach, crosses are in third place. Only behind holy water and sacred swords.

Wounds from holy weapons took too long to heal as they were immune to demonic regenerative or healing magic. Even the tears of the phoenix were incapable of healing such a wound, no matter how small.

"That will definitely leave a mark..." Tino touched his wound slowly "Thanks for the help little brother, I don't know what happened, but my power just stopped working".

"You'll pay for that!" Kiyohime's angry voice was heard and a big wave of fire covered Andrei. Edmond dodged that with his speed and shot lightning from his hands to where Andrei was.

"To think that I would show you this weak side...." My brother sounded embarrassed.

"Don't worry Tino, even the best need help, or so Father says."

"It's useless huh? Oh shit...! "You can't hurt me like that." 

"Edmond be careful!!!" 

"GAH!" Andrei managed to escape unharmed from Kiyohime's fire and got behind Edmond, before he knew it the sword of light pierced my queen's right leg.

"Kiyohime! Help him!" Although the command was not necessary since Kiyo went quickly to where the two of them were, he waved his fan and a cut of fire passed over Edmond, but Andrei did not dodge it.

"Oh come on! I told you it's useless" I took a closer look and saw how the part of his head that was cut off showed an infinite white... almost as if inside his body there were no organs.

And the memory hit me like the truck that sent me to this world. The Dimension Lost allowed to create dimensions out of nothing, even inside his body.

"Kiyohime! Get Edmond away from there!" my brother looked at me in surprise but there was no time to explain "Physical attacks don't work on him!"

He didn't say anything to me but again he pushed Andrei away with his fire, grabbed Edmond in his arms and jumped towards us. Although the light swords were blessed their metal was not sacred so if it could be healed with magic.

"We can't attack him like this" I said as I soothed the pain in his leg, healing magic was quite easy to use and practically any child could use it even to heal superficial scrapes. 

"Do you know something about him that you want to tell us little brother?" Why did he look as if he was suspicious of me? "Something you're hiding from us?" 

"I'm not hiding anything from you, I have eyes. So far any kind of magic involved with physical damage has had no effect on him" I looked at Tino "You can't make him bleed out like before?"

"I'd love to do that but I don't detect blood on his body, not even the little bit that came in from the cut I made" 

"I hit his face with my lightning but he wasn't affected in the slightest"

"And my fire doesn't burn him" This is difficult, how are we supposed to defeat him? Think Leonardo, think...

It could be... "Brother, once you told me about the power that Kiyohime possessed that only you could activate" He looked at me carefully and nodded slowly.

"Yes, the Andrealphus family is capable of executing a command to release a conceptual power through a blood pact" Then that could work! "But I don't have enough power to do it.

"What? I thought your magic reserves were huge Tino" It didn't make sense, they didn't fight long enough for him to deplete his container.

"It may not look like much but using the art of blood manipulation wears too much, plus look behind us, I've lost a lot of blood fighting him."

"...Then teach me how to do it! I haven't fought yet and Edmond should be able to do it on his own!" 

"No!" Eh? "You've never trained anything with our mother's magic, you don't know how it works!"

"Nice conversation you're having there, but I hope you're not ignoring me" I come back so fast from Kiyohime's punch.... I see how Andrei opens his bible again "By his grace all my enemies will be defeated.... Oh father give me strength" His energy is increasing... this is bad". 

"We don't have time for this Valentino!" I use his full name to show my seriousness "You have to teach me now!" 

"I will distract him Mon ami, see what you can think" The rays returned to Edmond's body and although he seemed to limp a little he went towards Andrei.

"I will distract him too Anchin-sama!" Kiyohime's fan caught fire again and she accompanied Edmond to fight Andrei.

"Please brother... this is a life or death situation, I need your help." 

"Hmm.... Okay, you're right, this is not the right time to be stubborn" Tino got up from the floor with tiredness, I also got up and he held my right hand "The pact is really simple but you won't be able to do much later".

He bit his left thumb hard to draw blood and then began to draw a symbol I know well.

The magic crest of our mother's family.

"Call Edmond, together but mostly Edmond must think about what makes him who he is, you must make the same symbol on his hand and put your magic on it continuously until Edmond makes up his mind about who he is, what makes him.

I look sideways at my queen and Kiyohime and I see that while Andrei is with scratches here and there, his bible seems to be charred, Kiyohime is quite injured, with deep cuts on her face and arms, Edmond is better but little by little he looks more tired.

"Will it have any repercussions on him? He hasn't even been the devil for a month" If it was going to drain me, I didn't know about him.

"Calm down little brother, although it is true that Edmond is just starting in this, he is not a child, besides the magic is administered by you through the pact" Tino extended his hand and there materialized a revolver "It's been a while since we really fought together... hey, Kiyohime?"

Almost immediately Kiyohime appeared at my brother's side "I'm glad Anchin-sama let me be by his side once again". 

"We'll buy you time, but if it's true what you say then you'll be in charge of killing him" They both started walking "You've really grown up little brother. I want you to know that I trust you."

They go to relieve Edmond "Hey Edmond! Come quick!" He arrives immediately and I can see my brother and Kiyohime fighting Andrei. My queen extends his hand to me without asking any questions, he must have heard something.

"Edmond, you must think of everything that makes you comfortable, what makes the Count of Monte Cristo the one" He nods to me decisively "I'll take care of the rest".

I see him close his eyes and I do the same as Tino did to me, with the blood I draw from my thumb I start to draw on his hand the symbol of the house Andrealphus. I never saw it but my brother told me a lot about the Noble Phantasms. Conceptual weapons of great power that could only be used by someone with whom one had a blood pact.

Naturally most of the reincarnated devils in my mother's family could use it, but it was something of a trump card. Just what we need now

With the seal finished I begin to pour my magic into it, my reserves are great and this will only help to increase them further.

"I can feel something different Leo" Edmond speaks and opens his eyes, I immediately stop pouring magic into him. 

"If everything went as it should then go and finish them off, Edmond" I smile at him and he smiles back, he lowers his hat a little and walks off towards where they fight. "It was a success brother!!!" Or it should be

Come to think of it, obviously this is a power obtained NOW, and if you don't know how to use it? What if I did something wrong or something goes wrong? I would never forgive myself for killing my first servant.... And if "Hey!" someone grabs me by the man pulling me out of my thoughts...

There I see Tino, his face full of bruises and superficial sword cuts, he is also paler than before "Everything will be ok little brother, trust in yourself and trust in Edmond".

"...Alright, you're right" I take a breath and look to where Edmond and Andrei are.

"Do you really think that fighting in turns will work against me?" Andrei shouts angrily "Look at you two! You're hurt and tired, and I'm as good as new!" It was true, no attack worked against him, not even my brother's illusions were of any use "Accept your death like the despectable beings that you are!!!" 

"Now Edmond!" For some reason I knew what conclusion my queen came to as she meditated for a short time, after all I was already a fan of him.

"All my resentment and hatred! Take it!" Exactly like the night he killed Fernando, the night he became my queen, he went full speed at Andrei, his hands had claw-like shapes thanks to the lightning power he had.

What more identifies Edmond Dantes than his desire for revenge? His hatred against those who betrayed him and sent them to rot in prison.

"Enfer..." The attack ended but something else happened, Anderi was bleeding. And he watched in fear as many copies of Edmond began to surround him.

The Count of Monte Cristo was born when he went to that cursed prison and met someone who was like a father to him, the Abatte Faria and then escaped.

"Chateu..." Edmond Dantes, the man who is currently my queen, is not who he would be if it wasn't for that prison "D'IF" And finally from all the copies of Edmond blue laser beams came out, fired at the center towards Andrei, all that accumulated power eventually exploding.

No one said anything, in fact no one let their guard down until out of the smoke came Edmond, the dimension we were in was beginning to collapse having lost its creator.

"Wow..." Tino was the first to speak "I've never seen a Noble Phantasm so powerful. Sometimes I think you're a genius little brother."

I slumped on the ground wearily, my magic reserves almost depleted with that "Only sometimes Tino?"

"Hahaha" Good thing I'm done now, the human world was dangerous but there shouldn't be anything else besides Andrei on the streets of Yugoslavia.

"My next journey must surely be the underworld..." I mutter to which my brother laughs more, this time Kiyohime and Edmond accompanies him. 

Finally the dimension fades and the first thing I feel is the cold hard..... Grass?

"What's going on here!?" W-Where are we...?

"Shit.... Oh shit oh shit" Tino? I've never heard him so scared as he is now "We're dead. We're totally and utterly fucking dead." 

"What's wrong Tino?" I get up carefully and painfully. What I see leaves me petrified.

Victorian architecture, in any other circumstance would be beautiful to admire. But I saw the man who shouted earlier.

" Demons!?" Crowned from 1963 as Pope until his death in 1978, "What are you demons doing disturbing this sacred place!?

In front of us was one of the most terrifying figures for any demon who was not a Maou. One who in strength is second only to the 8-winged angels, and who are all said to be blessed by the mighty seraphim.

"No matter... I will purge you of the sin of your existence" In front of us was Pope Paul VI "Prepare yourselves demons, today I will personally send you to the lake of fire.

And like every other pope it must have been before, and it will be after him. The power he emanated was terrifying.

That damned Andrei sent us to our death.


Sorry for the delay, the chapter was lost when I was about to finish, I'll try to deliver the next one tomorrow.