
DXD Issei: The Mind of Games

Waking up to reality with the view of a system, the stats that he could see described his powers. Issei died to only be revived once more to see the world in a different view. This view was the supernatural world... the same world that killed him. Getting up and with this new gamer like system, Issei would strive to become the strongest there was. He would be the epitome of strength and resilience just to get his revenge on that fallen angel. (Title cover is not mine and is drawn by Juan Acosta)

DatBoiEraser · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 12

Rushing straight towards the knight, Issei watched as the knight moved faster than him, swinging its blade straight at him, Issei met the blade with his shield. Parrying the blow, Issei was able to swing his sword, missing the knight. However, right behind the knight, Kiba came in and was able to land a quick swing. However, due to the level discrepancy and the boosted stats, Kiba was barely able to damage the knight through the 80% damage reduction it had over him.

Issei watched as the knight faced Kiba, taking his chance and activating Tank and using Lion's Claw. Issei spun in the air, but the knight had already noticed him. Issei was met with a powerful stab, but... he tanked straight through it thanks to the hyper amor of Lion's Claw and landed a devastating blow. If it were any other enemy, he would have done a good portion of the monster's health. However, the knight was built different... The knight didn't flinch and grabbed Issei by the throat and slammed him hard into the ground.

Coughing up blood from the sheer force of the impact, Issei swung his hand in hopes of hitting the knight. Making contact with the knight, Issei watched as the knight remained unphased. Taking its hand, Issei felt the knight land a powerful punch to his face. While the knight was focusing on Issei, Rias threw an energetic ball of destruction at the knight. Rias, being of a higher level, could deal 40% more damage to the knight. Making contact with the knight, Issei watched as the knight was blown away.

"Issei, are you okay?"

Issei looked at Rias, "Not the time Rias."

Issei rushed at the knight once more, but the knight used its superior speed to maneuver its way behind Issei and swing its blade to land another blow straight onto Issei. Tanking the blow, Issei felt a good portion of his health being drained from that, but Issei watched as the knight didn't stop. Grabbing Issei and throwing him into the air, the knight empowered its blade and swung again, Issei tried to block the blow, but he was too slow. The knight landed consecutive blows...









It was relentless... Each blow cutting into Issei's skin while he could only grit his teeth from the sheer pain. Nothing had prepared him for this... monster...

The knight continued... stabbing Issei straight through the stomach... Issei was left helpless... Rias and Akeno kept shooting magic, but the knight ignored their attacks in hopes of destroying Issei.

When the knight prepared a powerful charged attack, that was when Issei moved his sword in hopes of blocking. He was able to block, but the sheer power behind the blow still had damaged him. Landing on the ground, skidding across and finally coming to a stop. Issei was glad that he chose being a Golem... he would have definitely been killed from all that punishment. Coughing up blood while looking down at his bleeding chest, Issei could only grit his teeth before thinking.

Activating Tank again and empowering his blade with energy, Issei had a plan. Slamming his foot and shattering the ground, leaving the knight in the air. Rushing towards the knight, Issei watched as the knight empowered its blade. They both swung their blades, colliding in the middle. Issei would have been stronger if it weren't for the boost that the knight had on. They were about even in strength... neither would budge... However, that was when Issei felt the knight beginning to overtake his strength. Not letting that happen, Issei began charging his blade... The knight began doing the same...

Rias watched as the collision between the two began heating up the area. Koneko was in no condition to even come remotely close to the two... She was easily the largest liability in the area. Rias and Akeno were waiting for the perfect time to launch their magic at the knight... If they attacked right now, Issei would most definitely be in the crossfire.

Issei and the knight continued in this struggle... Right when Issei noticed the knight try to dodge his blade by attempting to glide off his blade with its own, Issei activated Lion's Claw to throw the knight off. The knight wasn't the brightest... Issei took advantage of that. Slamming his empowered blade right into the knight and watching as not only his blade caused an explosion, but the knight's blade also caused an explosion. Creating a nuclear explosion within the building, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba were sent flying straight out of the building while the entire building collapsed onto the two.

When the smoke cleared, Rias screamed in horror. Standing in the middle of the debris was Issei with the knight underneath him. The knight had cracks all around its armor while Issei had a sword piercing straight through his stomach. The explosion from the knight's sword absolutely shredded Issei's health.

"You... smart... bastard." Issei struggled saying before the knight's sword blasted him straight through the debris and into the ground further away.

The knight wasn't going to go down easily... While Issei had slammed his sword into the knight, the knight wasn't as affected as Issei thought and was able to stab Issei straight through his stomach.

Both the knight and Issei were heavily wounded, Issei being the one closer to death. The knight was able to mitigate more damage with its higher damage reduction. The knight began approaching Issei with its feet dragging across the ground ready to finish the fight. Issei could only cough out more blood through his mouth...

However, Rias and Akeno shot magic bolts with their respective magic affinities. The knight was able to be prepared and used its sword to deflect the magic. Rias rushed in, shooting more magical spheres of destructions hoping to damage the knight more, but the knight blasted straight towards her. Grabbing her by the head and brutally kneeing her face, shattering her nose from the impact, and throwing her across the ground, Rias was nearly down for the count. Kiba rushed in, attempting to swing while the knight had its back turned against him, the knight simply back handed him away. Akeno was charging some powerful magic, but... she was left open. The knight knew that if he approached Akeno, the white-haired girl would intervene. Using its pure raw strength and speed, it chucked its sword and pierced straight though Akeno's right arm. It missed the heart, but it was enough for Akeno to scream and fall to the ground clutching where her arm used to be.

This only left Koneko to be the last one standing... Koneko watched as one by one, her comrades fell to this monster. She began trembling... She was never this close to facing death... The knight appeared right in front of her, towering over her miniature frame. Before she could react, the knight grabbed her head and began squeezing her head. Screams were all that could be heard from all around... Rias, opening her eyes, upon hearing the screams shot straight up. She was heavily disorientated from the brutal knee blow. However, she needed to save her family...

Looking at Kiba, who was still recovering from the brutal back hand he received, and Akeno, who was bleeding at a brutal rate and had already passed out from the pain, Rias began crying. She had never been this close to death... she had never seen her peerage members be beaten to this degree...

Forming a very powerful attack... She hoped to catch the attention of the knight. The knight, upon seeing the reddish color behind him, turned to see Rias powering up her attack. "LET GO OF HER YOU FUCKING MONSTER!"

The knight released Koneko, not before kicking her in the face... A sickening crunch could be heard as Koneko dropped limp onto the ground with her nose shattered, her skull nearly shattered, and her neck partially broken. The knight began walking towards Rias... Closing her eyes, Rias released her strongest attack that she could within the few seconds she had to charge her attack... and watched as the knight had been ready to block the attack. Even so, the sheer power behind her attack was able to shatter the knight's blade... With that, Rias closed her eyes and had accepted her fate...

'I'm sorry... mom... dad... brother... Kiba... Akeno... Koneko... and Issei... Only if I was stronger would we have survived... I'm such a disappointment...' Tears were the only thing that were going down her face... 'Please... someone... save us... brother... save us.' She opened her eyes to see the knight readying to end her.

That was when Issei appeared with his entire blade coated in pure white energy. Blood still trickling his face as he screamed before slamming his sword straight into the knight. Issei landed his blow straight into the area where he originally cracked the knight's armor... The sheer power behind his blow was going to be devastating. The knight tried to use his blade... but there was a problem... the knight didn't have a blade thanks to Rias.

Issei blow, upon impact, was so powerful that it immediately shattered the armor of the knight. Standing in the smoke of his explosion, the knight was nowhere to be scene, but an exhausted Issei was seen with his blade in the ground. "I am so glad that I had 18 bronze coins... I used all of them..."

Note to self... make sure to have bronze coins in disposal at any time.


Hidden Quest Completed: Defeat the Demonic Knight

Reward: Level Up x 5

 +25 bronze coins

 +1 titanite shard

Hidden Quest Completed: Save Rias and her peerage

Reward: ++Reputation with them

 + New Equipment


Well... at least he was able to save a couple of people from death... I guess he could call that a win.

Rias only looked at Issei before she began bawling out into his chest. Hugging him while continuing her crying... "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

She continued saying that while Issei began adjusting his stats. 'I wonder... The knight definitely had stats that surpassed Rias... even though it was four levels lower... so, stats have their role while levels also have their roles... interesting.' That was when he felt new equipment on top of his head... 'Really... on top of my head.'


Armor: Plate of the Abyss

Rarity: Rare

Attributes: + 5 Endurance

 +20% Damage Reduction

Details: Armor that was once worn by the soldiers of the abyss. They fought in the deepest pits of Tartarus and lost their sanities from the sheer time they remained. The armor is now once a shell of its former self.


Now Issei was reaching points where his damage reduction was beginning to become so powerful that even against monsters that outclassed him, he would be able to hang on for a while. He was the perfect tank in every way. His speed was slow, but to make up for that, his strength was earth shattering in comparison. His health was immense to the point where he could take attacks from beings with far greater strength and speed, such as the knight he fought before.


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Race: Iron Golem

Level: 35

HP: 1300/6000

MP: 0/370

STR: 51.5 (+10)

AGL:42 (-4)

END: 48 (+12)

INT: 37

Bonus: 45% Damage Reduction

Skills: Tank

Lions Claw

Energy Wave


Well... Now, where was he with reputation?


Rias —> You're her hero and savior. She admires you and wants to become like you. You're her guiding moonlight.

Akeno —> She admires you and views you as her hero

Kiba —> He admires you and views you as his hero

Koneko —> She is slightly intimidated by you but her view of you has changed. She thinks of you as someone that she could trust for saving her.

Sona —> Neutral


Hmm... So, they think of him as a hero? Well... is that a good thing in the long run? Rias was still clinging onto him... nuzzling into him while still crying. 'Oh shit... I still need to get something for mom...'