
DxD: I Like Orange

When God created the world, He didn't plan for anything to be really Orange besides the Fruit... But hey! Even my God can't create everything so perfect, right? Paint everything orange....... Starting with the nobility of a certain Redhead... . . . . . . . . . . . Traslation

William777 · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 019

Rias blinked.

- Naruto-kun... What was that? - She asked. - You didn't say anything about controlling sand and... You killed her like it was nothing!

- That's because it wasn't. He said calmly.

Ara ara and to think that you also had this side... I don't think you can but call me a sadistic monster. - Akeno said, laughing... But also giving him a new look, a dangerous and calculating one.

Naruto squinted his eyes.

- Don't compare me to you. I am not sadistic nor do I take pleasure in it. But... I have had many experiences in my past life. And do you know what I learned? - He didn't wait for an answer. - That some people are better off dead. He shrugged. But sorry for the scary demonstration, I thought that as experienced demons they had already done this before and wouldn't be shaken. Very sorry. - He bowed, truly sorry. There was no need to do that but... He wanted to, so he did it.

- Well... We are experienced, but we have never seen anything like this. - Kiba said, scratching the back of his head with an awkward smile. The face is a bit pale. Usually we just defeat him and Buchou explodes it with his Power of Destruction.

It was disgusting. Koneko said, with a slightly nauseated look.

Naruto nodded while muttering some apologies, an embarrassed smile on his face.

-And you Issei... Hm? Naruto called the boy, who was behind a wall vomiting. Eh... I think that's already an answer. Sorry Issei... So... What's missing now? He turned to Rias, who was looking at him seriously.

- You explain where this power came from, Naruto.

- Ah... From the tail... Huh? You didn't think it was a decoration, did you? He smiled innocently, then he made a strange pose, like an anime. I present to you the power to control the sands! He struck another - pose. Known as The Guardian of the Sands! And other. Of all deserts, the King! Another pose. - For better or worse, all the sand in the world to serve me! - Finally, he finished by placing one hand under his waist on his back and bowing gracefully, with one hand on his chest. And currently to serve under Rias Gremory... Shukaku no Tanuki!

Everyone stared at him with tears, but he didn't care, as he turned his back and resting a small book on a half-fallen wall, he wrote something down, laughing.

Yes... That was very good... But it can be improved. - He murmured calmly.

Rias took a little breath as she stared at her servant.

Naruto-kun... The blonde turned to her, who was looking at him in a different way - Why do you have to be so strange?

He blinked, surprised by the question, before smiling.

Well, someone has to play this role in the world. He smiled. But that's not important, we have things to resolve besides that.

- Like where did you get so much sand from? - Akeno asked calmly, a wicked smile on her face.


Naruto gave him a dry look.

- Obviously it was in your... - Rias cut him off.

Naruto-kun, please... Respect. She asked, seeing him roll his eyes, before sighing and turning to her with a smile.

- Just for you, Rias-chan~! He said. - But back to the important subject, which pose did you like the most? Something to add, a criticism perhaps? A message of support or a suggestion?

Uh, Uh! I have one! - Akeno raised her hand. - How about sparing us all this vision a second time in our lives?

Suggestion noted, but denied. I am really sorry.

- Well, life is made of suggestions.


The following days passed calmly... Day after day the same thing... Naruto and Akeno arguing, Kiba and Koneko silent, Issei still perverted and Rias participating in whatever she thought was fun.

In the middle of the 2nd week after the death of the devil and the birth of his tail, there was a culinary festival at school, where his club won 8 awards, some that Naruto didn't even know existed, such as: "Most Perfect Club in Existence" and "More Beauties Gathered in One Point", in addition to "Sexiest Man in School" and "The Club with the Fewest Rotten Fruits", which Naruto thought spoke badly of Akeno, even though everyone said it was from Issei.

Speaking of which, the blonde ended up finding out that he had made friends with a nun, which was really cute in his opinion.

Back at the festival, Naruto also achieved the feat of getting a 3-day suspension after someone managed to prove that he had put pepper in most of the sweets. Which also led to him losing the "Best Culinary Group" award, and gave him two days (3 hours each day) of serving as a seat for Rias' perfect

The second most important fact of these 2 weeks was that Naruto and Akeno were practically tied in the bet, each with 62 contracts, which made Rias more than happy.

Anyway, it was on Sunday night that Naruto received an urgent call from his King, making him immediately teleport to the club room.

- Rias-chan~! I received your call! Tell me, what do you need from your beautiful servant? - He shouted when he appeared in the room... Wearing only a pair of fox boxer shorts along with slippers of the same theme, in which his eyes glowed red when he walked. - Need a seat for your nice ass?

Rias blinked, watching Naruto, before shaking her head.

- No, no, I just need your help. I feel like Issei got himself into trouble, the customer who called him just got killed... We're heading there immediately! - She said, while Akeno finished preparing the teleportation seal, where Rias quickly climbed on top.

Koneko, Yuuto, Akeno and Naruto quickly followed.

The power began to grow as the teleport activated... That was when Akeno spoke up.

- Fox underwear? Serious?

When the teleport was complete, Naruto turned to the brunette.

Please, you're jealous that your dirty, stinky panties don't reach the feet of my super-sexy panties! - He accused, looking around, and then his eyes widened.

- Issei! Rias shouted worriedly, upon seeing the scene too.

There was blood flooding the place where they appeared, a man was lying there with his body cut in several places. On top of him was a young man with white hair and small red pupils... He had a twisted look on his face of pleasure.







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