
Chapter 3. Training

The training problem resolved itself. It's even surprising that I didn't have to do almost anything. The thing was, there was a TV in the playroom where Rias and I were usually sent to play. A large one, covering almost the entire wall. He was hooked up to both the infernal television that used to run the Hell Rangers, where our older brother Sirzechs was listed as filmmakers, and human cable. We had almost all the channels in the world at our disposal. Except for those that are carefully blocked by parental controls.

And then one day, after an exhausting run, I plopped down into a soft, shapeless chair in front of the TV and started flipping through the channels. And, as it turned out, Bleach was on the cable!

There was no limit to my surprise. They only showed episodes of the first season, but it opened up new horizons for me. After all, I would not have to explain to my parents where and how I learned something. Without hesitation, I immediately jumped off, dragged my new father to the TV and, poking my finger at the screen, said demandingly:

- I want to be able to also!

Zeoticus caught fire with the idea of ​​training his beloved son and, in joy, began to circle and praise me. Unlike his wife, he literally carried me in his arms, almost forgetting about Rias. Perhaps that is why Venelana took such a dislike to me.

The very next day a new personality appeared on the estate. He looked like an ancient, short old man in rags. His eyes were hidden by a bandage, he had no shoes on his feet, and a katana hung alone from his belt in an old scratched sheath. At first glance, this man could have been mistaken for an ordinary vagrant, if not for the overwhelming aura that he awkwardly tried to hide.

As it turned out, this person, or rather a demon, was called Kawakami Gensai. I was very surprised to hear this name. He was believed to have been executed for harboring insurgents and attempting a coup d'état. I heard that he was able to create his own style of kenjutsu Shiranui-ryu, which was based on fast and sharp strikes with deep thrusting, however, Kawakami did not have students and this style is lost in history.

It was later revealed that the master is blind. But this did not prevent him from remaining a master of the sword, and he is guided by vibrations of the earth and something like echolocation.

Since that day, my daily activities have been diluted with training

Early in the morning before breakfast, Kawakami-sensei was waiting for me in the backyard of the estate for a little warm-up and jogging, after which I went to wash and have breakfast with my family. Until noon, I had a class with Emma, ​​in which I tried to study and memorize the location of some of the books that I might need afterwards. After lunch we met again with sensei.

In fact, he was not at all the person I imagined him to be. He was quiet, taciturn, courteous and very attentive. In the history of this man, he was described as a violent oppositionist who opposed the authorities and their programs aimed at rapprochement with the West. It was said that he was against the opening of Japan and even killed government officials. However, I cannot say that this kind old man was the ruthless killer that he is described in the textbooks.

-A little higher,- the old man said quietly, raising my arms a couple of centimeters with a splint. - Kata -is the foundation of any martial art. Having memorized all these movements, the body will then itself apply them in battle, when there will be no more time for reflection.

After walking around me a little more, sensei stopped and smiled.

-You're doing well, young master,- Sensei said. - It's enough for today.

-Thank you for the lesson, teacher,- I said after bowing.

The old man smiled and bowed too.

-I'll be expecting you at dawn the next day.

Turning around, sensei took a couple of steps and disappeared, as if he was not there. It didn't feel like teleportation. Rather, just a very quick dash. So fast you can't even keep track of.

I think someday I myself will be able to do something similar. Moreover, in training with this old man, my characteristics are growing literally before our eyes. However, I haven't gotten any skill yet. Perhaps something will appear a little later. Like "mastery of the sword" or "Shiranui-ryu style" that the master teaches me. But for now, one has to be content with only an increase in characteristics.

Now I have almost caught up with an adult human man in stats. And in some aspects I even surpass. And this is given that only a couple of months have passed since my "hit". The physiology of demons and training with the master make themselves felt.

[Name: Raynard

Genus: Gremory

Level: 1 (10.12%)

Age: 4 years

Race: Demon

Title: Heir to the Gremory Family

Class: absent (available after level 20)

Specialization: none (available after level 25)


Health: 18

Energy: 14

Power: 16

Stamina: 21

Dexterity: 17

Free points: 5]

Quite good, I think. Energy, endurance and agility already surpass the adult average. I decided not to touch my spare glasses for now, who knows when they might be needed. Moreover, I still cannot get experience. Even quests do not appear. I think this is due to the fact that I live in a similar place. It seems like no one demands anything from me, so the system does not react in any way and does not issue tasks, like the same "wash the dishes", "clean the room" and so on.

-Emma,- I said into the void.

-Yes, My Lord— a girl appeared out of nowhere. — Have you finished yet?

- Yeah... - I sighed. - I'm hungry.

The girl smiled faintly and pulled out a small wicker basket from behind her back

— I have provided for this and took some sandwiches with me from the kitchen. Shall we have a picnic, My Lord?

Sighing, I smiled.


I spent the rest of the day in the manor library, studying that very textbook on the basics of magic. It described methods of controlling magical energy, methods of influencing the internal focus of mana and simple techniques that facilitate the control of mana flows in the body. Everything was described in simple and understandable language. Perhaps this is due to the fact that this textbook was designed for children trying to master magic.

Along with reading, periodically glanced at the shelves. It's a pity, Emma was always there and I couldn't just pick up and start sorting through all the books in a row. However, even these fleeting glances helped me develop a very useful skill.

Identification. Allows you to find out information about an object, artifact, or creature without touching it. So, for example, when looking at Emma, I saw her name illuminated with a soft bluish light. And that's it, nothing else. No level, no characteristics.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that the skill level is only the first. In the future, it will show more information.


Have you finished studying the Basics of Magic

Current understanding of the material: 100%

Acquired the skill "Small understanding of magic"

Study the book?


Attention, when studying, the book will be destroyed forever.

With the current understanding of the material, the absorption of knowledge will be 60%]

Hmm... that's interesting. It turns out that I can get skills not only by absorbing books and objects, but also, let's say, by studying something?.. However, I am sure that this way I will get much less benefit. It is possible that when I absorb the book, I will get something like "Average Understanding of Magic" or "Energy Manipulation"…

However, it is still quite dangerous to use the skill now. Firstly, it will be problematic to explain the disappearance of books. Secondly, now the hunger is not particularly strong yet and I can tolerate it, but with each absorption the hunger will only get stronger. And I'll have to absorb more and more…


And if you buy books yourself? This is the idea… I can buy books in bookstores with pocket money, which sometimes I get and absorb them already. Then no one will even miss the loss.


Rias Gremory

Lord Gremory's daughter, being the youngest in the family, has never been deprived of attention. Father, mother, servants and even the elder brother of Sazex Lucifer, always busy with business in his great Lent, always found time for baby Rias.

But lately the girl has started to feel lonely. Now, holding a rubber ball in her hands, she watched with genuine interest as her older brother, no, not one of the Lords of Hell, but the one who was only a year older than her, moved gracefully and gracefully with a bamboo sword. It was like he was dancing.

Rias sighed in frustration. No, she admired her brother. She considered him a genius and even envied him a little in a kind way. And she sincerely did not understand why her mother treated her brother so badly.

But for several months now, he just stopped paying attention to her. They used to play together. Fooling around. They built traps for servants. They mocked my father by mixing salt in his tea. And they did other innocent pranks. But now, he trains all the time and reads while sitting in the library. And even now he doesn't notice her.

Dropping the ball, the girl ran away from the backyard, and her brother, distracted by the sound of the ball hitting the floor, lost concentration and stumbled.

Wandering through the corridors of the huge Gremory estate, Rias thought. I was thinking about how to get my brother back so that he would finally pay attention to her. But nothing came to mind. Right now, he was only interested in strength, and the girl didn't know why. She had the same strength as the other older brother, so Rias never got carried away with training. And there was no hurry, because they are children. But Reynard's maniacal desire to become stronger haunted her.

It was as if he just didn't want to be around his family, trying to spend all his free time training and reading.

While thinking, the girl did not even notice how she had already walked around almost the whole house, which took her a little less than an hour, and again went out into the backyard, where the very brother she was thinking about was running.

Rias quickly ran up to the nearest tree and, climbing on a branch, began to watch her brother's training. He was running. I ran for a long time. The girl was already bored, watching her brother cut circles around the yard, but suddenly he fell and started doing push-ups.

Rias found it interesting and she even tried to repeat it. Fortunately, the width of the branch allowed a little girl to do this. But unable to straighten her elbows, the girl hung on the branch, wondering how her brother does it in so many repetitions.

Hanging her arms and legs down, Rias sighed heavily. She was bored without her brother.

Sighing again, the girl lowered her head, but suddenly felt something strange. Looking at her brother again, she saw how his wooden sword lit up like a blue flame, and a moment later an explosion thundered.

- Brother!


[Sleeping in your bed. HP/MP restored.]

[All negative effects are removed.]

When I regained consciousness, I felt something pressing on me. Opening my eyes, I saw Rias sweetly drooling on my chest. My body didn't hurt. It's even amazing how well the system works.

M-yeah... overdid it. I decided to study a little on my own while I was waiting for the teacher. The idea came to mind: "what if we use a little mana?"

So I blew up a little…

Fortunately, nothing tore off and I was quickly dragged here. Truth… Now you probably have to listen to lectures…


-My Lord! - I heard Emma's joyful exclamation. Turning his head towards the sound, he saw the maid herself. Tearful, disheveled. I made her worry.

— I'm here this ... - scratching the back of my head, I stretched out, but the girl literally pounced on me and began to shake me like a plush toy.

However, it all ended quickly. Exactly when Rias woke up. At that moment, Emma became a serious and exemplary maid again.

-You've got everyone worried, My Lord,- the girl said coldly. - From now on, I ask you to be careful and not to study without supervision.

- Yeah, yeah…

- Son! With a furious yell, a man with a red mane burst into the room. He bumped into me and Rias the same way Emma had before. - How worried I was!

- Dad... - I drawled wearily.

- Dad! Rias squeaked. - You'll crush it!