
Chapter 15 That's just fu*king broken.

Rias was not able to come up with a response, so stayed silent until they reached the old school building. Entering it, Shin wasn't surprised to see it looked exactly as shown in the anime, even the shower off to the side.

"A shower?" Shin said as he stopped and looked inside of it, seeing a shower room with several showerheads all around the room.

"Yes. I actually live here in the old school building, and this is my shower." Rias said, causing Shin to nod sagely.

"Hey, Rias," Shin called, making Rias turn around and look at Shin. "Want to go have sex in the shower?" Shin asked, Rias' blush returning.

"No. We have more important matters to attend to." Rias said, flustered.

"Alright." Shin disappointedly walked behind Rias once again, sulking until they entered the main room for the ORC. The room that was always shown in the anime, looking exactly the same as before with Koneko sitting on one couch and Kiba the other. He was sure Akeno was in the room right next to this one making tea.

"Shin, welcome to the Occult Research Club," Rias said as she waved her hand around dramatically. "The people you see are Koneko Toujou," Rias signaled to Koneko.

"Pleasure to meet you, senpai," Koneko said, chewing on a chocolate bar.

"And this person is right here is Kiba Yuuto." Rias now signaled to Kiba.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Shin," Kiba said, smiling with his eyes closed, giving off that knight in shining armor vibe.

Shin ignored Kiba in favor of admiring Koneko, this being the first time he saw her. Almost instantly, he was in love. Shin, even in his previous life, always tended to find the kuuderes, especially the ones with silver or white hair more attractive.

Suddenly, Akeno wheeled in a tray from the other room, a plate with several cups of teas placed on top.

"And there is the final member of the ORC, but you already know her," Rias said.

"Hello, Shin," Akeno said smiling. "Would you like some tea?" Akeno asked, wheeling her cart over to him.

"Yes, thank you," Shin said as he took a cup of the tea and sat down next to Koneko. "Hello there," Shin said to Koneko, the pretty boy smile he had spent the last year perfecting on display, yet it drew no reaction out of Koneko.

Koneko only looked at him for a second, then went back to eat her chocolate bar. "A kuudere. I like that." Shin said, still getting no reaction out of Koneko. However, this just made him more motivation to get one out of her. Damn, maybe Akeno was rubbing off on him.

"Pervert," Koneko said coldly, Shin taking no offense to it.

"Well, if you're done flirting Shin. Let's get down to business." Rias said as she walked over to her desk, Shin smirking slightly at the position the desk was put at. He found it quite amusing that her desk was placed on the elevated part of the floor, forcing everyone else to look up to her. He had no doubt this was a subtle power play on her part.

"And what would that business be?" Shin asked.

"We need to explain to you your new devil duties," Rias said, snapping her finger as a bag of fliers appeared. "As a low-class devil, your source of income is to do contracts. What you do is you go around town, handing out these fliers to people who you think would use them. If they do, they summon you to grant their wish. Following the law of equivalent exchange, they will give you whatever you deem an adequate payment." Rias said, tossing the bag to Shin.

Shin caught it in one hand, stared at the contacts, then decided he would make his stand right here. Using what he knew of the DxD world, devil magic worked simply by imagination. If you could imagine what you wanted to do, then you could do it. So, following that logic, he set the bag of contracts on fire.

"Umm, yeah, about that. I don't do grunt work." Shin said as he walked over to the metal trash bin in the corner and dropped the bag of fliers into it, forming a fireball in his hand simply by imagination, and threw it at the bag.

'Wow. It really is as simple as imagining what you want to do. That's just fucking broken. As a weeb who has watched hundreds of anime, they're just begging me to recreate a bunch of moves.' Shin thought as he watched the bag burn with fascination.

Suffice to say, the members of the ORC were shocked by Shin's actions, especially that he could create a fireball so easily, despite not having any prior teaching of how to use his demonic magic.

"S-Shin. How did you do that?" Rias asked, shocked and flustered.

Shin smirked as he clenched his fist, lightning suddenly forming around his hand, the sound of birds chirping. 'I'm sorry Kakashi, but I have officially just stolen your move.' Shin thought as he watched his newly made Chidori crackle with glee. Unclenching his fist, the Chidori disappeared, the grin on his face, however, did not. 'I am about to rip off so many moves.' Shin thought.

"H-How did you do all that?" Rias asked, flabbergasted.

"I just imagined it happening. Like with the fireball. I simply imagined a fireball appearing in my hand, and then one did." Shin said, shocking them even further.

"That doesn't make any sense. Sure, demonic magic is power by imagination, but you don't even know how to circulate your magic throughout your body yet, so creating anything with magic should be impossible." Akeno said, giving her insight into how demonic magic worked.

"Hmmm, is that so?" Shin asked, putting his palm out and willing another fireball to appear. This time, he took it a step further and made the fireball twirl around his hand, then threw it back and forth between each of his hands. "Then if that's the case. It's most likely my sacred gear." Shin said.


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