

transmigrated into dxd with a heavenly armory. don’t know if this has been done before but I’m American so guns and shit

Anthony_Chavez_6666 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

ch.2 new day and training

(AN: this fic is ganna have slow ass updates due to my chaotic work/ sleep schedule, I swear one day I'm on closing shift and the next I'm on morning than night crew shift. If anyone wants to create a fic with my ideals go ahead just let me know about it in the comments. Also don't make the mc a paramount of justice or some ruthless phycopath.)

*next day*

Waking up azrael slowly got off his bed, looking into the mirror he spotted himself. Instead of seeing the chubby 19 year old couch potato he saw a lean and fit boy around 14 years old. He had a mop of grey hair on his head and deep charcoal eyes. Pausing he let the memories of last night hit him before grinning. "Haha so I'm really in another world huh?" He asked himself while checking out his new body. He had a angular face and slightly defined chin. "Ah good I ain't no pretty boy nor am I a muscle head just perfect, now for the most important part." He mumbled in approval before pulling his boxers open. "Yay no more tic tac dick!" He cackled looking at his little dragon. "I'm fuckin hung like a horse now!" Than Nodding he made his way downstairs after pulling on a pair of shorts.

Ariving at the kitchen he pulled open the fridge to find some basic necessities and sauces. 'Alright time for some eggs and bacon than ima go check out the rest of the house.' He thought as he got to cooking.

He was always good at cooking, back at his orphanage he always went to help the sisters when it was time to cook. One of the sisters named Veronica was the one who taught him to cook, she was probably the closest thing to family he had in his last life.

After finishing his breakfast azrael made his way through the first floor of the house. There he found a small garage, a bathroom, as well as a living room with a few couches and a tv. Lastly he found a door leading down to the basement and training room. Than going back upstairs he came across four rooms and a bathroom. Two of the rooms had a sign on them, another seemed to just be a guest bedroom, while the last one was the room he woke up in. Going to the first door he read out " maids dorm room locked until training world is completed."

Than going to the other he read out "summoning room is like locked until operative azrael has completed one mission for the organization"

"I see so I have to do some shit to get rewards huh?" He said to himself before heading back downstairs and to the basement.

Going down a flight of stairs he was met with a wide open room. There was a shooting range as well training arena. To the side there was a door with writing above it. <dimensional traing world gate> below that on a note was written <complete training worlds and gain rewards>

'Alright so first off I'll get to work on using my sacred gear.' He thought as he held up a hand and closed his eyes focusing on the odd heat in his chest while thinking of the most powerful person he could 'alright come on who to pick?' He asked himself before a bald man in tights came to mind. After a few seconds there was a flash as he opened his eyes. Feeling a new energy flow throughout his body. He clenched his fists a few times noticing he was releasing a faint white and gold energy. Closing his eyes again he focused and creating a short sword. After a few seconds he felt a weight on his palm. Opening his eyes he spotted and two foot long sword that was slightly glowing with holy power. It looked like a pure silver sword but it was humming with holy power. "Ok so I can create a sword but the heavenly armory can create any weapon so…" azrael spoke while holding up his other hand.

After a few seconds with a flash of light a .44 revolver appeared in his hand. "Haha cool now I can get started on training." He exclaimed as he looked at the training arena.

Entering it a pop up scream appeared in front of him.

[training arena program starting, weapons short sword and .44 revolver chosen.]

After that a copy of azrael appeared with a short sword and .44 revolver in his hands before getting into a stance.

"I see so he's ganna train me." Azrael spoke as he got into a stance trying to copy his look alike.