
DxD: reality

a young man in his early 20s closes his eyes and opens them as a baby in a familiar yet dangerous world, will he reach the top as a normal human with nothing but one of the weakest sacred gears? with enough wits and future knowledge... I don't see why not warning: will drop and not editing like my other stories cuz I'm lazy af (no harem)

Charreos · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

progress and stuff ig

so I changed a couple of James magics and did another chapter

another chapter?! me?! I know I know I assure you my account is not stolen

anyhow enjoy I guess


Home was home, most people don't get it until they lose it, I am one of those people.

When I died I never felt that I'm home, between the different cultures from my home country and different languages I felt empty…

I guess that's why I accepted my parents as well… my parents, I had a hole in my heart that couldn't be filled but mom and dad always strived to fill it like they knew that I needed it.

They took me to amusement parks and made me feel part of the family, I can't be grateful enough...

And right now there seems to be an addition to the family

"are you excited??" my mom asked with glee in her voice

My parents had trouble having children, something about a genetic problem from moms side, that is the reason I'm an only child, but now it seems that mom is pregnant… I hope it's a girl always wanted a lil sis

"of course I am! How much time does it take for the baby to come out?" I said with excitement, as much as I have shown them my smarts I need to talk like a child while slowly growing up, a 10 year old shouldn't know these kind of stuff

"in about 8 months" she smiled while rubbing her stomach

"told you I could do it" my dad dropped his arm around her while smirking

Great, now I feel sick

"WE did it honey" she hugged his side while having a smile of pure bliss on her face

We are currently at the living room because they wanted to let me know together and see my reaction

"AH I need to go!" I looked at my phone and it showed its 3:54pm, 4pm is when I have private 'math' class "I love you guys" I ran to ma parents and kissed both on the cheeks and ran to my room to get my bag and ran outside "byeeee" I said while closing the door

Its been about 4 years, I have been training my body after school and training magic until I couldn't, my parents deemed James a friend after a couple of visits of his home, James is less a teacher and more of a friend to me

Currently at 10 years old my parents think I'm mature enough to let walk alone to the bus station

I got on the bus, paid and took my seat and inspected my sweet sweet progress

[name: Makoto aori]

[race: human]

Hp:100% Mp:100%

Str: [F]

end: [-F]

dex: [-F]

magic- [E]

[skills and magic]

[sacred gear: eyes of truth] [-A]

[mana manipulation] [+E]

[mana sense] [+F]

[earth magic] [F]

[wind magic] [G]

[darkness magic] [E]

[lightning magic] [F]

[spatial magic] [-F]

[mind magic] [F]

[Enhancement Magic] [+G]

[dark lightning] [+F]

Hm, dex didn't level up to F, currently on the physical side of things I have been focusing on my speed, without thinking I worked on my strength and dex got left behind a little, my body got a lot stronger and I can say I can compete with athletes but I have been stuck on how to get further than [F] rank, I have been working on a Enhancement Magic spell that could let me surpass regular human limit so I would one day get Touki

On the more magical side of things James been teaching me almost everything he can do, I can now freely make earth sand and vice versa to have a lot more versatility in using earth

I learnt a new magic with James called [Enhancement Magic] that basically enhances the body, I have been hard bent on finding the magic and James finally gave up on trying to dissuade me that humans are too weak for it to do a bit difference.

My plan is to someday hopefully get senjutsu + touki + Enhancement Magic + Transformation Magic to be super fucking strong, but for that to work I would need extreme focus just to keep them up so I made the best spell ever

[mind magic: mind split] I basically give my brain the ability to divide itself to work on magic without thinking only focusing on it.

I can now parkour and use magic at the same time and its fucking amazing.

Other than that I have been focusing on [darkness magic] as my main magic because of its versitality and combination abilities, it is also a counter to light magic that angels and fallen use so it's a must when I become a devil eventually

I have created dark lightning from combining the darkness and lightning aspect, took a while but I basically created a stronger lightning magic

I have been working on a strong spell called [dark lightning: railgun] or [dark railgun] for short, its almost ready I have the basics and science behind it down, now I need to create the formula.

I have some spells in every category and I don't want to bore you with the details so these are all the important things that happened in 4 years.

James is a magic merchant for hire in his free time so he has a couple of connections that we use to get new magics, that's how we got the [enhancement magic]

'oh I'm here' I thought while getting out of the bus in a rush

I opened the door to the store and found him like always reading a book about what? Idk

"you are late brat" he looked at me with a bored face "I need to close my shop for our sessions and you are still late?" he looked at me with half lidded eyes

"what do you care? You still get paid" I squinted my eyes at him, I know he doesn't do it for the money though, it started with him genuinely interested how a 6 years old can unlock mana where some struggle for a decade at most or had found their mana through a teacher, but now I feel more of a friendship keeps him teaching me. The guy is as sad as that sounds my best friend, we meet everyday we can and pass magic ideas to each other to compliment the style or magic specialization.

[name: James Alcord]

[race: human]

Hp:100% Mp:100%

Str: [+G]

end: [G]

dex: [+G]

magic- [+E]

[skills and magic]

[mana manipulation] [-D]

[mana sense] [E]

[earth magic] [-D]

[wind magic] [E]

[darkness magic] [-E]

[lightning magic] [+F]

[spatial magic] [-F]

[mind magic] [-F]

[Enhancement Magic] [+G]

He has been getting stronger too and even stole my idea of [mind split] but atleast promised to not share it to anyone.

I'll catch up to him in a couple years… I hope, the guy is competitive af, when he feels I'm better at something I shouldn't be better than him at he works himself to the bone while I need to focus on my body too

"shut it brat" he lifted his head in arrogance "I shall discipline you for your impudance, you shall give me thirty mana circulation" he stood up and walked to the back door behind the counter that goes to his home

Those that don't know mana circulation is a good way to make your body advance in mana control but it burns you from the inside if done too much, its basically push ups for mana control with more steps and its fucking annoying

"hai" I said sulking while going after my annoying ass teacher/friend


1250 words

I know its an info dump but I just want to do plot and not training montage that takes 4 years so here you go

did you like it? no? why? why do you think I care

C ya sometime