
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 9 What the f*ck?

Shin groaned as he finished the last bits of his third meal of the day, having struggled to eat the last few bites of the meal.

"I can't wait till it's time to start cutting. I won't have to eat as much as I do now." Shin said as he put his Tupperware container to the side.

"Tsubaki, would you please send this to Sirzechs Lucifer?" Sona's voice reached his ears, surprising him that she would talk about the supernatural right in front of him.

"Sirzechs Lucifer?" Shin asked, pretending to be confused. "Why does that name sound familiar?" Shin asked, causing the occupant's eyes to snap over to him. 'Oh, so that's their game. They think I know about the supernatural. Well, two can play at that game.'

"Oh, I remember now," Shin said as he walked over to Sona's bookshelf, looking for a specific book. Trailing his fingers across the backs of the books, his fingers landed on one in particular.

"Yes, Sirzechs Lucifer. I read about him and a woman named Grayfia Lucifuge in one of your books. It was a love story somewhat similar to Romeo and Juliet. Well, without the bad ending at least." Shin said as he pulled out the books and flipped to a page that had a picture of Sirzechs and Grayfia.

"It was a good read. By the way, the heroine, Grayfia. Even if it was just a portrait of some fictional character, she's still the hottest person I've ever seen in my life." Shin said as Reya choked on the water she was drinking.

"Not to mention, her cold attitude and great strength. She has all the attributes to be the perfect Queen. Don't you think Sona?" Shin said, smirking with his back turned to Sona. If she wanted to play games, he would too.

"Although, Sirzechs childhood friend in the book, Serafall Leviathan, she was really hot as well. Not to mention her obsession with her little sister. Just imagine the threesomes." Shin said as he heard Sona quite literally choke on air. "Too bad it's all fiction though. How cool would it be to live in a world like that?" Shin said disappointedly as he put the book back into place.

Turning around and seeing Sona's blushing face, he tilted his head in confusion. "Are you alright Sona? Your face is a little red." Shin asked, internally smirking.

"Y-Yea. I'm fine." Sona said, trying to regain her composure. This just made her even more suspicious of Shin.

Shin, seeing all the paperwork from this morning was done, figured the DNS had been fixed and approached Sona's desk. "Seeing as how we didn't get to play chess this morning, want to play now?" Shin asked, noticing the folded-up chessboard on her desk.

It wasn't the board they usually used, but it was still a chessboard. "Yes, I would like that," Sona said as she unfolded the chessboard, the pieces coming out of the space left between the board when it was folded up.

"What's with the red and white chess pieces? What's wrong with the traditional black and white?" Shin asked, but he knew that the red pieces were her evil pieces.

"Decided to change things up a bit. These red pieces were a gift given to me a while ago by my parents. They're called Evil Pieces." Sona said, gauging Shin's reaction.

Shin laughed in amusement at the name of her 'chess pieces'. "Evil Pieces? What makes these chess pieces evil?" Shin asked, laughing mockingly.

Sona frowned, disappointed by his answer. It seemed Shin didn't know what Evil Pieces were, meaning he likely didn't know what the supernatural was. "Who knows. Your guess is as good as mine."

Shin, picked up the red king piece and inspected it, noting how it felt weird in his hand, most likely due to the fact that it was directly linked to Sona. "The name Evil Pieces though. Sound like something a devil would use if they played chess. No?" Shin said, causing Sona to eye him.

"Yea, it does sound that way," Sona said, a certain kind of edginess in her voice.

"Alright, I'll use the Evil Pieces. As a goddess, you shouldn't let these Evil Pieces taint your hands." Shin said as he picked all of Sona's Evil Pieces, noting how each one felt extremely weird. 'Is this what demonic magic feels like? It's the first time I've ever actually been able to feel it.' Shin thought, having an ulterior motive to using the Evil Pieces.

'If I use Sona's Evil Pieces, I'll constantly be in contact with demonic energy, which if I haven't awakened my sacred gear as of yet, this definitely should.' Shin thought to himself as he set all the Evil Pieces down onto his side of the board.

"White moves first," Shin said smiling, showing off his pearly whites as Sona made her first move, signaling the start of their game.

(Scene Break)

In the end, Sona had beaten him once again, but he didn't care as he was the real winner of the whole situation. Midway through he felt something inside of him resonate with Sona's Evil Pieces, making something inside him change.

When it happened, Sona and everyone else stared at him, shocked. He took that as his sacred gear finally being awakened, but as of yet, when he tried to call it out, nothing happened. No gauntlet appearing on either hand, no spear materializing from thin air, no rings appearing on his hand.

Oh well, he was sure that with his sacred gear being awakened now, it would show up eventually. For now, however, he was on his way home from his night run, nothing too eventful happening to him after lunch.

Of course, all the student council members kept hinting at supernatural things the whole time he was there, but after an hour of dismissing them, he put on some headphones and listen to some music so he didn't have to deal with it any longer.

(Scene Break)

The next day when he woke up, he followed the same routine as yesterday, getting up and going to the bathroom to empty his fluids, then weighed himself.

"What the fuck?!" Shin said, shocked as he noticed he had another unexplained gain in weight. "Okay, something is going on. I need to make an appointment asap." Shin said as he went back to his room and made a doctor's appointment as soon as he could, which would be 9:00 A.M. this morning.