
DxD: King of Dragons

Reincarnated with dragons system. I do not own the cover.

transcend_salt · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

The next day, I interacted with Ddraig, I went to school, and after school is over and I walked to my house, on the way home, I passed through a deserted playground, suddenly a man in a trance coat appeared, He look at me and crow wings appeared on his back.

Then in his hand, a light coloured spear appeared, he then shoot the spear at me which I doged, "Who are you? And why you try to kill me?" I asked him, to which he replied "You do not need to know, because you are about to be dead".

Before he could form an another light spear, I manifested the boosted gear in my left hand and "Boost" shouted the boosted gear, "So Raynare was right, this kid really has a sacred gear!"

Before he could do anything, I arrived in front of him and crushed his head, after which I walked away, however there was someone who saw the entire battle and I noticed her, and she was non other than Koneko!

3rd pov

At the occult research club, Rias was drinking the tea made by Akeno, who was sitting at the opposite couch, the two were talking when Koneko entered the room, there she explained everything she saw.

'He has the boosted gear, and his combat skill is higher than the fallen angel' Rias thought, she then asked Akeno on advice, Rias and Akeno discussed on what to do while Koneko just ate some candy, they then decided to befriend him if they cannot recruit him.

Next day

Class was over and I was about eat some lunch when Yuuto Kiba entered the classroom looking for me "Hello, my name Yuuto Kiba, are you Toshiki Kai?" asked Kiba, his arrival already stir up the classroom and every girls in classroom turned around to look at me eyes that could kill, "Yes, that's my name, how can I help you?" I asked.

"Kai-kun, the president of the club I'm in, Rias Gremory wants to talk to you, can you spare a moment of your time, after the school is over, please come to the occult research clubroom" said Kiba.

"Rias-onee-sama wants to talk to Kai!?!?" Shouted one of the girls, "I always thought Rias-sama was lesbian or pure because she never taken an interest in anyone until now!" Shouted a guy in the classroom.

Everyone in the classroom were in stage of denial because of the incident that happened earlier, they bombarded me with questions.

After school was over, I went to the occult research clubroom, when I arrived at the clubroom, there were four people's inside, Rias was sitting behind the table in a luxurious chair.

Koneko was as always eating sweets, with Akeno beside her, and Kiba was sitting In one the chairs, "Toshiki Kai, welcome to the occult research club, I'm the club president Rias Gremory" Rias spoke, then she gesture the other members to introduce themselves.

"My name is Akeno Himejima, I'm the vice president of the occult research club" She introduced herself, "Koneko Tojo" Koneko spoke, "Yuuto Kiba, Nice to meet you" He said.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Kai Toshiki. May I ask why you want to talk to me?" I asked.