
DxD: Mechanic's Scrapyard

A street rat with an uncanny affinity for machines reincarnates into a world he, now she, has no knowledge of. Being a child again in the wrong gender at that was a bit weird, but that was nothing compared to finding out what sort of beings she was now living amongst. She shrugged her shoulders "Well as long as they don't mess with my scrapyard." --- Author Note: Just a disclaimer for those who don't like OP MC's, she will be pretty OP and I don't really like situations where stories forces the MC to go against someone they literally have no chance of winning against. For those curious about Romance? I don't know, pretty much nothing is planned, however if I do decide to try, the love interest will also be female. The Cover picture is Jona from Alchemy Stars.

Immortal_Orca · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 33 - Bova the Destroyer

A few minutes after Rias and her queen had left Okita felt another powerful presence approaching Kuoh and stood up.

"It seems Azazel has arrived, I wonder how Rias and her peerage is doing." He mumbled to himself with a thoughtful face before he left the ORC and sped towards the church.

Okita arrived at the church a few minutes later to see three fallen angels injured to varying degrees laying tied up in a group on the ground. Meanwhile Rias and her peerage stood around her pawn cradling a crying nun in his arms though something that surprised him was the demonic power he could feel from her.

"It seems Rias has gotten herself another bishop, huh?" Okita mused.

Eventually a large shadow fell onto the church premises as a twelve winged being descended towards him making the group look over.

"Yo, knight of Lucifer!" Azazel waved nonchalantly.

"Azazel-sama." Okita nodded slightly.

"So, I heard some of mine were stirring up trouble around here, could you tell me what happened?" Azazel crossed his arms in front of him with a thoughtful frown.

"Of course."

Okita proceeded to tell him everything related to the fallen angels that had happened since they arrived in Kuoh and his speculations about the end goal, Azazel's face gradually worsened the more he heard.

As Okita finished Azazel closed his eyes in thought as he hummed.

"I don't think it's a coincidence this happened so close to two heiresses either and I already have a vague idea of who would want this to be a success however let's ask the perpetrators, shall we?" Azazel said as he started walking towards the heap of tied together fallen angels.

"Azazel-sama!" The black haired one shouted happily when she saw him approaching and directed a gleeful smile towards the group of devils, now they were done for.

"So? I thought I sent you to monitor the sacred gear host, not kill him." Azazel asked unimpressed as he raised an eyebrow with crossed arms.


"Dohnaseek told you he received new orders? Where is he anyway?" Azazel asked in confusion.

"We don't know..." The fallen angels looked around awkwardly.

"Um..." Koneko hesitantly raised her arm making the others look towards her.

"Yes, little rook of gremory?" Azazel raised an eyebrow.

"Is he the one in a coat and a fedora?"

"Yes, do you happen to know where he is?"

"Not really but Okita-san's granddaughter was wearing his hat... I think."

The group looked over towards Okita who blinked in slight surprise.

"Koko was here?"

Koneko nodded and looked towards Kiba who also nodded.

"Yes Okita-sensei she arrived and um... destroyed most of the church before I think she got bored." He said hesitantly, he hadn't known Koko for long but he had a feeling that was something that could happen.

"Oh, I see. Where is she now?"

"She um..." He looked back towards Koneko who nodded.

"We think she used a portal to go to the underworld."

Okita's body physically flinched as he stiffened up.

"Was... was there someone else with her?" Okita asked shakily a few seconds later as he swallowed heavily, this could be bad, very bad.

Koneko and Kiba thought back to when they saw her for a few seconds.

"Now that I think about it I think someone was clinging onto her back? I'm not sure, I couldn't sense anything, so I might have been mistaken." Kiba said eventually.


Okita slowly palmed his face, looking on the verge of a nervous breakdown for a few seconds before he looked up, his languid air returning as he activated a communication spell.

"Hmm, Okita?" Sirzech's voice was heard from the other end.

"Hello, Sirzechs-sama."

Sirzechs raised an eyebrow, feeling like there was something off about Okita's voice.

"Was there something?"

"Ah yes, it seems Koko has entered the underworld."

"Huh?" Sirzechs let out a surprised sound at the infromation.

"It also seems that her 'mother' has tagged along."


"Ophis has entered the underworld?" Sirzechs eventually asked as the sounds of papers hastily getting sorted was heard from his end.

The eyes of Azazel standing a few meters away widened as he choked on air and started coughing into his arm as questions started flying through his head. Hearing how they talked about her Ophis had apparently been in Kuoh recently and... turned into a mother? And her child was also Okita's granddaughter? What the hell?



Loud laughter rang out through the forest accompanied by the sounds of battle and destruction as a group of devils fought against a massive ten meters tall dragon standing on it's hind legs. Dull purplish-red scaled covered the dragon's body hiding rippling muscles upon which various battle scars were proudly displayed. Upon it's head were massive forward pointing dull golden horns while some parts of it's body was a dark gray, sharply glinting claws the same color as it's horns flexed idly, it's glowing red eyes locking onto the devils.

It reared back before a massive amount of fire shot out of it's mouth covering the whole battlefield as it started swaying it's head to spread them even further charring everything in it's way.

One of the devils barely escaped in time, half of his body covered in ash and burn marks as he spoke into the communication spell hovering at his ear, stumbling out of the expanding sea of fire.

"Yes, sir. No. It seems the disturbance was Bova the Destroyer wreaking havoc again. Yes. Understood. Retreat!" The devil shouted to his fellow pieces before retreating, the other devils quickly following behind as the stream of fire eventually abated, the dragon's jaw shutting with a clack.

"Che, fuckin' cowards." Bova scoffed as he looked around the burning forest and destruction with narrowed eyes. When was the last time he fought worthy opponent, huh!? He could barely even remember, which means it was a hella long time ago alright!? Bova kicked at the ground grumpily as his huge figure radiated annoyance, a slight growl escaping him.

Just as he was about to leave and look for someone else to fight his figure stilled as he felt a powerful presence beelining towards him accompanied by a monstrous roar getting louder and louder by the second. His eyes widedened in surprise and then excitement as he hurriedly entered a more stable stance and readied himself as his eyes locked onto the direction is was coming from.

He didn't have to wait long before a massive mechanical abomination resembling a motorcycle coated in an electric purple energy shot through the shrubbery heading straight towards him. Bova felt like time had slowed down as he frantically tried to get his arms up in a block in time unfortunately being too slow as tons upon tons of TT reinforced metal slammed into him.

Bova felt like he'd taken a dozens of punches by his father in an instant as his chest slightly collapsed, the sounds of bones breaking resounding through his ears as the taste of iron filled his mouth. Not feeling the vehicle slowing in the slightest Bova grit his teeth through the pain as his eyes zoned onto the driver.

His eyes widened as he saw a tall redheaded... human? Her face was set into a wild grin as her fierce eyes flashed with glee atop the monstrosity she was driving blowing her hair back showing a black earring on the helix of her ear. Her tanned skin had a few scars of past battles dotting it with rippling muscles running through her form. She was wearing a black leather jacket with it's sleeves rolled up on top of a white muscle shirt a few sizes too small, on her legs she wore dark brown blacksmith pants with robust boots on her feet.

Her powerful presence and the primal air she excuded combined with her outfit made Bova reach a conclusion.

She looked like an extremely powerful delinquent.

The motorcycle sped through him like he wasn't even there and continued off behind him leaving a massive trail of dust as his body harshly hit the ground. Bova gasped out as he held his chest, finding it hard to breath from both pain and what was probably something poking his lung, however, his eyes were shining with excitement as he could feel his blood pumping.

Thinking back to her figure geared for battle, the sense of sheer power she exuded and the air of not being impeded by anything, he only had one thought.


Bova ignored the pain as he urged his body to start dragging itself, following after the monstrous roar of the engine and the trail of dust into the distance.

"Oi! Wait for me Ane-san!"




Decided to go with Ane-san since I felt Anego was more appropriate in an already established gang rather than something you'd call someone upon first meeting. It may be used in the future since I kinda like both of them but who knows. Thanks for the suggestions.