
DXD: King of fairies

"From an abandoned baby to a king." Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of any of the characters, plots, and events parodied in the story. All characters and all information related to Highschool DXD and any related works belong to their respective owners. This is simply a parody of a grand adventure with a different approach. All rights to the original plots, characters, and any elements related to such media belong to their respective owners.

Mirko22 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter [15]

Hiro was walking calmly home, enjoying the tranquility of the late afternoon, when he heard rapid footsteps behind him. He turned around, but before he could react, Kenji, Todoroki, and three other boys—Ryu, Takashi, and Yusuke—surrounded him, pushing him into a narrow, dark alley.

Kenji, with a malicious smile, was the first to speak. "Hiro, we have a little problem to settle."

Hiro looked around, trying to assess the situation. He knew he was outnumbered, but tried to remain calm. "What do you want?"

Todoroki stepped forward, crossing his arms. "This is about Kaito. You and he have been hanging out a lot, and Nanami is not happy with him."

Hiro frowned, trying to understand. "Nanami? What does she have to do with this?"

Ryu, a boy with bleached hair and a tough expression, let out a dry laugh. "Kaito rejected Nanami. And now she wants revenge."

Takashi, the shortest of the group, stepped forward, showing his clenched fists. "And we're starting with you."

Hiro stepped back, feeling the cold wall of the alley against his back. "This is ridiculous. Why are you doing her dirty work?"

Yusuke, with a scar on his face and a cold look, answered sharply. "Because she asked us to. And we're not willing to refuse."

Hiro, trying to stay calm, decided to provoke. "So, that stuff about her messing with the entire basketball team was really true. Haha, Kaito was lucky in the end."

Hiro's words clearly angered the assailants, especially Kenji, who advanced in anger. "Shut up, you bastard!" He delivered a punch that hit Hiro in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain.

Todoroki and the others joined Kenji, delivering quick and cruel blows. Hiro tried to defend himself, but the numerical disadvantage was too great. Each punch and kick spread pain throughout his body, but he didn't give up, trying his best to block the hits.

In the midst of the attack, Hiro managed to raise his head and shout for help. "Somebody, please, help me!"

Hiro's cry echoed down the alley, seemingly ignored by passersby, but not by the wind that carried it beyond the narrow confinement.

Kaito was walking back to his home, his thoughts boiling. He was still upset about being a servant, but in a way, that status could work in his favor. After all, he didn't know the extent of his own strength. If Zeus really wanted to finish the job and came after him, what would he do? He had a family to protect. The opportunity to grow stronger and the protection of Rias would give him the time needed to prepare.

As he walked, an unsettling feeling took hold of him, as if something was wrong. He stopped, trying to figure out where the feeling was coming from, and then he heard a distant cry, carried by the wind.

"Somebody, please, help me!"

Hiro's cry made Kaito stop immediately. He looked around, trying to pinpoint where the sound was coming from. The sense of urgency took over him, and without hesitation, he began to run towards the cry.

As he ran, Kaito felt something strange. The wind seemed to envelop him, as if it was guiding him. It was an almost magical sensation, as if nature was responding to his call for help. The leaves on the trees along the path swayed in sync, and a gentle but persistent breeze pushed him forward, increasing his speed.

Kuoh wasn't the largest city in Japan, so Kaito knew the streets and alleys well. He followed the sound, turning corners and leaping over small obstacles until he finally spotted a narrow alley. The sight of Hiro being beaten by five boys made Kaito's blood boil. Without a second thought, he charged forward.

"Hey, stop now!"

The assailants turned to see Kaito, anger evident in their eyes. Kenji, still holding Hiro by the collar, was the first to speak. "You shouldn't have come, Kaito."

Todoroki stepped forward, a satisfied smile forming on his face. "Well, it looks like we don't need to look for you after all." His eyes glinted with contained malice, as if he relished the opportunity to confront Kaito.

"Let Hiro go, now."

Kenji, with an arrogant smile, tightened his grip on Hiro's collar. "And if we don't? What are you going to do?"

Kaito stared intently at Kenji, his voice filled with determination. "Wind, I forbid you from going to their lungs."

As soon as Kaito spoke those words, the wind around seemed to respond instantly. A sudden and heavy silence fell over the alley, and the assailants began to feel a strange pressure on their chests. They tried to breathe, but the air seemed to refuse to enter their lungs.

Kenji released Hiro, clutching his throat, panic evident in his eyes. "What did you do?" he managed to whisper, his voice weak and trembling.

Todoroki and the others also began to struggle for breath, their expressions shifting from arrogance to fear. They fell to their knees, gasping and desperately trying to draw air.

Kaito, maintaining control over the wind, took another step forward, his presence now imposing. "I warned you," said Kaito, his voice low but filled with authority. "You shouldn't have messed with Hiro."

One by one, Kenji, Todoroki, Ryu, Takashi, and Yusuke began to pass out, unable to breathe. Kaito watched them collapse to the ground, and once they were all unconscious, he released control of the wind, allowing air to circulate in their lungs again.

Hiro, still catching his breath, looked at Kaito with a mix of admiration and fear. "Kaito... what was that?"

Kaito approached the five unconscious boys, lightly touching their foreheads. "Nothing much," he said, trying to downplay the severity of what he had just done. Before helping Hiro, Kaito had placed a magical barrier in the alley, making pedestrians passing by think nothing significant was happening.

With a gentle touch, Kaito murmured some magical words, erasing the recent memories of the assailants so they wouldn't remember what had happened. He stood up and looked at Hiro, who was still visibly shaken.

Kaito approached Hiro, still trying to process what had just happened. "Hiro, I'm sorry for this. You shouldn't have been involved."

Hiro, still panting, looked at Kaito with a mix of confusion and gratitude. "Kaito, what did you do? I... can't understand."

Kaito took a deep breath, knowing he needed to protect his friend from the truth about his powers and the supernatural world. "Hiro, you'll be fine. But I need to do something to ensure your safety."

Before Hiro could respond, Kaito extended his hand and lightly touched Hiro's forehead, murmuring a spell to erase his recent memories. "You won't remember this, Hiro. You'll think it was just a normal day."

Hiro blinked a few times, his gaze becoming distant and confused for a moment, before he completely passed out. Kaito sighed, using the wind to keep Hiro floating gently in the air.

Kaito placed a barrier around himself and Hiro. Before flying through the skies with Hiro, Kaito looked at the unconscious bodies of Kenji and Todoroki, feeling a mix of anger and disappointment.

Before flying through the skies with Hiro, Kaito firmly stamped on the right arm of both, hearing the crack of breaking bones. He knew his actions would ensure these two would never play basketball again.

With Hiro floating gently in the air thanks to Kaito's magic, he began to fly, rising quickly away from the scene. The wind enveloped them, and Kaito used his newfound abilities to ensure the flight was safe and smooth.

As they neared Hiro's house, Kaito descended slowly, carefully landing in the front garden. He dissolved the magical barrier and gently placed Hiro on the ground, leaning him against the wall of the house. Kaito whispered a spell to gently awaken Hiro.

Hiro opened his eyes, blinking a few times as he tried to understand where he was. "Kaito? What... what happened?"

Kaito smiled, trying to keep his voice calm and reassuring. "You fainted, Hiro. I brought you home. Everything's okay now."

Hiro frowned, trying to remember. "I... don't remember anything. Just walking and then... nothing."

"Don't worry about it now," said Kaito, helping Hiro to stand. "Let's go inside and make sure you're okay."

Hiro nodded, still a bit confused but trusting Kaito. They entered Hiro's house, where Hiro's parents were concerned but relieved to see that he was okay. Kaito explained that Hiro had a minor fainting spell but was recovering.

After ensuring Hiro was safe with his parents, Kaito said goodbye and began walking back to his own home.

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