
DxD: Immerse the World in Pleasure

Naruto was born into the Asmodeus Clan, in the Old Maou Faction... However, after running away, he decides on a different life... Would Rias and her friends be the path to this? He doesn't know, but what matters is that he will flood their lives with pleasure... After all, he is Luxuria herself. . . . . . . . Traslation......

pOtOtO53 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 06

Another moan escaped her lips between the kiss and her eyes opened to look at the blonde's eyes, who looked back at her, before kissing her.

At that moment the redhead said to hell with her hesitation.

Her hands grabbed his face and she attacked him in a kiss, while leaving her legs open enough for two of his fingers to caress her. Each finger rubbed one side of her lips, going from beginning to end before returning and finding themselves on her clitoris squeezed by her panties.

The redhead moaned between the kiss as she tried to hold back the feeling of the orgasm that was about to come.

But it didn't take long, before all her love juice was spilled onto her panties, where the blonde continued stroking for a few more seconds. His mouth left hers, before she advanced on his neck and bit him right between the shoulder.

It wasn't very strong, but she knew it would leave a small mark.

Finally, the feeling of orgasm stopped and she felt his fingers come out from between her legs, which she slowly closed, feeling them wobbling.

Rias moved away from his neck, returning her attention to the blonde's eyes, trying to maintain as much dignity as she still had.

But all that went to waste when she saw him. licking his fingers dirty with her love juice.

She turned super red and looked away, hearing him laugh softly.

- So... Do we have a deal? - He asked.

Rias sighed, swallowing hard to make sure her voice wouldn't speak, before speaking:

- Yes we have. -Even after all the preparation, his voice still sounded a little broken, but they both ignored it.

-Good. He said, smiling. So... I think it's better for me to leave now. I'll see you at school tomorrow, Rias. - The blonde stood up, before bending down just to kiss her forehead. - Good night my king.

And then he disappeared in the middle of the night.

After leaving, the redhead reviewed everything that happened that night, before going to take a shower. But in the end everything came back to the end of the meeting with the blonde.

She had judged Akeno about her kissing him so easily... But she had let him masturbate her while kissing her. She was even worse than his Queen.

And more... She couldn't regret it.


The other day, the first thing Naruto saw when entering the school grounds was Rias standing in front of the main building, alone and with her arms crossed.

Her face was slightly serious, but the blonde could feel something else deep down.

It was a mixture of shame and excitement... Not the excitement that makes the nun break her vow, or the blood brothers sin... No, it was more the excitement of knowing something was about to happen and you didn't know what it was and couldn't control it..

- I must assume you are waiting for me. -He said when he arrived in front of her. She was at the top of a small staircase at the entrance, while he himself was 3 steps down... And even then the difference in height wasn't that much. Good morning Rias, even without a smile your beautiful face really warms my heart.

Of course, he would never go through something as beautiful and exciting as Rias Gremory and he wouldn't praise it. It would be an even greater sin than he himself.

Rias ignored this.

- After classes, someone will pick you up from your room and take you to me. before starting to leave. She said simply, before starting to leave.

Naruto stared at those enchanting red hairs and smiled to himself.

Two girls who were there almost died when they saw the smile and yet he didn't even notice. He was too busy watching how amazing that red hair looked as it bounced along his King's pert ass.

After a few seconds of appreciation, he took a step forward and followed the redhead, who seemed surprised that he had appeared.

- You are avoiding me? He asked, with a sidelong look.

No, why do you think this? She responded with another question. - I just have to go to class.

- It starts in 20 minutes. He replied. - Maybe you're ashamed of what happened yesterday...

Don't quote that. She said, a light blush covering her face. They both went up the stairs - together and as there weren't many students there at the moment, no one could appreciate the beauty that was Rias, blushing, but the blonde was lucky to be able to see it. - Forget.

- Oh, but why? It was so incredible. He said with regret. I almost didn't have the courage to take a shower after that. It broke my heart to have to wash my hands.

I'm already regretting bringing you into my nobility. She said, as a comment more to herself.

Naruto smiled sadly.

- I understand, sorry. He said.- I will try to be - less... Me?

Rias sighed, gaining the courage to face him and talk seriously.

- No need... I just... Well, I'm not used to doing what I did. She said seriously.

- I know, but I think it was good. You needed it. - He said. My King has been under a lot of stress, hasn't he?

-Do not tell me that. She said, deciding to have a good talk with her servant and ignoring the previous topic. - Sometimes I feel like I'm about to go crazy.

Well, whatever you need, I'm here now. He reached out and grabbed her hand, gently stroking the top. - Totally available to take away your stress.

Rias rolled her eyes. Didn't he miss a chance to be perverted?

You really don't miss an opportunity, do you? - She blinked, not believing it.

Naruto laughed.

No. He replied shamelessly. Anyway, how will resuscitation work?

The redhead sighed.





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