

After talking about what John was going to be in the future, they continued to walk. Eventually they came across the church Jean and the rest of the people John killed were apart of.

"What should we do" John asked.

[Use {Stealth} and steal money, clothes that would fit you or somewhat fit you, and Money] God instructed.

"Good idea" John said.

"{Stealth}" John whispered as his body looked like it dissolved into the air.

After John turned the skill on, he easily walked into the church without being caught. When he got in he saw plenty of priests praying.

[This is your chance kid. They're praying right now so you can easily go and take their shit] God said with a smile.

"You know their praying for you right" John said with a dead pan expression on his face.

[I don't give two flying fucks. The God their praying to is already dead. Now lets get on with it] he said.

John sighed and continued walking through the church. After walking to the back of where the cross was, he opened a door and walked down some flights of stairs.

After reaching the bottom he saw six doors.

"So which one" John asked.

[Hmmm. I feel a magic item in the sixth room. There's also a sound proof spell on it but other than that there's nothing else. Plus the magic coming form the item isn't all too great. It's probably a small enchantment] God explained.

John nodded and to the sixth door and opened it.

After he walked through it, he saw it was an office of sorts. There was a nice wooden desk in the left corner. A small tv and a couch to its right, and a book shelf near the entrance. John then closed the door as quietly as he could and undid his stealth.

"So where's the Magic item" john asked looking around the room.

[It's in the desk drawer] God said.

John then walked to the test and opened the drawer to find a nicely wrapped present. Under the box was a letter in a happy birthday car.

John quickly dismissed the card and went ahead to open the wrapped present which had the magical item in it.

However before he could God quickly warned him that someone with High-class power was preparing a magic circle to teleport in the room. John quickly stored the present into his inventory and closed the drawer.

[Quickly, activate your skill] God said.

"{Stealth}" John muttered as he dissolved into air.

Not even a minute later the teleportation circle formed and an older looking man appeared.

The man was what you could once call handsome in his youth. He had a sharp jawline and a full head of white hair as well as a nicely kept beard.

After the man appeared in the room he walked to his desk and opened the drawer.

"Where is it" The man said furiously.

"I know I placed it in here so WHO THE FUCK HAD THE BALLS TO STEAL IT" the man screamed.

"God, looks like I get another soldier. What Tier is he" John asked.

[ Peak Tier 2- High-class] God informed.

"Good" John said with a quiet whisper.

John then summoned his two daggers and walked towards the man.



John slashed at the mans throat but the man blocked it by grabbing a a pocket knife.

"Bloodlust huh, rookie mistake" the man said as he as he quickly summoned a water blade and threw it horizontally making John have to duck.

'Shit' John thought.

[This is amazing practice. Here's a tip, don't show your intention to kill. try to hold back the killing intent you give off] God said.

'How am I supposed to do that. Fucking hell' john thought as he used blink and aimed for his legs.



The man ended up blocking one of the daggers but the other one cut his leg leaving quite a deep wound, but nothing the man had trouble with based off his calm expression.

"Hmmm, your pretty good. So are you the one who stole from me? Are you an Assassin sent to kill me?" the man asked.

Hearing no response the man sighed and said "Fine be like that. Lets get this over with shall we' The man said as he created fire arrows which covered the whole room and aimed for the center.

'I'm screwed. No Wait!" John thought before muttering "Shadows, go into his shadow and attack form behind".

The two of his soldiers did as he said and went into the mans shadow. The man was about to fire it off but didn't when he felt something was off. He quickly looked behind him to see two people he recognized.

"Marlee, Dane" The man said before both of the shadows sent their attacks.

Marlee fired a earth bullet and Dane went into cut him with his sword.

The man kissed his teeth and canceled the fire arrows and focused on his old comrades that were attacking him.




the man blocked the blade and moved in time for the bullet to miss his vital and only pierce through his shoulder.

AS he has preoccupied with the two soldiers John closed his eyes and thought of a peaceful place. He imagined a nice beach with calm waves and birds chirping.

Keeping the peaceful image in his mind John used blink and stabbed his daggers into the mans neck. John then pulled his daggers out and jumped back and looked at the man noticing the wound.

Feeling the pain the man looked behind him to find nothing but he felt his blood gushing out of his neck.

"Heal" The man quickly said which caused his wounds to heal quite rapidly. Sadly for him though the attack wasn't done as Dane quickly sprinted up and swiftly cut off his head.

Soon the black mist gathered and went into Johns body making him feel refreshed and comfortable.

John then turned off his {Stealth} for a minute and sighed.

'Sigh, this was a pretty hard battle. Thankfully I was told about how I let off bloodlust orit would bite me in the ass in the future' John thought as he walked up to the body and said "Arise my soldier".

The body shook as not even a second later the mans shadow formed. The shadow then kneeled making John smile and nod his head.

"Good, welcome to the team" John said as he then dismissed the shadows and turned his skill back on.

"Lets head out and finally enter a fucking town. I'm done with this fucking forest" John exclaimed making God chuckle and agree with him.


After leaving the church he undid his {Stealth} and continued to walk through the forest.

As he was walking John asked God how strong he was now.

[You're [Peak Tier 3- Middle-Class]] God said.

"nice I'm close to high-class. I just need a small increase" John said with a smile as he continued to walk out of the forest.

[You gonna open the gift] God asked.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that. Lets do it now" John said summoning the gift box.

After unwrapping it he opened the box to find a black metal bracelet with magic engravings.

"So what does this do" John asked holding it in his hand.

[Try putting it on] God responded.

'It probably wont fit though. What ever' John thought as he put it on and watched as hit resized itself and perfectly fit on his wrist.

"Cool" John said.

[It also increases you mana regen by 2%] God said making John's eyes light up.

"Amazing" john said causing God to laugh and say [If this is amazing my magical items would be something unfathomable to you].

"What ever John said as he threw the box on the floor and resumed walking.

After a couple of hours he finally reached a road.

"Took long enough" John said before jumping over the railing separating the forest and the road.


AN: The only reason the man was able to sense him was because of his bloodlust. The skill covers sound, magic detection, and smell. But it cant cover bloodlust cause its not a gift like a sixth sense or a natural sense, You have to experience life and death battle to know how it feels.

Btw none of the other priests heard them fight since they weren't able to hear since there was a sound proof spell on the room as I stated. (If any one didn't read it or read it fast enough to skip over it)

Hope you enjoyed the fight.

Btw I hope you guys are good with stealing cause there will be alot of it in the coming chapters.

If you did I hope you leave some stones, comments and a review.

As alwys thanks for reading!

Legend27creators' thoughts