
Chapter 72 “Devil Revelations”

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In came Sona, followed by. .

Gasper, Rugal, Kiba, Issei, Reya, Momo, Tomoe, Yura, and Ruruko.

I then from my desk said.

"Sona, what brought you? I was going to come to your office in a bit to get Saji's things, well Shirone, could you?"

My white kitty vanished to the back fast, and came out carrying a huge stack of 10 folding chairs and put them all behind the third couch. Sona's Peerage helped to unfold them, while Akeno and Tsubaki got more refreshments for our guests.

I sat on the right couch with Sona on my left, and Kuisha on my right, as Sona told me.

"Kuisha told me you had a surprise party for your new Pawn, so we just brought his things. It is also the right time to let him meet the other Devils of Kuoh."

While Saji was talking to others, his eyes went wide and he pointed at her Peerage and asked.

"What?! Everyone here is."

And on practiced fun, everyone in the room smirked and released their wings, while Akeno only let out a pair of Transformed bat wings in shame of her normal ones.

Yes, sadly, she still has daddy issues. Sure she has fallen for me, but I have tried a few times, and like there is a magic-curse on Shirone and Akeno, they only spiral into depression when I bring up family, sigh.

It is tough, but anyway.

And in instinct of his Devil biology, his own bat wings eject from his back surprising him. He looked at them in surprise, because he has not had time to use them as, A New Born Devil.

I say to Saji.

"Calm down Saji, it is a reaction for all Devils. If a group of Devils suddenly let their wings out, it sends a signal like a fight or flight response, and this alerts a group of Devils to flee faster.

Think of it as an early warning sensation so you are not caught unaware, now recall them in your back, perfect!"

Everyone's wings vanished, and the mood became normal again, then Sona told Saji.

"Most everyone was a Devil during your time in middle-school so don't think any different, and oh, the only Pure Born Devils are Me, Ray, and Kuisha here, everyone else here is a Reincarnated Devil like you. "

Saji nodded slowly remembering everything told. Sona then ignored him, and turned her face to me and said, or asked.

"Truly, I expected you to have a Peerage full of cat girls? So anything special with your new Pawn?"

"Yup, a 4 Piece Pawn like Issei. "

"A Sacred Gear?! Ray, Sacred Gears are supposed to be very rare, why are we finding so many now?"

I really do not know the answer. I never really researched anime like my friends did.

I only know a tad more because my friends would talk about Nekoshou or Yasaka a bit. But, I do not understand why you can get Sacred Gears out of a vending machine these days.

The anime did not really go into detail, or I forgot.

"Maybe, it is because we Devils have been reincarnating Devils with Sacred Gears, and the Heavens System is glitching because we are messing with the natural order of it?"

Sona looks at my serious face, and she can tell I know more. She and Kuisha have known me all my life, so my face cannot fool the two.

Then Sona said.

"For such a good hypothesis of Sacred Gears, you are smart, but your Chess skills are still lacking and that is an unattractive trait for a King. "

"AH! What just happened?"

Saji in the other end of the room yelled, then was confused looking at a shaking cardboard box.

Oh, it seems he startled poor Gasper and he fled into his cardboard box. Yup, so it seems if Vampires do not have a coffin, a cardboard box can substitute for one, why? Because it is cramped like a coffin, and like a coffin, it is made of wood.

Lastly, my world is strange.

Issei put his hand on Saji's shoulder shaking his head in pity and told him the hurtful truth.

"Brother, our Queen Gasper is a boy, not a girl. "

Genshirou Saji. exe, has stopped working.

Then he fell to his knees and cried. Yeah, everyone falls for it, sigh.

Issei, now with a smug smile of not being the only chump, just patted my silly Pawns back in solidarity. I feel like I am forgetting something here with Issei and Saji?

Sona asked Rugal.

"Rugal, could you please take Gasper back to the office? Now that he is a Gasper-in-a-box, I wont get him out for a while. "

The now giant Rugal only nodded without saying anything. He with one arm put the cardboard box on his shoulder and walked out of the ORC, and the box said.

[Thanks Big Brother, Rugal!]

I smile and say to Sona.

"To see a Vampire and a Werewolf, two natural enemies get along so well is heartwarming. "

Sona smiled seeing that and said to me,

"Your advice to let the quiet and manly Rugal be his mentor, really brought Gasper's confidence up a lot, and now the two are best friends. "

"Issei could have also done it, but I am afraid Issei's perverted side would have rubbed off on him. "

Kiba walked up to us and smiled. He greeted me and asked.

"Prince Gremory, I know you told girls I was looking for love, and I can deal with that, but. .

. Did you spread rumors about me and Issei? Um, Sorry to ask that."

I all of a sudden remembered a scene in the anime, with the glasses wearing Motohama, and the ash-baldy Matsuda, spreading rumors, and I said to Kiba.

"That is a line I would never cross as a man, but if I had to guess? Perhaps the friends of Issei?"

"Thanks for that tip Prince Gremory, I will investigate that source, good day. "

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