
DxD: Origin Being

A normal guy gets the chance to inherit the powers of a powerful being and so he goes on a journey to enjoy his life to the fullest before he is to fulfill his duties, as with power comes responsibility. English is my second language so there might be some mistakes but I try to correct as much as possible. Warning: this is a wish fulfillment fanfic

12_HCL · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Date with Serafall. Introduction of other worlds

Sera looked around the traditional Japanese house with a sense of wonder. "Eeee? What is this place? How come I haven't seen a place like this in Japan before?" she asked curiously.

I smiled at her question. "Well, this my dear is not the universe we came from, so basically the Multiverse theory is real and this is one of the universes that exist in the multiverse."

Sera's eyes widened in surprise. "Eeeee, but how can we come here so fast? I heard from Ajuka that it's possible, but it would take lots of magic power and many people to perform such a thing. You did it with just a strange gun!" she exclaimed.

I chuckled at her reaction. "Well, that's because Ajuka is only familiar with magic, he mustn't have even looked at normal human technology. Well, let's forget about it and just enjoy our date," I said with a hint of teasing in my tone.

Sera blushed at my words. "Wait, this is a date?" she asked hopefully.

I grinned at her reaction. "Well, if you don't want to call it that we can call it just a fancy dinner," I suggested.

"No, it's a date, A Date," Sera said firmly, a small smile on her lips.

"Okay, a date it is," I said with a smile. Sera's smile widened in response.

We walked into a traditional Japanese house, and Sera looked around in amazement. When we entered the dining room, we were met with Hisoka, who took us to our table and went to get Erina.

A few minutes later, Erina Nakiri walked in and introduced herself. "Hello, my name is Erina Nakiri. I'll be cooking for you today. What would you like today?"

"I'll take any good dish you have, do something you want and make it special. As for desserts and drinks, get me a milkshake and some cheesecakes," I ordered, and Erina jotted it down in her notepad.

Erina turned to Sera. "And what would you like to order?"

"I'll have the same as my 'Boyfriend'," Sera said, emphasizing the word 'boyfriend.' I was surprised at her use of the word, considering she had been so hesitant to go on a date with me earlier.

Erina caught the change in atmosphere and smiled. "Very well, I'll get started on your orders. I'll be back shortly," she said before leaving the room.

"So, I'm your boyfriend?" I asked, amused at Sera's sudden change in demeanor.

Sera blushed at my teasing words. "Well, you're not complaining, so it's okay for you I guess. Plus, it was your idea to go on a date. But I'm a little worried about what the underworld will think of me dating a non-devil and that too a young one like you," she said warily.

I placed my hand on hers, reassuringly. "Well, there's no need to worry about that as I've also got devil blood in me," I said, trying to ease her worries.

Sera looked at me in surprise. "You're also part devil? But now that I think about it, you said you have dragon blood too. So what exactly is your race?" she asked curiously.

I smiled, realizing it was time to share my secret with her. "Well, I also think I should tell you since we're technically dating now."

Sera leaned forward, intrigued by my words. "Why does it sound like a question? But never mind, continue," she said with a small smile.

"I'm 1/5 Human, 1/5 Devil, 1/5 Angel, 1/5 Dragon, 1/5 Sprite. And I can't explain my birth as that's a very complicated thing, but you should know it was not artificial or experimental. My dad knocked up my mom to create me. But they died after my birth. I was taken care of by humans who took me in and they gave me my name and took care of me till I was 9. When I was 9, they also died but I found out about the supernatural world after their death. I got stronger, unlocked my bloodline, and got new magic. I even transcended to a higher level. After that, my abilities evolved again, mixing all the bloodlines and creating a new one I named Origin."

Sera was shocked and didn't know what to say. "Wow, that's a lot to take in," she finally said.

Ren nodded understandingly. "I know it's a lot to process, but I wanted to be honest with you. I didn't want to hide anything from you since we'll be spending a lot of time together."

Sera looked at Ren with admiration. "I appreciate your honesty and trust in me. You don't have to worry about me, Ren. I'll always have your back."

Ren smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "Thank you, Sera. That means a lot to me."

"Well, after we have the food here, you'll forget about it and even may lose control of your power to try not to lose control of your strength, okay." Ren warned Sera about the effects of the food in this world.

Sera nodded, her stomach growling in anticipation. "Oh, is the food that good? If so, I can't wait for it."

After some time, Erina came with our food. She made some kind of beef and turkey sandwich with a fruit salad and some other dishes.

"Well, ladies first," Ren said, gesturing for Sera to take the first bite. Sera took a piece of sandwich and took a bite. There was a moment of silence, but soon she moaned like she was in heat due to the taste.

"REN, this is the best thing I have ever tasted," Sera exclaimed, her eyes wide with delight.

Ren chuckled at Sera's reaction before taking a bite himself. The food tasted very good, but it didn't give him a foodgasm like it did to Sera. Maybe it was due to his <1st Magic> or even <3rd- Heaven's Feel> empowering his soul.

Seeing Ren act normal and eating as if it's just normal food, Erina was shocked but didn't question him as he was a guest from her grandfather, whom he made contact with using his reality-bending abilities.

After we ate, Ren directly portaled us out into his personal dimension along with Serafall.

"Wait Ren, I forgot to ask before, how will our stay in that world affect the time flow of our world?" Sera asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, the time flow is the same as my personal dimension," Ren reassured her with his vast knowledge.

"Okay, but what are we going to do next?" Sera asked excitedly.

"Next, we're going to sleep! We haven't slept for 41 hours, so it's better to go to sleep and start having fun again tomorrow," Ren said, stifling a yawn.

"Eeeeeeee, but I want to have fun now. I don't want to sleep. Plus, we are very strong, and we can live without sleep for a long time," Sera whined.

"No, sleep is good for us and it'll clear our minds for what we'll do tomorrow," Ren said firmly.

Sera pouted but eventually gave in. "Fine, but you better make it worth it tomorrow."

Ren chuckled. "I promise it will be worth it."

They settled into their comfortable beds, and Ren closed his eyes, feeling his body relax. As he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't help but think about the day's events. Meeting Serafall was unexpected, but he couldn't deny that he enjoyed her company. She was different from the other girls he had met, and he found her enthusiasm infectious.