
dxd my multiversal journey

reborn in dxd after getting my wished from the universal troll, maybe harem but no more than three girls if I do so.

Anthony_Chavez_6666 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

ch. 1 into the void

Waking up in the void isn't how I thought my day would start. "Hello, can anyone tell me what the fuck happend!" I yelled out not really expecting an answer due to me being here for what felt like hours in silence.

"Yes, yes I'm here sorry for taking so long I had more important things to due." An annoyed elderly voice sounded out.

Turning around I expected many things from a ball of light to a eldrech monstrosity, what I didn't expect was a old man with a neatly trimmed white beard and hair with red eyes wearing a nice suit that fit him perfectly in his hand was a sword made out of Jewels. But the most surprising fact about him was the fact that I recognized him almost immediately. "Oh fuck."

Raising an eyebrow in amusement he gave out a chuckle "oh so I'm guessing your world line knew of me than?" He asked

Nodding dumbly I shook my self out of my surprise before shaking in excitement. "Of course your Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, welder of the second true magic the Kaleidoscope. The man who fought the fucking moon itself and won single-handedly! And most importantly the biggest troll in the multiverse."

Letting out a full blown laugh. "HAHAHA! Thanks for the laugh kid it's been a while since I've laughed that much." Smiling he than added "but now it's time to get to business, I was messing around with truck-kun when we crashed into your apartment building and accidentally killed you and some of your neighbors. So I need to gift you and them some things before sending all you off to your next life to keep my karmaric balance."

"Oh I see well thanks I guess." I shrugged I wasn't exactly mad at my death, I was an orphan with few friends and no drive with my county going to shit and all. "So what do I get?" I asked curiously

"Hmm well I was just ganna give you a class card and send you off but you gave me a good laugh sssooo… I'll give the choice of what you get to you." He replied making me giggle like a school girl with her crush.

Looking at Zelretch who was looking at me not even trying to hide his amusement I clearled my throat and got myself together. 'What do I want?' I thought to myself for a few moments before I asked "how many gifts can I get?"

"Hmm let's go with the cliche three wishes." He replied with a smile.

Nodding I thought about it for a few seconds before coming to a conclusion. "I want access to all of archer Emiya's memories, skills, and abilities. Secondly I want well the second true magic along with a mystic code like yours to help with the calculations, and lastly I want to be reborn in dxd as Sirzechs and greyfia's son 40 years before cannon starts."

Nodding Zelretch agreed, "alright easy enough I just have to call in a favor to get a holy grail and get a class card for you. After that I'll just shove you into the maids belly after little Lucy fills her up." He mumbled before he got a contemplative look on himself. "But just giving implanting all the knowledge of the Kaleidoscope won't work, I can give you access to second true magic but I can't just make you automatically understand all the calculations and knowledge you need to use it." He spoke while taking a seat on nothing, I mean he was sitting with no chair just floating there. "Ah that's it! Alright so kid I'll give you access to the second true magic and I'll give you basically a super brain so you never forget anything and can learn extremely quick, than I'll leave all the notes on the Kaleidoscope in your reality marble along with your mystic code. It should only take you like two or three decades to learn it. Which is extremely fast. It took me over a century to start safely using the Kaleidoscope."

Nodding I spoke "I think I understand and thanks uhh sir?"

"Bah just call me gramps, we're related in a way now since I'm giving you the second true magic. Kinda like that tsundere rin." He waved me off. "Now go to sleep when you wake up you'll be around three years old. Have fun and I'll see you again kid." He laughed out as my vision went dark.