
Dxd I have a training simulator

The story of a 'what if' Riser against Issei and married Rias.

Amp_Onup · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

2. New feature and engagement

[The simulator has been upgraded.]

[Option 1: Phenex Martial Arts has evolved to Option 1: Advanced Phenex Martial Arts]

[The simulator has added a new empty slot for Option 2.]

[Option 2: Empty

Please choose among the ff to designate as Option 2:

1: Demonic Power Manipulation

2: Senjutsu

3: Super Phenex Transformation]

Riser looked at the newly upgraded Simulator with delight. His simulator has gotten even more amazing, he could choose another Option to train a skill.

"What should I choose? They all looked really good choices."

Based on his knowledge, all of these could bring him more cards in the table. These three had their pros and cons so Riser had to think about it carefully. His future depends on what he will have now.

Riser spent a long while before coming up with a decision.

"I'll get the third one."

[You have chosen to get Super Phenex Transformation for Option 2.]

[You can choose on the option(s) below for you to train:

Option 1: Advanced Phenex Clan Martial Arts

Option 2: Phenex Transformation]

Riser was curious to the new option so he immediately chose Option 2.

[You have selected Option 2.]

[You have earned 1 year worth of training the "Super Phenex Transformation."]

[Your "Super Phenex Transformation " Proficiency have improved!]

In an instant, Riser had experienced undergoing training for this skill lasted an entire year. After Riser digested the power, he realized this transformation is somewhat familiar.

Unlike the Phenex Martial Arts that he had simulated to train until now, the Super Phenex Transformation directly boosts his overall power exponentially. His aura would intensify radiating powerful energy. It is a legends transformation never seen before in History.

"Isn't this just Super Saiyan?" Riser commented.

Due to his extensive training experience of Phenex martial arts, Riser had a firm foundation on his control of his powers. In the first simulation that lasted an entire year, Riser had already mastered the Super Phenex Transformation. He didn't have any issues of getting recoil or backlash from using this transformation after a battle.


One day, Riser received a notification coming from the Phenex Head, his father. Apparently his engagement was to be moved earlier than what was planned.

In his room, all of his female servants are in there having a leasurely tea. Riser didn't engage on intimate activities at this time, as today was a special day.

"So the time finally arrived, this will be interesting." Riser chuckled like a villain.

If he was to be honest of himself, he didn't isn't against marrying Rias at all. Back in his previous life, as a young man in his puberty watching Highschool Dxd, he developed a huge crush on her.

Riser didn't bother to change his behaviour too. Wether he is seen as a scumbag villain or a good guy doesn't bother him. Now that he has a harem of female servants, Riser got what every male dreamt of even once on their life.

As for the main character Issei? Riser had to let him taste how it is to be crushed under his foot. That no matter how much power of love and friendship he has, couldn't win against him, who had an experience of centuries of training. He would prove to everybody that plot armor aren't worth shit.

"You seem to be in a really good mood big brother. Are you really looking forward to the engagement?" A cute voice of a little girl came to Riser. She had a blonde yellow hair with a pair of circlets. She looked pretty like a princess of a fairy tail.

"Who wouldn't be excited to marry the Demon King's little sister. And she's also a beautiful woman. It would be really fun, don't you think so my dear little sister?" Riser honestly said it like how a scumbag would say.

"Oh this should interest you, Ravel. Apparently my fiance has two new servants wielding interesting Sacred Gears." Riser started.

"Huh really? What are their positions? And what are the kind Sacred Gears they have?" Ravel inquired curiously. As she's the strategist if the Riser's team, Ravel had to gather information on them to come up strategies and tactics they could use in case they would end up facing them in a Rating Game.

"Heh. It's a Bishop and a Pawn. The Bishop holds the Sacred Gear Twilight Healing. It might be a good support type Sacred Gear, but it's inferior to our Phenex Tears." Riser said arrogantly.

"So they already had a Bishop with healing, they increased their options with a healer in their cards." Ravel had a cautious opinion.

"Don't get so hung up on the Bishop. The Pawn is the one who you should put your attention to."

"Hm, why is that big brother?"

"Heh, don't get surprised. Apparently Rias spent eight of all his Pawn evil pieces just to revive him as a Devil. From what I heard, it was because he holds a Dragon type Sacred Gear. Recently he used it to beat up a Middle Class Fallen Angel even if he's newly revived. I even suspect it's a Longinous class." Riser said.

"Longinous class, the Sacred Gears that have the power to slay gods. To encounter such servants with rare Sacred Gears, she's incredibly fortunate." Ravel gasped in surprise.

Riser patted her head to ease her.

"You don't need to worry about it my dear little sister. Even if it's Dragons or Angels, us the Phenex are immortals. There's no way for me to lose." Riser full of arrogance in his words made his declaration.

"Hm, you're right!" Ravel is in full agreement.


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