
DxD : King of Asuras

No System. harem. ( only around three ) timeline of the story is in the ancient era of Hindu mythology the Mc is the son born from the Darkness of Shiva and fear of Parvati. Given to Asura king Hiranyaksha by Shiva. Now let's see the story of The Asura in Dxd and how he bashes the devas. [ My second DxD story after 'Adam in Dxd ' ] [ the name of the protagonist is Andhakasura and he is a real character mentioned in the Hindu myths. A very - very powerful Asura king who even went on head-on with Shiva ]

AshGod7 · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

( Info on Hindu myth.) [ Not a chap ]

Many of you do not know much so this chap is just a little info which I shortened while removing the long explanations.


[ Contents.]

(Races and Their creation. )

(Warrior levels of Hinduism.)




• The system of magic used by the Hindu pantheon - Mantras.




• Brahma had seven sons born from his mind. one of these the [ Sage Kashyapa ] was the Father of nearly every race in the universe.


( with his wife Aditi he had)- Devas

( with his wife diti he had ) - Asuras.

( with his wife Kadru he had ) - Nagas ( snake )

( with his wife Danu he had ) - Danavas.

( with his wife Surabhi he had ) - Divine Cows.

( with his wife Vinata he had ) - Bird race.

( with his wife Krodhavasha ) - Krodhavasas

(with his Krodhavasha )-Pisacha( flesh-eating demon)

( with the wife muni he had ) - Apsaras.


other major races.

Rakshasa - (spawned from Brahma. mainly evil. )

Kinnara - ( half human half bird. )

Preta - ( Corrupted souls ) ( ghosts )

Yaksahas - ( Nature spirits )

Makara - ( Race of Sea creatures. )

Vanaras - ( Monkey people created by Brahma )

Divine Bears - ( Creates by Brahma )





a) Devas - Good gods.

b) Asuras - evil gods.

c) Nagas - Snakes. ( Neutral and good )

d) Danavas - Evil gods.

e) Divine cows - good.

f) Bird race - Good.

g) Krodhavasas - Evil. ( Group of angry spirits.)

h) Pisacha - evil. ( Vampires. )

I) Apsaras - good.

j) Rakshasas - Evil.

k) Kinnara - good and neutral.

l) preta - Evil.

m) Yakshas.- Good and neutral.

n) Makara - Good.

o) Vanaras - Good.

p) Divine Bears - Good.




Power levels in The Hindu myth.

1) RATHI - capable of contending 5000 warriors simultaneously. ex-All Kauravas, Yudhistra.

Equal to [ Ultimate class ]


2) ATIRATHI - capable of contending 60,000 warriors simultaneously. ex - Bhima. [ Satan class ]


3) MAHARATHI - warrior capable of contending with 720,000 warriors. ex- Karna, Ravana, Drona.

Equal to [ God class ]


4) ATIMAHARATHI - capable of contending with 8,640,000 warriors. ex - Krishna, Indrajeet, Rama, Hanuman. [High-level Gods ]


5) MAHAMAHARATHI - Warrior capable of contending with 207,360,000 warriors.

Ex - Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Andhakasura.

Supreme warriors. [ Top 10 strongest in the world. ]


I will also post an auxiliary chapter with some more details.