
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 7 This thing is huge.

"Did you really have to go so far as to make her faint Hyoudou," Sona said in clear annoyance.

"Yes." Was Shin's simple answer.

Sona released a frustrated sigh and massaged her temples. Ever since a couple of months ago Shin would constantly flirt with Momo and make her do things like this.

"So, with all the paperwork you have to do, is it safe for me to assume we won't be playing chess this morning? I was hoping to beat you again. What is our record now? 78 to 12 in your favor?" Shin said, enjoying the flustered look that came over Sona's face when he mentioned their record.

Of course, this always happened, and Shin, of course, knew the reason why. Although Sona hasn't mentioned it to him, it was Sitri tradition that she would marry whoever beat her in a game of chess, and he had beaten her twelve times.

This fact caused her to get flustered every time he mentioned it. Because of that, Shin made sure to mention it as much as possible.

"Y-yes, it would be safe to assume as much," Sona said with a blush on her cheeks, causing the occupants of the room to chuckle, meanwhile Shin pretended to be oblivious to such things.

"Okay, I guess I could use a break from getting my ass kicked for today," Shin said as he pulled out a very hefty book, one that gathered all their attention.

"That's a big book you got there Shin," Tsubasa said as she eyed it before her eyes widened seeing the cover.

On the cover, it showed a depiction of a war. The cover seemed to have three realms, the realm at the top containing golden clouds and people with white wings. In the middle was a battleground, people with black feathery wings fighting the people with white wings. And at the bottom, was what she could only describe as a fiery wasteland, people with black bat-like wings fighting the ones with black feathery wings.

"That's an understatement. This thing is huge." Shin said, opening up the book and flipping to a string that was attached to the book and used as a bookmark.

"What's it about," Tsubasa asked nervously, being the only person to have seen the cover.

"It's about the supernatural, the Christianity religion. Although, this book depicts things that I haven't quite seen or heard of before. I'm not sure whether the person who wrote this was trying to write fiction, or if he was just crazy." Shin said as he is flipping the page, an eye-catching picture drawing her attention.

The picture was of a man, but his face was just a blinding white light. He was wearing white and gold robes, something you would expect from a noble, and had twelve golden-white wings coming from his back.

"But it is interesting. This book depicts a war, one they call the Three-Way War between Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils." And just like that, there was complete and utter silence in the room. Every person in the room staring at Shin in shock.

"Although, if you ask me, the people in this book are dumbasses. They fight because they are supposedly natural enemies, fighting a large-scale war with no real goal. I could understand if they were animals, acting solely on instinct, but they have intelligence. It seems to me to be just the biggest dick measuring contest I've ever seen. Especially the two dragons' part." Shin said.

"W-what dragons?" Sona stuttered, obviously nervous about something.

"It's these two dragons in the book, Ddraig and Albion. Just like the Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils, they are evidently natural enemies. They're dubbed the two heavenly dragons and have unfathomable strength. Evidently the three races got in the middle of their fight and had to form together to defeat the two dragons, sealing them in these things called sacred gears, artifacts given to humans to give them a chance in this supernatural world." Shin said as he flipped backward a few pages, showing two giant dragons fighting, one red and the other white. All around them were the three races, working together to defeat the dragons.

Oh, how much Shin loved the shocked and panicked looks on their faces at the moment. This had to be one of his favorite things to do, to talk about or hint at supernatural things to fuck with everyone.

"Where did you get something as ludicrous as that?" Sona said, trying to play it off. Shin's response was to smirk.

"About that, I actually sort of stole it from your bookcase," Shin said as he pointed to the bookcase in the corner of the room. "As well as this," Shin said as he pulled another book out, this one has the words Sitri Clan labeled on the front.

"This one is about the before mentioned devils, the Sitri clan of the 72 pillars to be exact. Did you know Sona, that if you were from the Sitri clan, you would be betrothed to me?" Shin said as he looked at her, relishing in the panicked expression on her face.

"I-Is that so…" Sona said distantly.

"Yea, evidently it's a long-time practice amongst the Sitri that whenever a female Sitri is beaten in a game of chess by a male, the two are to become betrothed. As I have beaten you twelve times, we would be engaged. Luckily for you, however, you're not a Sitri." Shin said with a smile as the whole room was dead silent.

"Y-Yea, R-Right." Sona stuttered, her face completely red. Luckily for her, the starting bell chose this exact time to ring, signaling everyone to get to the first class of the day.

"Well, looks like it's time for class. I'll see you all for lunch." Issei said as he put the two books back into his bag and walking out, smirking from ear to ear once his back was turned to all the student council members in amusement.

As the door shut behind him, everyone looked at Sona. "I swear, sometimes, it feels like he knows about the supernatural," Sona said as she rubbed her temples, feeling relieved that she knew for a fact he was clueless.