
DxD: MOB reincarnation

A story about someone who got reincarnated in DXD without cheats, without rob and without system. no OP WARNING: Mc has limited knowledge of the story. He has not read all the story of dxd.

X_1995 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Golden awakening

After that,a good night of sleep and some boring class lesson, I went to the occult research club.

I needed to control how was Asia and if she was still human.

"Hello everyone. " I said.

" Haru-san. Good morning." Asia said as she came running toward me. Still human, thank God. I patted her. Really, ot was becoming an addiction, she had a head perfect for that. Akeno-san please don't watch me as if you want to drop a Kirin on my right no. Really this woman was becoming too scary.

" Good morning." said everyone else. Even Issei.

"Can I ask you for a favor, Rias?" I said.

" What?" She said.

" I need you to convince my parents to let Asia stay in my home." I said while Akeno's dark aura kept growing stronger.

"Sure. No problem." She said.

"Ok then. I am going to prepare something and then you can come. Bye Asia. " I said as I run away.


After some weeks Asia was already my mother's favorite. She really has the talent to befriend anyone. We enrolled her in Kuoh academy, my same class. I thought I would have to teach her Japanese from scratch, but Rias fortunately had a sort of translation spell.

Everything was going smoothly, I must say. Until that piece of shit, a gentle-looking, handsome young man with blond hair, came saying he wanted me to leave Asia alone and abandon her otherwise he would kill me.

This is the usual devil I was accustomed talking. Arrogant, racist bastards who see humans as nothing more than bugs. Had he thought I was a weakling just because Akeno was the one to eliminate the church? I don't know.

"Go fuck yourself." I said.

" What?" he said, a little angry.

"Go fuck yourself. A slitted eyes bitch like you is always the b class villain in the story." I said.

" You fucking human. I'll kill you." He said as he raised his demonic power to the maximum level. He really had a lot of magic power.

"Just forgot to ask but, who were you again?" I asked.

" Listen well human, this one is Diodora Astaroth, a high- class noble pureblooded devil of the Astaroth clan. Do you understand the difference, you fucking bug?" He said.

" Wow. You sound like some Xianxia young master. Don't tell me that you are the descendant of some devil king?" I said jokingly. He was such a cliché that made me laugh in exasperation.

" That's right. How did you know that?"

He was really the descendant of some devil king.

"What is it then? Did you took a fancy to Asia and want me to get away from her? " He was like a clown honestly.

" No. Now you are just gonna die and since you are going to die let me tell you something. Do you remember the devil that was healed by Asia Argento? The reason she was expelled from the church? It was me. I did it on purpose." He said smiling delightfully. My feelings towards him changed from pity for a pathetic clown to unhinged anger. I felt like something was churning inside my body but in that moment I was only thinking on how much to hurt this bitch before killing him.

"You know, I really like sullying holy maidens. You could say is my favorite hobby.I was supposed to appear and kill the fallen angels, after they killed Asia once and I was planning to give my evil-piece then. I thought you wouldn't win, even if you were to interfere. But then the queen of Gremory came there and killed all the fallen angels. Did you really think that you would go unscathed after that?" He kept talking. At every single word I felt my blood boil.

" After this maybe I'll go and kill Himejima Akeno too, after I raped Asia in front of you corpse obviously." He said, smiling perversely at the thought.

I could not bear it anymore, so in an instant I appeared in front of him using shave and punched him with a fist wrapped in white with strands of golden energy twirling around.

I felt some resistance at the impact, but I still managed to make him fly. These fucking vermin wanted to kill Akeno and rape Asia. I'll not allow him to leave alive these place today.

In the next instant he actived magic all around me, blades circling around me as if to turn me in mince meat. I did not stop. My touki, that seemed a little golden in that moment, wrapped my body all around. The only thing he managed to make were superficial wounds.

Realizing he was about to lose, all his demonic power got concentrated in the defense.

"What? It's not possible? I've got the serpent of Ophis inside me. A high class devil like can't lose to a lower race. " He screamed as if saying it loud may change the situation.

I punched his barrier. It seemed like it would not budge, but I did not stop. I punched. Again. Again.

" Ahahah, you see. Someone like me could not lose to someone like you."

I did not respond. I just kept punching the barrier with my fist. Again. Again. My fist was bleeding but everytime I felt it was becoming stronger. It was in that moment that I finally felt my body flooding with energy. My spiritual sense returning. The golden spirit had finally recovered and as if in resonance with me I felt its anger too.

Golden ki kept increasing inside my body. Wounds in my hand healing. Power constantly surging. Then I felt the barrier crack.

"N-No. It's not possible. I put all the demonic power in that barrier." He said, more and more afraid by the minute.

This time I put my golden ki together with touki in the fist. My energy was so dense that it seemed like it was a thick golden glove covering my hand.

In the next moment I punched and the barrier was destroyed like it was made of thin glass.

I did not stop. I stomped the other hand that was trying to activate some other spell.

"Aaaaaaaaah.." He screamed in pain.

I broke his arm too, then the other one and then the legs.

"You should have not come. Maybe you could have died later. Now that you came, I will show you how I welcome bastards like you that threaten my family." I said still breaking his bones one by one.

"Wait. Please wait. If you kill me then my ancestors will surely revenge me." He said. I pulled his tongue out.

"Now." I said. "Since I got my power back. How about so little experiments. " I said laughing ferociously.

I thought it would be better to start with some elemental manipulation. Since I have a devil here I thought light or fire would be better. I tried converting my ki into fire, using the knowledge I learned about human magic in the books Rias gave me. It worked. It really worked. For the first time in this world I did magic. In my hand a golden flame of tremendous temperature was burning.

In that moment I had the perfect death pictured for the bug squirming under my foot.

I injected my pure ki inside his body and let it flow inside until he was covered in it.

In the next moment I converted half of it in flames and half in pure life healing energy.

I kept burning and healing. Burning and healing him, until his eyes lost focus.

In that moment and only in that moment, did I allow him to die, and turn to ashes.