
Chapter 12

~Somewhere near Hoffen's former orphanage~

Hoffen could be seen decked out in his silver and red armour was leisurely making his way in with a smiling Jeanne behind him.

"This brings back old memories don't you think, Hoffen~?" Jeanne said as she skipped ahead of him with a playful smile on her face. Hoffen just chuckled as he reminisced his time as a kid here.

"*Imitating Hoffen* I will marry! Vivian! So please, train me!"

Hoffen then groaned in embarrassment when he heard his old declaration as a child as Jeanne giggled. Hoffen then shot her lock with a Cheshire smile.

"Well then~! You won't mind if I keep the promise right~?" Hoffen said with a haughty tone as Jeanne froze in her steps. She then shot back an even more mischievous look.

"Oh, my~? Is Lord Hoffen going to take in another lady as his woman! Such a beast~!"

Hoffen just chuckled at her answer and shook his head knowing he lost.

"Well? I don't know Jeanne. Will she accept me if I did ask her hand? Am I even worthy to ask her to be my woman?" Hoffen asked with a bitter smile on his face. Jeanne didn't answer the question but she did have a knowing smile on her.

"What's with the smile? Are you planning something?"

"Oh my? Look~ It's the stone we used to lay down on~!"

"That wasn't a no Jeanne!"


"Why are you laughing like Akeno now!?"

They bantered at each other as they closed into the lakeside where they once trained. Their own beginning. Hoffen then smiled softly and slowly made his way and stood in the middle of the river. He looked around once before clearing his throat and closing his eyes.

'Feel the breeze'

'Look at the sky!'

'Sun's heating my cold skin.'

Ripples started forming from the point he stood on. Jeanne stood there at the bank of the lake and just smiled as tears formed in her eyes.

'Take a breathe~, Look around.'

'See the world~!'

'And I hear the cries and wails for hope!'

The water beneath Hoffen starts floating gently around him, curling here and there like an intricate and beautiful dance.

'All their voices~'

'Chocked from the wars~'

'From~ the wars!'

The trees and grass around them started swaying as the breeze blew through, painting a beautiful scene.

'And I feel~! One day for real~!'

'We'll all erase~ The past mistakes~!'

Hoffen then took a deep breath.

'The sun will wash away~ The dirty black rain~!'

'The whole world~ Shows us its majesty~!'

Golden orbs starting appearing around Jeanne and Hoffen as they danced in the breeze.

'The noise of fear~ Will hide in the depths!'

'And lights from today~!'

"Show us~ the way!"

(Heroes- War Thunder Trailer, the vocals and music still make me tear up even now. Check it out!)

Hoffen slowly opened his and smiled. In front of him, stood Vivian smiling warmly with tears flowing down her cheeks. She then stepped forward and pulled Hoffen into a warm embrace.

"You have done well, my King."

With that, the dam broke open. Hoffen let out a choked sob as he hugged Vivian close. Jeanne seeing this, made her way and joined into the hug. Hoffen's shoulder shook as he sobbed like a child on Vivian's shoulder. After a while, as the sobbing calmed down, Hoffen pulled out of the hug with a content smile on his face. He then summoned his Excalibur along with its sheath and knelt on the ground with Jeanne following him.

He then held the sword in his hands and presented it to Vivian. Vivian smiled widely as she gently picked the sword from his hands. She then caressed the sheath with a loving smile and slowly pulled the sword out. She had tears in her eyes as she gazed at the new and united Excalibur.

She then poured her magic into the blade as it started shining a warm, gold colour.

"Welcome back, Excalibur. You have suffered so much in the past. Rejoice! For now, you are one!" Vivian exclaimed as she pointed the sword skywards. It shot out a strong gold beam that sent ripples across the whole forest.

Giggling could be heard from all around them as they saw a silhouette of someone dancing with the breeze and flying across the trees and over the lake. The silhouette then zoomed towards Hoffen and danced around him while squealing and making happy sounds. Hoffen smiled softly as he saw the silhouette dancing around him.

The silhouette then floated down in front of him before caressing his cheeks gently. Hoffen just closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth the hand gave off. Slowly, the silhouette pulled back before glancing once at Jeanne and then returning towards the shining Excalibur. Vivian just witnessed everything with a warm smile on her face.

She then held the sword in her arm firmly and stood straight. Hoffen then stood straight too expecting her to say something.

"Hoffen Lowenherz! From this day forth, you will support and defend something transcendent, something larger, and dearer to you. It is an oath to support and defend the innocents and the very ideals of the Haven that its people enjoy. Now, I, Vivian, hereby deem you, Hoffen Lowenherz, worthy of the divine power of the Excalibur." With that, Hoffen then kneeled in front of Vivian, who then placed the tip of the Excalibur on his right shoulder and then the left.

"Do not hurt where holding is enough;

Do not wound where hurting is enough;

Do not maim where wounding is enough;

and kill not where maiming is enough;

The greatest warrior is he who does not need to kill"

Hoffen then gently takes the sword from Vivian and sheaths it into Avalon. He then stood up and stood straight. He had a faint blush on his cheeks which confused Vivian while Jeanne realized what was going to happen.

Hoffen then kneels again on one knee and took hold of Vivian's hand.

"As an ocean is so deep; as deep as I love thee.

I shall protect your heart, value your loyalty, uplift thy spirit and support thy unconditionally.

Be my Queen; for I shall be your King.

And remember, A king bow downs to no one but his Queen!"


"Hoffen! You mixed up the lines again!"



"No way! I did practice them! How did I mix them up!?"

"Hehe~ Hoffen messed up~!"

"Stop it, Jeanne! You messed up the whole atmosphere here!"

"Ufufufu~! Look at Vivian~!"

Hoffen then turned towards Vivian and saw her standing there with a glazed look in her eyes along with a massive blush on her face.

"Um...Vivian?" Hoffen asked unsurely as he poked her cheek. Vivian then snapped out of her trance and stared at Hoffen who then cowered a bit.

"Hey...what all you told me there...was it all true, Hoffen?" Vivian asked as she stared at him. Hoffen nodded a bit scared. He then

"Everything...You meant every single word right?"

"I did."

"...is this okay for someone like me?"

"You deserve to be loved."

Vivian now stood in shock as Hoffen then slowly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

"Am I worthy for you, my King?"

"I shall be the luckiest King on earth if you will be by my side, my Queen."

With that, Vivian moved in and softly placed her lips on his. Hoffen just kissed back without any hesitation. Time seems to have stopped around them both as they basked in each other's warmth and love. After a while, they both pull back and stare at each other with nothing but love in their eyes.

"Once again I ask. Will you be mine, Vivian?"

She felt nothing but love for the man in front of her.

"I am all yours, Hoffen."

That day, the Haven celebrated not only their first victory. They celebrated the arrival of their Queen. Queen Vivian.


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