
Chapter 196: Bloody Revenge

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Chapter 196 : Bloody Revenge

So, Partner, let's return the Empress to the world of mortal again. And take bloody revenge on that ugly overgrown piece of shit." Issei said with a determent in his voice as he started to gather energy from his body.

[Hahahahaha! Well said partner well said. You are sounding more and more like a true Dragon. Perun, Vido, Veles, Triglav when I start the procedure you pump as much power as you can into Issei, and we will do the rest.]

Ddraig told them as the Gods nodded their heads in understanding while they placed their hands on Issei's shoulder before starting to slowly transfer power towards Issei.

''I'm ready Ddraig, let's do it!''

[TRANSFER!] Ddraig roared as he started the procedure.

In the peaceful city of Irkutsk, it was business as usual, people were doing their own stuff, hanging out, drinking, enjoying nature, going to work. Like they did every day, though today it was different.

As sone as the magic barrier that was around 200 km in radius breached, the whole town was blasted with sirens for emergency and all the people of the city evacuated as quickly as possible woman and children were sent towards other towns to inform and prepare them for the incoming enemy while the men stayed. After all, it was known why the sirens were activated.

This was a place that held great importance to the world and the people of Irkutsk were well informed of the supernatural and the Chaos.

And even if the city tried to defend itself and not call for back up,it would not last long. The people knew that very well, they were after all well informed about what happened last time and they didn't waste any time and called for the army.

They could only hope that the Armies of Lord Perun could arrive in time to defend them, if not, well they would be sure to dent even a bit of the host that was slowly marching towards their city.

With that though people of Irkutsk put themselves to work, fortifying the city as best as they could with the help of WWII veterans who knew how to direct and where to build the barricades and trenches to delay or to make choke points for the people and their limited forces to fight off the invaders.

But they would be damned if they don't put even a bit of fight take a few of the bastards with them!

As the people prepared their defenses, they clearly heard the blasting of the warhorns that they would recognize anywhere and anytime.

It was a call for the warriors to acknowledge their duty, a call of the Motherland and the oath that they all pledged to the Old Father Triglav.

It was a Horn of War! Lord Perun's Army was on a warpath and the sound of its mighty horn was enough to steel the hearts of the people to calm their nerves and to let the adrenalin of battle that they all had in them slowly start to creep in their hearts, the battle instinct that was in their DNK was starting to overwhelm them, the need to utterly destroy and crush the invaders was all times high.

The sound of the Perun's Army was approaching filled them with happiness, and now as they could clearly see them only a few km away they knew that the battle was about to begin.

Though as the army reached the city and was welcomed in the most grandiose way, they heard 2 more battle horns announcing the arrival of the troops. And the people of the city like the army that just arrived couldn't believe what they were seeing.

2 more teleporting circulars with the crests of the West and South Slav symbols appeared, and from looking in them they first saw 2 Royal Hypogrife knights regiments of Wing Hussars flying in the air above them, making a few circulars in the air before forming a few wedge formations while in full battle readiness as if they were awaiting for a signal to let all heaven lose and destroy the enemy with their weapons and beasts.

From the other circular, 4 regiments appeared 2 in lightly armor and armed with spears and blades that looked like they were eager to start, as the bloodlust was oozing from them.

They were famed Hussars, the Serbian light cavalry that was known for their hit and run tactics and even for daring and bold changes that would change the course of the battle. Those Hussars were the bane of the enemy and the hope of the allies.

Though the last 2 units to arrive were what made even the Wing Hussars descend down and to show the respect that was worthy of the Elites and the heroes of the old.

The last 2 units to appear were none other than the Royal Blood Dragon Knights, all of them in pristine red armor with their weapons filled with magic power, their beast of war ready to devour anything that tried to hurt its charge and make it a massacre of the enemy that was foolish enough to cross their path.

Those Blood Dragons were the veterans of thousands of battles and were the ones that were there in the final battle against the same opponent now.

Last time they failed in their duty to protect the Empress of the Red Dragon, and since then they train and train so when the next incursion happened, they would be ready to get their revenge.

For their oath of protecting the Empress was tarnished and was reckoning to be right this time with the blood of the hated enemy.

As the South regiments made their way towards the army, a squad of Valkyrie and the Girls of Issei's group also arrived at the soon to be a battlefield, who upon seeing the Blood Dragons froze in fear as well as the whole army as they could clearly feel a pure rage, hatred, fury, and bloodlust, as if it was a Dragons own. It was so much so that some even fell to their knees.