
DxD: Lelouch Vi britannia Return In Ero world As a Black Knight

Lelouch vi Britannia or also known as Zero had many Contracts during his living years that he made, but this one was different because it was a contract with a devil. Now he is in a completely different world where devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels live, but they will also know the the name Zero now.

vilan864 · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

Chapter 109: Enrolling

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"I would like to hear more about your life though, you have shared so much and so little at the same time.

What was your life like before Rias brought you back as one of her Knights?" Akeno was curious since she didn't really know Lelouch had even really existed beyond the abstract knowledge of him being Kiba's equal in popularity.

In fact, the first time she really remembered seeing him was when Koneko ended up spending her entire lunch periods with him for the sweets he would give her.

Lelouch continued his ministrations of Koneko's hair, her steady purring helping him maintain his composure after he learned Akeno's mother had been killed when she was a child.

Much like how he had believed his own mother had been. 'Here's hoping Akeno's mother isn't a monster like mine.' Lelouch thought sardonically before deciding to answer Akeno's question.

"I ended up enrolling in Kuoh around the end of last semester, I tested into the classes as they were wrapping up so they let me enroll early.

Beyond that, I lived alone since I had no parents." Lelouch internally snickered as he recalled his father's face before vanishing in the World of C.

It had been so pathetically amusing, watching the Emperor's plans come crashing down on him like that. Quite literally in fact.

"I lived life from day to day, no real purpose driving me forward. The only reason I didn't commit suicide is I didn't see the point." Lelouch admitted rather candidly.

"I ended up meeting Kiba in the library one day after escaping from a small horde of girls who were stalking me and we bonded over the desire for privacy and the distinct lack of it we had in the Academy." He still maintained Kiba had it worse since he encouraged them rather than being cold.

"During one particular class I ended having to make a cake with a group and I kicked them out because they weren't following my instructions." Lelouch had been rather brutal as he waved the wooden spoon at them until they left and let him work in peace.

"That little incident is how I ended up meeting Koneko since the cake I baked alone got the highest marks in the class.

She pestered me for weeks before I gave in and just started giving her sweets every day at lunch, even though she had only been in the middle school section of Kuoh at the time.

And at the start of this semester I was killed by a Fallen and you know the rest." Lelouch shrugged at the mention of his death, not caring about it anymore.

"Do you hate Fallen Angels, for killing you?" Akeno asked, her heart beating nervously as she hoped that wasn't the case. Issei, during some of the academic lessons, had been rather vocal in his disgust for Fallen Angels and she wondered if Lelouch felt the same way.

"I hate that particular Fallen Angel, but since I killed her it's kind of moot at this point anyway." Lelouch said with a snicker, missing Akeno's eyes shining with relief and happiness.

"If I got mad just because that Fallen ended up doing to me what someone else was likely going to do, well," Lelouch shrugged, cutting himself off from that line of thought.

"It seems pointless to hold that kind of grudge especially since I got my vengeance." He could understand why Issei hated all Fallen Angels after what Raynare did to him, it was much like how he hated all of Britannia after his father's invasion.

Guilt by association and all that.

"I see." Akeno was happy that Lelouch didn't hate all Fallen Angels. "What did you mean, what someone else was likely going to do? Did you think someone was going to kill you?" Akeno frowned at that thought, wondering why Lelouch would have thought his life was at risk.

"Ah, well." Lelouch paused, trying to articulate what he had been thinking. The pounding headache from his concussion made it difficult, but he found a way.

"I probably would have ended up pissing someone off at some point in my life and found myself shot in a dark alley or something." Maybe that wasn't the best explanation, but it seemed Akeno bought it as she giggled.

"You can be abrasive sometimes." Akeno admitted with a giggle. "But, then again, that's why I like you so much." She admitted, blushing slightly as she watched Lelouch's eyes widen.

"What?" He had to have misheard, there's no way Akeno said what he thought she said. "What did you say?" He repeated, his headache worsening.

"I said, I like you. Prickly personality and all." Akeno smiled genuinely as she looked at Lelouch without sadistic intent. "I don't know if I love you, but I definitely like you." Closing her eyes, she snickered. "And it's not just cause you're quite good looking.

I think you're an interesting guy and I would really like to go out with you to see where everything ends up." Akeno didn't love him, she was attracted to the sadism she could see inside of him and his Wrath, his looks weren't half bad either to say the least, and she felt that he really could use someone in his life to give him some love.

She hoped to be that someone.

"Akeno…" Lelouch paused, his right hand shifting to the side as he stopped petting Koneko and tried to wrap his head around Akeno's confession. He had gotten quite a few so-called "confessions" in the past, when he had failed to escape the situation at least, but he had never gotten a genuine one from someone he knew and cared about. He opened his mouth to reply, but Akeno shushed him with one finger over his lips.

"You don't have to answer right now." Akeno said with a soft smile. "You have a concussion, but I would like to know if you'll accept my offer by the end of the last week." Akeno felt her heart flutter as Lelouch nodded, his eyes beginning to droop tiredly. "I hope you feel better soon, I'll leave you and your cuddly kitten to get some rest.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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