

Within a room that seemed to have invisible walls as everywhere you looked, only space could be seen. The room was filled with the Interdimensional FBI's legal team and all other Aversis that were broken out of detainment. Gold Aversis was silent as he waited for the prosecutor to continue his line of questioning.

"Mr. Aversis. If you were truly innocent, then why have you evaded both multiversal authorities and this trial until now?" The bespectacled man asked

"I evaded due to the nature of the Interdimensional FBI. They have not been the types to see reason and often abuse their authority as of late." Followed by his statement, mumbles and grunts of agreement from the Aversis section were heard.

"Mr. Aversis you were at home, within a living room of some sorts watching T.V on the night of-"

[OBJECTION!] Fenex Aversis roared out with his finger pointed directly at the prosecuter.

"Leading the witness!" Fenix declared

"Sustained." The judge who was a giant glowing orb was wearing a giant white wig. "Defense you may proceed." His body flashed

The prosecuter clicked his tongue and returned to his seat. Fenex stood up with his slicked back hair and sharp eyes. He didn't have any cool powers like his alternates, but he was pissed. Nobody messes with chill time, and they messed with chill time!

"Your honor, this has been a waste of time. There is no evidence at all that proves my client had infringed on any laws."

"Objection! We of the Interdimensional FBI received a red alert response from Gold Aversis that he had indeed lewded a loli." A bald agent in a suit rebuked

"Oh? and where is the evidence?" Fenix smirked. He knew that an alert response would be followed by an automatic recording of said event to present as evidence in court. As long as it happened in the multiverse, it would be recorded.

"...For reasons, there was no records saved within the system." the agent grudgingly responded. They were no records because the world was hidden by a R.O.B.

"No records huh? Correct me if I'm wrong but attempting to apprehend someone without proper evidence goes against one of the 10 rules you are duty-bound to follow, correct?" Fenix asked the agent who was now stonefaced along with his group.

"Let's read them until we get to that specific code shall we?" He pulled out a book and opened it to a saved page.

"Rule one: Agents will protect the lolis"

"Rule two: Agents will only use necessary force"

"Rule three: Agents must give their existence for the cause."

"Rule four: Agents will only be dispatched for retrieval of suspects when evidence of lewding is presented." Fenix stopped there as he had reached the rule he spoke about.

"Not only have you broken your code, you had also wantonly flaunted your authority with no regard for the innocent." Fenix glared at the group as the rest of the Aversis in the court room also glared with him because of their unjust detainment.

"I rest my case."

"Before I make my judgement, Agent 742. Do you have anything to say?" The judge asked as the Agent remained silent.

"This isn't right! A R.O.B is obviously hiding the evidence!" One man in the legal team grunted.


"Then all the more reason that there is no case here. The FBI has no juridstictions when it comes to the actions of R.O.Bs" Fenix retorted

"In light of these facts, I declare Gold Aversis to be innocent and will also be taken off the list permanently." The judge declared as gasps of surprise and disbelief were let out from multiple people including the other Aversis in the room.

"But.. if he's off the list forever. How will we stop him from future offenses?" One of the agents spoke outraged. Being off the list permanently meant that Gold Aversis would no longer be watched by the FBI or trigger any alarms for whatever he does. Even the other Aversis in the room were surprised by this.

"My judgement is final." The Judge stated with finality as the FBI could only accept it or be erased.

I can't believe it, I'm actually off the list and it's permanent. I knew I would win the case, but I didn't expect this. But I don't understand why the judge would give that kind of ruling.

"Gold, I have a letter for you." I turned to see Fenix hold out an envelope.

"Thanks again for the help." I thanked him as I took it.

"No problem, they messed with chill time. Nobody messes with chill time." He finished before leaving.

I didn't open the envelope right away, instead I said goodbye to some of my alternates first. It's not often that we see each other despite being aware of the other's existence. After that I got in my truck and read the letter.

To: Gold Aversis.

I had fun watching your jail break kid. I haven't been watching you 24/7 but I take time to check up on you every now and then. Go ahead and get with the albino cat girl! Cat girls are cute! I approve!

From: Your former boss

Huh, well that explains why the judge took me off the list. Nice to know that my former boss is still looking out for me every now and then.

"Alright, time to go." I said out loud with a smile. Revving up the engine, I headed back to DXD

"Who the hell are you!?" Gold asked surprised to see someone he had never seen before in his house. He changed the bounded field before his battle with Serafall to block outsiders from getting in. He didn't change it back yet since he didn't have time.

He noticed a tall bronze skinned man. He had a lean, yet muscular build. He blinked at Gold confused for not recognizing him.

"I am JJJJaaack!" he pointed to himself with his thumb.

"Why are you accentuating it like that? And what the hell happened to you!?" Gold blinked at the sight of the genetically screwed up horse who now looked like a brazillian bronze male model.

"Don't know." Jack shrugged as even he didn't know why he looked like this now.

"I don't know what happened either, but I like it." Viser came up from the side to feel up her man's new look.

"Hmm... perhaps the serum was still in the process of transforming you to this. Either that or the serum itself mutated." Gold mumbled as he took notes on the changes and decided to check up on his special serum that he made to create Jack later.

"Jack, throw a punch." Gold ordered. Jack didn't have any reason to refuse so he threw out the same punch that he usually did.

*BOOM* Gold covered his ears as the sound barrier seemed to break. He was knocked back a bit by the wind generated from the force of the punch.

"Huh, well that just happened." Gold blinked at the sight of 3 walls in the house that were destroyed by the punch. He could see into the other rooms from the holes created. This was surprising because the walls were reinforced by his magecraft to the point that they were pretty much steel walls.

"Reminder to conduct more testing later, for now I have more important things to do." Gold said as he still had a lot to do, but he would look into this later.

"Should we clean this up?" Viser asked while pointing to the destroyed walls.

"Later, for now. We have a roach to hunt." Gold spoke solemnly with narrowed eyes.

It was time to head to Kyoto.