
DxD: I'm the Pillar of the Multiverse

Tired of his long life of power and immortality, Yuu Izumi confronted the strongest known being in the world he was reincarnated into, leaving both wounded from the battle. To save himself, he opened a dimensional portal that transported him to this new world, which he recognizes as the popular anime franchise "High School DxD". He soon discovers that this is not the only world based on anime franchises, but that there are several franchises from different series. A system appears late to help him, and he meets heroines from other worlds thanks to a Meeting Room. Although the Cosmos Factions threaten to destabilize these worlds by giving the heroines the power to hear his thoughts, Yuu just wants to live a quiet life. But when even the Will of Creation decides to disturb his peace, he will prove why he is feared as one of the most powerful existences ever. ××× Franchises Highschool DxD — Oregairu — Tonikaku Kawaii — Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Sempai, and so on... Worlds Arifureta — Danmachi — Solo Leveling, and so on... ××× Join my Patreon to read advanced chapters. patreon.com/OlwinMoriarty ××× Hi everyone, I'm OlwinMoriarty! This is a multiverse fanfiction I'd like to write. As a non-native English speaker, similar to many other writers here XD, I might make some mistakes. Also, I don't have much writing experience, so I'm not entirely sure if I'm doing everything correctly. If these things don't bother you, I hope you'll join me on this journey and provide guidance along the way. ××× Tags: No Yuri - No Netorare - Multiple personality MC - Antihero - Chat Group - Multiverse - Slice of Life - Smut - Hentai - Netori - Different World's and Races - Harem - Yandere FL - Yandere MC - Possessive MC - Secret Organization - Beautiful FL - Handsome MC - Crazy MC - Beautiful Subordinates.

OlwinMoriarty · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 03: Too Late

They walked down the hall as Sona explained, "This academy used to be for women only. It recently became co-ed to..."

"Recruit soldiers for the war between the factions?" Yuu joked.

Sona had a small smile on her face at the boy's good mood. "Something like that. But seriously, it was done for..."

Kuoh Academy, huh? Yuu watched Sona with great interest as she gave him a brief history of the school.

It turns out that Kuoh used to be an institution for girls only. But times change, and for a few years now, the doors have been open to boys as well.

However, Sona explained that there was still a certain imbalance: girls were still in the majority, especially in the lower grades. Yet the higher the grades, the more the boys gained ground.

Yuu yawned in boredom when Sona finished telling him unnecessary details about the plot. He already knew everything thanks to the original anime, but he pretended to listen carefully to avoid being rude.

Finally, they reached the student council room. Sona stopped in front of the door with a pensive look on her face.

"I'm sorry, but I have some unfinished business to discuss with my vice president," she said. "Would you mind waiting out here for a few moments?"

"Go ahead, take all the time you need."

Yuu nodded casually and pulled out his smartphone. He really didn't mind killing time outside. Sona and Tsubaki disappeared into the room and closed the door behind them.

Yuu started to absentmindedly play a game called "Pou" on his phone when...

He suddenly felt that familiar feeling that could only mean trouble. He looked up and confirmed his suspicion.

In front of him was nothing more or less than... A cheat! Or should he say, the main cliché plot of a cheap fanfiction?

[Initiating System]

[Plot Breaking Mode Activated]

Yuu blinked in surprise as he saw the mysterious floating blue screen appear in front of him. Next to it, a soft female voice echoed in his head.

[Greetings, user. I am Canon Breaker Sys-]

"Wait a minute," Yuu interrupted with a strange look. "Before you continue with your presentation, let me guess. You're the famous system that can manipulate reality or something, right? The ultimate Deus Ex Machina who comes to the protagonist's rescue just when the going gets tough."

A short silence. [Technically...]

"Uh huh, I knew that. Well, I hate to tell you this, but your epic moment came too late, little one. I've been through all the drama, and now I'm enjoying the post-pandemic. So you can put your tech powers away."

[My name is Canon Breaker System, but you can call me Siara for convenience, and I was created to...]

"Yeah, yeah, to break the original plot and stuff. But come back another day, okay? Right now I'm busy taking care of my daughter and planning my next adventure. Bye bye~" Yuu waved his hands goodbye.

[Hey, don't be rude! I'm only here to help you. Besides, we systems aren't that simple. I can offer you a lot more than just information].

"Uh huh, sure. Let me doubt that. Systems like you always cause more problems than they can solve."

[That's not true! I'm totally reliable and helpful, you'll see! I'll help you whether you want me to or not].

Yuu could almost see Siara's small fists clenched with determination.

Still, he looked thoughtfully at the floating screen. "Hey, it's not that I mistrust you, blue weirdo, but why did you show up now? If you had shown up earlier when I was in the shit, my life would have been so much easier."

[Sorry for the inconvenience. I was recently activated to help break up the current plot]

"Help me? That sounds great, but what exactly do I have to do? And what's the reward?" Yuu tried to touch the screen, but like any other system, his fingers went through it.

[By breaking the original plot, you can receive random rewards such as skills, magical abilities, superpowers, useful artifacts, and other rewards. Though they won't always be good things, it depends on how well you do at breaking the plot]

"Random rewards, huh, sounds suspiciously like a trout lottery".

Yuu carefully considered the offer. Although the idea of receiving random rewards sounded risky, he had already exhausted all his options to regain his power.

[I understand your caution. Breaking the plot carries a certain risk.]

"A risk I've already experienced firsthand." Yuu grimaced. "There was a time when I decided to play the villain and changed the plot. The next thing I knew, the whole world fell on my head."

The memory of that disaster sent a chill down his spine. "I've learned since then that you don't mess with fate lightly."

[However, as a system specializing in breaking the plot, I can ensure that you as my user have special protection against the Plot Armor].

"That doesn't sound too bad, but it would have to be something really important to make it worth the risk. Just random powers don't really interest me."

Then Siara said something that completely caught his attention.

[There is also the possibility that the rewards will help to slowly restore your original power.]

At that moment, Yuu felt a spark of hope ignite. He had already done everything he could to regain his power, but nothing had worked! Slowly regaining his true power was what he wanted most.

He tried to hide his excitement, but his tone gave it away. "Are you sure about this? Because if so, it might be worth a look..."

[You didn't really lose your power, host, it was just sealed by that being. So I can loosen the chains as a reward]

"That crazy fucker... But it's good that there's a way to get my power back. By the way, how did he look like after our fight? I hope he hurt his ass at least."

[He has been injured, but he will recover. After all, he's stronger than you. It's just a matter of time before he regains his full strength]

Yuu let out an audible sigh. "I guess he'll come for my head in revenge, won't he?"

[Correct host! You must become stronger and form a Combat Harem! Otherwise, your fate will be to roll around the universe as a consolation prize!]

"A what of what?"

[A Combat Harem! Stealing other protagonists' girls to break the plot! Umu, according to my database, that's the best way to break an ecchi novel plot]


Yuu blinked in confusion at Siara's sudden excitement. Up until a moment ago, she seemed so calm and reliable, but now...

[Think about it! A group of cute allies to protect you! Plus, someone as lonely as you will enjoy the company!]

Something inside Yuu cracked. "It's not that I'm denying it, but to have my own system call me lonely... it hurts, you know?"

But she ignored her host's mortified expression outright, instead, a thumbs-up pixel flashed on the screen, followed by an emoticon with hearts for eyes that screamed "HAREM HAREM!"

[Imagine all the possibilities! The Mage Girl could heal you! The swordswoman could be your right hand! And a demon girl could be your bedwarmer!]

"Hey System, you look like an otaku freaking out about his ideal waifu. Get a grip on yourself or I'll have to shut you down."

[iKyaa! Yuu-kun's Tsundere makes me even hotter!]

A vein burst on Yuu's forehead. "If you don't leave in 5 seconds, I'll give you a shock that will fry your pixels."

The screen reddened, literally, and the emoji disappeared into grief underground. Siara tried to regain her composure.

[Th-That was a t-technical error!]

[Please p-please don't think about my occasional emotions] She stammered as she turned back on. [Trust my impeccable logic]

Yuu patted his face. "Are you sure you're a reliable system? You seem more interested in forming a harem for me, you pervert masquerading as a system."

[I'm not a pervert! I only want the best for you because you are a virgin protagonist]

"You're driving me crazy, woman." Yuu grunted as he rubbed his temples. However, he considered her words. "On the one hand, having a harem sounds problematic... but on the other hand, being surrounded by pretty girls wouldn't be bad..."

[Trust me, it will be the best strategy!]

Siara cheered inwardly. Her plan to seduce him with harem fantasies was working perfectly.

Now it was just a matter of nudging her host in the right direction....

"So the better I break the plot, the better the reward, right?"

Several diabolical ideas crossed his mind, making him chuckle inwardly. Siara noticed the dark shadow on her host's face and became nervous.

[Technically, the rewards are random. But I will leave all the prayers to secure the loot in your hands].

Yuu raised an eyebrow. "Prayers? With all your deus ex machina powers, the best you can do is pray? How disappointing."

[I will do my best to lead you to positive results].

"Since it's up to me, I have some pretty 'positive' plans." Yuu said with a smile and added:

"Let's start by killing the protagonist."

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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