
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 8: Another Transfer Student & Chance Encounters

The next morning, after the emotional roller coaster of Irina leaving, I was once again getting ready for school. Jibril actually spent the whole day yesterday staring at the ring, completely forgetting the actual purpose of it. I can't really blame her, but I mean doesn't she have to finish her books and examine those bodies?

"Mashter!! Ehehehe, thank you <3." As I was staring at my reflection in the restroom mirror, Jibril barged and started thanking me again. < p>

"I already told you, no need to thank me. I'm just glad you like it, hmm perhaps I should've spent more time perfecting it…"

She immediately shook her head from side to side in denial while saying, "No Master! This one is perfect. You created it the moment you took a look at me without any hesitation too!" I just smile and stroke her head as she snuggles up into my chest, not worrying how she ended up carrying me towards the ceiling.

"Jibril, you know I have class right, I gotta go already. Don't ya have to finish those e-books?"

Her head snaps to attention as she lets me go abruptly, but I just use my aura to teleport to float slowly without minding her mistake, as she replies, "You're right! I must finish them so I can have time to admire this proposal ring!" Uhm… what?

"Take care, Master!"

I stand there looking blankly at the door, as I hear the joyful humming of Jibril, probably already making herself comfortable in the bed. Well, she's motivated at least. Oh, right, can you spin the Daily Gacha Eve?

[ Of course ]

[ Now Spinning 5 Times… ]

[ You have obtained [Growth Sword -Demonic- (Mythical+ Rank)] ! Automatic transfer to inventory. ]

[ You have obtained the Domineering Aura Pill (Epic Rank) ! Automatic transfer to inventory. ]

[ You have obtained the Tiara of the Awakened Beast (Mythical Rank) ! Automatic transfer to inventory. ]

[ You have obtained the Staff of the Dark Goddess of Manipulation (Mythical Rank) ! Automatic transfer to inventory. ]

[ You have obtained the Necklace of the Serene Mother Goddess (Mythical Rank) ! Automatic transfer to inventory. ]

What are these items? I'm starting to get suspicious of my 'Luck.' Isn't a gacha supposed to give out some duds as well? Ah! I should be grateful. Uhm… a problem for future me!

Instead of paying any mind to the oddly high-ranking items, I just close the bathroom door behind me and make my way toward the dining area. I didn't have the time to properly enjoy my mom's cooking since Natsume-chan, and Kaori were probably waiting for me at the gate. I spent too much time talking to Jibril.

"Sorry for making you wait! Shall we get going already, Natsume-chan, Kaori?" I see them nod in affirmation while Natsume-chan goes up to me and grabs my right hand tightly with hers.

"Ah! Then me too!" Seems like Kaori didn't want to get outdone. I smiled at their antics as we continued our walk toward school. 

Saki Yoshida POV

Okay, breathe in and breathe out. Maybe mommy will talk to me and not show that sad smile if I still keep trying to make friends.

I look back, but my parents' car is no longer there. Most likely left the second I stepped out of the car. I could only look down before pushing up my glasses and making my way towards the school gates. I pass them by while noticing how empty the whole school is, only the occasional student hurrying towards the school building. I'm rather late, aren't I?

As I walk down the hallway towards the classroom I've been assigned to by the teachers, I start dreading every moment of it. 

"Why aren't you laughing at his joke?"

"Huh, what's with that creepy smile of yours?"

"Why are you always so gloomy, this is why we never play with you, you know."

"What's with those huge glasses anyways, does it make you smarter?"

"Miss Yoshida, please try to stick to our teaching method. It does not matter how you got that answer, it is only correct using the method we gave you."

Just remembering all those things makes my head feel dizzy, while my heart contracts in pain. I start to feel the tears gathering up in my eyes, blurring up my vision, and fogging up my glasses. 

Without warning, I trip over myself so I just close my eyes and brace for the impact. Perhaps placing down my elbows would reduce the pain, but the impact never came. Instead, I felt warmth spread throughout me. I was inside a gentle embrace while I felt soft caresses atop my head. I was confused and panicked, but I felt… safe.

"Are you okay? I rushed right over when I saw you were about to fall, and then to my surprise there were tears in your eyes so I unconsciously patted your head. Sorry about that, I'll stop," A soft voice spoke to me, so I dazedly looked up and was face to face with a boy with dark blue hair and sparkling emerald eyes, that contained so much warmth I feared I might drown in it if I stared for too long.

But what took that attention away was the black ahoge on top of his hair- not even minding the way he wiped away my tears near my cheeks- since the ahoge was twitching every which way perhaps in indication for his worry over me… cute. A big contrast to how reliable he looks. 

Before I stared too long, I eventually replied, "Ah… no. It's okay… wanna ...stay longer… Wait! We have class!" I was unconsciously beginning to enjoy the warm embrace, but I remembered where I was so I hurriedly, and somewhat reluctantly, separated from the boy, as my cheeks started to burn from embarrassment. 

The boy just chuckled before he said, "Right, class is about to start. You must be a new student right, I'll guide you there. Ah! I'm Ichijou Ryu, you can just call me Ryu." 

I was about to reply but he suddenly stepped closer to me. I was startled but before I could react he placed his hands on the side of my face and from the feeling of his thumbs he might have wiped away my tears. Wait, he's done this twice now! How embarrassing.

"There ya go, I couldn't wipe away the rest when I was hugging you. You wouldn't want them to see you with tears in your eyes right? And that embarrassed smile of yours is cute, Saki-chan." Cute… he called me cute. Am I cute? B-but… My mom and dad always tell me to never show any emotions. Is it okay if I smile? Is it okay that I'm happy he complimented me?

Hmm? How'd he know my name?

"Ano, you called me Saki-chan, right, R-Ryu-san? How'd you know my name?" When I took a glance at his face, since I was trying to hide the huge smile on my face when he called me cute, I saw his smile suddenly cramp up. 

He started to look from side to side as if he's done something wrong while the ahoge on top of his head was frantically moving every which way, I couldn't help but chuckle overseeing this reaction. His face then lit up as if getting a bright idea, so he opened his mouth and said, "I took a peek at the papers in your hand, plus I was near the teacher's office when I heard them say the new student's name." He then breathed a sigh of relief, while muttering, "Safe." It seems he thinks I didn't hear him. Aw~

"I see, well I am Yoshida Saki. It's kind of embarrassing being called Saki-chan though…"

"Ah, do you want me to stop?"

"No!" As soon as that word left my mouth I opened my eyes wide in disbelief before quickly covering my mouth with my hands and hiding my burning face from Ryu-san.

"Heee~ Okay, I'll keep calling you Saki-chan. Let's go, or we'll be late!"

"And who's fault is that…?! Wait, don't pull me! Ryu-san!" Though I said that with an angry voice, a wide smile began to form on my face when finally talked to someone who was so open. I'm looking forward to this school.

Ryu Ichijou POV

Man, what a crazy way to start the morning.

When I was heading towards my class, I spotted a young girl with long flowing black hair tied in two separate braids tripping over herself, so I rushed in and caught her asking if she was okay. 

But to my surprise she was crying and looked extremely familiar, so all I could do was get her bangs out of her glasses, while I gently used my thumb to wipe away some of the tears on her cheeks, but it seemed her ocean-blue eyes were focused on my ahoge and not at me during that time. 

We spent some time talking until we eventually settled on calling each other by name, hers was Saki-chan. I was going to insist on not adding the -san but it might be what she's comfortable with right now. It was during this small pause that it suddenly clicked for me why she was so familiar. She's from that dreaded manga. Thinking about it in depth would only just cause my anger to boil over so I swore to protect and care for this naive and lovable girl.

We then headed to class together, but the glare I got from Yurika sent shivers down my spine when I walked in together with her. Shouko being the angel that she is, was happy to have the black-haired young girl as another friend. They got along really well too. I was surprised to hear that Saki also knew a bit of sign language, it was just enough to hold a conversation with her too. I'll make it up to Yurika, well I already promised her anyway. 

Of course, I was hounded once again by the others when school was out. But because of how shy and how low her self-esteem was the girls softly greeted her. Hehe, faced with two angels one after the other really wore down their mock anger. Victory! 

Right now, I'm walking back home alone, since everyone either had to go help their parents with their business or wanted to get a head start in their homework. Perhaps this is fate arranging something for me? 

Nah… that wouldn't happen, right?

As if on cue, I saw a flash of red. More like fiery red, since the hair looked like it was moving every which way just like fire. But when I took a proper look I noticed it was a young girl crouched down onto the side of the street, leaning against a building. No one was taking notice of her, which was pretty obvious since she might have a device on her that would lead humans away. 

Indeed, she's a part of the supernatural world, a high-class devil from the underworld, Rias Gremory. Wait, is she a high-class devil right now? Based on her presence and demonic power it looks like she's not. 

This unexpected meeting took me by surprise honestly, but finding out what's wrong takes precedence, was I worried about the devils finding out and coming after me? Not really since they will keep my whereabouts hidden in the name of recruiting me for the future, plus they might figure out who I am since I am from a famous Yakuza clan. I'm being naive, but I gotta hype myself up or else I won't be able to handle it. I'm in no position to anger the siscon.

At most they might keep an eye out for me, labeling me as a person of interest for a peerage kinda like letting me develop more before they recruit me. You know, trying to scheme and find a way for me to be under them. Hmm, but that would still set me as a target, so I might just act like I know of the supernatural but nothing too detailed.

After having a short inner monologue, I once again turn my attention to the lost young girl and begin walking to her position. 

"Hey, are you lost? Do you want my handkerchief? There there, I promise I'll help you find who you're looking for. My name is Ryu Ichijou, you can just call me Ryu." I spoke gently to her, bending down to her level, so as not to startle her.

She peeked out from her knees and fiery red hair, and I could see her bright ocean-blue eyes. They mesmerized me for a moment, but I snapped out of it when I heard her speak. 

"Huh? Ah, thank you. Uhm... I lost sight of my onii-chan and onee-sama, will you really help me…? Ah, I'm Rias Gremory, nice to meet you..." Her naive and trusting eyes were starting to fill up with hope. You gotta be more wary! Hm, I am the around the same age, so that probably explains it.

Ah dammit.

As if I could say no to that face! Who could say no to that?! No one! Plus the ahoge she has on top of her hair is twitching around, and I'm sure mine is as well! Ahoge buddies! See, cuteness rules all! 

I smiled, plopped my hand onto her silky red hair, and started patting her while saying, "Of course, I'll help, but we must do it together okay? I'll hold your hand too, that way we don't get separated."

Her teary eyes changed to jubilation once I confirmed I was going to help her. She immediately agreed to my proposition, so before I could even stretch my hand out, she shot up surprising me, and went straight for my hand, holding it tight as if never intending to let go. Well, that was a quick change.

"Let's go! There is no time to waste!"

I could only wryly smile and nod my head as I was pulled along. Though I do admire her enthusiastic demeanor, aren't I a stranger to her?

"I'm going, I'm going."

"Ryu, I don't see them anywhere… What if I don't ever find them? Will I have to live here? Will you leave me?" Her teary eyes did critical damage to my heart, I had to put a stop to these tears before they actually made me drop down on the ground and clutch my heart. 

Yup, it's just as she said. We have looked through this whole block. But we found nothing. Are they looking for her somewhere else? We've been walking in circles too. We asked around, but everyone just shook their head in dismay. They did offer to help, so I asked if they could keep an eye out. 

"We'll find them, I promise. I'm sure they're looking all over for you and if we don't find them I'll stay with you until they return."

"So… you'll stay with me forever? You promise?" What?

"Eh… what do you me-" I couldn't finish the sentence since she was on the verge of crying again. I feel like I'm being trapped. 

"Y-you… you… won't stay with me forever?" Kuh…

"I promise, I promise, don't cry okay?" 

"Yay! You better keep your promise Ryu!" Oi, that was bad for my heart, you know. Weren't you on the verge of crying?

I pinch her nose to vent my frustration, and after that, I start pulling her cheeks for being sneaky with her crocodile tears, "Those were fake tears weren't they Rias, you knew I was weak to it so you did it on purpose huh." 

"Wvyu, shtawp isht hursht, Iemff showwy!" 

"Okay, that's enough punishment, we gotta go find them now." Once I finished that sentence I released Rias, but she only stared at me indignantly while rubbing her cheeks. 

I just kept walking while pulling her along, completely ignoring her. But then I felt something so I tightened my hold on her hand and led her into an alley though I was genuinely amused at the fact her face lit up in joy at the mere feeling of hand holding. I shook my head and stopped. Then a magic circle manifested right in front of me, it let out an icy chill with a shimmering silver color retaining parts of the Gremory household and someone else's, but who? Either way, the icy magic emitting from it made me immediately think of Grayfia.

Rias was confused at first, but once she felt the chilly air she was immediately filled with relief. From that magic circle, a figure started materializing. Looks like I was right, Grayfia did come herself. Still, though, why isn't the siscon here?

She is a beautiful young woman appearing to be in her early twenties with back-length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down which ends in twin braids and red eyes. She is currently wearing a blue and white French maid outfit with long sleeves and a white maid headband over her head with red lipstick as a cosmetic accessory. 

When she came out I donned a look of shock, just enough to make it noticeable for her. As my expression went back to normal and 'curiosity' she was also looking at me in interest and surprise. Perhaps she knows who I am? Or was it because I managed to find out she caught sight of us when I led Rias into the alley? When she finally stopped looking at me, her eyes fell on Rias and then on the hands we were holding each other from. Her face softened at first but then immediately stiffened. 

"Rias-sama, I'm glad you are okay. You have my thanks for taking care of her. Ah please forgive me, it's a pleasure to meet you, heir to the Shuei Clan, Ryu Ichijou, son of the Draconic Berserker, Issei Ichijou. My name is Grayfia Lucifuge, head maid for Rias-sama and secretary for Lord Sirzechs Lucifer. It seems she's taking a liking to you, hmm?" When she began talking her face was stoic while her tone was elegant, but at the mere sight of Rias not letting go of my hand, her face turned into an older sister who was teasing her younger sister. 

She revealed a lot didn't she? I think I just heard some coo- ridiculous nickname for my dad but I don't have information on it so I won't comment. I'm guessing she just assumed I knew about the supernatural. Ohhhh I'm so stupid my whole acting was pointless the moment I got in contact with Rias. Since every other human was ignoring her, I was the only one who 'saw' her. W-well this was my plan all along!

Maybe my yakuza family, specifically my parents, might be involved with them. They do know of me after all, I guess there's no point in pretending but also I can't just announce to them that I know every single detail. I'll just go with the assumption Grayfia gave me, she did just confirm to me that the Gremory family is connected to Lucifer which means she thinks I know about the three factions. 

This could help me, but Ima need to talk with my dad so he can 'tell me all about it.' That way there will be no plot holes if the assumption they have of me is wrong. I'll play it safe for now. Cliche sure, but the people who are close to me are humans living their own life away from it. Damn, if the devils know about my yakuza clan then I'm sure other factions know about it too. 

Ah, I got lost in my thoughts.

"It's nice to meet you, Grayfia-nee-san. Yes, I'm Ryu Ichijou, heir to the Shuei Clan. And yeah, she has never let go of my hand and even if I tell her to loosen her grip she just tightens up her hold…"

"Mou, Onee-sama! Ryu was helping me find you and Onii-chan! He's been incredibly kind to me and even promised to stay with me forever! Hm hm~ And wait, you are a part of the Yakuza, Ryu!! Why didn't you tell me?!" The ahoge on her head was wagging from side to side and the gloating expression she had on over the promise I made really spoke volumes over how happy she was at the moment. When she found out about me being a part of the yakuza, she bounced up and down from excitement, curiosity, and mock resentment. Has she started reading some manga already?

Hmm, she tightened her hold again, perhaps she hadn't let go of my hand because she believed all this might not be real. 

Right, how could I have forgotten?

She's a sheltered princess, and perhaps it's her first outing ever. I mean, come on, imagine a young girl who got lost from her first outing in the human world with no way to find her way back to them, and then suddenly a kind enough soul volunteers to help her and reassures her. She would cling to hope, afraid of being left alone again in an unknown environment. Which explained why she never let go of me at the beginning and why she kept on bugging me with the promise, she wanted me to keep on touching her face in case everything around her was just a dream. And once we found Grayfia, she put on a strong front to not worry us. The slight shaking of her hand and the grip she's holding on to me are speaking volumes of her mental state right now. 

There's only one thing to do now. I tightened my hold on her hand, placed my other free hand on her shoulder making it go all the way to the back of her head, and brought her into a hug, laying her carefully onto my chest. I hear a surprised, "Eh?" from Rias while Grayfia opens her eyes wide before realization strikes her when she hears Rias sobbing silently. 

I stroked her head and gently said, "It's okay to cry, just let it out. This is not a dream, okay? I'm sorry, I didn't notice it before. You were scared, weren't you, Rias? You didn't want to worry us, huh? Don't worry about that, don't bottle up your feelings, if you want to cry then I'll lend you my shoulder, if you want to complain to someone then complain to me, if you want to act spoiled then come to me. You mean the world to your family as well, so don't be shy and talk to them openly. I'm sure they'll be happy hearing you out. I'll be there for you, remember I promised you that I'd be with you forever. I'll be your strength, but you have to remember to keep moving forward. Gain power, learn to control it, you don't want to just be known for your family right, I saw the bitterness you held for the title when you were telling me about it, you wish to be seen for you, right? So let's be strong together, okay, Rias?" 

As I was calming down the sobbing Rias, I saw her nod her head repeatedly at what I just said, perhaps letting her mull over what I said is best for now. I took a peek at Grayfia and she was dumbfounded. Maybe she never noticed Rias' feelings, no she might've, it's probably why everyone pampered her and never actually told her or guided her to get stronger. She really needed to hear some words of encouragement and some support. Pressure can do a number on people. 

Grayfia was looking down the whole time, but she eventually came up to us and hugged us while some tears started dripping down her face. Rias and I were wondering why she did it, but then I heard her say, "I'm sorry, Rias, I'm sorry. I thought by not saying anything you'll eventually figure it out on your own and become someone strong enough to lead the Gremory Household since we were afraid it might have increased your burden. But we were wrong, you are just a child. A naive, but precious child. By not telling you anything we just increased your worries and made you think you were all alone in this regardless of our affection for you. You are someone who should hear the encouragement of adults and if the burden becomes heavy we would be there to lighten it. We didn't know any better…. I'm sorry Rias… I'm sorry…" 

When she tightened the hold on us, I automatically began patting her head with my free hand while the one on Rias continued patting. Though they kept silently sobbing, they began to calm down when I continued stroking their heads and now they were just enjoying the warmth of the hug we were in. 

"Ahem, please forgive me for showing you such an unsightly appearance. Shall I make you take responsibility for Rias-sama? Fufufu, though I appreciate what you have done for us, no matter what you say I would like to repay you in some way." 

"Ahaha… I don't really know how you can, plus I don't think it warrants a payment… Uhh... maybe if I need some help in something I could seek your help? Would that be possible?" When I asked, Grayfia made a troubled expression. Hmm, it's too vague huh, no wait she has to talk to her employer first huh?

"Though I would like to agree with your suggestion, I will need to discuss it with Lord Sirzechs since I am his secretary. If you had asked it for me personally, then it would have been no problem, but you were referring to Lord Sirezechs or the Gremory household, right, Ryu-san?" She's pretty sharp huh? Plus that just confirms what she 'assumes' about me. 

"Indeed, that's fine with me Grayfia-nee-san."

"Hmph, you both are speaking about adult things. I don't get it!"

"Aha, it's nothing Rias. Just asking if a favor is alright with your brother and your sister." She stares at me intently before letting go of me and puffing out her chest while saying, "Hehe, no problem. By the name of the Gremory Household, I, Rias Gremory, will help you any way I can Ryu." Her smug expression is cute.

"I don't believe you can make that sort of promise Rias-sama." 

Looks like Grayfia has her fair share of headaches. Hmm? It looks like Rias had an epiphany on something… why do I have a bad feeling all of a sudden?

"I know! Can't I just marry Ryu, that way we can help him any way we can without it being like a favor. We're going to be family after all!" Eh? What's with this curveball? Did my words have that much of an impact?? Wait, don't put on a pondering expression Grayia!

"Hmm, this might be something to look into. You are a part of the strongest yakuza in the human realm, and the Anti-Satan Faction will gain a lot from this... Though it might lead to some backlash, it's a step forward in the right direction regardless... It'd be beneficial to us devils…. Alright, Rias-sama I'll be discussing this with Lord Sirzechs. We must hurry, ah right I'll contact you through a magic circle Ryu-sama. Take care." Uhm, are you sure you should just say your thoughts about it out loud, especially in such specific detail? I can use this though. Huh, wait she's leaving...?!

I was about to stop Grayfia when Rias suddenly hugged me and kissed my cheek, saying, "I'll see you later Ryu! Expect good news, darling!" Darling?! Who taught you that, aren't you supposed to be innoc- It was you, wasn't it Grayfia-nee-san! You're chuckling and enjoying this!

With those final words, Rias ran towards the giggling Grayfia, who was waiting until Rias was close in order to activate the magic circle. And with that, they were gone.

What just happened? Uhm. Did she just casually tell me about the supernatural, is my family already involved with them so she assumed I knew? Ahaha that does make sense.

Ah, right! All according to my plan! Mwahahaha..!

[ You know that's not true Ryu. You weren't expecting this development at all. ]

I know, but uhm still… Waifu get?