
The hellish training begins.

[Issei's point of view]

[3 months later]



"A little more" I grunted to myself as I continued my round of exercises.





'Fuck, that was liberating' I thought as I let go of a tree trunk from my back.

It's been three months since I reincarnated into this world.

I always wanted to say that.

Still, it took about a month to get me out of the hospital, since I had no close relatives, another excuse for this kind of story, I went to an orphanage.

Not that it mattered much, in the month I spent in the hospital I had dedicated myself to learning how to use my magic to alter memories.

It was useful and the first day I arrived at my new home I only gave a small mental suggestion to be left alone.

Now, normally that would be impossible to accomplish on my own.

Lucky for me, I am lucky enough to be a dragon and have one of the most powerful dragons as my master.

It would be even better if I were a competent master, but I make do with what little I have.

[Your appreciation is felt] A powerful voice commented dryly in my mind making me smile.

"I love you too Ddraig" The dragon fell silent as a red glove formed on my right arm.

[We should get back issei it's getting too late now.]

I agreed with his suggestion and left in the direction of the orphanage as the glove disappeared, it wasn't really a bad place but I wasn't planning on staying for more than a year or two so it would be better for everyone if I didn't. Don't get emotionally close to the people in it.

In the original series I was surprised that no one targeted Issei's parents or maybe it was because Rias made sure to keep them under the protection of the Gremory house, to keep them safe.

Issei was the Sekiryuutei, a title that brings both allies and enemies in numbers, I don't believe for a second that anyone would think of trying to target his relatives to turn him to their side.

On the other hand, when I connected with Ddraig during the first day of my reincarnation, I jumped straight to the second cast of the Boosted Gear, which indicated the huge difference in initial strength I had with my counterpart, the original could only obtain this form during the battle against Raiser.

I noticed that every time I tried to tell Ddraig about reincarnation or something similar it always came out as meaningless words and he had no access to my thoughts about the future, even my memories of my previous world were impossible for him to access.

Shortly after all this I got a note from ROB more or less explaining some of my doubts.

[Beginning of flashback]

Ddraig had explained some things to me like the supernatural world, me as its current bearer and my recent species change, apparently the latter happened in a desperate attempt to save myself, I flooded my system with energy to try to stay alive and for a while. strange reason I ended up facing a semi-dragon, he said it was because my soul had a great affinity for dragons and my Sacred Gear.

He even apologized.

I will definitely look for some way to give him more freedom.

Not only did he save my life but he even apologized for changing my species while doing so, he would have simply gone to another human if I died but he still went to the trouble of saving me.

Not something I let go so easily.

I quickly dismissed his apology and thanked him for saving me.

Although now I wonder if those fanfics were right and Ddraig can turn humans into dragons, I mean he can replace body parts with a dragon, but from there to turning me into a humanoid semi-dragon is a big difference.

This race change for some reason I couldn't explain also changed my appearance, not that I was complaining about that.

I had been getting frustrated trying to tell Ddraig the truth before he found out on his own.

Keeping secrets wasn't exactly the best way to start a relationship with someone who resides in your soul, especially if that being had already saved your life.

I realized I couldn't tell him this and even the ancient dragon didn't suspect my big change in attitude because I had been sleeping all of Issei's life, even if he suspected my change it could be explained by the accident, after all many people changed when they came close to dying.

I don't think this applies much to a 4 year old starting to act serious or not crying over the death of his parents, but he was a dragon thousands of years old and despite all his carriers I doubt he knows how to. human mind works.

As I wandered in my thoughts a note came out of nowhere falling into my lap.

I read it carefully the moment the word reincarnated appeared in my eyes.

It read as follows:

Dear reincarnated, I regret to inform you that a mistake was made at the time of your death and to correct it you were sent to a random world.

The reason you were not allowed to choose is due to external policies that I will not discuss with you, currently as you may have realized you are in the world of Draconis Deus better known as DxD.

To give you a better chance of surviving in this world since the armor was removed from the plot, you have been given a 100% affinity with dragons, which will allow you to develop your power quickly and effectively [Trust me, you'll need it]. They have integrated the powers of another soul with your own whose identity I won't tell you but I'm sure you'll soon find out and most important of all you have been given combat talent.

Chances are you won't have to worry about the ExE universe, but it's still not a guarantee.

I hope you have a good life.

Att: ROB.

Oh, and as you possibly suspect you will not be allowed to inform anyone of your condition, not even Ddraig.

[End of flashback.]

In particular, I had to conserve every ounce of self-control to avoid destroying the hospital in a fit of rage.

You could have at least given me a system ROB.

Well, at least I got a few tricks in some reincarnated stories got nothing.

My situation wasn't that bad, there were still things Ddraig couldn't help me with and I should start looking for ways to help myself.

Thinking about it in more detail, I should also stop thinking of my situation as a reincarnated story, this is my life, the people I am going to meet, the people I am going to interact with, are not going to be like in the anime stories where they showed some facets of their personality but not all of them.

They are beings that think and feel like me.

[One day later]

[Keep your breathing steady, feel the energy coursing through your body and let it be but don't let it control you, this energy is part of you, make it completely yours] Ddraig's voice instructed me as I felt an aura covering my body .

He had asked him for help to make me stronger and he had agreed immediately.

I don't doubt it for a second.

He might want to show me off to Albion.

Still Ddraig was a mediocre teacher in many points but with some skills he was pretty good .

The skill he was teaching me was one of them.

This was an exclusive power used by dragons for combat.

While it was true that dragons had great physical and magical power, they also had their own way of enhancing both to ridiculous levels naturally.

A simple ability that inspired fear in their enemies when fully mastered.

A power that even the weakest of dragons possessed.

[Dragon Aura]

The most basic of the draconic techniques in existence.

I clenched my fists grunting from the effort, as I concentrated my aura around my fist.

My target was a nearby tree, so gritting my teeth I threw a punch in the direction of said tree.


The results were spectacular to say the least.

[Impressive] I commented on the celestial dragon sealed on my arm.

"Completely agree" I admitted as I saw the amount of trees that had been destroyed with that one hit.

"Still, it's hard to use" I commented as I looked at my arm with slight burns due to my own energy.

[You're too powerful for your current body] commented Ddraig with something akin to glee.

"Isn't that a bad thing?" I asked arching an eyebrow at my partner's happiness.

[Not at all, it just means you have to keep doing it until your body can control your power without repercussions].

"Wouldn't that, you know, burn my body or damage it beyond repair?" I asked pointing out the obvious in the matter.

[You must stop thinking like a human] He answered me bluntly.

"Clarification" I asked without seeing the point.

[You're half dragon now, dragons are beings that gain power through battle, tearing our bodies apart over and over again and getting stronger in the process. How do you think I earned my celestial dragon title? Sipping tea and cookies] Ignoring the sarcasm, he was right.

Ddraig and Albion were born incredibly strong but not to the level they were when they were sealed, both exemplified the concepts of domination and supremacy respectively, Ddraig's infernal flames, Albion's poison were an example of that, their most powerful weapons possibly being in fact embodiments of the concepts they were born upon.

After all, they were both born with those abilities.

They showed Ddraig's dominance by destroying their enemies, including their souls, with their flames.

They showed Albion's supremacy by reducing all who came in contact with their poison to nothingness.

Only the few beings who embodied other concepts would not be affected by such abilities.

As was the case with Great Red, Ophis and, curiously, themselves.

They never used them against each other because they were simply useless against their rival.

In fact the morons sealed them and possibly forgot about them.

That must have helped incredibly to seal them, had they both used those abilities, it was possible that both Boosted Gear and Dividing Divine would not exist today.

Along with all the rest of the biblical faction.

Well, that's just a theory.

Assuming neither used their most powerful abilities.

Which, knowing both of them, they didn't.

Assuming also that they were tired and injured after spending days and even weeks in that combat.

Which, knowing both of them, they did.

"Ddraig you're an idiot" I commented dryly as he shook his head.


Getting back to the topic I was worried about.

Even after being born incredibly strong, it was only through their countless battles that both Ddraig and Albion became so powerful and feared.

Interestingly, those same battles created the signature abilities of his Sacred Gear and others.

But back to the topic.

As long as I don't lose a limb, I can train and fight to the brink of death, as long as I don't die, I will come back stronger.

I became a Saiyajin.

Realization dawned in my eyes.

Ddraig must have seen the expression on my face because I felt him grinning like a Cheshire cat and the image gave me chills.

[Brace yourself mate, I will make you my most powerful wielder or you will die trying] The dragon commanded and I bit my lip.

This was going to be fucked up but I had asked for this.

Why the hell didn't I get Rock Lee's determination to train?

That would come in handy.

Either way.

I'll reach the top of this world even if I destroy my body in the process.

Shiva, Ophis and Great Red better wait for me on the top steps.

I snapped my fingers and hardened my expression.

"Give me the worst super developed lizard."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Dex_Oxyscreators' thoughts
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