
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 75 What's on your mind?

Sirzechs carefully studied Shin. He was looking at the garden, however, it was obvious his mind was somewhere else. 'Those shoulders. Is that what my father means when he refers to my brooding shoulders?' Sirzechs thought before joining Shin on the marble railing and leaning against it, looking out to the garden.

"What's on your mind? Obviously, something is bothering you." Sirzechs asked.

Shin sent Sirzechs a glance before looking to the night sky, marveling slightly at the two moons in the sky. "It's a long story," Shin said.

"So? We have a little while still before the after-party starts." Sirzechs said.

Shin let out a sigh. 'What the hell, brooding over this won't do me any good. Might as well tell someone.' Shin thought.

"It's about this whole situation. There are a lot of things I regret about it. Things I've done. Things that hurt people I care about. I lied and manipulated the only people I consider my friends in this world, and there was a time I never thought I would do that. The mere thought sickened me. But I did it anyway. And now, honestly, I don't know who I am anymore. I've become someone I don't recognize."

Shin said, his voice portraying the inner turmoil he was in.

Sirzechs nodded in response, letting out a hmm of understanding. "Yes, I've been there. Greed. It changes us in ways we never expect, and we all fall victim to it. Tell me this Shin, if you could do it over again, would you do it differently?" Sirzechs asked.

Shin thought for a second. "That's complicated. Maybe there is a way I could have done it differently with a better outcome, one where I didn't have to compromise the morals that I had lived by. But, honestly, I think in the end everything turned out pretty good. So, I don't know if I would do anything differently." Shin admitted.

Sirzechs nodded again. "Yes, I understand what you mean." Sirzechs then laid a hand on Shin's shoulder. "You're still young, you're going to make a lot of mistakes. You're yet to grow into the man you'll one day become. But, this conversation we just had, shows me that man will be a good person. Learn from your mistakes. We will never be able to fix the things we have done wrong in life, but we can learn from them. We can become better due to them." With his word said, Sirzechs left the balcony, but not before telling Shin that a maid would be by in a little bit with clothes and to guide him to the after party.

However, before Sirzechs could walk out the door, Shin stopped him. "Sirzechs," Shin said, making Sirzechs pause right in front of the door of the room and turn to him. Shin met Sirzechs eyes. "Thank you. Truly." Shin gratefully said, Sirzechs nodding in response before opening the door and leaving, closing the door behind him.

Shin looked back out at the night sky, continuing to think about the conversation he had with Sirzechs. He had a lot to think about.

Shin once again found himself slowly opening his eyes to an unfamiliar room. From his position in the bed he was laying in, which was very comfortable he noted, he could see he was in a four-poster bed, a very large one at that. He tried to recall what had happened to get him here but was unsuccessful.

All he could remember was alcohol. He wasn't sure what he did, but one thing he was sure of is that there was a lot of alcohol involved.

He idly wondered how long it would be until alcohol no longer had any effect on him considering how his sacred gear works. That would be a tragic day for sure.

He took in a deep breath and let out a yawn. He tried to bring his arm to his face to wipe away the dreariness but found that he could not.

Looking to his side, he saw an unfamiliar red-head sleeping next to him, using his arm as a pillow. A very attractive red-haired woman at that. 'Hmm, well I guess last night was a good night.' Shin thought with a smirk. He took another look around the room to get his bearings, and to his shock, when he looked to the other side of him, he found yet another unfamiliar woman.

Well, unfamiliar wouldn't be the word, as he had seen this woman before. She was sleeping on the other side of him. Looking back to the other woman, and then back to the other extremely confused before it finally hit him.

'Twins?' Shin thought incredulously. Then, the rationale in his mind finally kicked in. Red-heads, in the Gremory mansion. They aren't Rias, and he had never seen them in the anime. Which could only mean one thing.

'Holy shit these are Sirzechs' daughters.' The blood in Shin's body ran cold and his mind started to panic. 'Hell no, I'm not dealing with this.' Shin thought and instantly disappeared in a flurry of red lightning.

Asia was getting dressed in Shin's room when there was a flash of red lightning. She let out a scared yelp and fell on her butt.

Shin looked down from where the flash of lightning was at Asia with a raised eyebrow. Her hair was everywhere due to her bed head, her eyes were all red and puffy suggesting she had been crying, and he couldn't help but notice she was only wearing a pair of white cotton panties and that's it.

Then he realized he had told her he was going to fight Riser and he would be back and then never returned. His face fell in guilt as he realized why her eyes were red and puffy.

Asia, recovering from her shock, started to sniffle as she looked at Shin. "You told me you would be back but then didn't come back," Asia said, tears building in the corner of her eyes.

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